• 4 days ago
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00:30Go in.
00:37Can you give Nae Nae a kiss?
00:47There's nobody mom.
00:48There's nobody.
00:49Did you put in school?
00:50Yeah I did.
00:51Can you grab your milk?
00:53One more.
01:00You do one.
01:22I'm going to get you.
01:42Bearded dragon for your birthday.
01:43I can tell who that is.
01:44It's a reptile, mommy's allergic.
01:46Antenna has learned how to drive, watch this.
01:47That is so cool.
01:48Magnolia, not so much.
01:49Good job.
01:50Come on you guys.
02:20Only Jackson and Landon are going to school today.
02:23I had to pick up Sutton from school early yesterday because both of his eyes were swollen
02:30They think he has allergies and they're just really bad.
02:35I gave him some Benadryl and it went down.
02:37This morning though his eyes are still red so we're going to keep him home.
02:43I just went ahead and picked up the other two boys when I was picking up Sutton at the
02:46same time because they were so close to the end of the school day.
02:48They were at PE so they wouldn't allow them to go back in the class to get their lunch
02:53box and backpack.
02:54Well Landon had his lunch box with him thankfully because he was at lunch and Jackson was at
02:59That is the reason why I'm only packing one lunch box because Jackson is still at school
03:03and Landon's whole backpack is at school.
03:05The pollen in Florida right now literally has been so bad.
03:09My eyes are itchy like every day.
03:11For some reason when I wear my contacts it helps.
03:14I think there's like a barrier between it so I've really been wearing contacts like
03:18every single day which usually I don't.
03:20But I'll have to pick the boys up again from school early today because they all have a
03:23dentist appointment at 2 o'clock.
03:25So everyone is just so over school because they know spring break is literally in a few
03:32But luckily on the last day they're doing field day so they're not even really having
03:35school so it's like a fun.
03:36They're going to have like bounce houses and all that stuff so Sutton might miss out on
03:41Hopefully not though.
03:42Fingers crossed he feels better tomorrow.
03:45Just got the boys to school.
03:46Picked up some cake pops.
03:47We got in the car.
03:48I'm pulling out of the gate and he's like, want to go home?
03:52I'm like, no.
03:53So the compromise was we would go get a cake pop.
03:57We'll go home.
03:58We're going home now.
03:59Oh my gosh.
04:00Guys, if you could smell what it smells like outside my front door.
04:05You would plant a gardenia bush around your entire house.
04:08It smells so good.
04:09And a bunch of them are blooming and they're not even supposed to be blooming right now
04:12which is crazy.
04:13So just imagine when they are, how great it's going to smell.
04:16Anyways, I promised you guys a Q and A so we could catch up today.
04:18That's this vlog.
04:19Had a busy morning and then the kids have a bunch to do later.
04:23So we have their dentist appointments.
04:24I got to pick them up from school early.
04:25They have piano class after that.
04:28So we're going to try and get this done this morning.
04:31And a lot of the questions are about the new restaurant.
04:33I'm going to head over there and just show you guys around because a lot has changed.
04:36Hold on.
04:37I got to grab everything.
04:38So I posted a photo on Instagram the other day and it was of me with a bunch of Amazon
04:42packages and he was like, shaking my head, I think he posted it to his close friends
04:47So maybe you guys can see it.
04:48I just want to say, every single Amazon package that has shown up, it's for the restaurant.
04:52So we got a bunch of sensors because we need to know if the freezer starts to go out or
04:56else we have thousands of dollars of melted ice cream everywhere.
04:59Bet you never thought about that.
05:01We didn't either.
05:02Like, what happens if the freezer goes out?
05:03So we got a bunch of sensors to put on literally every single fridge and freezer so that we
05:08know if the power goes out, we'll get an alert to our phone.
05:11So we can just walk and run over and save literally everything, hopefully.
05:14And then we also got these hooks because we have, I'll show you guys when we get there,
05:17but we have this cute little wall in the back hanging a bunch of sake bags and then I'm
05:22really not sure what this is for.
05:23I'm assuming we needed a strainer for something, so not sure what.
05:27We're going to head over there and then I'll just do the Q&A there because I don't think
05:31anyone's there right now.
05:32All right.
05:33Sat on the phone.
05:34I always call my mom when I'm driving because I can just actually have a minute to think.
05:37She just wants to yap for literally hours.
05:40I'm like, mom, I gotta go.
05:42I gotta get inside of here.
05:43But it looks so different back here.
05:46There's just everything, shelves everywhere, and we're still not done putting up shelves.
05:49We got the neon sign for Noel's Ice Cream.
05:51We also got a neon sign for Nabe.
05:53They're not up yet.
05:54I thought they would have been up, but we also just have added so much stuff to Nabe,
06:00which I think you guys saw when we did our tasting, basically.
06:04Got this big old fish in here, dry aging, as well as the Wagyu.
06:09And then, I think you guys have seen all this already.
06:11Fua and the chefs right now are going over all the comment cards and seeing what we need
06:16to change.
06:17We're having one more friends and family weekend and then hopefully we'll have like our soft
06:22We'll see how it goes.
06:23And these are the little stockings that I need to get hung, but I don't know if I'm
06:28going to have time now because I literally sat in the car for like 45 minutes talking
06:31to my mom.
06:32One of the questions that we got is, did we vlog in Puerto Rico?
06:35So we did, but like barely.
06:37Fua took some clips and that was pretty much it.
06:40I'll insert it here.
06:50Come here.
06:58This walk is far.
07:03Like far.
07:08We're in Puerto Rico.
07:20Oh my gosh.
08:01I love you guys, I love you so much, I love you so much, I love you so much, I love you
09:00The fact that she even moved in with us. So Peyton back in October moved in and she has been with us ever since. I don't know if or when she's going to be leaving. I don't mind, she can stay as long as she wants. She does have her own TikTok, I'll leave it down below if you guys want to follow her. She really wants to do this influencing thing. She's really excited, I'm going to leave her TikTok down below. She's been doing little routines and stuff so far and that's like what she is enjoying right now. So that's it for that question.
09:25This is also a really good one. How are you truly? Honestly, we're both overwhelmed but we're both in this state of mind where it's like this is going to be so amazing for us and we just have to get through this stressful, tough time and then we'll be coasting hopefully.
09:42It's been a while now since the ice cream shop is open and it's pretty insane to me. I think I'm still struggling with not having him home all the time. I love having him home but honestly when it first started I was like at the end of the day he got home and I was just like I missed him and I'm not used to like missing him because we're just always together so it was nice but then now I'm just like I really miss him.
10:03Other than that, I'll let Qua answer that on his own. He's been vlogging on his own channel because it's just hard for us to like coordinate. We're never together so I don't know what he's vlogging, what I'm vlogging so this is pretty much my channel now. Yeah, so he's been posting on his channel which is fun and he's been loving it. I'll leave that down below too. Go follow him.
10:20Getting a lot about more babies. I don't know if you guys know but Qua has a bisectomy. Another big question, also just getting a lot of like how is it having my niece living with me and it's honestly I feel like she's always been here at this point. I mean it does come with its own struggles. I have a teenager in the house so I didn't expect to be doing any of that for a long time. I mean I love her and she's so happy so it's been great.
10:42Alright, now onto the questions about the restaurant, when is it opening, etc. Like I said, I think this weekend. These vlogs are a little bit backdated so like this weekend we're having another friends and family. We might do another one. I want like the customer service to be absolutely amazing. I want to have everything in order and like if a customer asks a question, I want it to always have an answer. So right now we're not quite there yet. We need another few like trial days but we'll see and you guys will be the first to know on Instagram probably.
11:10Can you give an update on your implant removal journey? So yes, if you guys don't follow me on TikTok, I'm thinking about getting them removed, replaced, downsized, something of that sort. Just after the last two babies, they grew pretty much a whole size I feel like. Before they were not this big. They were pretty proportioned to like my frame. They are a bit bigger which like I mean I'm not complaining about but clothes wise, like trying to fit into things, it's just annoying, you know what I mean?
11:38So I think they still look great. I love them. I'm also thinking down the line like having to replace these like when I'm older. I don't want to be 50 like going through a big surgery like this again. I'm just trying to like think about what I want to do. I already had one consultation with the doctor and hold on, somebody's walking by. I already had one consultation with the doctor and basically he was kind of just like if you don't want to live which I don't really want but everyone's saying like it's not that bad. Oh, thank God that's off.
12:04Like I don't understand why you're changing anything because everything's like good. Going down to the size is like you're going to need a lift but I'm kind of like could I just take him out? I don't really like being told no but as a doctor, I also understand like he knows what it's going to look like. He's pretty much like no. I mean you could but it's not going to look anywhere the way it looks now which I totally get. I feel like I'd be fine with that. I don't know. I just don't know. I need to see someone else and like talk to someone else.
12:28I need more like opinions on lifts. I need to see more before and afters. I need more. I need to see. I need more information and then I'll decide and then also am I getting any tattoos for the babies? Yes, I need one for Hansen and Magnolia. I already know what I want. I want a Magnolia flower and honestly Hansen, I'm still up in the air. There's a few things but we'll see.
12:46I'm getting this a lot like how do you handle any criticism and continue being an influencer vlogging etc. I don't know. I just like kind of decided that if I don't want to get questioned about it, I'm not going to talk about it but other than that like you could say whatever you want about me and I just okay. I'm just over here living my life. That's just what you kind of learn.
13:06Qua is my biggest like I go to him when I'm feeling any type of way and he's very good at just being like Karen. Why would you even care? I can't remember the last time I read a comment and got genuinely upset about it. It's kind of like really sad honestly for those people that do that. It's really something that they need to reflect on within themselves. It says more about them than me and I just I feel like I've understood that really quickly and like things just don't bother me like I don't care and it's really that people think that oh, I don't care.
13:34That people think that oh, you're on the internet. It's it comes with it. Like no bullying should never be acceptable in any way shape or form this. I don't know. I just it blows my mind. I also feel like the internet's getting less sensitive though, which is really nice because I'm in my I don't care because I just don't give a f**k anymore and I'm happy with where I'm at and I'm happy with me as a person and I feel like once you're in that place, you really just don't care about what people have to say about you because you know who you are.
14:01But yeah, it's nice that the internet is becoming less sensitive because it's just it's fun again. It's people can be funny again and it'd be funny not something so serious.
14:10More pets. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I'm really happy with the ones we have. I would take another cat but plus I know.
14:18Favorite Nabe menu item right now would have to be the Wagyu Sandu. It's so freaking good. I cannot getting just like a bunch of random questions, which is fine, but I want to try and make this one like about what's been going on.
14:32So a few updates. Let me try and think myself. Well, I've been struggling with Qua being gone all the time. So I've just kind of like been focusing on the house and like that and I just have not been vlogging.
14:43So that's where we've been getting a lot of like where have you been trying to like navigate what I want to vlog because Qua's not really with me anymore and what he's going to vlog because he wants to do his own channel.
14:54It's hard to like navigate and mesh both days into one. So what do you guys want to see on here from me specifically? And then what do you guys want to see on Qua's channel? Just comment down below.
15:03A lot more comments would be helpful because I need some feedback guys like leave a comment anything like just let me know. Also having two under two at home has been crazy. Magnolia is just a spitfire.
15:15She's so freaking funny and cute though, and it's been hard for me because normally it's me and Qua both there and there's like a good dynamic like good cop bad cop type vibes. Whereas now it's just me and I'm just can't I'm laughing just laughing at them and I can't like I have to walk away and be like don't do that.
15:31Learning to discipline slash parent all on my own. Not all on my own, but you guys understand like majority of the day. It's just it's been really funny. So we're not having any more babies, but even Qua's like imagine one more.
15:47And I'm like I know because they're just growing up and now we know with the older three now we know that it goes by so fast and it's already she's going to be two. I could cry talking about it. But anyways, basically we're doing okay. We're trying to navigate things. So like we're not 100% to be honest, like we're definitely trying to figure it out, but we're gonna we're gonna get there.
16:07Summer's coming. I feel my seasonal depression like leaving my body. I really want to vlog more be on YouTube more. That's basically it. Oh, we get a lot of questions about selling the merch online as of right now. We just don't have that capacity to drop ship right now. You can only get the Magnolia merch in the shop. We're also going to have other designs and stuff like that. Got a few questions about that. But yeah, I just needed to like clean slate here. I feel like we can go forward after this Q&A if there's anything that I missed. Let me know. My brain is scatterbrained, but we're starting over here.
16:36Welcome back to my channel. Leave a like, subscribe, and don't forget to comment. But I need to get home. The boys have a dentist appointment. So I'm going to take them and that is pretty much it for today's vlog. But as I said, I'm really trying to be like on here more documenting this time of our lives is going to be something that I always want to look back on, especially with the restaurant and everything. And it's just I don't think daily vlogs would ever be possible. Personally, for me, maybe quad could do like short daily vlogs. But then there's also days where it's like, I just need to sit down. You know, I got a question.
17:06Like, do you ever just sit at home and rot? I wish. Not with five kids. What an angle. This is pretty much it for today's vlog. I hope you guys enjoyed and we'll see you guys in our next video. Bye!
