• 4 days ago
What would you see in the pits at Angel Stadium if you had an all-access pit pass? We show ya!
00:30I saw your truck in the parking lot and I parked next to it.
00:41How is yours so tall, dude?
00:42It is pretty tall, eh?
00:43I don't know why.
00:44I don't know.
00:45A little three inch lift on her, but she's pretty tall.
00:46All right.
00:47So for the amount of times we load bikes.
00:49Have you crashed out of the back of it yet?
00:50I haven't.
00:51I don't even think there's been a dirt bike in the back.
00:52Oh, yeah.
00:53Well, actually, I'd say that.
00:54We went to Nuevo, loaded the old 450, but Trev did the dirty work, so no falling out.
01:00I asked Daddy Damien for a low one next time.
01:04See, I was going to do one like that, like the old Dino one.
01:10Big, huge rims on it, but he was like, no, I'm not having it, so we went with what we
01:15But hey, I'm not complaining.
01:16It's a champagne problem for sure.
01:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:18And you got the color out.
01:19Yeah, we got the cement.
01:22It's about time for an upgrade, he told me.
01:24Yeah, I guess.
01:25He's a man, though.
01:26Dude, I got 55,000 miles on mine right now.
01:27No way.
01:28But he just put the order into my mind.
01:29I thought a lot like Nichols, but lower.
01:30Fair enough.
01:31That's a good one.
01:32So hey, two rounds in.
01:34Red plate.
01:36Win, first win.
01:37Can't complain, yeah?
01:38No, not at all.
01:39I mean, this is everything I pretty much wanted to do, you know, from the get-go.
01:40So coming to Anaheim one, I was able to win that, and that was obviously a big, big deal,
01:41and confidence and everything that went with that.
01:42And I tried to go into Phoenix and just block out all the cars.
02:13And I was able to go into Phoenix and just block out kind of everything to do my deal
02:14and I was able to come away with second.
02:15I was a little unhappy with the way I rode, but I cannot be unhappy about the result.
02:16I mean, you can't win all of them.
02:17And it was a good race for me.
02:18I was actually really, really happy with getting second.
02:19And coming into this one, I feel great.
02:20And, yeah, we'll just see how it plays out.
02:21Triple crown.
02:22So I'm going to change it up a little bit.
02:23Hey, tell me about your crew, your mechanic, trainer.
02:24Trevor Carmichael.
02:26We've been working together since I got on the team
02:27and at the end of 16, awesome, awesome dude.
02:31And then normally the riding crew,
02:33we got Swanee, Justin Cooper, Mitchell Oldenburg,
02:37and then AP.
02:39So that's the normal crew, I'm on the regular,
02:42but here lately back at home, the home crew,
02:44that's Bozel and Fraze.
02:46Those are my guys back at home.
02:47So, you forgot to mention something.
02:50Is it?
02:51Because I know you have like a hair stylist
02:53that follows you around.
02:54As soon as you take your helmet off, they fix your hair.
02:57Oh, that's OG Mike.
02:58That's my guy.
03:00Yeah, he's the one that keeps it hooked up.
03:01He keeps me nice and tight.
03:03You got some, do they call them stripes on them?
03:06I don't really know what you call them.
03:08That's just his little set up.
03:12That's OG Mike special.
03:13He's my guy though.
03:14I just go in there and sit down
03:15and he just starts going to town on my head.
03:17So, then we came out with that.
03:19Take good luck tonight, bud.
03:20Thanks man, I appreciate it.
03:24What are those guys doing?
03:25I think they're doing Tinder or video.
03:30I keep Dino swiping to the right,
03:32but maybe he's Fortnite,
03:34because he's, he kills it on Fortnite, baby.
03:43Wally, tell me about this new Holi device.
03:45Yeah, so this is an extreme case, obviously,
03:48a 450 Supercross guy,
03:49but theoretically you don't need a friend.
03:51So, how it works is you come down here
03:54and you just turn the dial.
03:56If Dean's riding, if he's on dirt,
03:58he can just grab a bunch of front brake
03:59and it'll lock it himself.
04:00But for your camera, we'll show you how it works.
04:03You just raise one, two, three, four.
04:06Oh, you gotta go down far.
04:07One, two, and it just locks.
04:11So, you don't need anybody to time it
04:14or anything like that.
04:15And then he'll hit a bump
04:16or he'll grab a bunch of front brake and it'll pop off.
04:18So, the twist is the activation?
04:22The twist is like pre-setting it, essentially.
04:23So, yeah.
04:24And once it unclips, it twists the other way
04:27and there's no chance of it locking again?
04:29Correct, yep.
04:30Cool, when is this coming to market?
04:32I think production version available to the public
04:35will be probably sometime in August,
04:36is what I'm thinking.
04:37Cool, whose idea was this, yours?
04:40So, a little bit mine, a little bit the two
04:42kind of product developer guys that I work with.
04:43We always, that's like our team.
04:46It's us three that basically come up
04:48with all our kind of stuff at ProTaper.
04:49So, I'm lucky to work with some really inventive,
04:52cool guys that understand the sport.
04:55And we all kind of bring our piece, I guess.
04:57And yeah, that's what we came up with.
04:58I'm pretty excited about this one.
05:00Yeah, because not everybody at a local race
05:02has somebody to help.
05:03Exactly, you know?
05:04So, it's honestly, I've realized it myself
05:06in the last four years,
05:07I can never go practice starts by myself.
05:09I'm always by myself and I can't practice a start.
05:11So, we fixed it with this.
05:16All these day strides in the off-season.
05:18My heart rate's always so low now.
05:23Can't get it up to warm up.
05:24I haven't got to try so hard.
05:29What's up, bro?
05:30What's up?
05:32Hey, tell me about your gig with Marshall Welton.
05:35Yeah, things are going really good.
05:37We're like three weeks out of the first East Coast race.
05:39So, it came fast and we've made a lot of progress.
05:44His race bike's almost done.
05:45So, we're going to ride that here next week.
05:48Actually, he's headed back to North Carolina
05:50and that's where he's going to stay on the East Coast.
05:52So, I think I'm going to go back with him
05:54for the time being until it starts.
05:57But I think we're at a good place
05:58and the goal that I set for him
06:01and I think we agreed on is to show up to the first race
06:04and be seven to 12.
06:07And if we improve and get close to being seven,
06:11you know what I mean?
06:12If we keep getting close to that fifth place,
06:13then obviously we'll regroup and re-strategize our goals.
06:17And I think he's a hard worker and he'll surprise people.
06:23So, you're training him on the bike and off the bike, right?
06:27Yeah, so-
06:27It looks like his technique has improved substantially.
06:31Yeah, I mean, he's been in Europe the last two years.
06:33So, he's just been riding motocross.
06:35Obviously, there's some stuff in supercross
06:37that obviously you just need time to get better at it.
06:41And it started off, honestly, pretty well.
06:44And since then, he improved.
06:46In one week, he came around and he improved a lot.
06:48Like, went from being, I would say,
06:50off the fastest guys there,
06:51two, three seconds off the pace,
06:52to within a second, second and a half
06:54of the guys that are racing and finishing in the top five.
06:57So, and even days where he's running the pace of those guys.
07:01So, he's improved a lot.
07:04He's strong and he has determination.
07:07So, I mean, you can't really break somebody like that.
07:09So, I feel like it's a good combination to head into East.
07:14And it's been fun.
07:16I've been learning a lot working with people.
07:19I'm helping Dean as well.
07:20So, it's just been fun for me.
07:22Obviously, I'd rather be racing,
07:23but that's not the option right now.
07:25So, might as well make the best of it
07:27and do the best we can.
07:28Yeah, what's your capacity with Wilson?
07:32It's just more so just like, basically, like a program.
07:36Just kind of help him out with setting a schedule for the weeks.
07:40And that's pretty much it, bicycle rides and gym.
07:45So, I mean, he does that with me and Marshall,
07:48the bike rides and gym.
07:49So, it's pretty basic, but I've been enjoying it.
07:52It gives me something to focus on.
07:53And it's good for Marshall to have Dean around as well.
07:57Personality-wise, it's good to have somebody else in the mix.
08:00Keep it light.
08:00Yes, for sure.
08:01So, he's like Mr. Serious on the mountain bike.
08:04Like, we saw you guys at Greer
08:06and he's riding a hardtail in Lycra.
08:09Yeah, no, he's, dude, he's really strong.
08:11I was really impressed even when he showed up.
08:13He said he hadn't really trained in two or three months
08:16when he stayed in Michigan after he basically found out
08:20he couldn't race in Europe again next year.
08:23And first fitness test was better than some of the ones I've done.
08:28So, yeah, he's strong and I'm looking forward to it.
08:32Cool. Thanks, buddy.
