• 2 years ago
Huskers ready for Colorado trip
00:00 Here's today's Husker Max Practice Report, brought to you by Tracy's Collision Center
00:04 on 1,499-3-KLIN.
00:09 With wide receiver Isaiah Garcia Castaneda out for the year, Husker football will need
00:13 some young receivers to step up and that's something that Coach Rule admits isn't the
00:18 easiest thing to do.
00:19 It's really hard to be a young player and come in and play right away, so we don't have
00:23 many true freshman playing that weren't here in the winter.
00:26 They're coming along and as Coach Paterno used to say, it's better to play too late
00:30 than to play too early.
00:31 Some of these guys were working overtime to get them ready.
00:33 Coach Rule laid out the team's itinerary they will follow once they get to Colorado.
00:37 We're going to go see a movie tomorrow night as a team, we're going to practice tomorrow
00:40 morning, we're going to meet, we're going to go there, we're going to fellowship, we're
00:43 going to get up, we're going to do our little neuro charge and go to the game and play.
00:47 So fortunately for us it's not a super long flight and fortunately for us that time zone,
00:53 even though it's 10 o'clock, it's really 11, it's 11.05 for us.
00:56 With this Husker Max Practice Report, I'm Matt McMaster.
00:59 (upbeat music)