• 2 days ago
Novocaine is out now in theaters!

Read our review - https://www.dreadcentral.com/reviews/524844/novocaine-review-body-horror-action-hybrid-is-good-nasty-fun/

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00:00Hey Beth, I'm Dread Central. How are the two of you?
00:02Hi! How are you?
00:04Congratulations on Novocaine!
00:06What a bloody blast!
00:08Thank you!
00:09I had so much fun.
00:11But of course my first question, as a tattooed girly,
00:13I have to know, Jack, how big of a pain in the ass
00:15was putting on the full body tattoo vibe?
00:19Because I loved it, but I also know that that's a nightmare.
00:22It's a nightmare. Well, look, you're there for a while.
00:26It's my entire upper body.
00:28So I'm shirtless and it's quite cold
00:31because it's just spring water and all these different things.
00:33Yeah, like four o'clock in the morning.
00:35Yeah, getting there very early.
00:37But I have to say, seeing it in the movie,
00:39it really looks great.
00:40And I love the, I think it was like a local South African,
00:44because we shot the movie in South Africa,
00:45it was a local South African artist who was responsible
00:47for all the different designs.
00:50And I really love the way that it ultimately looks
00:53because we had kind of a temp version of it
00:55that made me slightly more, I don't know,
00:58kind of like emo looking.
00:59Like I kind of felt like the crow a little bit.
01:02And I know that's not.
01:03Very crow, very Eric.
01:04You don't think me when you think of the crow.
01:08But no, I really am happy with how it all turned out.
01:12I actually, I had to learn how to use a tattoo gun
01:14and they gave me these sheets of like fake skin
01:17to take home with me.
01:18Oh, you got to tattoo the fake skin.
01:20Exactly, and there's like a little,
01:21the grossest part is there's a little belly button
01:24on all the little sheets of skin.
01:26I forgot about that.
01:27So I'm just home, I'm just in my apartment,
01:28you know, the apartment they had for me in South Africa,
01:31just like with sheets, just like if anyone came in,
01:33they would think I was a mass murderer.
01:35It was just insane.
01:37But I'm like drawing smiley faces and, you know.
01:39He would show us photos and I'd be like,
01:40cool, that's disgusting.
01:42That's so gross.
01:43He's losing it in his apartment,
01:45he's losing it during the shoot.
01:47But Amber, it's so cool to see you go
01:49from being a badass in Prey to a badass in Novocaine.
01:53And I was curious what the difference,
01:55was there any difference in preparing?
01:57I know they're very different movies,
01:58but action-wise, so different.
02:00What was it like preparing for this one
02:01versus being in a film like Prey?
02:03Worlds apart, they are worlds apart for me,
02:05which I think was what was so exciting about it.
02:07You know, it was so fun to be able to,
02:09I've never played, a lot of my characters
02:10have always been like, they've been housed
02:13in these big circumstances of genre and time periods
02:18and all this kind of stuff,
02:19that this was the first character I've really played
02:21who's just very grounded and very within the world
02:24and just kind of a girl.
02:26And I think what made me like her so much
02:29is that she's afforded the layers of being complicated
02:32and being a little bit edgy and quirky
02:34and still being the girl you fall in love with at a bank.
02:40Sorry, you said that like that was a type.
02:42There's a girl next door
02:43and then there's a girl you fall in love with at a bank.
02:44We all wanna be the girl you fall in love with at a bank.
02:46At a bank, of course, definitely.
02:48Dan and Bobby called it the slow motion dream girl.
02:50It's just like, who doesn't wanna do that?
02:52Be the girl at the bank that you fall in love with.
02:55So, yeah, it was just, did that answer your question?
02:59Oh, absolutely.
03:00No, but it's so cool to see you
03:01just play a cool, confident girl.
03:04It was just very different.
03:05It was actually a very interesting challenge
03:07to be able to trust not having as much
03:11crazy stuff to rest on.
03:13In a weird way, it felt very exposing,
03:15but that was what was so fun
03:17about the challenge of this character.
03:19That's amazing.
03:20Well, I have to wrap, but congratulations to the two of you.
03:22You are action stars now in my heart and soul,
03:24so congratulations on the cane.
03:27Have a good rest of your day.
03:30Everyone wants to be the girl you fall in love with at a bank.
03:32It's just so many words, but it's a term.
