• 2 years ago
00:00 Welcome to Sunday Morning Quarterback with Jay Stockwell and Bob Frady.
00:13 UB, how are you, man?
00:16 Well, Jay, I think we've had better weekends for you.
00:23 Yeah.
00:24 So let's just review the difficulties of the weekend.
00:29 So first, there was obviously the game, and I'm out there, way out there on a limb, predicting
00:35 a victory for Huskers.
00:36 You were, you know what's fun is that I predicted that they would lose in a close game.
00:41 You predicted that they would win the close game.
00:43 Yet what gets posted, they're going to win.
00:45 Here's the deal.
00:46 Sometimes in business, you're trying to make a point, right?
00:49 And so you look for data sources that help make your point.
00:52 You know, just looking at the relative data, and I love what Husker Max does with the side
00:57 by side comparisons each week.
00:59 So for example, the Illinois game this week looks very competitive, very even.
01:04 But I mean, here we were after four games, number one rush defense in the country.
01:09 Michigan really hadn't played anybody.
01:11 Basically, who took the same exact position that I did, UB?
01:15 Urban Meyer.
01:16 He's a national commentator now.
01:18 Look at that.
01:19 So you agree with the pundits.
01:20 Hold on, we put out that pot on Wednesday.
01:23 He was saying that on Saturday, OK?
01:26 We drank so much Kool-Aid.
01:27 We're like a bloated pig on the side of the road.
01:29 It's like, oh, I drank too much Kool-Aid.
01:31 Oh, my belly hurts.
01:32 Oh, no, I got run over by a truck from Michigan.
01:38 The bottom line is we got duped.
01:39 And then the Patriots, well, let's take it in order.
01:42 This is Nebraska podcast.
01:43 Let's stick to the Nebraska podcast.
01:45 All right.
01:46 But OK, related, because one of the co-hosts was supposed to have a golf match this morning.
01:52 We've had so much rain.
01:53 There were no carts allowed that my opponent has an Achilles.
01:58 We've been waiting for this match for a year.
01:59 An Achilles what?
02:00 Your opponent has two Achilles.
02:01 There you go.
02:02 He has an Achilles injury and therefore can't play.
02:07 So the 2022 Dinah Country Club green jacket match is still unplayed.
02:12 But then, and then you, Bob, you're a fan of the Patriots.
02:15 They had a rough go this afternoon.
02:16 I know you don't want to talk about the Patriots, but Russ Hochstein played for the Patriots.
02:20 He's a Nebraska guy.
02:21 He did.
02:22 You know what?
02:23 All in all, I had a wonderful weekend.
02:26 Just none of it involving football.
02:27 There were no sports victories that we were associated with all weekend.
02:31 Oh, hey, Crystal Palace won, but that's soccer.
02:33 No one cares about that.
02:34 So two things you got to understand about data.
02:37 Let me tell you something, Mr. Data guy.
02:39 Number one, data lied.
02:41 As we just saw, data really lied to us.
02:44 Data was like, you know what?
02:45 If you just meet me out in the parking lot and back, you know, I got to kiss you.
02:49 That data just lied.
02:50 We got beaten up and our lunch money got taken.
02:53 And number two, it was an N of three.
02:55 You need an N of 20 before data becomes statistically significant.
02:59 No, hold on.
03:00 There are four games there.
03:01 Okay.
03:02 And four is not 20.
03:03 Yeah, yeah.
03:04 N of four.
03:05 Not enough data.
03:06 Yeah.
03:07 As we've seen.
03:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:09 So, but, but you know what?
03:10 Hey, listen, listen.
03:11 I, all season long, I'm like Michigan's a little further ahead, but I've discovered
03:13 what this, this rebuild is like.
03:16 This rebuild is just like rebuilding a house.
03:18 Where the contractor says, wow, we're way, we're way ahead of schedule.
03:23 You should be able to move in in July.
03:25 And then July comes, it's like, well, maybe, oh, December.
03:33 That's what it's like.
03:34 And that's, and you just have to be patient.
03:35 It'll be beautiful when it's done, but you just have to be patient.
03:39 Don't anybody panic.
03:41 This is not, this is not last year where you're at the end of a cycle.
03:45 This is very big.
03:46 So do a baby.
03:47 So your baby's not sleeping at night.
03:49 Big deal.
03:50 It'll sleep at night eventually.
03:51 I think literally we learned something here.
03:54 I mean, to Matt Rule's credit, he's been somewhat consistent about the, what the path that he's
04:00 on.
04:01 He's not on an immediate like return path.
04:04 This thing is going to take some time.
04:06 Let's go, let's do the Husker Max two minute drill for the, just talking about the stats
04:10 here.
04:11 So this, this was a thorough domination by Michigan for sure.
04:14 436 yards of offense versus 305.
04:17 When you think about it, that's not that much difference.
04:19 It's not like Michigan rolled up 700 yards.
04:22 It's like it, but the places that they had the ball were highly advantageous.
04:28 You know, first, the first pass, tip, interception, and you're on the 20 and you march in and
04:34 it's 14.
04:35 And our stats were helped by the Josh Fleek's run at the end, 74 yards.
04:39 That looked pretty darn good.
04:41 The coaches are trying to find players that can sort of fit the bill, especially in the
04:44 context of all the injuries that we've had.
04:46 Alvano, the kicker.
04:47 I mean, this kid doesn't seem like he can kick it through the uprights.
04:50 He was great in high school.
04:52 And then, you know, it's like, it's different.
04:54 I'm going to make a recommendation.
04:56 Don't focus on the data.
04:57 It's only going to make you mad because it's going to lie to you and tell you that you
05:00 should have been a better scorer.
05:02 You know, sometimes you just got to dig a hole, put the game film in it and bury it.
05:07 Time of possession, 38, 38 to 21.
05:10 They just dominated, handed the ball off.
05:13 And the McCaffrey, JJ McCaffrey, like very, very accurate passer.
05:17 He came into the game like at 79%.
05:19 That guy was impressive.
05:21 I was wrong.
05:22 You said it was going to be a closer, slower scoring game.
05:25 We were both wrong about that.
05:27 Michigan is incredible.
05:29 The play, some of the plays, that catch that they made in the first, the very first touchdown.
05:34 Our guy was all over them.
05:37 I'm going to continue down into the game page and just go through some of the Husker Max
05:43 game page, that is, and go through some of the commentary from some of the leading writers
05:48 in Nebraska, which is one of, do you do this, Bob?
05:51 Do you look at the writers, what they were saying the next morning on Husker Max?
05:55 No, no, listen, here's the thing.
05:58 I'm a fan.
05:59 I'm a fan.
06:00 I'm not a reporter.
06:03 I'm not a realist.
06:05 I'm not anything.
06:06 I'm a fan.
06:08 Go Big Red.
06:09 I'm a fan.
06:15 I'm a fan.
06:21 These guys can inform.
06:22 These guys watch it closer than we do.
06:24 So Tad Stryker, Michigan was a sober reminder of how steep a climb the Huster program has
06:30 in front of it.
06:31 Amen.
06:32 Christofferson, the Wolverines just picked the Huskers apart, whether by land or air.
06:37 Chatelle, Harburg can make a play or two, but he's limited by the lack of playmakers
06:42 around him on offense, on the offensive line, still trying to figure out a lot of stuff.
06:48 A complete team beat an incomplete team.
06:51 Surprise.
06:52 Duh.
06:53 I don't need to get clicks on my newspaper call.
06:56 Listen, I know that some people are in it for the win and some for the clicks.
07:01 We're totally for the clicks.
07:02 But frankly, you know what?
07:05 Bad days happen.
07:06 Everybody has bad days.
07:07 Everybody makes mistakes.
07:09 One serious thing that I want to talk to you about relative to this Nebraska rebuild.
07:14 So my son is 15, right?
07:17 And I've introduced him to the Huskers in a very, very big way, like from the time he
07:22 was like five to seven years old.
07:25 And we became friends with Coach Miles and George had a ton of access there.
07:31 So he's like, he bleeds Husker red.
07:35 But for the entirety of the, especially relative to football, now thank God for volleyball.
07:42 Like volleyball is like the thing that's going to save us.
07:44 The football program, you know, the entire Scott Frost era was, you know, we won like
07:49 30% of the games.
07:51 And here we are in the middle of this rebuild and we have all this like pent up optimism.
07:56 But I've introduced my son to this losing culture.
08:00 Every kid needs some grist for the therapy mill at some point in their life.
08:06 And if this is the worst thing that you do to your kid, I introduced him to an average
08:10 college football team.
08:11 You know what?
08:12 You're ahead of the game.
08:13 It's like you show up for his games.
08:15 You're always very supportive.
08:16 You send him to a nice school.
08:18 Oh yeah, introduced you to Nebraska.
08:20 Okay.
08:21 On the scale of like, I do really bad things or I do really good things.
08:26 This is kind of in the middle.
08:27 It's like, it's kind of good and it's kind of bad.
08:29 If it's the worst thing you do, you're a hero.
08:33 That's okay.
08:34 But you're teaching him the value of useless persistence because sometimes it actually
08:38 pays off.
08:39 So Portnoy from Barstool Sports was in Lincoln this weekend and he put this t-shirt out there
08:45 that said, "Make Nebraska mediocre again."
08:49 And all he was, his entire point was, "I just want to see a good game."
08:55 You know?
08:56 And he got massive blowback from it.
08:58 Right, just like massive blowback.
09:01 If part of how you want to get your social media attention is by being a jerk, then go
09:06 ahead be a jerk.
09:07 You know what?
09:08 That's not the Nebraska way.
09:10 It's like, what do you even want to do stuff like that for?
09:13 His point was, "Okay, Nebraska.
09:15 You know, if you don't want that goal, then let's just have Michigan pound you 45-7.
09:21 That's exactly what happened."
09:22 You know?
09:23 You know what?
09:24 Guys like that, it's like, I hope you're happy dwelling in Schadenfreude.
09:30 It's like, to me it's such a useless, yeah, you get rich on the backs of other people's
09:36 misery.
09:37 Who needs that?
09:38 Who needs that in this world?
09:40 It's like, screw these people.
09:41 It's like, get out.
09:42 It's like, just get out.
09:44 People in Nebraska, good people, strong people, faith in their team.
09:48 And you know what?
09:49 They go and they're hopeful and yeah, it's an early process.
09:53 As someone who's living through a renovation, there are many stages where you're like, "What
09:57 the hell did I get myself into?"
09:59 We are in that stage right now.
10:01 It'll be fine.
10:02 Yeah, exactly.
10:03 So let's go back to the beginning.
10:04 You called eight and four.
10:06 I called seven and five.
10:07 I'm optimistic because the Big Ten West this year is terrible.
10:13 Next year is going to be a lot better.
10:14 This year it's terrible.
10:15 Matt Rule said, literally in the press conference, he said, "This game sucked."
10:19 And then he backed off and said, "Stunk."
10:22 But this game did suck.
10:25 But I hope they learn from it.
10:26 This week it's on Friday night.
10:30 So we're playing Illinois on the road.
10:31 It's a very even statistical matchup.
10:34 And so we'll do the pregame pod on Tuesday.
10:39 But this one was kind of hard to watch and a bit of a disappointment.
10:44 But we are, to your point, we're in a renovation.
10:47 That's right.
10:48 And we just got to be patient.
10:49 Don't worry.
10:50 Don't worry.
10:51 The worst part of the weekend wasn't Nebraska losing.
10:54 It was watching, was it O'Marion Miller catch 194 yards worth of balls in Colorado and look
11:02 like the kind of wide-eyed that would look really good in Nebraska red.
11:04 Oh my God.
11:05 That's the kid that decommitted for Nebraska.
11:08 Yeah, good for him.
11:09 You know what?
11:10 Good for him.
11:11 My goal in all this is that all these kids see success.
11:14 That's what it's for.
11:15 And if you see a success with a different team, well, that kind of stinks.
11:19 But good for him getting some success.
11:23 We'll get there.
11:24 We'll get there, Scott.
11:25 We'll get there.
11:26 Be patient.
11:27 Patient.
11:28 See, here's the thing.
11:29 You have to be patient.
11:30 You're stuck with them.
11:31 This is like a marriage you cannot get divorced from.
11:34 You cannot get divorced from Nebraska.
11:37 You drink the water in Hardington there, it's like, "Come on, Mort."
11:43 You're stuck with the...
11:45 I'm more of a dilettante.
11:46 I chose to root for Nebraska.
11:48 I'm not from Nebraska.
11:49 I chose to root for Nebraska.
11:51 You don't have any choice.
11:54 So guess what?
11:55 You better make the best of it.
11:56 Tell that ugly game that, you know what?
11:58 There's something good that came from it.
12:01 Maybe we learned some humility and we have to practice differently.
12:04 Who knows?
12:05 You're stuck with them.
12:06 Get used to it.
12:07 Well, I think that's good advice.
12:10 I'm still a Husker.
12:12 I love my team.
12:14 And we're still on the Matt Rule train.
12:16 And what can we say?
12:18 No big red, other than that.
12:19 Can we say anything else?
12:20 Go for it.
12:21 Of course we can.
12:22 We can say a lot of stuff.
12:23 You missed the big announcement last week.
12:25 The administration from the University of Nebraska is apparently listening to our podcast
12:31 and my incessant complaints about the size of the seats in Memorial Stadium.
12:36 And they are going to renovate the stadium, which is kind of amazing.
12:41 They're going to take the capacity down by 20,000 during their rebuild years for Matt
12:47 Rule and then limit the capacity by another, I think, 16,000 overall.
12:52 It's going to be a smaller stadium in terms of capacity.
12:55 77,000, that's right.
12:56 And the seats will actually be comfortable.
12:57 The seats are going to actually be comfortable.
13:02 I'm going to have them do a Stockwell measurement for the seat.
13:05 And if Stockwell doesn't do that seat, sorry.
13:08 I am not giving my stamp of approval to this one.
13:12 I've watched you struggle with those seats too many times.
13:14 Even I struggle with them and I'm skinny like a freaking pipe cleaner.
13:20 I'm too tall.
13:21 The knees are out here.
13:23 And luckily, I think this is what, here's one of the reasons why I think people are
13:27 nice in Nebraska.
13:29 Not just because they're nice inherently, but because those seats are so small, they
13:32 have to be nice to each other.
13:33 Because you're always bumping into each other.
13:36 Yeah, that is for sure.
13:39 We've been a huge fan of Trev Alberts from the beginning.
13:42 I think he's a great leader.
13:43 And he's, you know, it's $450 million just for the South Stadium.
13:48 So well done.
13:49 I don't care if we are playing in the Alamo Car Rental Roof Condition Bowl.
13:54 I don't care what it is.
13:55 There's going to be no bowl game this year.
13:57 Going bowling.
13:58 I think that's right.
13:59 We need one thing, Stockwell.
14:00 You ready?
14:01 Go Big Red!
14:02 All right, go Big Red.
14:03 Love it.
14:04 Love it.
14:04 Alright, go Big Red! Love it, love it.