• 2 years ago
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00:20 Welcome in to another edition of the Big Ten Show
00:22 presented to you by Jacobson Seed Company.
00:24 He's the almost famous Adam Carriker.
00:26 I'm the much less famous Jeff Tern.
00:29 I don't need no stinking water to get ready for this debate.
00:32 I got all kinds of bullets ready to go for Adam Carriker.
00:38 Adam, first of all, watching the Pat McAfee Show.
00:42 Shout out to Pat, great dude in the industry.
00:46 He was talking with JJ Watt this week.
00:49 And they were talking about the worst bruises
00:52 that they had on their body after a football game.
00:55 And for some players like Pat, few and far between
01:00 as a punter, do you get bruises.
01:01 He had a fake field goal that turned out bad.
01:04 He got dinged up.
01:06 But JJ said like every week, he was looking--
01:08 they showed a picture.
01:09 And I swear to God, from like his groin to his knee,
01:13 his entire calf, which by the way,
01:16 was like the size of my waist, was black, blue, purple, red,
01:21 green.
01:22 It was every color in the rainbow.
01:25 Do you have one that comes to mind
01:27 where you woke up the next day?
01:29 And it's not like ACL tear broke your leg.
01:31 But like the next morning you woke up and you're like,
01:34 dude, look at my body.
01:38 Not one, because I always had bruises.
01:41 Like in high school, I was the only kid who played both ways.
01:46 I was quarterback in the DN, so my pads
01:47 were pretty funky, huge here, tiny here, so I could throw.
01:50 But I set a record for having 12 ice bags on me at one point.
01:53 Now that could be because I'm a giant pansy
01:55 or because I was actually trying to hit somebody,
01:57 maybe a little bit of both, probably.
01:59 I don't know.
02:00 I always had bruises.
02:01 I would get up in the morning, especially back
02:02 when you could do two a days, you know,
02:05 when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
02:07 And you could barely walk for the first 90 minutes.
02:10 And then 20 minutes later, you were out going full go again,
02:12 nine on seven, taking on double teams.
02:14 So when I talk to people now and I'm brought in
02:17 to talk to teens, I talk about, especially
02:19 with high school kids, like bruises are badges of honor.
02:22 And I love Pat McAfee, but I don't
02:24 want to hear him talk about one time
02:26 he got hit in his 24 year football career
02:28 or whatever it is.
02:29 I don't want to hear about that.
02:30 And I've already heard the story about the fake field goal,
02:33 why Troy Polamalu all of a sudden went through the sea gap
02:35 when they'd watched film.
02:37 He'd never done it before.
02:38 Basically, Troy came out one time
02:39 and said it's because you gave it away before the snap, Pat.
02:42 It's a way to go.
02:43 Pat does a great job, but I don't
02:44 want to hear punters and kickers talking about bruises.
02:47 So let me ask you this, OK?
02:50 How impressed are you that I took a punch from the--
02:55 what the hell is that?
02:56 Math is easy, even for guys from Miami.
02:58 X, it's right there.
03:00 [LAUGHTER]
03:02 We are talking-- this is the Big 10 show.
03:04 We don't talk about Miami.
03:05 Or that's just for you.
03:07 We don't talk about Miami on this show.
03:09 It's the Big 10 show, Adam.
03:10 You know that.
03:10 Oh.
03:11 They're the ACC.
03:12 Praise the Lord.
03:12 OK.
03:13 So how much street cred do I get that I've
03:16 taken a punch twice from the then heavyweight champion
03:19 of the world, Deontay Wilder?
03:23 OK.
03:23 I sent you--
03:24 I need more contact.
03:26 There's a story behind that.
03:27 I sent you the video.
03:28 Check your phone right now.
03:30 Scroll to the 23 second mark.
03:32 Actually, go to 25 seconds.
03:34 Because at 23, he's taking off his rings
03:36 and he's about to punch me.
03:38 But you just scroll up to about probably second 25.
03:43 If you guys Google Deontay Wilder WBC heavyweight champ
03:47 punches Jeff Tern.
03:48 You can find this.
03:51 I did this voluntarily for no amount of money.
03:55 [LAUGHTER]
03:58 Is that supposed to make it better?
04:00 OK.
04:01 I'm watching it right now, dude.
04:02 He's watching it right now.
04:03 For those at home, you guys can find this on YouTube.
04:06 Deontay Wilder is by far the biggest human
04:09 I've ever let punch me in my entire life.
04:12 He was wearing a nice dress shirt at the time.
04:15 So he wasn't lathered up.
04:16 He wasn't fully lathered up.
04:19 Are you to the point now where he punches me?
04:22 Are you-- where are we at here on the punching?
04:24 But-- oh, I took it like a champ myself.
04:30 And I think no matter what bruise
04:33 you had in your life going up against those pansies from the NFL,
04:36 until you take a punch from Deontay Wilder, the WBC heavyweight
04:40 champ of the world, you really ain't got nothing on me, man.
04:43 King Kong ain't got nothing on me.
04:46 All right?
04:47 OK.
04:47 So we're going to break down this punch.
04:49 Ladies and gentlemen, you got to go check it out.
04:51 All right.
04:52 First of all, it's in the arm, not in the face
04:55 like I was imagining and rooting for.
04:57 And he does not wind up at all.
04:59 It's literally like this right here.
05:02 Like he's knocking on the door.
05:03 And you fall down into a chair like he hit you
05:06 with the Louisville Slugger.
05:08 Jeff, I love you.
05:09 And I got respect for you.
05:10 I don't know that this helped your street cred.
05:12 [LAUGHTER]
05:13 I'm going to be honest with you, man.
05:15 I will tell you.
05:16 I will tell you the next day his knuckles
05:18 were bruised into my arms.
05:19 No, they weren't.
05:20 Yes, they were.
05:21 Crap, dude.
05:23 So I had this shtick on my local show.
05:25 Every time we'd have a UFC fighter on,
05:27 I'd let him punch me in the arm.
05:29 All right?
05:29 OK.
05:30 Chuck Liddell has punched me.
05:33 Conor McGregor, all the big names have punched me over there.
05:36 But there was one dude, he was a flyweight.
05:38 And I was going out of town.
05:39 And I was going to be going to the beach.
05:40 And I didn't want to have bruises on my body
05:42 because I looked so good.
05:43 I asked him to just punch me in my leg.
05:47 The dumbest thing I've ever done.
05:48 Punched me in my calf.
05:49 Not only did I have a bruise, I had Charlie horses
05:51 for the next week.
05:52 Take it like a man, man.
05:53 Put it in your arm.
05:55 Oh, the calf's going to be worse than the arm
05:57 because you've got to walk on it.
05:58 Everything you just mentioned.
06:00 We've got to work on your definition of punch.
06:02 It looked more like a slug bug is what it looked like, dude.
06:05 He saw a red little slug bug.
06:07 And he said, slug bug.
06:08 Notice--
06:08 No, dude.
06:09 He didn't punch Tyson Fury that hard.
06:12 Beating Tyson Fury.
06:15 Hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, man.
06:17 We're just going to run with it.
06:19 We did not punch Tyson Fury that hard.
06:20 And he looks like he did.
06:22 All right, man.
06:23 The Big 10 Show presented to you by Jacobson Seed Company.
06:26 JacobsonSeed.com.
06:28 Now we got all that out of the way.
06:29 Adam, what we're going to do today,
06:31 we're going to look at some of the matches that
06:33 are happening this weekend throughout the Big 10.
06:36 And you have your power rankings.
06:37 And I want to start there.
06:39 Last time we did the power rankings,
06:40 I had Michigan--
06:42 sorry, Penn State, Michigan, Ohio State all sitting there
06:45 in the top three.
06:45 And we sort of said, after that, you
06:47 could kind of determine where you were.
06:49 I did have Iowa at number four.
06:51 Big win for the Hawkeyes again last week,
06:52 controlling their own destiny in the West.
06:55 But where are you at?
06:56 Let's start with your power rankings at the bottom
06:58 and work our way to the top.
06:59 We've got to work on your definition of big and punch.
07:02 OK?
07:03 And real quick, I want to go through these quick.
07:05 Because I want to talk about Wisconsin-Oregon.
07:08 Because they're going to be in the Big 10 next year.
07:10 Washington-Oregon.
07:11 Washington-Oregon.
07:12 What did I say?
07:13 Wisconsin.
07:14 Oh, that'd be a great game too.
07:15 Oregon would win.
07:16 But Washington-Oregon, because they're
07:18 going to be in the Big 10 next year.
07:19 And they're two-- that's the biggest game this weekend.
07:22 Also, I've got some interesting stats
07:24 when it pertains to the Big 10 and the top 10 defenses
07:27 in the country and the top three offenses in the country.
07:30 All right, but we'll get to those.
07:31 So let's go through these quickly, my power rankings.
07:34 Penn State narrowly edges out Michigan at number one.
07:38 So I got Penn State, Michigan, Ohio State.
07:41 Now, this is where I had to kind of figure out
07:43 Wisconsin and Maryland.
07:45 I wanted Maryland to look a little bit better
07:47 against Ohio State.
07:48 So I have Wisconsin at four.
07:50 You vastly undervalue them, my friend.
07:53 Maryland at five.
07:54 And as we were getting ready to record,
07:56 and I said I'm switching something,
07:57 this is what I switched.
07:59 Rutgers at six.
08:01 Not Iowa.
08:03 Iowa at seven.
08:05 And my biggest mover of the week.
08:07 And you can call me a homer if you want.
08:09 I don't care.
08:10 Nebraska jumps up to number eight.
08:13 After a dominating performance over Illinois,
08:17 Northwestern, somehow this team that shouldn't even
08:20 be winning games is number nine.
08:23 Minnesota, who's nowhere near as good as people pretend
08:26 they are at number 10.
08:27 And then 11 through 14 was a menagerie.
08:30 Michigan State at 11.
08:31 Why?
08:31 Because I got to put them somewhere.
08:32 Purdue, same thing.
08:34 Indiana is ahead of Illinois, because Illinois
08:36 is really, really bad.
08:37 So if we took Minnesota and Nebraska
08:42 and we replayed that game this weekend,
08:46 you think Nebraska is going to beat them?
08:49 Yes, because we aren't starting Jeff Sims a quarterback.
08:51 That's why we lost that game.
08:53 No disrespect to Jeff, but when you have seven turnovers
08:56 in your first-- you don't even finish the second game,
08:58 your first two starts.
08:59 Now all of a sudden, those turnovers aren't there anymore.
09:02 That's a huge difference.
09:03 OK.
09:05 Nebraska, I got to point this out,
09:06 because I think some people see what you were tweeting
09:10 or what you were putting on Facebook throughout that game
09:12 being encouraged and optimistic.
09:14 And they're going, dude, you're playing Illinois.
09:16 What are you doing, man?
09:18 Is this what we've been relegated to?
09:20 Listen, you have been relegated to that.
09:25 And you know what?
09:25 I absolutely love your mentality, man.
09:29 No poking fun, in all seriousness.
09:33 At one point, if you would have celebrated
09:36 a win against Illinois and you were
09:37 a Husker fan in the mid '90s, we would have all laughed at you
09:40 because you were beating up on the sisters
09:43 at the poor in the school for the blind.
09:44 Now you get a win like that after having turbulence
09:49 this season at quarterback, brand new head coach.
09:53 You lost so many one score games over the last three, four,
09:57 or five years that it feels like for some reason
10:01 either you have to be completely pessimistic about the Huskers
10:06 or you can't give a damn.
10:07 You got to be apathetic.
10:09 I feel like there's a portion of the fan base that
10:13 is so mad about the last three to five to 10 years
10:17 that they are willing to disregard any success until it's
10:22 the peak of the peak again.
10:24 And that just ain't going to happen
10:25 in today's college football.
10:26 I love the way you're approaching it, man,
10:28 in all seriousness.
10:29 People are just so overreactive.
10:30 Like at the end of the Michigan game,
10:32 they were ready to write off the season.
10:34 Now we beat sisters of the poor Illinois,
10:36 which is an important win for us because if we don't,
10:38 we're 2 and 4 and we just lost to Illinois.
10:41 Now all of a sudden we're going to be like an 8, 9, 10 win
10:43 team again.
10:44 And I'm just like, what is wrong with you people?
10:46 7 and 5 was my preseason prediction.
10:49 I would take that.
10:50 But right now, if we get to 6 and 6,
10:52 I've said this since before the year,
10:54 that is my definition of a successful season.
10:57 And outside of Michigan, we don't
10:58 play a whole lot of great teams.
11:00 Outside of Maryland, Wisconsin, Michigan,
11:02 we don't really play any good teams.
11:04 And I don't care because that's where we're at.
11:06 And then we can build towards hopefully 7, 8 wins,
11:09 maybe next year in a much tougher schedule, I might add.
11:12 100%, man.
11:13 100% agree with you on that.
11:16 Let's move to a couple there at the top.
11:18 Our buddy Bobby Carpenter, I did see unveil his top five.
11:22 He has Ohio State as the number one team in the country.
11:26 Shocker.
11:28 I mean, OK, home cooking aside.
11:31 OK.
11:32 Seriously?
11:32 Is there a number one team?
11:33 My point was this.
11:35 My point was this.
11:36 And I'm not saying that they're number one.
11:38 But the Big Ten has emerged as the number one conference
11:39 in the country this year.
11:40 Those top three teams, I think on any day,
11:43 if you put them in a national championship game against Georgia,
11:46 against Washington, against whoever you want to pick,
11:51 Oklahoma, I think that any of those three teams
11:54 would have a competitive game.
11:56 I'm not saying they're going to win.
11:57 But I'm saying all three of those teams
11:59 could play anybody in the country at a neutral site.
12:02 And it'd be very competitive.
12:03 So I'm with you.
12:06 Penn State, Michigan, Ohio State, I'm cool with that.
12:09 1 through 3.
12:10 I would like to see Iowa put some respect on that defense.
12:13 Put some respect on that defense.
12:15 It's the offense that I don't respect at all.
12:17 The defense is fine.
12:18 I mean, we'll see what happens now
12:20 that they've fully gone to a new quarterback with the injury
12:24 to Cade McNamara.
12:26 But hey, listen, Iowa's going to go as far as their defense
12:29 and special teams take them.
12:30 As much as Hawkeyes fans hate to hear this,
12:32 this is the Big 10 show.
12:33 You can find us on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify,
12:35 the Believe Podcast network, and Sports Illustrated plus
12:38 Bally's.
12:39 Anything else you want to wrap up about your power rankings?
12:41 You want to get to these matchups, man.
12:43 So the power rankings, they are what they are.
12:45 I'm good with them.
12:45 They're going to change every week.
12:47 So I don't spend too much time on them.
12:48 The interesting stats, because you bring up those top three
12:51 teams in the Big 10.
12:52 You know who the top three defenses in the entire country
12:54 are?
12:55 Number one, Michigan.
12:56 Number one, Michigan, 6.67 points per game
13:00 they're giving up.
13:01 Number two defense in the country, scoring-wise,
13:03 9.6 points, Penn State.
13:05 Number three, Ohio State, 10 points a game.
13:07 The top three defenses in all of college football
13:11 reside in the Big 10.
13:12 Now, if you expand to what the Big 10 will be next year,
13:15 we have five of the top 10 defenses,
13:17 because Oregon's number five in the country,
13:20 giving up 11.8 points per game.
13:22 And UCLA is tied for eighth in the country.
13:25 And here's what I will say.
13:26 I actually-- I'm going to slightly disagree with you,
13:29 and I know this is home cooking, the Big 10 show.
13:31 I think the Pac-12, which has been god-awful since USC--
13:35 since Pete Carroll left USC about a decade and a half ago,
13:38 OK?
13:39 I think they're top to bottom, unequivocally,
13:41 the best conference in the entire country this year.
13:44 And you start to look at some of the top offenses, OK?
13:49 Where did that go?
13:50 Jeff, where did you do that?
13:53 I had it.
13:53 Oh, here we go.
13:54 OK.
13:55 So I discovered this throughout doing some recon
13:57 for Oregon-Washington.
13:58 But I'm just going to go through the top three.
14:01 The top three, number one, USC, 51.8 points per game,
14:04 offense in the country.
14:05 Number two, OK, is Oregon--
14:09 lost my thought there-- 51.6 points per game.
14:13 Number three is Washington at 46 points per game.
14:17 So two of those three teams are going
14:19 to be in the Big 10 next year.
14:20 So you look at the Pac-12 scoring,
14:21 you look at the Big 10 defense, you
14:23 look at what the teams that are joining the Big 10 next year.
14:26 It's exciting, man.
14:27 It's exciting to be a part of this conference.
14:30 I think even more so than the SEC,
14:32 despite they're the NFL of college football,
14:35 because we're actually a national conference where
14:37 they're very, very regional.
14:39 All right, man.
14:40 Let's talk about that Oregon-Washington game
14:41 real quick.
14:42 They will be in the Big 10 sooner rather than later.
14:44 Oregon's a 54.8% chance to win this game over the Huskies.
14:48 But this game is being played at Husky Stadium.
14:50 It'll be the side of game day this weekend on ESPN as well.
14:54 But if you look at the odds, the odds
14:56 don't match up with ESPN's analytics,
14:58 because Washington at home is a three-point favorite.
15:01 You mentioned the numbers as far as points.
15:03 They're expecting a lot, the total 67.
15:05 And this one, a little cloudy, 54 degrees.
15:07 Kickoff at 2:30 Central time on ABC on Saturday.
15:11 I think we get a lot of points in this one.
15:13 But I will tell you, I'm going a little bit of Homerism here.
15:17 The head coach of the Washington Huskies
15:21 is one Kalen DeBoer, who coached in Sioux Falls,
15:24 is from our area.
15:25 And we've seen his meteoric rise from coaching
15:28 the University of Sioux Falls all the way up
15:30 to the Washington Huskies.
15:31 And I think that this team has more grit defensively.
15:34 I think they're going to be able to get some stops.
15:36 Oregon's going to be able to score.
15:37 But I like Washington in this one, man.
15:39 I think for Washington, they have
15:43 to be better rushing the football
15:45 to control the tempo of this game a little bit
15:47 against Oregon, because they only average like 120
15:50 some yards rushing per game.
15:51 While it's more of a balanced attack for Oregon,
15:54 they're very similar in yards per game.
15:56 But Washington's so heavy with penalties
15:59 in that passing game, almost 450 yards per game
16:02 through the air.
16:03 It's astronomical.
16:04 I'm taking Washington.
16:05 Who you got in this one?
16:07 So this is going to be tough for Oregon,
16:10 because at home, Washington is tough to beat.
16:14 It's a rowdy, raucous stadium there.
16:16 I've been in that place.
16:17 It's beautiful.
16:17 It's gorgeous.
16:18 It's Puget Sound right there.
16:19 It's also a rivalry game.
16:22 I don't think people understand how much Oregon fans hate
16:24 Washington.
16:25 And it's vice versa, probably about 60-40 Oregon
16:28 to Washington.
16:28 But this is a rivalry game.
16:29 Washington's at home.
16:31 Honestly, 67 and 1/2 points seems low to me.
16:33 I'm just going to be real with you.
16:35 That seems kind of low.
16:37 You look at my score prediction, and I'm
16:38 barely going to give you the over, though,
16:39 once I actually did the prediction.
16:41 As you mentioned, the Huskies have the top passing offense
16:44 in the country, 446 yards per game.
16:46 The Ducks have the third highest scoring offense
16:49 in the country, as I mentioned earlier.
16:50 I already kind of gave some of those analytics.
16:53 Washington is number two in the country.
16:55 But here it is for me.
16:57 Michael Penix, Jr.--
16:59 Penix, Jr., sorry-- basically 2,000 passing yards
17:02 on the season.
17:02 He's basically got the second best stats in the country,
17:05 right behind Shadier Sanders.
17:06 16 TDs, two INTs, a legit, legit Heisman Trophy candidate,
17:10 first-round draft pick.
17:12 Bo Nix, in his 84th year of eligibility,
17:14 isn't doing half bad.
17:15 In fact, in his last game, 290 pass yards, 4 TDs,
17:18 no touchdowns, OK?
17:20 I think the difference is not only the run game.
17:22 Oregon is more physical up front.
17:24 They can run the ball better, but the defensive side
17:27 of the ball.
17:27 And what makes me nervous is that this is in Husky Stadium.
17:31 That makes me nervous.
17:32 But Washington is the 28th best defense in the country.
17:35 Oregon is fifth.
17:37 That's why I'm picking Oregon.
17:39 They're more well-rounded.
17:40 They play better defense.
17:41 Not uber-confident, because it is a road game for the Ducks.
17:44 But I'm going to go Oregon, slightly in the over, OK?
17:46 38, Washington 31.
17:49 I'm going with the odds.
17:50 You're going with the analytics.
17:50 We'll see what happens between those two future Big 10 teams.
17:54 All right, let's get to the Big 10 slate for Saturday,
17:56 October 14.
17:58 We are not talking about Massachusetts and Penn State.
18:01 Sorry.
18:01 I have notes.
18:02 I have notes.
18:03 No, no, dude.
18:04 Dude, dude.
18:05 Here's what I wrote.
18:06 Here's what I wrote.
18:07 Here's what I wrote.
18:07 Here's what I wrote.
18:08 Penn State, trap game?
18:09 Question mark?
18:10 They've got Ohio State next week.
18:12 No, this is ridiculous.
18:13 Nittany Lions score a lot.
18:14 UMass scores a lot less.
18:16 And also, random interesting side note,
18:19 Penn State is number one in the country in time of possession,
18:22 holding onto the ball 36 minutes a game.
18:24 If Penn State players were required
18:26 to take four shots of Patron as they walked onto the field,
18:29 they'd still win this game, OK?
18:32 Trap game.
18:33 Watch out.
18:33 No, they would murder Massachusetts, man.
18:36 Like, this is brutal.
18:37 All right, Michigan and Indiana, that thing
18:40 is going to be a blowout too, right?
18:42 Oh, but we're going to talk about this game.
18:44 Oh, OK.
18:44 No, I just--
18:46 That thing's going to be a blowout, right?
18:48 We can skip--
18:49 Yeah, Michigan's a 33 and 1/2 point favorite,
18:51 over under 45 and 1/2.
18:52 Michigan, 6 and 1, Indiana, 2 and 3.
18:54 As I mentioned, Michigan is the number one
18:56 defense in the country.
18:57 I'm going to take the under.
18:58 Not close.
18:58 Michigan, 38, Indiana, 7.
19:00 It's kind of deja vu from a week ago for Ohio State,
19:04 about a 20 point favorite.
19:05 They ended up covering last week,
19:06 figuring out a way to score a lot of points there
19:09 down the stretch.
19:10 They are the same favorite again this week
19:12 on the road against Purdue.
19:14 You mentioned, watch out, trap game, Penn State coming up
19:16 against--
19:16 is this a trap game for Purdue and Ohio State?
19:19 So in all seriousness, I have Purdue as what?
19:22 The 12th best team in the conference,
19:24 as Ohio State's third best team in the conference.
19:27 But I do have upset, trap game alert.
19:30 Purdue is that school in the conference that is known
19:33 for upsetting big name teams.
19:34 They're known for pulling off that upset
19:37 when they're significantly outmanned.
19:39 But they've done it against Ohio State
19:41 in the past multiple times.
19:42 Ohio State, 90.5 point favorite.
19:44 The over under is 15.5.
19:46 OK, now Ohio State won 37 to 17 over Maryland a week ago.
19:49 I kind of thought that game would be a little bit closer,
19:52 but the Buckeyes defense is legit for a change.
19:55 All right, Purdue, bad loss to a just god awful Iowa team,
19:58 20 to 14.
20:00 God awful, Jeff.
20:01 That's for you.
20:02 All right, now here's my prediction.
20:03 Either Ohio State just completely steamrolls them,
20:06 or Purdue pulls off the shocking upset.
20:07 There's going to be no middle ground.
20:09 That being said, Ohio State wins by three to three.
20:11 Here's a line that's a little bit shorter.
20:13 He's Adam Carriker.
20:14 I'm Jeff Turner.
20:14 And this is the Big Ten Show presented to you
20:16 by Jacobson Seed Company.
20:17 Your healthy hybrid advantage for your fields.
20:20 Rutgers and Michigan State.
20:21 Rutgers minus 4 and 1/2 in this one.
20:23 I expect this to be low scoring, mainly
20:26 because I think both these teams are going to turn the football
20:28 over a little bit.
20:30 They've been prone to throughout the year.
20:32 Coming from the great state of New Jersey
20:33 and Piscataway at SHI Stadium, you
20:36 got the Scarlet Knights hosting Michigan State.
20:39 Michigan State trying to get their first Big Ten
20:42 win of the season.
20:42 Do they do so against Rutgers?
20:45 Rutgers two point favorite over under 41.
20:47 I have Rutgers.
20:48 I think it's going to be a close, hard fought game.
20:50 I think Rutgers is a pretty good team.
20:52 OK, that's why I moved them ahead of Iowa
20:55 right at the last second before we started recording
20:57 in the power rankings.
20:58 So I think Rutgers, great, close, narrow game.
21:01 24-21 gets the victory here.
21:03 All right, man.
21:04 So Illinois and Maryland.
21:05 Maryland bounces back this week with a big performance
21:08 offensively.
21:08 They blow out Illinois.
21:09 You watched a lot of Illinois last week.
21:11 They're 0-3 in the Big Ten this year.
21:12 I think one of the more surprising disappointments
21:15 throughout college football, considering
21:16 what they had a year ago.
21:17 Although some of us, like myself,
21:18 sort of predicted this might happen
21:19 with what they lost to the NFL on the defensive side
21:22 of the ball.
21:22 I mean, their cornerback that's playing for Seattle right now,
21:24 dude, is just awesome.
21:26 So I think Maryland bounces back big time here.
21:29 Spreads 14.
21:30 Here's what I wrote.
21:31 Maryland is a good team.
21:32 Illinois is a bad team.
21:33 The only hope Illinois has is that they
21:36 have an extra day to prepare.
21:37 They have eight days because of the Friday game
21:39 versus Nebraska.
21:40 Does Maryland have a letdown after not playing a little bit
21:43 better against Ohio State?
21:44 I say no.
21:45 Maryland, not even close.
21:46 42-14 with the win.
21:48 Final man.
21:48 We got about a minute and a half left to go in the Big Ten show.
21:51 Iowa and Wisconsin.
21:52 And I know you're going to come out here
21:54 with some cockamamie answer about how Wisconsin's
21:57 so much better offensively than Iowa.
21:58 They're going to come out here, and they're
21:59 going to beat up on Iowa.
22:01 It's going to be--
22:03 Listen, listen, listen.
22:06 This isn't Dumb and Dumber, OK?
22:08 And we're saying we're having a chance
22:12 because the analytics give us a 34% chance to win.
22:15 Camp Randall, pretty overrated lately.
22:19 I think it's going to be ground and pound with a little play
22:23 action.
22:24 Mordecai gets lit up.
22:27 He has as many turnovers as he has interceptions
22:30 to this point in the year.
22:31 Three turnovers for the Wisconsin offense.
22:33 Big time game for the Iowa offense.
22:36 They win outright as 9 and 1/2 point favorites.
22:39 Y'all sleep on the Hawkeyes, and what happens?
22:41 You get kicked in the face.
22:43 You're just being stubborn with your preseason prediction.
22:46 By the way, they're 9 and 1/2 point underdogs.
22:48 And is this the lowest over under the year?
22:50 36 and 1/2 points for this game?
22:52 I mean, that's got to be the lowest over under the year.
22:55 So here's what I wrote.
22:56 You're actually on track.
22:57 If Iowa wants to win, they got to force Wisconsin to throw.
23:00 Tanner Mordecai is not going to win you a ball game
23:02 throwing the ball.
23:03 So if you can force him to throw, if you're Iowa's
23:06 defense, you got a chance.
23:07 Also, you got to force turnovers.
23:08 You're just not going to score a bunch of points in this game,
23:11 offensively anyways.
23:12 So I just went straight to the numbers in this one.
23:14 Wisconsin's defense giving up 18.4 points per game.
23:18 Iowa's offense, sorry baby Ferentz,
23:20 you're only averaging-- you're 105th in the country
23:22 in scoring offense, averaging 21.8 points per game.
23:26 You're on your way to getting fired.
23:27 Probably not, but we'll delve into that again.
23:29 Iowa's defense, 16.3 points per game.
23:31 Wisconsin's offense, this is the difference, 31.4 points
23:35 per game.
23:35 Wisconsin wins, and it's not really
23:38 that close in the second half, 24 to 10.
23:41 Adam is a very smart man, except what
23:43 he predicts against Iowa.
23:45 The Big 10 show can be found on iTunes, Spotify, Bally's,
23:49 SI.com, Believe Podcast Network, and of course, on YouTube.
23:54 Another edition is in the books, as another page
23:56 has turned here on the show.
23:58 Enjoy all the Big 10 action this weekend.
24:00 We'll check in with you sooner rather than later.
24:02 Thanks to Jacobson Seed Company for another great show.