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00:00♫ soft piano music begins ♫
00:30Good morning guys, it has been a minute so there's like so much to update on but today
00:59is such an important busy exciting day there's not enough time for this one
01:04vlog to update you on all of it so I'm gonna give some brief things about what
01:11we've been what's been going on over the last few weeks how long it's been
01:15exactly three weeks since I last picked up the camera which I can't remember the
01:20last time that it has been that long but we had a wedding to go to in Puerto Rico
01:25our friend Andy you guys know them and I feel like that's the last time update
01:29that we left on I don't even know if I think I talked about the wedding dress I
01:34should have recapped the last vlog before I started this one but I
01:37literally sat for like 30 minutes before cleaning up the room like trying to
01:41remember what all happened in these last three weeks before vlogging so I can
01:44have like an exact timeline of things but you guys are just gonna be as
01:48jumbled as I am because I cannot think straight especially from someone who
01:53does not like traveling and having to travel over the last week open a
01:56restaurant over the last week today's our first day opening for Nave so that's
02:00so exciting I feel like I was sitting here a while ago and being like things
02:05are literally about to change so much now they've changed and like things have
02:11changed so much and just my day-to-day pause day-to-day our relationship aspect
02:18because we're used to being with each other all the time working together
02:21everything now it's kind of separated because I'm more at home with the kids
02:25vlogging whereas he's at the restaurant doing literally everything that needs to
02:29get done there he left this morning at 7 a.m. and we've spoken twice on the phone
02:33today and that's it I just got the babies to nap because I could not even
02:37think about anything this morning like oh my god I can't even I just can't even
02:42so things have changed and we're gonna get really deep into that because so
02:46much has changed but today we just really need to start getting ready I
02:50only have an hour while the babies nap if Hanson even naps and I want to get
02:54because we do have a sitter tonight because we're gonna have Nave's friends
02:58and family opening this is our first day me and Qua are obviously gonna be there
03:02so I want to get dinner all prepped for them and ready but I do really want to
03:06do a Q&A just to kind of like jump restart like fresh slate here because
03:11it's hard when you've gone this long without vlogging to then just hop right
03:15back into it and not know like what did I say this could be a two-hour vlog
03:19today guys I'm not even kidding so leave questions down below what you're
03:22interested in knowing about what whatever I'll do a whole Q&A and get
03:27into things that you guys don't even ask I'm sure but I have like an hour to get
03:30ready which is plenty of time honestly I don't even I'm pretty much ready I did
03:34my hair at least my voice is still gone we got back a couple days ago and
03:38Offscreen Addie came home with us they've been helping us so much with like
03:42the front yard I think I posted on Instagram I'm not here but I've been
03:45wanting to redo the front yard and also I was like I can help you cause Qua's so busy
03:49and I feel so bad asking him because I know he's so busy
03:52Offscreen Addie actually went above and beyond and literally did everything so I'm so
03:57great I'll show you guys that while we were gone it was actually our chef's
04:01friends and family weekend so he actually already did a weekend with the
04:06restaurant open and the FOMO we had while we were in Puerto Rico guys we
04:11love celebrating Addie and Adriana's wedding they're amazing if you guys have
04:14been following us forever you know them but Qua was stressed out in mind the
04:16whole time watching the cameras asking what's going on receiving photos it was
04:20just it was so fun and now it's our turn basically and we do these just to kind
04:25of train the staff train get feedback on what we can change and do better on
04:30we're hiring new people every day Qua has a link to I think it's on our Nave
04:34Instagram if you guys are interested in getting a job there if you live in the
04:38area posting that and fixing the website been doing stuff like that the
04:43whole time so and I've been home keeping the fort held down here and everything
04:48there just has not been a single second to pick up the camera like I'm not even
04:52exaggerating so we're gonna get the kids dinner ready because I just want to have
04:56that like set and ready to go that just be heated up don't have to worry about
05:00that because five kids is hard I know I'm with them every day so especially
05:04around dinner time because we do have help in the mornings sometimes dinner
05:08time it gets tricky with five kids who are grumpy and don't want anything that
05:11you cook so we're gonna cook something I know that they all love as I mentioned
05:15we were in Puerto Rico for about four days and while we were gone my mom
05:20watched the kids so this is the third home chef box that I've received in the
05:25past three weeks we have been living off of these there's nothing more convenient
05:30nothing easier in my opinion than a home chef meal okay a mom in general it's
05:34hard so even having a few of these a week in the fridge knowing that I have
05:37like an easy simple meal is the best so in my opinion feeding five children is
05:42the most stressful part of the job so leaving my mom with five kids I had to
05:47provide her with some good easy meals that I know the kids would love so new
05:51box came in today and I am gonna just repair a meal to have on hand for when
05:56the kids get home from school the sitter is watching them while we are out at
06:00Nave so I have some beautiful meal cards here this is what you get when you get
06:04the box and I do have a discount code which is amazing because for any mom or
06:08anybody really any family even as a single human being having an easy meal
06:13in the fridge at least a few times a week I think is the best thing ever and
06:16with this discount code you're gonna get 15% off and free shipping so you look
06:20it's like getting free food so make sure to click the link down below it's KKJ
06:2450 and you will get 50% off plus free shipping my kids love salmon so I picked
06:29this one specifically in the mind for them and it's super simple to make this
06:34one is a prep time of 30 to 40 minutes and you're supposed to cook it within
06:38three days it's not spicy so it's perfect for the family it comes with
06:42everything that you need to know on this sheet so from what it's gonna look like
06:45at the outcome and every single ingredients and step-by-step it'll take
06:49you through so if you don't even know how to cook you will be able to cook
06:52this another thing that makes home chef just that much more convenient is it
06:56shows up at your doorstep so there's no grocery shopping there's no recipe
07:00hunting there's no making sure you have every single ingredient in your fridge
07:03that is one thing that as a mom stresses me out is just finding meals that have
07:08everything that I have in the house and that's not always something that I can
07:12figure out I just don't I don't have the time or the patience so this takes all
07:16of that guessing and forgetting something having to run to the store
07:20takes it all away they also have oven ready meals which already in 15 minutes
07:24which I use often as well which are amazing it's simple foolproof cooking
07:29you really can't go wrong here even if you like I said earlier don't know how
07:33to cook you're gonna be able to cook this and it's gonna taste amazing home
07:37chef literally has the best value and the tastiest meals and home chef is
07:41number one in quality there's also a ton of variety of meal options so there's
07:45protein pack there's vegetarian and there's calorie conscious meals and you
07:49know your kids best so you can pick from the variety of choices that they have on
07:52what you and your family would enjoy the most and they have something for
07:56everyone it's amazing again if you guys forgot I do have a discount code KKJ50
08:01and you will get 50% off so that's amazing plus free shipping so make sure
08:05to check out the link down below and you guys can grab some amazing home chef
08:09meals and now I have dinner ready for all the kids I'm just gonna cover it
08:13with some and then tonight the sitter just has to pop it back in the oven for
08:17five minutes and we're good to go okay as I was saying it's a huge day for us
08:23with Naveh so I'm gonna get ready to go because we will be leaving in two hours
08:27so I just want to be dressed ready to go because I have a few things to finish up
08:31like laundry and stuff and then whenever the sitter gets here we're just gonna
08:35leave but my mom just showed up with this dress I bought it because my friend
08:39Yasmin had it and I was literally obsessed with it but the problem this is
08:43another update I just have consultation for my boobs I'm thinking about going
08:47smaller or even possibly just taking them out altogether because I've had
08:51this issue since I had magnolia before it was never an issue I swear my boobs
08:55have grown at least a size bigger since having magnolia possibly Hansen there
08:59was not enough time in between those two to see when it happened but I just want
09:03to go smaller because nothing fits correctly they're just they're really
09:08big like now especially like back then everything still fit proportion to my
09:12frame I could buy an extra small dress and it fit here and down here and now I
09:16can't so I had to go up to a medium but then it was too big in the waist so
09:19anyways my mom just got here she completely took this dress apart and
09:23re-put it back together so that it would fit me up here and in the waist so
09:27that's another update that I want to you guys to ask questions about that down
09:30below and if you've done anything like that before please leave me advice down
09:33below I've already had one consultation it didn't go how I wanted it to so I'm a
09:37little bit like confused on what to do but this is the dress I'm gonna wear and
09:41I'm probably just gonna put a sweater over it because it is cold today and
09:45then we'll head out and go see all the new fun stuff over there because there's
09:48a bunch of stuff I haven't even seen because it's so different out guys it's
09:52so different now without qual here all the time like it makes me sad but also
09:56happy because we've spent majority of our career together 24-7 and that has
10:02challenges on its own as you can imagine as a couple and a business partner it's
10:07kind of crazy because I feel like I'm missing out on that and he feels like
10:12he's missing out here so we're both like struggling with that a little bit because
10:15he's missing out on the babies so young and I'm missing out on the fun new
10:19things every day that comes with opening a business like a restaurant all of that
10:23because we don't have 24-7 nannies you know I'm always with them and we have
10:27two days out of the week where we film where we have some help so that's what
10:30happens too is I'm spending those two days that I have for filming the
10:33restaurant instead of filming and that's the lack of vlogs and I'm really sorry
10:37but I'm trying to like figure out and manage like a better schedule so we
10:40might need to add maybe another day help just so I can still feel involved
10:45or I need to get over that no it's still it's like it feels like my baby and now
10:49I'm like I can't keep watching it grow up basically at the restaurant but
10:53anyways qual I know is handling it great and he knows I'm handling the house
10:56great so we're an amazing team but it's is coming with struggles and like
11:00anyways let's get ready to go just kidding we're gonna wait to get ready
11:04because handsome but all of our friends are outside and I can't remember if I
11:11said this earlier but Oscar and Addy are here and they've been working on the
11:14front yard I was helping them but then I had too many kids and it just got done
11:19so I'll show you guys the I don't know if I have a before video I'll show you guys the after
11:27Every day he's like where's daddy? Daddy working?
11:30Look how good this looks. It's literally like night and day. So much better than before.
11:38Kids love playing out here and I always sit right here so when I'm sitting here
11:41I would just look at how ugly this was before because the dogs were just digging
11:44and everything like that so I posted on my Instagram that I wanted to redo this
11:48and I cannot stop looking at this right here I hate it that's funny because we
11:56went from bushes to grass because the bushes that weren't here before were
12:01crazy like got massive so got smaller ones and we took them out because they
12:07just like were way too big and then we went to grass because I thought that
12:10would be cute because the kids could all play out here and stuff because it's
12:13where we spend a lot of time and then that got nasty just from the rain and
12:16the dog got rid of that and now we're back to bushes but it's so pretty also
12:22the trial Casey Anthony I don't know if any of you guys are old enough to
12:27remember that you probably are but it was like this girl in Florida who was on
12:32trial her daughter went missing and nobody could figure it out and then she
12:35got a not guilty sentence which shook everybody because it's pretty clear that
12:40it was her she just came like popped her head back up on tik-tok and is like
12:44trying to sell something basically so I'm teaching Oscar and Addie about Casey
12:48Anthony and they're watching the videos right now because he's laying on the dog
12:53bed and this story is so good it's so good so if you guys don't know who Casey
13:00Anthony is just look it up on tik-tok and it'll piss you off
13:07not in jail yeah I know I know I know trust me but I just showed them the
13:16thing so thank you guys oh no problem this is a Morales and Higley
13:21landscaping yeah please call for inquiries no no barely barely I was
13:32about to get ready but then he he was ready yeah we have a long night I have a
13:38long day too I gotta film and then I'll be
14:16Kitties, kitty, kitty.
14:18Come on, Mommy got change.
14:26Baby, I got going to daddy.
14:30Wait, Mommy.
14:38Kitty kitty kitty kitty.
14:42Mmm, yummy.
14:46This girl doesn't even use babies
15:06Yeah, it's for his palate expander so we can clean up under so tonight is friends and family for Nave
15:12We are walking in this secret door. Oh my god
15:17Believe well, it's not opening. It's friends and family. Yeah, but yeah, this is a Goliath grouper and
15:24I'm not sure what fishes is. I think it's called a cheetah or something Lewis knows the chef knows
15:30But apparently that's like one of the cleanest fish line caught. It's amazing. And this is all a five wagyu from Japan
15:37Oh, this one's gone. Oh, we're using that wagyu tonight
15:42Welcome to Nave
15:46We've had a lot of time to prepare but we're still running a little behind
15:50Yeah, but it happens. That's the restaurant business and but luckily it's us the owners that we're gonna sit down and have the experience ourselves
15:59With the servers and we're just a little
16:04Every Karen's first time we've seen her reaction for everything, but we have to do the pre-shift meeting
16:09So everyone knows what's on the menu tonight, and then we're gonna sit down to eat his jewels. She's our hostess the best hostess
16:16I like the music
16:21Probably thank you so much
16:25Thank you, oh
16:28You got the cat I haven't seen any of these. Yeah, these are the chopstick holders. Oh my god. They're so cute
16:35I got the banana. I thought we weren't using the banana. I want the flower
16:39The banana is kind of funky. I love the banana. Yeah. Okay. We'll keep the banana then
16:46Wait watch this
16:50No, please don't do that, please now I have the flower
16:55Beautiful like Nola. Uh-huh. And then so this is the menu
17:00These are the bites. It's not the full menu. Those is just for friends and family. Yeah, it's like a set menu
17:05These are like they're not really I mean they can be appetizers
17:09But these are like the bites like the wagyu sandwich is amazing
17:12Just for that if you want it because it's amazing salad is pretty filling because you can get it with wagyu or seafood the
17:18Main course what we're gonna be known for I hope is the hot pot. Okay, so we have three broths
17:23I've been looking at this menu for days. You know exactly what I want. What broth are you gonna get?
17:29I'm gonna get the sukiyaki sukiyaki. Mm-hmm. I already knew you love that one
17:35Mm-hmm. Yeah, so sukiyaki broth next time I come I'm gonna get the yuzu chicken and then I'll try the
17:41Kombu so like today tomorrow and the next day. I love that. Okay, and then yeah, and then you get your wagyu
17:48This is what we're gonna be known for is the wagyu
17:50Wagyu is the premium beef straight from Japan
17:53The first thing I notice in a restaurant is the utensils the glassware the plates guys
18:00I'm obsessed with everything we have you know what I notice in a restaurant, you know what I notice here
18:06No, no. Oh
18:08Where the fire sprinklers are?
18:11He's building this restaurant out the fire sprinklers and the fire and everything
18:15Traumatized I I'm just like where where do they put their fire sprinklers because I couldn't get it, right?
18:21So I'm always looking around
18:23Are you our server? Yes. Hi
18:29So if you don't want the hot pot or anyone in your party doesn't want the hot pot
18:32We have the rice and noodles, which is the wagyu rice box and the seafood rice box and you can add uni
18:39Caviar king crab. Yes. I'm good. I'm getting the wagyu rice box for sure. I love hot pot
18:45But I love rice and wagyu more and it comes with the egg, too
18:51And then yeah, if you love seafood you're gonna want to look at the crudo, yeah, that's the menu so far
18:57It's gonna get bigger. I cannot wait to have the experience. It won't be this bright. Yeah, just we don't have blinds yet
19:08Do you want anything else like you don't think anything I'll do the way
19:15Silver set wagyu with
19:31No, where'd you get that coffee all this ice cream
19:37Sorry, no food from a different restaurant. It's all right
19:41You guys are gonna have to look on Instagram to get like close-ups wagyu with the egg
19:56You got the wagyu box
20:00No, me and caught in Anthony
20:07Why do you sando
20:09I'll take this
20:15Is that not crazy
20:17That's so good
20:21We good
20:25Are you eating my rice box? Mm-hmm. No, not you
20:29Wow, baby, I know
20:31with my wagyu send oh
20:33No, I can't
20:35Can I pop this no
20:38Yeah, you can pop it now, okay, I'll wait no go ahead pop it
20:58It's so freaking good welcome what times your reservation six, okay
21:03You can go to the hosts down she's waiting for you. Well, beautiful
21:10You should all wear it on Saturday, that's okay
21:28Cannot believe this is a restaurant. I know that's crazy. I cannot believe that what the salad
21:41Oh my gosh, it's a wacky back
22:24This we didn't get on ours, this is the mushrooms. Yeah, this we got that we got and then what is that the
22:33Lumpi lumpi. It's like a roll wagyu egg roll. So I feel so bougie right now
22:41What's that? Oh, yeah, they got one I think I'll wait for mine
22:48So good
22:50Middle of the friends and family my friend Stephanie's here. He's the best amazing. Yes. You got the white rice box
22:59Yeah, next time she's gonna get the hot pot and we just finished up and we're taking a bunch to go
23:05Oscar and Addy are still working on theirs
23:07So freaking good
23:20We're coming over to Nola's ice cream
23:47Came up from zero
23:58Never been close to winning
24:24Don't know
24:26We just got done playing Catan tonight was frickin awesome. What a dream come true
24:57I got this
25:01Yeah, it was dream come true and just seeing it not as a construction zone and
25:07Seeing everyone to join themselves. It was pretty awesome
25:09I just want to say I have never been prouder of
25:13Anybody in my life before for reals watching you to create this thing from the beginning to end work through every single struggle
25:19the flooding the permits not being
25:22Available the owner or whatever the manager coming in telling you to shut down construction. I I would have given up
25:28I know a thousand people have given up to see you guys make it happen is inspiring. Love you guys and good job
25:35I'm so
25:50And you guys are like wait say it in Portuguese
25:56Okay, okay fine, but you're the best people in the whole world I don't think anyone understands my best friends my literally family
26:03I love you guys. I'm so proud of you
26:09We wouldn't be where we are without you guys we wouldn't be where we are without these people behind me and
26:14We're all one big team
26:15So I was opening tonight is a is a huge win for all of us
26:19So thank you everyone behind the screen and behind me and I appreciate everyone