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AD Thank you to @Toyota for working with us on this video and being part of Sophie’s birthday trip! Check out the all electric Toyota bZ4X here – https://bit.ly/4bTaVDB

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About Dad V Girls:
Welcome to our channel - We are Joel, Sarah, Kaci, Grace, Sophie, Chloe and Madison, a British family of vloggers who just like to have fun. Subscribe and turn on notifications and join the DVG Fam!


00:00So today is Sophie's 13th birthday and we have a huge surprise planned for her.
00:06So if you guys have been watching us for a while you probably already know the significance of
00:10Sophie turning 13 but just in case you don't here is a little recap on why Sophie's 13th
00:15birthday is such a special birthday for us all. For us Sophie's 13th birthday is more than just
00:22another milestone, it is a miracle. As a baby Sophie faced serious health complications and
00:27the doctors told us that she might not live to see her teens and today Sophie is thriving. While
00:32she does have global developmental delay her health is strong and she is living her life to
00:37the fullest. Her 13th birthday is something that we once feared we wouldn't see so naturally we
00:42all want to have a big celebration for our little Soph's birthday. And because it is such a special
00:48birthday for Sophie obviously Sarah has arranged all sorts of surprises. I'm so nervous because
00:55she's going to come up and come on the door any minute now, I know she will. We're literally
00:59having to hide. She's here. Oh no it's Maggie. I'm busy. Whose birthday is it? Sophie's birthday.
01:15You were right the first time you said Sophie. The surprise is we have rented a very big house
01:22with a pool and my sister, her kids, your sister, their kids, my mum and dad,
01:28they're all going there earlier to set up. I've got everything stitch themed so banners, balloons.
01:34She has no idea so we're going to turn up, yeah just surprise her. But I feel like she's been on
01:39to us because she's literally... Yeah she keeps saying that, am I having a party? Am I having
01:42stitch themed? I'm like wait what does she know? And everyone that she wants to come is coming but
01:46that's what I knew she'd want. She has no idea we've packed, we've got to sneak it into the car
01:51that I see. So what Sophie thinks is happening today is that we're going to go to the trampoline
01:55park then we're going to go for Nando's which is what she's requested for her birthday. And then
02:00what I've done is I've found one that is halfway so we're going to drive the full hour to get to
02:05jump in, eat the Nando's because there's one next to it and then the follow hour to get there so
02:10she'll just want to drive me home. So the mission today is to not let Sophie realise what's going
02:16on. Okay are you going to keep a secret? The thing is with Sophie it's very difficult to keep a
02:19surprise from her because she's just always on to us. If you're packing a bag or anything she's
02:23like we're packing, where are you going? So literally we've had to hide under dressing
02:27gowns the fact that we've packed bags. I now have to get all of these bags into the car without her
02:32seeing it. Someone in this house is their birthday. I don't know who it is though, I cannot find them
02:40anywhere. Anyone's birthday in here? There's someone hiding in the fridge. Right you guys
02:47just go in the front room while we just get the coats and stuff in the car yeah? Nothing to see
02:51here, nothing to see. Right you guys just chill in here while I'm just going to get the coats in the
02:56car okay? It's very loud on the TV. Okay quick go go go go go. I love when you've got the camera
03:05because you're so freaking helpful. You are so so beautiful, look at you. Oh you want me to carry
03:14something? Come on give me something. Yeah those two I said. Oh don't get all the washing in it's
03:18been sorted. Oh look at the state of her house, not my house her house. Oh my goodness you gave
03:23me the heavy ones. Okay this is very risky because she should come through that door
03:28she's going to see all this stuff. Stop talking. I'm trying to make a vlog. Where's the key?
03:33In my pocket, is it in my pocket? All right it's in my pocket.
03:38Oh no I didn't empty the boot from when we did Grace's driving thing. No come on.
03:42This is silly what's going on? You've already cleaned how do you not know?
03:45They didn't tell me. This is from when we filmed Grace's video with the driving test.
03:51Sarah. I haven't got time for that. I just realised they can potentially see us through this window.
03:57Okay there's Sophie she's not looking so we're good. Okay we're good we're good.
04:03Okay there you go loads more space. Do we need more stuff? Yeah. Oh wait. What's wrong?
04:12There's a whole huge bag in the tilly bin when I was hiding. All our coats welly boots and stuff.
04:18Oh my god. You weren't joking when she said a big bag. Look at the size of that.
04:21And we've got balloons as well. You weren't joking when you said a big bag.
04:25And there's another bag next to it with my welly boots in and you need to put some old shoes in there.
04:31Here you go. Oh my god these are big bags. That is everything packed in the car. Perfection.
04:38Sophie's gonna get in this side. Chloe's getting in there. I just need to put some coats in the car.
04:44Peekaboo. I see you. All right turn around and face the front please. Why?
04:52Because that's the way that you have to face when you're driving. It's safer.
04:55Okay we're all ready to go jump in. Yeah. Okay so everyone's in the car. Obviously they can't hear me
05:02but Casey and Grace are coming. They're not coming to jump in. They're not coming to land us.
05:05They're gonna be meeting us for the big surprise at the airbnb. All righty then. Who is ready for a fun day?
05:16Let's go. All right so we just got to flip out. Everyone's super excited. Maddie that is a very big slide.
05:24Are you gonna be all right to do that? Yeah. All right let me come up with you.
05:29Oh Maddie is so big.
05:40I did not think that Maddie would literally just throw herself down that. It's so big.
05:45You are so brave Maddie. Go Chloe.
05:47Go Chloe. Whoa whoa whoa. So you've got to try and get all the way across here without falling in.
06:00Go on Sarah. Oh here goes Sarah's big jump. Let me help you get on it. Come on. Ready?
06:07We lost her. We lost her. By the way guys Chloe has got hair extensions in. Her hair hasn't actually
06:13grown that long. Sophie and Chloe have stolen Casey's hair extensions and put them in.
06:18Oh no what's happened to mum? Whoa we're getting to the top.
06:26Chloe you've got to try and run all the way up that wall and touch one of those lights.
06:31Okay you've got to run super fast. Go go go go go. Daddy's turn.
06:44Yay. Okay so we're back in the car and we are just heading to try and find somewhere for lunch.
06:51Also at the same time we're having lunch so then we can just charge the car. Chloe you're playing
06:56a mean game. I'm trying to ping me to mug it. I done her with a moustache and no eyes, no arms.
07:06Like it was really crazy. She done me with whiskers and a pig. That's me. Well on the
07:12toilet doing a poo. Why does my eyes look like I'm in a lot of pain? All right so we have just
07:19pulled up. We have managed to find a charging station and just to let you guys know this part
07:24of the video is sponsored by Toyota. So using the myToyota app we managed to find the nearest
07:29service station which had a charger. So we're going to plug the car in, we're going to charge
07:33and we're going to do a little challenge. Okay so we currently have 106 miles left on the charge
07:40and the time is 2 39 p.m. So you may have seen my car in previous videos but if not let me
07:46introduce you. This is my Toyota BZ4X which is fully electric and it is the ultimate family car
07:52and it is super easy to charge. Literally grab the charger, little charging port here and then you
07:59just pop the charger in like so. Then you just come to the charger, tap your card on there. Okay so the
08:06car is now charging. Okay so while the car is charging we're going to do a quick challenge just
08:09to pass a little bit of time and have a bit of fun. So while we are waiting for the car to charge
08:14we're going to have a little challenge. Okay as it is Sophie's birthday we are going to do a challenge.
08:20You don't know what it is yet. So we're going to split off and then you have to buy Sophie a little
08:26birthday present and then she has to choose which one she thinks is the best one. So who thinks
08:30they're going to get her the best birthday present? There's only two grown-ups, there's three childs.
08:36What does that mean? You said some of them are on their own. Oh yeah. Okay Chloe's off, Maddy's off.
08:43What do you want? You want shower gel? Why do you want shower gel? Because you can wash your hair like that.
08:49What hand sanitizer? Yeah. No these are bought. Please. Let's keep looking I think we'll find
08:54something better. Please, please, please, please. Okay what just one? Let's get the hand sanitizer
09:00then okay. I'm going to find Sophie a birthday present. There's some games and some dinosaurs.
09:11There's Spiderman. Oh I'm gonna go get some makeup. Sophie has been also looking for some stuff.
09:18So she's got a board game and she's got some hand cream and of course the hand sanitizer.
09:25Do you think Chloe or Maddy is going to get you the best present? I don't know. You don't know?
09:31A whole Lilo and Stitch set. Oh should we love Lilo and Stitch? I think a Stitch diary would be very...
09:40A pamper set. So it's got slippers, lotion, nail varnish. Oh yeah she would love that.
09:46What are you thinking? Which one? I feel like she would love this one. That's a good choice.
09:52Okay Maddy what did you choose? Change. You chose Stitch color and a Stitch book.
09:59Do you think she's gonna like that? Okay I'll hold it for you. Okay so you've changed your mind
10:04you're gonna get a Stitch baby. I can't believe she loves Stitch. Like she's obsessed with it.
10:10I think she is. I think you're right. All right so the shopping challenge is done and we're gonna
10:14see what everyone got for Sophie. Okay what did you get her? I got her a Stitch baby.
10:38I think she does love it. Oh and then this is what Maddy got. Oh my goodness.
10:45Yeah you got yourself a buggy. This is chaotic.
10:49Pens. Stitch pens. Wow. I think a winner.
11:00See she did like it. She was just a little bit overwhelmed. Oh that was so cute. The way close
11:05up. I don't think she likes it. You did good. Well done. I tried my hardest. Oh.
11:11Sophie. Okay so we're now back at the Toyota and let's see how much charge we've got. So the time's
11:18now 3 23 and we now have 174 miles which is 81 percent. So as you can see it's super fast to
11:25charge. Very very convenient. So even if you are going on trips away for the weekend or whatever
11:30it is the perfect family car. We've absolutely been loving our Toyota BZ4X. There's some more
11:36information in the description below if you want to check it out. If you want to book a test drive
11:40I definitely recommend it. Right so we are here an hour before Sophie arrives. Yes. We have been
11:45tasked with setting up the venue. Are you ready? All hands on deck to get this party started. Let's
11:51go. Right nanny's got all the decorations. We're not ready because nanny's got all the decorations
11:55and she's not here yet. Right go on then. Take her over to the gate. Go on. Don't float away Logan.
12:01Moment of truth. Did the cake make it to our journey?
12:17Where are we putting these balloons and banners? Are we thinking as she comes in through this door?
12:21Polly do you want to take the cups to the kitchen? Oh wow guys. Oh that's so nice. That is so amazing.
12:32Oh wow. How on earth have they made the ears stand up like that? Grace I think your idea was perfect.
12:40Really nice. Love that. How did they get their ears to like go up? I know. Look at these banners. They look so cute.
12:47As she walks in we've got the bunting hanging over each of the doorways and the balloons up.
12:53So we basically just focused on this room so as she walks in she just sees all the
12:58all the celebrations in here. All right so all the kids are in the car. Obviously they can't hear us.
13:03I got a message from Kacen. Yes we're all set up. They're ready for us to arrive. I'm literally so
13:09excited. She keeps saying like can I see Nanny Glenda? Can I see Auntie Emma? I'm like yeah
13:12maybe. Maybe. And she keeps saying I'm gonna party tomorrow. I'm gonna party.
13:16Oh she's got a party all weekend as well. Yeah you've got a party all weekend and literally all
13:22your family is there. So cute. I'm so excited. Can't wait to see our little baby. My reaction is she's gonna
13:28explode when she gets there. So cute. Okay we're gonna go home now. We've had a really fun day out
13:34haven't we? It's my birthday. It's your birthday. It's your birthday. She gonna spend that money.
13:41She's a little bit stressed out because she knows that there's more presents coming
13:45but she wants to know when they're coming from Nan and Grandad. We said we might see Nan and
13:49Grandad this evening but we don't know what they're doing yet. Nan and Grandad are at work.
13:53Your cousins are at school so we might see them later okay? Okay. We're going. They're gonna be
13:59here any second. Nan! Hurry up! Quickly! Come, come, come. All the little pickets on the top. Is that me included?
14:08Yeah. Oh that is so cute. Right I'm gonna leave you guys to it and I'm gonna go sort myself out.
14:16This is some scary road. This doesn't look familiar. Sophie we've lost our house.
14:25Literally coming down the road they're about to turn. They're not far at all. That's them.
14:30Here they come. That's them.
14:35Wait this is so uncomfortable. I didn't even think about how uncomfortable this is.
14:39Oh what's this? Why are we here? Daddy needs to stop off for a quick toilet break. I think there's
14:45a toilet around here somewhere. Okay I can't actually figure out how to get in this place.
14:50Oh no. All right we've got to drive around the front. Do you need the toilet? Right well let's
14:54just go toilet and then we can just drive home. Sophie's just getting a bit upset. She wants to
14:58go home but I'm just saying we just need to stop for a quick toilet break. We're just going for a
15:02quick toilet. I hope someone's in. Oh hold on one sec. Let me just go in here. Oh my goodness.
15:11Oh my goodness. What do you think about this?
15:15Guys! Happy birthday! We're staying here. Yeah. We're staying here.
15:28Should we have a little look around the house? Right should we go this way?
15:32No can we go upstairs? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait one second.
15:37Just one second. Please. Just wait one second. Wait for mummy.
15:40We've got chairs. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait for mummy.
15:56Hi guys.
16:11Oh my god. Oh my god. I was like oh my god.
16:16Guys I'm so excited to stay here. You said you wanted to go home.
16:23All your cousins are here. It's in a new car mum. It's a big Hollywood ad.
16:29She saw our balloons. Yeah. And she realised it was for her birthday. Thank you. You're welcome.
16:35I was like oh my god. I was like surprise.
16:41You are the best. You are the best. I love you. We're all staying here. The piggots are staying
16:49here. Everyone. What bed are you going to sleep in? Oh my god. This bed's incredible. Sophs.
17:00And then what? I can't remember what I was going to say. Sophie, there is a swimming pool here.
17:12Anna you know what? You said you want pizza for dinner. We're having a pizza party.
17:21Oh my goodness.
17:24Oh my god. Ditch party. Look at this. This is going to be the best fit ever.
17:34Wait, do you go in here? In here?
17:40Oh my god.
17:40Oh my god.
17:50Do you want to go Nicole? Um yeah. Yeah. I forgot my bikini. Oh you didn't? No I didn't.
17:55Did you actually? Yeah I forgot my bikini. Oh wow it's got a hot tub as well. Okay. Thank you mum.
18:01What's in here? A sauna? Oh my god. Big jump Chloe. Three, two, one.
18:15Back in the main bit of the house. So a little bit of a scary moment. Logan jumped in with his
18:19jeans. The jeans were too heavy. He started drowning. Couldn't swim properly because they
18:23were too heavy for him. So if anyone's watching this at home, a little tip. Don't ever jump in
18:27the pool with your jeans on. What one are you having? You're having this bed here yeah? Yeah.
18:33And it's got a tv. I've just realised that all of the beds, they've all got tvs. That is absolutely
18:38mad. Wait so in here sleeps one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten people in one
18:50room. This is going to be chaos when it comes to bedtime. Chaos. Absolute chaos. I mean I feel like
18:56nan and grandad should be there. Yeah just watching them all. That looks like a nan and grandad bed.
19:03100%. I'll be the boss and if they have a nightmare they'll sleep with me. But are you going to make
19:07sure that they're all being good? Are you going to tell them off? Yeah. Yeah? You're like get back
19:11into bed now. I was just saying to mum like I feel like as a kid this would have been like just the
19:17ultimate dream come true. Like the sleepover upstairs of all the kids. Yeah. I feel like
19:23core memories are just going to be made for them this weekend. Like I'm thinking if I was their
19:27age and I had that room with all my cousins like that just would have been the best thing ever.
19:32If I had all my cousins it would have just been Olivia and Joseph.
19:37Oh so sad. You got a new swimming costume? I'm having it now. Oh my goodness I got stitched pjs.
19:45So we was just asking about her cousin Frankie if he's coming and we said no but we have one
19:50more surprise because Frankie and Penelope who are their cousins and my sister Bethany are all
19:56coming down there on the way to surprise Sophie. So she has more cousins coming to surprise her.
20:02All right it's pool time guys. Cannonball. Oh Chloe that's not that's not a rubber ring.
20:11That's for saving people's lives. Honestly this kid cracks me up every day. Yes that's a rubber ring.
20:20This is just epic. Honestly I couldn't be happier for these kids. I just feel what a
20:27what a childhood this is for them. Amazing. Big jump in Mads. Ready? Yeah. They're playing
20:35bulldog but I'm too cold but that's when we get out of the hot tub to come and film this so
20:39I'm still cold now. Emma made it.
20:51This is how many people we got. This is how many people he's got left. So you've got about half.
21:09All right so we are out the pool. We're all in our stitched pjs
21:12and someone else has just turned up. Who's turned up to come and see you?
21:16Hi. Look there's Penelope. Penelope come.
21:22Hello. Penelope. Look who's here.
21:29It's like they've never seen each other before. You want to come to my room?
21:33Go on then. Go show your room. Oh bless them. Yeah not on the inside bit.
21:39That's right Olivia's got her. All right it's pizza time. Baby Jesse's here. What's up?
21:49What are you talking about? This is completely normal. Look how cute these little cuties look
21:56in their pjs. Just look. Oh whoa jump scare. Guys a jump scare is behind that camera.
22:05Oh your mum. It's your mum. Man make fire. Just look at it. Imagine you're soaking wet.
22:12You need to like soak his candle. Some of us are doing it. Some of us are watching.
22:18So we're gonna have to sing happy birthday with no candles? No. Is it time for the girls to take
22:23over? No absolutely not. This is man make fire. This is man make fire. It's on it's on it's on.
22:30It was it was on fire. It was literally on fire. Put it back on. Let's go.
22:36Yes come on. Yes we got it. We got it. We got it. Get me more candles. Get me
22:42like the candle. I need another. I need another. Let me turn this off. Oh yeah baby.
22:48Oh yeah baby. Man make fire.
22:52Man make fire. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sophie.
23:08Happy birthday to you.
24:36seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
24:45I want my luck.
