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Business Enquiries - lily.modlin@district.global
00:00Hello, good morning. How are you guys today?
00:05Thought we could just pick up the camera and vlog today and have a little bit of a catch up.
00:13I know my uploads are kind of a little bit sporadic at the moment.
00:17I honestly am just like not doing much as I feel like my fellow postpartum mums will get.
00:27Yeah, I just am like, I don't know if this is going to be fun to vlog today.
00:32Just doing me and just getting this fam through every day.
00:37Nearly nine weeks postpartum. I can't believe Honey is literally two months old.
00:42Like I actually don't know where that time has gone.
00:44But we are going to head out today.
00:46I have kind of like made a little bit of a new rule or like vow to myself
00:51that whenever I start to feel a little bit down in the dumps, like I definitely was in the last vlog,
00:57which by the way, I just want to say thank you so much.
00:59Like honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you guys enough
01:03just for sharing your postpartum experiences with me, for being so vulnerable with me.
01:09There's one thing that I know for sure and it's that you really are never alone.
01:14You always think when you're going through like a hard time that no one's really felt the same way as you.
01:19You always think that you're never going to, you know, get out of this pit.
01:23And that's part of the reason why I love life is because there's always something that you think you're never going to get over or get through.
01:30And every single time you do and it's just a really wonderful feeling.
01:34And yeah, just love you guys. I'm really appreciative of you today.
01:38As I was saying, there is one thing that I really have been vowing to myself.
01:42Whenever I kind of start to feel a little bit low and down in the dumps in this postpartum stage,
01:48and it is honestly just getting myself out of the house.
01:52Like I was texting Connor the other day when it was just me and Honey here and he had taken the boys out somewhere.
01:57He was like, do you want to come? I think they were going swimming.
02:00And I was like, no, no, I'm okay.
02:03Like Honey needs to have like a really good nap.
02:05So I'll just stay here with her and get her to sleep and we'll just chill.
02:08And literally about half an hour after he had left, I was like kicking myself that I didn't say yes to going out
02:15because you really can get cabin fever in postpartum.
02:18And I feel like if I stay here all day, then literally the majority of my day just feels like I am feeding, changing, or trying to get her to sleep.
02:29I don't know if anyone else can relate, but it can feel quite like frustrating when you feel like you've got a million and one other things on your to-do list sometimes.
02:37And I try my absolute hardest every single time to just really not have anything on my to-do list to the days that I am just needing to be mum and, you know, look after a brand new baby like each time I'm postpartum.
02:51I've really tried so hard to just do that and like not pile up my plate too much.
02:56But there is such a part to my identity that feels fulfilled in getting stuff done, whether it's work or cleaning.
03:05Before you know it, half the days run away with you and you're like, oh, I haven't even done like anything that I really wanted to get done today.
03:11And that's a really horrible mindset to be in because it's not like you haven't done anything, like you're literally looking after a baby.
03:17But yeah, I just think my soul is like craving fulfillment and like claiming my identity as something else other than just being in the postpartum trenches at the moment.
03:29So I have found that through like picking myself up, getting myself dressed and getting out of the house, it's a lot easier to feel a bit more put together.
03:41Like I've got something done in the day and also just had a bit of a change of scenery, you know, because definitely I'm like someone that needs fresh air and a change of scene every now and then.
03:53So I'm just getting myself ready and I've just got out of the shower, washed my hair.
03:57I have been getting so many compliments on my hair recently, which is just always such a treat because you guys know how hard I've been working on my hair health journey over the last couple of years.
04:10I'm still very much on it. I feel like once you start a hair health journey, there's really no going back.
04:16Like I don't know at what point I would just stop caring about my hair.
04:22Anything, I'm just even more in love with finding out like more hair products and kind of like tricks and tips to get it as long and as healthy as it can possibly be.
04:36My goal is to get it like literally all the way down here.
04:43I need it done. I haven't had it done in such a long time.
04:45It's crazy to me that I used to go like every six weeks to the hairdressers and get it bleached.
04:50Like you could never, ever, ever catch me doing that to myself.
04:55Oh my God, like I can't believe I used to do that.
04:57Unfortunately, having a little bit of a glow down with it, I feel like has really helped.
05:01Like I feel like over the last two years, I have not really been putting any appearance and any effort into my appearance whatsoever.
05:09And that has definitely included my hair.
05:11I've literally just been shoving it up into mum buns, letting it air dry.
05:16Like I said, not going to the hairdressers really since I've been here.
05:18I think I've been to the hairdressers once in the whole time that we've lived in America, which is crazy considering, like I just said, I used to go every six weeks.
05:25It's worth it.
05:26I feel like if there's ever a better time in my life to have like been on a glow down, it has definitely been within the last couple of years when I've been having babies and been home a lot of the time.
05:35And yeah, so I definitely think it has paid off and I'm still continuing it.
05:40As you guys know, I have been religiously using my Hairburst stuff.
05:47I know I've been on and on and on and on about the shampoo and conditioner, but honestly, these guys are my holy grail.
05:53They are my first recommendation to anybody who wants to start a hair health journey.
05:57They're the first thing that I picked up when I started my hair health journey.
06:01I literally just switched the shampoo and conditioner and for ages that's what I was doing.
06:04I was just using the shampoo and conditioner.
06:07But then as I fell more and more in love with Hairburst and then eventually, pinch me moment, can't believe it, started working with them.
06:15I have fallen more and more in love with even more of their range.
06:19Number one product other than the shampoo and conditioner, I think has to be this, the Volume and Growth Elixir.
06:26This is just a chef's kiss product.
06:29Like I am so obsessed with it.
06:31As you guys can see, my hair is quite just like flat down to my head.
06:37I don't really have any volume or like life in it whatsoever.
06:40So every time I wash it, I just spray this all over.
06:45And sometimes I am really nervous to try new hair products because my hair is incredibly sensitive.
06:50So if I like wear it down with loads and loads of products, then it gets really greasy really quickly.
06:56I try to wash my hair every like five days at the moment.
06:59But because this is so lightweight, I never have had that problem.
07:02It also helps prevent any heat damage that you might get.
07:06So it's good if you do choose to kind of like blow dry your hair or anything like that.
07:10I think today, honestly, I'm just going to shove it back in a bun.
07:12I would say the only thing is that you do have to consistently use the products.
07:18And this doesn't just go for Hairburst, but any products that you are trying out with your hair, whether it's like a scalp serum or a new shampoo and conditioner or anything, you have to give it time.
07:28It's not just like a one and done thing.
07:30All the research that I've done with my hair and products to be buying and using, Hairburst for me is absolutely the top one for like affordable, high quality stuff is actually really going to help your hair.
07:44So I will leave that link in the description box below for you guys.
07:47Anyway, I am going to get ready and I will check in with you guys at the mall.
07:52That is a nice sight to start off today's video with the Target logo.
07:59That means one thing.
08:01One thing only.
08:02Shopping spree.
08:04If I sound a little bit poorly, it's because I am.
08:08The kids had like a horrible cough and cold last week and I now have it.
08:13Do you feel like you're over it? I feel like you haven't been coughing too much.
08:16I've still got a lingering cough, but I'm over the worst of it.
08:21So I still may need.
08:22Yeah, well, you're going out tonight, Con.
08:24So you can't be that ill, can you?
08:27And I am going to be attempting bedtime for three kids by myself with an eight week old, nine week old baby.
08:37I do feel a little bit bad, to be honest.
08:39Stepping up.
08:41Oh, bubby, always.
08:42I'm really excited for you.
08:43This is Con's first night out since we've moved to Mercury here.
08:48It's not even a night out.
08:50It's not like I'm going to be doing.
08:55I need to actually buy diapers.
08:56Yeah, guys, Con's off to a diaper party tonight.
08:58Our friends are having a baby girl just like us.
09:02And they're literally having her in a matter of days.
09:05And something that is really cool is that the men.
09:09Have their own baby shower.
09:12How fun is that?
09:13If we have another one, I'm throwing a diaper party for myself.
09:16Well, we're not having another one, so.
09:19Been in that mindset the last few days, guys.
09:22We are like, I'm, I'm so done.
09:25And that's why we're at the mall, right?
09:27To treat you because you deserve it.
09:29That's right.
09:30You've been such a fantastic mother the last eight weeks.
09:33You need a little let your hair down moment.
09:36You get to go on a little shopping spree, right?
09:38Thanks, bubby.
09:39Where are we going to go?
09:40What are we going to buy?
09:41Well, I want to pop into Zara because people have said Zara is really good.
09:45Yeah, there's a few bits I actually want to Zara.
09:47I'd love to get a bulk bag.
09:52Treat yourself.
09:53I've got the credit card.
09:54Treat yourself.
09:56Yeah, it's just us three today going to the mall.
09:58Little Honey Bunny's in the back.
10:00She's going to experience her first shopping trip.
10:04So it's going to be a good day.
10:05It's Friday.
10:06Start of the weekend.
10:12You're doing great.
10:15Every time I'm like, yeah.
10:17All of a sudden I'm like, no.
10:19You know?
10:20Have a nap.
10:25Today was another bit of a low day.
10:29So that's why we're going on a shopping spree.
10:31To be honest with you guys, I literally text Connor and I was like,
10:34I have to leave this house tomorrow.
10:36Like, I actually think I'm going stir crazy.
10:40And I want to get myself some new clothes.
10:42Like, I love these clothes.
10:44And it's suitable because it's like three degrees in Houston at the moment.
10:48It's pretty cold.
10:49It's very cloudy.
10:50Just kind of want to have a revamp of the wardrobe.
10:53Yeah, I'm in the same boat, to be honest.
10:56Let's revamp together.
10:58Yeah, well, you want to change your whole style.
11:00Go on, tell everyone about your new style.
11:03The next couple of months, you're going to see a whole new Connor Swift come out.
11:09I'm going to go down the sort of, not quite old money,
11:13but just, I'm a dad of three, you know?
11:17I need to get rid of the graphic tees and the Jordan 4s.
11:21I need to wear presentable.
11:24I feel like that's your outfit today.
11:26Yeah, this is the sort of stuff I want to go for.
11:28But when you wear a represent t-shirt with a naked lady on the front,
11:31that's not quite the vibe.
11:32Yeah, it's not got quite the, I'm a responsible dad.
11:37That's why I have more in a very long time.
11:39Especially because the boys notice what's on your t-shirt.
11:41I feel like sometimes Connor wears t-shirts that has a graphic on them.
11:45To like dogs that have like really sharp teeth.
11:47Oh yeah.
11:48Romeo's like, you've got dinosaurs on your t-shirt.
11:52So maybe the naked lady one should just be thrown in the bin.
11:55There's one t-shirt with a naked lady on, guys.
11:58We didn't even know.
12:00We noticed.
12:01For years.
12:02Yeah, it was after wearing it for like two years, we noticed.
12:05I actually looked and it's literally.
12:07A naked lady.
12:08She has a.
12:11Breasts out.
12:12And ever since, I think I may have worn it once since then.
12:16And after I was a bit like.
12:22So yeah.
12:23Well, out of the graphic t-shirts era,
12:25we're into the like banana republic.
12:28Did you buy that t-shirt?
12:30Like I did.
12:31I don't know.
12:32Who bought you that t-shirt?
12:34You did.
12:35You must have bought it.
12:36No, because I feel like.
12:37I feel like I would have noticed if I had a naked lady on board.
12:39No, I think I got it.
12:40You buying a t-shirt with a naked lady on makes me uncomfortable.
12:43No, I think I got it because it was in like represent.
12:46You know when they open the vault and they do like super reduced.
12:49And I think it was like 80% off.
12:51And I just added to my cart really quick.
12:53I was like, oh my God, a t-shirt for 15 quid from represent.
12:56I'll buy it.
12:58And then it arrived.
12:59I was like, oh, I've got it now.
13:01No, two years later.
13:02Yeah, two years later.
13:05Good times.
13:06So are you going to be drinking tonight?
13:08I may have one or two.
13:10Just to taste the American beer.
13:13I've never tasted it before.
13:14You know, I just need to experience it.
13:17Plus, who am I to put a damper on the diaper party?
13:21Yeah, that's right.
13:22You know.
13:23It would be doing a disservice.
13:26Yeah, it's not.
13:27I can't ruin his diaper party.
13:29I'm there to support.
13:30And it's his last night of freedom.
13:33Mind you, everyone that's going are dads, aren't they?
13:36They're all dads.
13:37They're all dads.
13:38They're all going to be getting up in the morning.
13:40We're all in the same boat.
13:41So I'm sure it won't be going too crazy because everyone needs to get up.
13:44And the guys with diaper party, it is.
13:49His wife could go into labor at any point, so he can't get to.
13:53You know.
13:54Go on.
13:55Tell me all the sensible stuff to persuade me you're not going to be coming home at 4am.
13:59Go on.
14:00Stumbling through the front door.
14:02I don't think I can stay out till 4am anymore.
14:04I haven't got it in me.
14:07You've never been able to stay out till 4am.
14:09Oh, in my youth.
14:10I used to be able to when I was 18.
14:13Going about Bath.
14:15What, nearly 15 years ago?
14:17That's crazy, isn't it?
14:18I'll tell you what's going to be crazy.
14:20When we hit the year where we've been together longer than we've been not together.
14:25Not together.
14:26I know.
14:27How many years away is that?
14:28We've been together 11 years this year.
14:29Well, I was 21.
14:30So it'd be when I turn 43.
14:31Yeah, at 40.
14:34So 10 more years, guys.
14:35If we're still uploading on YouTube, you need to remind us in 10 years.
14:38Oh my God, guys, it's coming up to your...
14:40Congratulations, you've been together more than...
14:42Yeah, your time together anniversary.
14:44Shout out if there's anyone watching this who you have been together with your husband more than not.
14:50What anniversary will we get up to?
14:54Oh my God, we didn't do that this year.
14:58Oh no.
14:59Was it paper the first year?
15:00Paper the first year.
15:01Or was it second year?
15:02No, because it's our third wedding anniversary this year, right?
15:04This year is, but last year, all was just gone.
15:07Oh, that's such a shame.
15:09We started off with the best intentions.
15:11It's been a hectic year, right?
15:13You get me the best present.
15:17What did I get you?
15:18You're welcome.
15:19What did I get you?
15:23What did you get me?
15:24What did I get you?
15:25I don't remember.
15:27What did you get me?
15:28The camera.
15:29Yeah, you didn't actually get me anything.
15:30I did.
15:31No, you didn't.
15:33No, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
15:35Yes, I did.
15:36Tell me then.
15:37We went back to Ibiza, I think.
15:39That's not paper.
15:40Yeah, but I got-
15:41What, a plane ticket?
15:42Here you go.
15:43Yes, actually.
15:44Yeah, you're lucky I said that.
15:45That's what it was.
15:46Don't be so rude.
15:48Retract it back.
15:50What did I get you then?
15:51A lovely-
15:52Portrait of our wedding.
15:53Portrait of our wedding.
15:57Anyway, we've got to go.
15:58We've got to go.
15:59I've been a bit hungry.
16:00I need a coffee.
16:01It's very nice.
16:02Did we show them our Costco order?
16:05Have you told them about it?
16:07Guys, last weekend, it was Sunday afternoon, and we were like, we need to get out the house.
16:10It's literally such a travesty, guys.
16:11Like, listen to this.
16:12It's actually crazy.
16:13So, I said, let's go to Costco.
16:15We need to do a big food shop, and Elle was like, great.
16:18We need to stock up on everything.
16:20I was like, okay, how about we don't go to Costco?
16:23How about we go to H-E-B?
16:25H-E-B is like America's version of, like, Tesco's, but it's a bit better.
16:29There's not really a H-E-B version.
16:31It's like in between Tesco's and Waitrose in the UK, isn't it?
16:34Well, they're quite...
16:35Yeah, and H-E-B sits in that perfect middle spot.
16:39Let's just go there.
16:40Like, there's everything we need there, you know?
16:42And Conor was like, hellbent on going to Costco.
16:45He has a real thing for Costco at the moment.
16:47Love it.
16:48He was like, we'll save so much money.
16:49Like, honestly, let's just go to Costco.
16:51So, we went to Costco.
16:52How much did we spend at Costco, Conor?
16:53Like, 600 bucks.
16:55And the worst thing about it was...
16:57600 bucks?
17:01Do you know why?
17:02Oh, what? A fucking three pack of ketchup?
17:04Excuse me, swear in front of Honey Bunny.
17:06Sorry, I know that's so bad.
17:08My gosh.
17:10You can tell I'm not myself.
17:11Where did that come from?
17:13I don't know.
17:14It's because Eddie was going through the aisles and she just saw a massive box of Monsters.
17:18She was like, yeah, add it in.
17:20And it was Monsters.
17:21You're blaming the $600 bill on my four pack of Monsters that I definitely need at the moment.
17:26It was like a 20 pack.
17:27It was like 30 bucks.
17:28We didn't even buy the Monsters.
17:29It was Ghost Energy.
17:30And then there was the cartons of...
17:32And don't say you haven't been drinking them because I've had one and I've had about five.
17:35I wouldn't have had them.
17:36You put them in there.
17:37And it was the cartons of milk that we don't need for the kids.
17:40And then what else was there?
17:42Just like random stuff like that we didn't need.
17:44But yeah, 600 bucks.
17:45And the worst part about it was our credit card got declined.
17:49So, I had to run to the ATM and take out money, cash.
17:53No, it's only because they didn't accept the card.
17:55They didn't accept American Express.
17:57So, we were like, great.
17:59It was the only card we had.
18:00So, I had to go to ATM and just withdraw money out.
18:02But they only withdrew 200 was the maximum.
18:04So, I had to stand there for ages and do free transactions.
18:08And stuff like that literally upsets Connor so much.
18:11Because there was someone behind us and he was just waiting.
18:13And I felt so bad.
18:14I was like, no.
18:15He got so anxious about stuff like that.
18:17And the kids were like sat in the front of the trolley.
18:21And they were wanting to open it.
18:23We had like a big pack of baby bowls.
18:25We had a big pack of these smoothies.
18:27The kids were just like, can I have one of them?
18:28Can I have one of them?
18:29Can I have one of them?
18:30And I'm like, hang on a minute kids.
18:31I don't know if we can actually walk away with any of this.
18:35We might have just spent two and a half hours of our lives just wasted.
18:38Yeah, we have to give it back.
18:40We got it.
18:42Oh my God, it's so funny.
18:44We get up to some stuff.
18:46It's a bit of us wondering how fun our days are at the moment.
18:49Parents of three living in America.
18:51That is what we're getting up to.
18:53Sunday afternoons.
18:54That's right.
18:55Especially when it's cold out.
18:57So yeah, not much different than the UK to be honest.
19:02Just, we're the same as you guys.
19:04We're the same as you guys.
19:05Right, can you open that for me please?
19:07This is one of the Costco's pick up.
19:11Might as well make the most of it.
19:12600 bucks.
19:15The best shop in the world.
19:17I've run out of brow pencils so I'm just picking up my favourite.
19:19The Refi medium.
19:22Honestly, someone should actually ban me from Sephora.
19:26The amount of temptation is in here every single time I come in here.
19:29I'm like, oh yeah, I want that, I want that, I want that.
19:31Like, honestly, it's so bad.
19:33Who remembers when I always used to use the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream?
19:38I have been using the water bank.
19:43This one by Laneige.
19:45Really good.
19:46I really, really like it.
19:47But I think now that I've used that for a while, I really want to go back to Magic Cream.
19:50I remember I used Magic Cream again once when I was in Selfridges back in England in the summer.
19:56And I was like, oh my god, this is just the best moisturiser ever in the world.
19:59Like, I really, I don't think much can come between me and Magic Cream.
20:03I've also seen this going around so much at the moment.
20:06The Olly Hendrickson Dutopia range.
20:12This is meant to be so good.
20:14I think it's this flash facial one.
20:16We've been in this mall for 15 minutes.
20:20And I'm going to have everybody know that is the second compliment I've had on my jumper.
20:24Your jumper?
20:25Yes, it is my jumper.
20:27Connor wore it once and thinks it's now his.
20:31But I will have you all know it's from Primark.
20:34Primark Special, not Amazon.
20:36It is Primark.
20:39God, I miss Primark.
20:41I miss Primark.
20:42Hollister has given me all of the summer holiday vibes, guys.
20:46Love it so much.
20:50Hollister just reminds me of when I was, like, 15, you know?
20:54Found this gorgeous blue set in a brand that I've been really loving since I came out to America,
21:00which is called Aerie.
21:02It's part like this.
21:06I love it.
21:07But here's the problem, guys.
21:09I'm not meant to be shopping today for sweats.
21:12The whole reason I wanted to come shopping today was to get, like, clothes for me to actually leave the house in,
21:20put together, outfit, ready to go.
21:23Because, obviously, nine weeks postpartum, none of my normal clothes fit me.
21:28All I'm wearing is pajamas and stuff like this.
21:32And I can't explain how frustrating it feels to, like, not be confident in your body.
21:41It really, really, really is getting me down so much.
21:45Like, so much more so than it did before.
21:49I don't know why.
21:52But, like, all I want to gravitate to as I'm walking around these shops is, like, really oversized, like, big sweatshirts.
21:58Like, that's essentially all I want to buy.
22:02So, like, I get them.
22:04And then when I get home, I get frustrated that I haven't got anything, like, nice to wear.
22:10Like, all I've got is, like, sweatpants and stuff.
22:13And it's just annoying.
22:14It's just frustrating.
22:15It's just for my excitement at the moment, which is sad and unfortunate.
22:20But it won't last forever.
22:30So we finished shopping, and we're at this lovely restaurant called Lombardi.
22:37I'll quickly show you around.
22:38The beautiful wife doesn't come with the restaurant reservation.
22:43But it's, like, it's quite posh for us, isn't it?
22:48We're not used to this.
22:49Our mains have just come.
22:50I've got a truffle pasta, which the guy recommended.
22:56He said, you know what?
22:57You're from the UK.
22:59I'll do this on a special for you.
23:01So, like, I have to take it.
23:03Guys, I was like, oh, con.
23:06Take a picture of that.
23:07That looks so cool.
23:09Look at the picture he got me.
23:11Because they were doing it in, like, the cheese wheel and everything.
23:16So aesthetic.
23:18I don't think that's a good way of taking that picture, though.
23:21I was thinking, like, maybe get a tree in the background.
23:24Like, take action.
23:27Goes over to the guy and he's like.
23:32I'm sorry, but on my for you page, I didn't get to see cheese wheels.
23:36So I don't know what aesthetic you're looking for.
23:39And then he's got lasagna.
23:42Just chilling.
23:43Just chilling on, man.
23:45Oh, my gosh.
23:47This sun, though.
23:52I can't.
23:54I actually can't even cope.
23:56It feels like the most beautiful day in the world today, doesn't it?
24:03Did you just have a bite of my tuna?
24:07I hope you did.
24:09Connor, you know how literally hungry I have been?
24:13You can't do that.
24:15Some lunch together.
24:16Ellie's found her favorite tuna from back in the U.K. in the U.S.
24:22And as soon as she eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
24:25It's the, I think it's called Ortiz tuna.
24:29It's like a yellow and red tin.
24:30It's literally like the most expensive tuna in the entire world.
24:32I wish I never, ever, ever found it.
24:34Oh, my gosh, it's so good.
24:36Bit of light mayo.
24:42This is my favorite lunch at the moment.
24:44On a toasted ciabatta.
24:46I'd have another one as well.
24:47It's like a ciabatta roll cut in half.
24:49Put in the grill.
24:50Anyway, it's such a nice day today.
24:52Like, oh, my God.
24:53Oh, it's beautiful.
24:54I just can't even explain to you like what this weather does to me.
24:57There's not a cloud in sight.
25:00It's blue.
25:01It's like 24 degrees.
25:03We haven't had this in Texas for.
25:05A really long time.
25:07Since Honey's been born.
25:09I feel like it was literally when we first arrived, the weather was like this in Houston.
25:13When it's a day like today, I'm like.
25:17This is America.
25:19This is why we moved here.
25:21Yeah, you know.
25:24Having said that.
25:25It even smells of like.
25:26Guys, if you've been on holiday in America, you know you wake up that first morning.
25:30It's hot out.
25:32And you can just smell.
25:34Like the American air.
25:36And it's just like good vibes.
25:37That's what it smells like today as well.
25:39Yeah, having said that.
25:40We have actually made our decision.
25:43You're not saying that now.
25:45No, you're not.
25:47Our lease here, as I know we have mentioned a trillion times.
25:50In Houston is coming to an end.
25:53Within a few weeks.
25:55And as you guys know, it has been.
25:58Weighing so heavily.
26:00On our minds where we want to go.
26:03I just wanted to tell you.
26:06We're not going to tell you where we're going to go yet.
26:08Because obviously it's us.
26:10It has to be a moment.
26:11We love to keep you guys in suspense.
26:13Of course.
26:14But we have made our decision.
26:18And it just feels like such a weight off of our shoulders.
26:23To have had that decision done now.
26:25Because the weeks are just flying by.
26:28I can't believe Honey is literally 10 weeks old.
26:32We'll be needing to move out soon.
26:34So we had to make a decision.
26:36Yeah, and it's done.
26:38And we're happy for it, right?
26:40I think I, at the moment, what is taking over my mind.
26:43Is just the fact that I actually, as the days go on.
26:46I actually feel really, really sad to be leaving Houston.
26:49The life we've built here in the last years.
26:52We've enjoyed it.
26:53It's been a good year.
26:54Especially now the sun's out.
26:55I know.
26:56I think that's honestly why I'm in my feels about it.
26:58Because it's such nice weather today.
27:00It's just so gorgeous.
27:02And I'm like, oh my god.
27:03And when you just romanticise things in your mind.
27:05And we were just driving back to our house.
27:08Our house from an appointment that we've just been at.
27:10And we were driving down the road.
27:12And I was like, oh my god.
27:13We've not got very many drives back to this house left.
27:16Driving through our little neighbourhood.
27:18Going past the little corner shop.
27:20I'm always so emotional moving anywhere.
27:22I don't love moving.
27:24I actually really hate moving.
27:26Yeah, attached very easily.
27:27I get so attached.
27:28Very easily.
27:29Even thinking about the fact, you know.
27:31This house was where Romy took his first steps.
27:33So I brought Honey home.
27:37Thinking about when Herbie and Hector got off the plane.
27:39And we brought them back here.
27:40And they were running around in the garden.
27:41And St was so happy to see them.
27:44You know, it's just like.
27:45St's third birthday.
27:46It's just so.
27:48Having Lucy and Jordan here.
27:50Maybe we have to stay here.
27:52We had a decision that we can't go back.
27:53We always knew that we would leave Houston.
27:55We always knew that it wasn't how we wanted to be long term.
27:57But I'm just.
27:58I am sad.
27:59I'm sadder than I thought I would be to leave it.
28:01To be honest.
28:02The people that we've met here are particularly amazing.
28:05And I feel like we've made some really, really incredible friends for life.
28:08And St's got some amazing friends.
28:11At the end of the day.
28:12I know this is going to sound really, really deep.
28:14But I honestly, at the end of the day.
28:16All you leave this life with.
28:20Or like this time with.
28:22Is memories.
28:24And that's it.
28:26That's all we got.
28:27That's it.
28:28You know.
28:29That's all we got is memories.
28:31Memories of Houston.
28:38I don't know.
28:39I'm just.
28:40I'm feeling emotional about it.
28:41I really am.
28:42I'm definitely more emotional than I thought I would be.
28:44I've got some great memories in Houston haven't we?
28:46That were.
28:48The best.
28:49You'll have to remind me.
28:50I'll definitely forget them.
28:51You'll be like.
28:52Do you remember this?
28:53It's a good thing we've got all these videos and photos.
28:55Well I don't think we ever expected to have a baby in Houston.
28:57That's for sure.
28:58That is for sure.
29:00But she's just made the whole thing.
29:03Completely worth it.
29:04That was a nice little surprise wasn't it?
29:06It's just sad.
29:08Like I don't know how.
29:10I feel like when you have kids.
29:12And then you like move them.
29:14I find that so hard.
29:15Like I find moving hard anyway.
29:19I don't know how like families that have to move all the time.
29:21Like in the military or football or something like that.
29:23I don't know how you guys do it.
29:25Because I would just be a wreck.
29:26I can't wait to tell you guys.
29:28On to the next chapter.
29:30Comment below what you think.
29:32Tell you what.
29:33One thing I've actually been thinking about as well.
29:35This whole.
29:37YouTube yeah.
29:38It's like our own little series isn't it?
29:42Yes her being your main character.
29:46Like it's our very own little modern family.
29:49Modern family is it?
29:51That's what you think?
29:53Maybe we should start doing like the sit down.
29:57Interviews in between takes.
29:59Oh my god that's such a good idea.
30:01That would be hilarious.
30:03That's going to go ahead and finish off today's vlog anyway my loves.
30:05Thank you guys so much for watching.
30:07I know this was a little bit of a random one.
30:09Honestly our life just does feel a little bit random at the moment.
30:11I feel like now that we've made the decision.
30:13And we've got a couple of weeks left.
30:15We're kind of just in like no mans land.
30:17Trying to get things.
30:19Start to get things organised.
30:21Having a ten week old newborn.
30:23And two other kids like.
30:25And I can just appreciate that the vids probably aren't like.
30:28Really exciting at the moment.
30:30We've got a very exciting month ahead of us though.
30:32We've got a lot planned actually.
30:34Every weekend we're stacked with plans aren't we?
30:36There'll be a new YouTube video every Monday.
30:38Let's not commit to every Monday.
30:40No let's definitely not commit to every Monday.
30:42There'll be a new YouTube video of our last weekend at some point.
30:45I'm sadly not in the stage of life where I can commit to having dead set YouTube videos.
30:49We're getting into a good routine though bubby.
30:51Yeah one a week at least.
30:53Bernie's on nearly ten weeks old.
30:56She's sleeping quite a bit.
31:00She's frightened too.
31:01Just an exciting month ahead.
31:03We've actually got a really exciting 2025.
31:06We do.
31:07Haven't we?
31:08We've got a lot planned actually.
31:09I don't know how we're going to do it with three kids but.
31:11Like when I think about what we've got coming this year.
31:13Oh my gosh you guys.
31:15I can't. I can't.
31:17Just stay tuned is all I have to say.
31:19I know we're being that really annoying YouTube people right now.
31:22But just stay tuned like.
31:24It's going to be such a good time over there.
31:26Just stick around.
31:27I might not feel like it right now.
31:29But it is.
31:30This year.
31:35Have you seen that trend on TikTok?
31:37You haven't?
31:38I don't know what you're doing.
31:39I'm not going to try and explain it.
31:41If you've seen that trend on TikTok then let me know.
31:43But yeah.
31:44Love you guys so much.
31:45See you in the next vlog.
31:47Love ya.