00:00The only way is up, baby
00:06So you and me now
00:12The only way is up, not coming down
00:15Take me to the top, feet off the ground
00:19I just wanna be right here, right now
00:22Only way is up, now
00:24I'm getting ready, let's go
00:28I hope it's not a buffet
00:30It will be, it will be
00:32I'm only having croissants
00:33Mate, try the bacon
00:34Mate, I ain't trying the bacon
00:35Try the bacon
00:37I don't want the bacon
00:39I'm getting ready, let's go
00:42Bum bags don't wanna go low
00:45I'm gonna get well done scrambled eggs
00:47Ooh, yes
00:49I'm a fan of bacon
00:50Yikes, that is a lot of bacon
00:52Yeah, because I'm bulking
00:56Take me to the other side
01:02How are you doing?
01:03Alright, Fred?
01:04You alright, bubs?
01:05You look handsome
01:06Fancy a panchacola?
01:07Let's go
01:08Want to have breakfast with me?
01:09Yeah, come on
01:10Come with me, let's go
01:14Oh my God, is that chicken?
01:15I'm gonna get some chicken
01:16For breakfast?
01:17It's roasted chicken
01:18It's just gonna sit there
01:19Excuse me, do you do gravy?
01:20Yes, we do gravy
01:21Chicken and gravy for breakfast
01:22You do gravy?
01:23Yeah, you heard of Newcastle?
01:25I wish
01:33I'm getting ready, let's go
01:36It's a new day
01:37New day, hopefully a fresh start
01:40Morning campers
01:41Morning campers
01:43Oh, hey
01:44Are you feeling alright?
01:45It's not off the kids' menu
01:48Broaden in the palate, Roman
01:54What are you gonna have?
01:57I hope they've left some sausages behind
02:03You're just not gonna break your jet lag if you keep sleeping in the day
02:05Drink a beer, I'll give you a beer
02:07I can't have beer at breakfast, can I?
02:08Is it frowned upon?
02:09No, you're on holiday, do what you want
02:11We had a nice relaxed day yesterday
02:12Me and Courtney went down to a nice beach bar
02:14Yeah, we had a nice little chat
02:15We had a nice chat
02:16Full us in, full us in
02:17We were just giving each other advice that we're probably not gonna take
02:20Are you missing Jodie out here?
02:22Yeah, I'm missing her, but I don't want to talk about it
02:24Keep talking about it
02:25No, if only because I spoke
02:26Are you feeling under the carpet?
02:29Get them out under that carpet
02:30Probably are better off just speaking about it
02:31And I like to distract it with something else
02:33You'll make a joke
02:34You'll be better when you talk about things
02:36Listen, I know you're all coming from a good place
02:37because you obviously really care about me
02:38and I get that and I appreciate that
02:39We do
02:40But I do, like, I think I've been talking about it so much
02:43it's sort of not got off my mind
02:44But when I'm, like, going around
02:45I feel like I'm just going around to everyone all the time
02:47going, oh, God, I'm doing this thing
02:48I feel like I just need to just chill out for a bit and just
02:50I've never had a deep chat with someone
02:52the way I have a deep chat with you
02:54We actually get deep
02:55How's you and Matilda?
02:57Have you missed her?
02:58Missed her bears
02:59I actually come out here
03:00It was you lot as well
03:01You thought I was going to be all mopey
03:03I thought I was going to be mopey as well
03:04Got out here and I was, like, you know
03:05I just got to get on with it
03:06Yeah, I said
03:07Why are you laughing?
03:08I've seen you on the phone to her
03:09Yeah, we were on the phone to her
03:10Oh, baby, baby, I miss you so much
03:13I said that
03:14That's when you know you're in a good relationship
03:16You don't feel like you have to stay indoors
03:18You don't feel, like, anxious
03:20That you're being yourself
03:21I feel fine, yeah, I feel fine
03:22You should all be able to go out and have fun
03:23because she's going to be at home waiting for you
03:24when you get back
03:25Yeah, of course
03:26She is the one for me
03:27I'm done now
03:28Yeah, I'm done
03:29How was your girls' lunch yesterday?
03:30It was nice
03:31It was nice
03:32Obviously, it was just us and Soph
03:33Danny and Ella walked in
03:34and they obviously came and said hello to us
03:36Like, we had, like, a little mini conversation
03:38about Joe and Junaid
03:39and then they went and sat somewhere
03:40at, like, a different table
03:41I think if Ella wasn't there
03:42Danny would have sat with us
03:43and we would have had it
03:44but I just think he sat at that stage
03:45where me and Ella were never going to be friends
03:48Like, we were just sitting like this
03:49around the table
03:50and, like, cheers in our drinks
03:51but, like, that's OK
03:52and I don't want it to be a problem
03:53I don't think Ella would want to sit there
03:54No, but she's not
03:55I wouldn't want to sit with her
03:56That would make sense though
03:57You wouldn't want to sit
03:58You are
03:59It's different when we're going to go
04:00because we've all planned to go to a club, haven't we?
04:01Being at an intimate lunch
04:02is a bit, probably, unrealistic
04:03Yeah, different
04:04You're not going to sit one-on-one with her
04:05Do you know what I mean?
04:06You're never going to sit like that
04:07Obviously, when we're all in a big group of us
04:08it's fine
04:09because you're in your group
04:10we're in one
04:11and we all, like, float between each other
04:12I just don't want it to be
04:13I don't want anyone to think
04:14that it's a problem
04:15It's just naturally
04:16I don't think they will
04:17because that's a normal thing to not
04:18It's very normal
04:19And I think Danny gets it as well
04:20like, Danny's so clued up
04:21I hope she does
04:22Listen, even if all this stuff
04:23hadn't gone on
04:24people have their separate groups anyway
04:25Do you know what I mean?
04:26Like, but we was a little bit separate
04:27Do you know what I mean?
04:28because of, obviously, things that have gone on
04:30It's all scenarios, isn't it?
04:31Different scenarios, different things
04:32It's easy for us all to coexist
04:33and be in the same rooms
04:34go on nights out and stuff
04:35There isn't an issue with that
04:37Everyone is good
04:42I've only got Roman
04:43so now I've got to sit with you
04:44Hello, I'm Jordan
04:46What an absolute liberty
04:48Your mate who picked you up
04:49off the phone
04:50You're crying all Christmas
04:51Look at your bird
04:52We ain't got our birds
04:53Well, even though you've only got
04:54Jordan and Roman
04:55you've gained us now
04:57So, we're all back
04:58how we used to be
04:59We're your standing girls
05:00We're back like the old days
05:01Standing girlfriends
05:02It does feel like the old days
05:03It does
05:04I love us together
05:05We have a lot of fun
05:06Yeah, it's been fun
05:07Yeah, it's been fun
05:08We're back
05:09Is there something going on
05:10with Freddie?
05:11Oh, my cheeks
05:12I had to tell him
05:15I had to tell him to get well
05:17I'll fill you in
05:18Freddie has turned around
05:19and said that he wouldn't say no
05:21to a date with Harry
05:22Basically, they've been a bit flirty
05:24Oh, really?
05:25And we're just a bit like
05:26Does Harry fancy him?
05:27Oh, really?
05:28Yeah, they both fancy each other
05:29Oh, really?
05:32Oh, hello
05:33Good morning
05:34You look lovely
05:36I like that
05:37We're back together
05:38Yeah, it's great
05:39You okay?
05:40Yeah, my cheeks actually hurt
05:41Hello, darling
05:42You okay?
05:44Morning, girls
05:46Morning, Troopers
05:48Joel, are you going out tonight?
05:50If you are, Steph
05:52Are you a woman to your words?
05:54Go on, Steph
05:56She's wearing cigar
06:02You look a sensation for breakfast, girl
06:05I know, but I'm thinking beach club after
06:07Oh, yeah
06:08We'll be out and about
06:09How are you feeling?
06:10Last night was a lot, but...
06:12What's the matter?
06:13Well, I've texted Harry already
06:15and I'm asking him to meet me here
06:18I'm just going to tell him now
06:19What, he's going to come here to meet you?
06:21Yeah, well, I thought
06:22I can't love to keep, like, avoiding him
06:24I feel like I'm avoiding him
06:25I'd rather just get it out
06:27Listen, a problem shared is a problem part
06:31I'm literally shaking
06:32I'm going to go sit down in a minute
06:34Go on
06:35Love yous
06:38You all right, Dan?
06:39Yous OK?
06:40Yes, very good, thank you
06:43You are late to breakfast
06:44I'm always late
06:46I get glam before breakfast
06:47Who does that?
06:49I did a bit today
06:50Yeah, we all do, actually
06:51We're on the holidays, Danny
06:53There's a very much a curly hair friend thing going on here
06:56Yeah, no, I love it
06:57I needed a fellow curly girlie
06:59When you've got curly hair
07:00there's just something different
07:02You're always different
07:04I spoke to Junaid yesterday, didn't I?
07:06Did you?
07:08What was said there?
07:09It's all right, I just said to him
07:10I said, you're just like a shell of a man
07:12I said, if I'm honest with you
07:13I said he needs to speak to you first
07:15They've taken a leaf out of what I said last night
07:18To stop putting themselves away from people
07:19And they hopefully will cover for breakfast
07:21Cos I actually haven't seen him at breakfast
07:22Not once
07:23Have you seen him yet?
07:24Seen him around the hotel or anything?
07:26No, not really
07:27A little bit around the hotel
07:28But we don't even look at each other
07:30He's mad, isn't he?
07:31He's mad cos he knows you're best mate
07:32That would never happen with me and James
07:34Or like you and Charlotte
07:36But he's just a different person
07:37It's given me time to reflect on the whole friendship
07:39And that's what's actually
07:40It's done me a favour, him leaving it so long
07:42Cos now I know I don't want to be friends with him
07:44Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've had that time
07:45If I didn't have that time
07:46You'd apologise sooner
07:47I probably would've jumped back on the friendship
07:49You'd fall back in the trap, yeah
07:51Shall we go here?
07:53Hello, you all right?
07:54You all right?
07:56I need to get really bad
07:57I'm dying for a drink
08:06This is so awkward
08:07Can I get something?
08:14These aren't environments for me to speak to people
08:16It makes me feel more enclosed
08:17Well the thing is cos everyone's listening
08:19And I don't really want to have to have conversations with certain people
08:21It makes me feel more uncomfortable
08:22It puts me more into my shell
08:23And it makes my guard go up even more
08:28I'm shaking like a leaf
08:30How did we get to this point?
08:32I want to talk to people
08:33And I want to make amends with people
08:36This isn't the right environment
08:38Not in front of everyone?
08:40I'll happily speak to people in smaller group environments
08:43But it's not as awkward
08:44When I spoke to Jordan and Chloe
08:47It was a calm environment
08:49This doesn't feel very welcoming
08:50No, at all, no
08:53Oh, here they are
08:54Come on, beauties
08:55Oh, look, they're linking
08:56Oh, God
08:58Yeah, they're here
09:02Oh, you got me a corset already
09:04Harry, you look so tanned
09:05Thank you
09:06I've got my body glow on
09:08Where have you been?
09:10He's having a chinwag
09:11You okay, boys?
09:12Hi, friends
09:13I'll go sit with Danny
09:20Hi, gorgeous girl
09:21Hey, Mum, she okay?
09:24We having a business chat?
09:25Business meeting, as always
09:26You okay?
09:28Love your necklace
09:29Goes with my outfit
09:31You're fine, aren't you?
09:32No, Joe, I don't want it
09:49Why's she looking at me like that?
09:51Oh, we don't...
09:52You still don't know?
09:53He ain't got Chloe, mate
09:55You tell me
09:56Listen, he want our information to tell you
09:58But now's the time for us to tell him
09:59Do you know what I mean?
10:00He says we can't really
10:02Go on, then
10:04It weren't just a kiss
10:06Before they ended
10:08It went...
10:09They went all the way
10:10They said?
10:12Before it was over
10:15Are you gonna eat?
10:16No, I'm all right, actually
10:18Can't eat
10:22Don't hate me
10:23I've got something to tell you
10:28I know you've, like
10:30You've asked me a million times
10:35Joe and Junaid
10:38And things in Cyprus
10:39And if anything happened, but
10:41I've just gotta get it off my chest
10:43It's like, look
10:44They're talking over there
10:45And then to, like, you again
10:48How can I have a conversation with anyone?
10:51Like, I know you've given me the opportunity
10:53To tell you so many times
10:54Did stuff go on?
10:55But I couldn't be honest with you then
10:57But now that we're closer
10:58And we're friends
10:59I feel like I can't keep it from you
11:02Like, obviously
11:04Things did go on between them
11:06In Cyprus
11:09Back home in the UK
11:12Joe called things off with you
11:18It just weren't the right time
11:19To ever tell you, Harry
11:20You gotta understand
11:21Like, he was my friend then
11:23But I can't continue
11:24Lying to you
11:25I'm, like, bare-faced lying to you
11:28And I feel like
11:29The only way for you to move forward
11:30And truly put it behind you
11:31Is to know the truth
11:35They said
11:36They were kissing in Cyprus
11:42Since coming home from Cyprus
11:44They were, obviously, sleeping together
11:46Before he called things off with you
11:49I think we actually should say
11:50It's basically this happened
11:51When I was in the UK
11:52And then
11:53We actually should say
11:54It's basically this happened
11:55Behind Harry's back
11:56It's his real fault all along
11:59I can't even look outside
12:01There's not much I'm missing
12:02I can't see behind me
12:04You can't see behind you
12:07Don't wind yourself up
12:08And this bacon's nice
12:12I'm Muslim, I don't eat bacon
12:13Oh, yeah, sorry
12:15Oh, God
12:26The only way is love
12:29The only way is love
12:33Because you love somebody like me
12:38Because you, because you, because you love somebody like me
12:45I know I've lied to you so many times
12:46It's okay
12:47Do you understand why
12:48I've lied, well, I've lied though
12:49Don't be so silly
12:50Really, I'm really
12:51I've honestly been stressed out
12:52Yeah, you've been stressed out about it, cos I've been bare-faced lying to you.
12:54No, don't be stressed out. Honestly, Danni...
12:57I'm literally shaking, but you've got to understand that I only kept it from you
13:00because he was my best mate, do you know what I mean?
13:02Danni, I really, really, really appreciate you telling me.
13:05I can't imagine any more. I know that weren't fucking easy.
13:08I mean, their behaviour in Cyprus was strange anyway.
13:12And I'm so sorry about it.
13:14Why was he running around saying,
13:15I've got feelings for someone who didn't even kiss? Come on.
13:18But this is what I mean, like, oh, it's just stressed me out.
13:22I just don't want you to hate me.
13:23Do you understand why I've not told you sooner? Danni.
13:25Danni. Do you get it? Come here, give me a cuddle now.
13:27I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. Danni.
13:29Honestly. I could honestly never...
13:32I'm sorry for lying to you, like... I could never hate you.
13:35Bare-faced lying to you, I'm sorry. I could never hate you.
13:38I feel bad for Danni. He'd only shoot the messenger.
13:41Danni's a good girl. Danni ain't done nothing wrong.
13:44So awkward.
13:47Go on.
13:48You want to go? Yeah.
13:50Yeah, let everyone enjoy their breakfast.
13:56What happened? They've walked away.
13:58Aren't they just over breakfast? What's going on?
14:01Why have they walked away?
14:02Have we missed something?
14:04So, Harry, bottom line is, they did it behind your back.
14:11That was a lot. Mm.
14:14Joe, you need to come back in there.
14:17It's just so awkward. I can't do it. You've got it, though.
14:19I know, but listen, Danni spoke about a lot of things with us,
14:22and I think she is talking to Harry about it now,
14:24and I think you need to just come back in.
14:26So what are they saying?
14:28I don't know what she said to him,
14:29but I know that she's talking to Harry.
14:32Harry, can I just say something to you?
14:34Honestly, I've only come out to get me almond croissant.
14:37I know, but can I just say something to you?
14:38Not the almond croissant. All I knew about was the kiss,
14:40and I don't want you to think I hid anything from you.
14:42He knew about the kiss.
14:43And they got a bit fruity, but I didn't know that they went the full way.
14:46I do not... I do not think anything differently of yous, though,
14:49so please do not worry about that.
14:50I do not think anything of yous.
14:52I was worried that you'd cheat on me again, cos I know I was...
14:54Danni! No, Danni! Sorry.
14:56That would never, ever happen. Don't be so silly.
14:58Danni, how much respect I have for you,
15:00the way you dealt with our situation last year.
15:03No, please don't cry. Don't make me cry.
15:05I didn't want to lie to you, but I couldn't...
15:08Oh, Danni, listen, we all had fun.
15:10Everyone had a laugh, and I did, then.
15:12Oh, look at Harry. It ain't your fault.
15:15He was my best mate, and I should have told you.
15:17Harry, what's wrong?
15:19Yeah, they stayed... It all makes sense.
15:21They was already together behind closed doors.
15:22It all makes sense. What?!
15:24Not in Cyprus. How do we know that?
15:26They kissed in Cyprus, and then they slept with each other
15:28back in the UK.
15:29This leaving together wasn't in Cyprus.
15:31Before they was broken up.
15:32But it was before they were broken up back in the UK.
15:35Oh, wow.
15:39I think you just need to have this conversation.
15:41What else is there for me and Harry to talk about?
15:43The honesty and the truth has got to come out
15:45for a bit of respect for Harry.
15:46What does Harry want to say in front of a room full of people?
15:49I don't know. Danni spoke to Harry, Jan,
15:50and I think you should go and talk to him.
15:53Oh, and what's he got to say?
15:54I'm not saying anything.
15:56You have got to stop worrying at the minute.
15:59What you've done, he takes a big character, yeah?
16:01He was your... Listen, he was your best friend.
16:03But I think that's...
16:04There's no one expecting you to turn their back on him.
16:06She's done everything she needed to do there, and she's told you.
16:08Do you know what it is? I just think it's cos you can never...
16:10Apparently, you've got something to say.
16:12I haven't got nothing to say to you.
16:13You don't think you've got something to say?
16:15Yeah, I want to talk to you in a private...
16:17I don't want to talk to you, no. OK.
16:20So can you please leave, cos I don't want to talk to you.
16:22Do you not think you want to close your conversation about the situation?
16:24No. Then you can both move back from here.
16:26No, you both lied to me. No. Bye.
16:30OK, lovely. I thought you had something to say.
16:32I have nothing to say to you.
16:33If you want to have a conversation, I'll happily have a conversation.
16:36You do owe an apology, though, cos you used to have kissed
16:38in Cyprus, behind his back. And they shagged!
16:40No, we didn't. Yeah, you did, because it came from Junaid's mouth.
16:43Junaid, you told me. What? We had sex?
16:46Not in Cyprus, you didn't.
16:47You told me the night after Ellie's birthday.
16:49Oh, come on. What do you mean, come off it?
16:51You've got to own it. You have got to own it.
16:54I'm sick of defending you two, and then I look like the bad one.
16:58It's true, though. It's a liberty.
17:00Fuck this shit.
17:03Fuck this shit.
17:04They just need to come, own it, apologise, hold their hand,
17:06so I'm going, listen, it was wrong, I'm sorry, cos that's what I would do.
17:10Cowards walking away, the pair of them, cowards.
17:13I'm sorry, but when you're guilty, you walk away.
17:16If you actually had nothing to hide, you'd stand there
17:19and you'd defend yourself till you're blue in the face,
17:20but it's because they're fucking liars.
17:22They lie about everything, and they can't even handle the fact
17:24that people now know that they're true colours and they're bought off.
17:27Honestly, I'm never, like, lost for words,
17:30but I just, I had to get myself out of there.
17:32No, I'm glad that we left,
17:34cos I wasn't going to sit in there and be tortured any more by all of them.
17:37Oh, my God.
17:39I've never wanted to get into this room so bad.
17:41What has just happened?
17:43I'm just so glad that we're in our own little safe space.
17:46Like, what is that? What even was that?
17:49What did he even say to you when you went over there?
17:51Nothing. He was, like, I said,
17:53apparently you've got something to say, and he was just like,
17:56I don't want to talk to you, like, leave me alone.
17:57So I was kind of like, OK.
17:59And then I don't know, I don't even know from where,
18:01but someone was like, you two slept together in Cyprus.
18:05And, like, Freddie, what the fuck was that?
18:07He's meant to be our mate.
18:09The last thing I heard before I left there was,
18:11I'm sick to death of standing up for you two.
18:13Yeah, well, don't then.
18:14You're supposed to be my best friend.
18:16I'm not even, I feel like there's a part of me,
18:18I'm not even surprised that Freddie's just gone on the turn like that.
18:21But what's annoying me is everyone thinks that they know
18:24what's actually happened when no-one actually knows the truth.
18:27If we take it back, right, in Cyprus, where we started off, right,
18:32one night, we got stupidly drunk. Yeah.
18:34And we had a little peck.
18:36I don't even know, but, like, I wouldn't even class it as a kiss.
18:40It was me literally saying goodbye to you in the lift,
18:42and it was like a goodbye, meant to be a kiss on the cheek,
18:45you turned, you read.
18:46It was so quick, I wouldn't even class it as a kiss, though.
18:50When was the first time that we slept together?
18:52Fajita night. Fajita night.
18:54But what I think everyone's forgetting is, OK, yeah,
18:56technically I was in a relationship with Harry, but I was done.
19:01The conversation I had with Harry in Cyprus, it was, for me, it was over.
19:04I knew there was never going to be any going back from that point.
19:08Do you know what I mean?
19:09I'm sorry, when you look back at it, the signs were all there.
19:12I actually didn't think it.
19:15Did you know? No.
19:16No, I've... Danny literally told me. I told her.
19:19Cos I didn't know whether to tell you or not,
19:21I didn't really know what to do.
19:22It was, like, bothering me, so I kind of went to Saffron and was like,
19:25what do you think I should do in this situation?
19:27And she was like, you have to tell Harry.
19:29I didn't know when the right time was, like,
19:31it's an over-breakfast in front of everyone, it's not ideal.
19:35But I felt like I was avoiding you around the hotel towards the end
19:38because I didn't know how to face you.
19:40Did you know? My loyalties have changed.
19:42I didn't know about Mercedes. She didn't know the full extent.
19:44Sinead only told me that.
19:46It was just one of them things, like, do we add salt into a wound?
19:50Like, do we hurt you even more than what you were already hurt?
19:53Listen, I'm not upset. I'm not upset.
19:55No, you're done. I feel sick. Yeah.
19:58It was a matter of days after we got back from Cyprus
20:00that they stepped together.
20:01The thing is, remember I met Sinead up in Brentwood High Street?
20:04Yeah. And I asked him, crystal clear then, has anything gone on?
20:07He said no. He's not going to admit it, though, is he?
20:09He's not going to admit it. He said no.
20:11And then Jo, remember I'd written a letter and Jo written me a letter back?
20:14Jo's letter, I was loyal to you, our whole relationship.
20:17They've both full-on lied to me.
20:19And then come to Bali and call me a fucking Voldemort.
20:24The one who can't be named. Yeah.
20:27Listen, once upon a time, me and him did have a friendship and...
20:30But you were single in my eyes.
20:32I was single in my eyes? Yeah.
20:34I knew it was done. So, I don't feel like...
20:36Listen, I get, like, yes, you were with my friend,
20:38but you were single, and at the end of the day,
20:40when you are gay and there's a connection there with someone...
20:43You have to take it. I have to take it, Jo.
20:45Of course. This is all I've ever wanted in my whole life.
20:47Anyone that's known me, this is the one thing
20:49that was the missing piece of my life.
20:51And I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie.
20:53This is the one thing that was the missing piece of my life,
20:56and I went with it, and, yeah, unfortunately, it's made people...
20:59It's caused destruction along the way,
21:00but this happened seven months ago, and now it's done.
21:03The chapter's closed, that's what I mean.
21:05We're focusing on me and you now.
21:07For me, I don't regret it,
21:08cos I'm over the moon that we're together. Yeah.
21:11Like, I'm actually really happy for once,
21:13but it's just a shame that all this negative shit
21:17is coming in the way of it, and I don't want it to affect us.
21:20God. And I know it ain't going to affect us,
21:22cos we're so strong, but it's just hard, like...
21:25It's a mess. It's all just such a mess.
21:27I just don't even know what we're going to do now.
21:31I feel like we're in the worst position than what we was when we got here.
21:37When this calms down, because this...
21:41You will be sad. ..this is good for no-one, especially you,
21:44I think the best thing to do is speak to Joe.
21:48Just say to him,
21:49Joe, we're adults.
21:51Let's talk about this properly.
21:53You have that conversation and you just get clarity and closure.
21:56I don't want to. I'm in Bali. Yeah, but listen...
21:58I didn't want this to be a thing. No, but listen, we can't predict...
22:01I was quite happy to co-exist. We can't predict...
22:03Live on the other side of the hotel while they went on that side of the hotel.
22:06We can't predict what's going to happen, and it's happened.
22:08We need to move forward because...
22:10I feel like it will surprise you how good it will make you,
22:12how much better you'll feel after having a conversation with him.
22:14It will surprise you. At the minute, I don't know.
22:16It doesn't need to happen today. It could happen in a few days.
22:19It could happen in a week, it could happen back when we're home, whenever,
22:22but I feel like it will do you so good.
22:24You'll feel so much better out of coming from a conversation with them
22:27and hearing genuine apologies if they do give you that.
22:30You'll feel like a brand-new person, you can finally put that to bed.
22:33I just feel like you need it. I think what we should do now,
22:36go and sit round the pole, get a drink... Mm. Yeah.
22:38..and just... Yeah. Yeah, just breathe a minute.
22:41Sounds like heaven. Got indigestion terribly now.
22:45Dani, please, just come here.
22:47Love you so much. I know that won't ease you at all.
22:49No, and I'm so regretful for you not understanding how I feel.
22:53I do appreciate it.
22:55You're going to be all right now, honestly. This is it.
22:58I feel like I'm in Cyprus again.
23:00No, cos we're going to have the best time ever, I swear to you now.
23:04Listen, we'll get you a large prosecco, anything you need.
23:06I was just...
23:09I was just, I was just drunk in my mind.
23:32Go, Mali, baby!
23:40Mali, baby.
23:59You can hear the ocean with this.
24:01That looks like your vagina, doesn't it?
24:03Whose vagina does that look like? Not mine.
24:07Can you hear anything? Mermaid.
24:09You're joking. The singing.
24:11The whales. Listen to the whales.
24:15Oh, my God. It's so good.
24:17Make a wish in it.
24:19Tell John to propose.
24:23Give me one more.
24:25I wish for my family to be healthy.
24:31I want to take that home.
24:33Yeah, it's gorgeous.
24:35That'd be nice on a mantelpiece.
24:37Hello! Hi, girls!
24:39It is extremely hot. I'm melting.
24:42I'm wet all over.
24:44You've got a wet minge, haven't you?
24:46I'm sweating in all parts of the body.
24:48I'm so... Girls, I'm sorry.
24:50Why don't you pull your skirt up?
24:52I've got to wear her out.
24:54Can we discuss what happened at breakfast yesterday?
24:57Cos we were so far away.
24:59We didn't even realise that Joe and Jane walked out the room.
25:02I've never experienced a breakfast so crazy in all my life.
25:05That was intense.
25:07Do you know what makes me die?
25:09Janay walked in being sassy like him.
25:11Harry, I hear you've got something to say to me.
25:13It's like, Janay, do you have something to say to him?
25:15Like, what are you doing? Yeah, exactly.
25:17You're playing the victim constantly.
25:19The boys have done Harry wrong and they're acting as if
25:21Harry's done something wrong to them.
25:23I'm like, Joe, you're a chi, own it, you're a fucking chi.
25:25Yeah, but that's why, because they've got a guilt conscience.
25:27That's why.
25:29If anything, they should be like, look, we've fucked up,
25:31but now we're together, we're happy, and then if they said that,
25:33we can all just accept and move on.
25:35I think that Harry has...
25:3799% found his closure on his own and healed on his own,
25:40but this is, like, the final chapter.
25:42Just made him realise he wasn't going crazy.
25:44Exactly. He was asking about it for a long time.
25:46He was always questioning it. Always questioning it.
25:48Now he knows and he can, like, close that door and move on,
25:50and it's really weird, as soon as it happened and he found out,
25:52within, like, 24 hours, I felt like he was, like,
25:54moving on with Freddie a little bit more.
25:56Yeah, 100%, yeah.
25:58Well, I mean, he was kissing Freddie, Bonnie,
26:00a couple of hours later, he's had his tongue down,
26:02Freddie's fraught. Oh, my God, I've got the video.
26:04He kind of got front row.
26:07I didn't know you had a video.
26:09I took a sneaky video of their first kiss.
26:12It looks like a good kiss to me.
26:14It's a proper passionate kiss. Oh, my God.
26:16Who's, like, got the upper hand here?
26:18Harry. Harry's so masculine there.
26:20Oh, my God, how long has this been going on?
26:22It's still going on!
26:24The video's, like, four minutes long.
26:26To be fair, there was a lot of tension there.
26:28Like, I wasn't sure before if that would be...
26:30A thing. A thing, yeah.
26:32There was a lot of sexual tension there, I'm going to be honest.
26:34It was a bit like Freddie was, like, hungry
26:37and he wanted to, like, eat Harry's face.
26:39I feel like Harry was eating fat.
26:41And he was a lot of, like, saliva.
26:43They were both looking at each other just to be like,
26:45shall we kiss?
26:46One of them was going to the other one like,
26:48oh, you've got such a good body.
26:51Honestly, it's the heat.
26:53Weirdly, Harry seems to be having the best trip.
26:55He deserves a good time. He does.
26:57Holiday romance is just so fun.
27:15How beautiful is it here?
27:17Nice, isn't it? It's stunning.
27:19All the gays and the girls out.
27:21Excuse me, guys.
27:23This is your drink. Thank you.
27:25You're welcome.
27:26And this as well.
27:28All right. Thank you.
27:30Thank you so much. Thank you.
27:32Cheers. Cheers.
27:33What are we cheering to?
27:35What do you want to cheers to?
27:37Cheers to our little kiss.
27:41Freddie, that's too funny.
27:43We weren't really a little one, was it?
27:45Freddie, you literally had your tongue down my throat.
27:49I couldn't help myself out. It was fun.
27:51One thing led to another and I was just like, come here.
27:55I'm going to be honest with you. Go on.
27:58Surprisingly good. It was a good kiss.
28:00People were winding me up and going like,
28:02oh, you're going to kiss Freddie, you're going to kiss Freddie?
28:05And I was going, no, no, that's not going to happen,
28:07that's not going to happen.
28:08Literally blink of an eye, I've got my tongue down your throat.
28:11Next thing you know, we're playing tensile...
28:13What's it called? Tensile tennis.
28:15No. Tensile tonic.
28:17No, what's it called? What are they called?
28:19What? What you have out? Tonsil.
28:21Tonsils. Tonsil tennis.
28:24But you know what, it felt natural, didn't it?
28:26It did, yeah. It was a great kiss.
28:29And once I had a taste of it, I just kept on going in for more.
28:33Flirty friends that kiss. Flirty friends that kiss.
28:36Maybe a cuddle. Love a cuddle.
28:39So do I.
28:41How do you feel about everything that happened at breakfast yesterday?
28:45It made me realise that things are still so raw.
28:50Well, the thing is, the reason why it's so raw
28:52is because you found out new information
28:54and it brings all that hurt back up.
28:56Yeah, it don't hurt anymore, it's just disappointing.
28:59But the thing is, it is OK if it does hurt,
29:01because if I found out six months later
29:03that someone was having it off with my best mate and my fella...
29:06Yeah. ..that would wind me.
29:07That's why I got so irate.
29:10I've told them boys time and time again, Age,
29:13to take accountability for their actions,
29:15and I didn't feel like they was, and I'm exhausted from it.
29:17For me, Junaid is, like, done.
29:20But if Joe wanted to sit down and tell me it, I would listen.
29:24Can I be honest with you? Yeah.
29:26I really do think a conversation needs to happen between you and Joe.
29:29And listen, even if you've got any unanswered questions, ask them.
29:32Yeah. Ask anything you want.
29:34Get it all off your chest. Yeah.
29:36And then you can just close that book, do you know what I mean? Yeah.
29:39That's the thing that I can't work out, that you've both done me so wrong.
29:42Fucking, where's me wizard wand when I need it?
29:45Oi, you!
29:47You will not be seeing that any time soon. No.
29:50We're friends who kiss and cuddle.
29:54But no sex, I don't cut out.
29:56You will with me, just not yet.
30:01It's fun. Always fun.
30:03Is that your way of trying to kiss me again?
30:05Why, did you want to?
30:15We've done it again.
30:31You all right, Joe?
30:33Hi, Saf, you all right? Yeah, how you been?
30:35I'm all right.
30:37Can I sit? Yeah. You sure?
30:39Yeah, of course. Come, sit down.
30:45How are you feeling?
30:47Well, I'm a bit taken back, to be honest with you.
30:50Did you understand, though? Cos there was a lot of shouting.
30:53I don't know if you... Well, this is the thing.
30:55I don't know what I was apologising for. Yeah.
30:57I was so confused to what was going on.
30:59Even what has been said isn't very accurate.
31:03What part?
31:05Everyone thinks me and Janaye slept together in Cyprus.
31:09Oh, no, no, no, they don't think that.
31:11So what is it that people are thinking?
31:13That you kissed in Cyprus,
31:15and then, before you broke it off with Harry,
31:18you'd already slept together.
31:20Let me just tell you the actual truth
31:22and what has actually happened.
31:24So, in Cyprus, me and Janaye,
31:27I wouldn't even personally call it a kiss, it was a peck.
31:31When two lips meet, it's a kiss. No, look, it really wasn't.
31:34So how was the sex, then? Cos all of a sudden...
31:36There was no sex. There was no sex, Saf.
31:38And if there was, I would tell you...
31:40The sex definitely happened before you caught up with Harry?
31:42Yes. No, it did happen.
31:44But when I slept with Janaye for the first time,
31:46I knew, for me, it was done, there was no going back,
31:49and when I see him, it was going to be ended anyway.
31:52Yeah, but, Joe, you can carry on saying that.
31:54At the end of the day, Harry wasn't done.
31:57So you have cheated on Harry.
31:59In yourself, morally, you might not think it's cheating
32:02and it was done, but you have cheated.
32:04It annoys me, cos I just feel like, obviously,
32:06Harry's told his point of view to everyone,
32:08and I feel like everyone hates me because of me breaking up with him.
32:11It angers me, cos I think you weren't perfect in that relationship.
32:14But you're missing the point, and it's so hard to get through to you.
32:17Tell me what the point is, cos I'm obviously not getting it.
32:19You went off with his best friend and you cheated on him.
32:21Yeah, and I know that's wrong. I know it's wrong.
32:23But if you know it's wrong, you can't keep...
32:25Cos it is winding me up, you can't keep telling me,
32:27it's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong, but then Harry done this.
32:29I know the relationship weren't perfect.
32:31Yeah, but I feel like it's not coming across like that, though.
32:34What do you want me to say? No, not you,
32:36but I just feel like, in general, cos it hurts, Saf.
32:38I'm here on holiday with everyone, and, like, everyone hates me for it.
32:41Hate's a strong word.
32:42They dislike you because of what has gone on,
32:45and it's been very deceitful.
32:47Yeah, I just don't even know...
32:50Oh, it's just so draining, Saf. I'm over it.
32:53Hello. Hello.
32:55How are you? The boy in white.
32:57You OK? Yeah.
32:58How was your swim? Lovely.
33:00Oh, where have you been?
33:02Oh, I just needed a breather.
33:04What have yous been talking about?
33:06Listen, we've had a good chat.
33:07We were just going over the whole breakfast saga.
33:10It weren't great for anyone. At all.
33:13Yeah, the whole thing's just upsetting, but it is what it is.
33:17Look, I've got an idea.
33:19I'm arranging a night away.
33:21Where? Ubud.
33:23Who's going? Me, you, Bex,
33:25and I think I'm going to ask Ella,
33:27cos I think you need to talk to Ella properly.
33:29Yeah. And she is upset.
33:31Yeah, that would be hopefully a good step forward.
33:34We're going to rebuild in the rice fields.
33:38Let's do it.
34:00Welcome to Bambu Indah.
34:03Hello. Oh, thank you so much.
34:09Oh, I'm Miss Barley.
34:11You are Miss Barley. Love that.
34:13How am I going to carry this case?
34:19Do you want me to get it for you?
34:21Hi, baby.
34:23Welcome to Barley, baby.
34:25Thank you, baby. I'm so happy to be here.
34:27Right, actually, a little detour.
34:29This is not the main hotel. Oh, I can't.
34:31I've booked you for a calm little retreat before the madness.
34:34Love that.
34:40Wow, look at the pool.
34:42Oh, this is so nice.
34:44I want to dip my feet in.
34:46I can already feel the calmness coming out of me.
34:48This is all you.
34:50It's like paradise.
34:52Arms open. Open your chest up.
34:54And just deep breathe it in.
34:58We rebuild in the rice fields.
35:02We rebuild.
35:04My friend, friend, friend, friend!
35:08Let's go!
35:12I'm excited.
35:14Let's have a look at this room.
35:16How beautiful, babe.
35:20Look at that, hey.
35:22This is so nice.
35:24I actually love it up here.
35:26I feel like I'm in the rainforest,
35:28but it's like luxury rainforest.
35:30We're going to have a laugh. We will.
35:32And we're going to have a gossip.
35:33Why, what have we got to gossip about? A lot.
35:35I'm happy to be away from everyone else.
35:37Yeah, you need to breathe a bite.
35:39Oh, it's awkward, that.
35:40I was literally... You just took the words out of my mouth.
35:43It's awkward.
35:44I feel like I can't even look at Ella. No, I know.
35:46I just want to be, like, can we just be friends?
35:48I think Saffron has full intentions of making it all right.
35:52I know, let's just hope. I'm trusting her.
35:54I'm putting my full trust in Saffron.
36:01It's exciting.
36:02It's exciting. Vibes of Paris!
36:04Yeah! Woo!
36:06How do you do that?
36:07La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
36:10It's all matter of style.
36:11How do you do that?
36:13Do that, do that, do that, do that, do that, do that.
36:15How do you do that?
36:23What's happening?
36:25Oh, someone's looking bronzed.
36:27It's a little bit toasty out here, mate.
36:29You're a bit gold and pink.
36:30It goes brown, mate, it goes brown.
36:32It does, it does. It's all that matters.
36:34Mate, you look like a guy who's got care in the world.
36:37Loving it. Yeah?
36:38Yeah, we're going to be sitting by...
36:39We're going to be chilling in this beach club for a bit
36:41and then I think we're all going to a club later.
36:43Us and, I think it's Girl Band.
36:45You and Girl Band?
36:47I don't know.
36:48You just going to hang about with Mike's girlfriend the whole trip?
36:50Listen, they want a party.
36:52I want a party.
36:53That has become your crew now.
36:55It's not my crew.
36:56It's like a holiday friendship romance.
36:57It's like, we're just here on holiday,
36:59we're just going to enjoy our company while we're here.
37:00We go back to normal.
37:02Dan's not here making it awkward, we can all hang about.
37:05I've been having a great time, mate.
37:07Yeah, but have you actually been having a good time?
37:10I have. Obviously, I go up and down sometimes
37:13in how I'm feeling, which is just normal.
37:16Have you spoke to her much?
37:19So what's she saying? Is it just normal chat when you speak to her?
37:21She's saying she misses me.
37:23Obviously, there's stuff to sort out.
37:25What are we doing here? Are we leaving this?
37:27Are we not leaving this?
37:28Are we flipping-flopping between what we're saying to each other?
37:31Do you know what I mean?
37:32Do you feel like it's cleared your head at all,
37:34having any time apart from her?
37:35It's definitely made a difference,
37:37because what we were doing,
37:38we were just seeing each other every weekend anyway.
37:39So I think once I get home, that's going to be it, isn't it?
37:42It's going to be, are we going to do this or not?
37:44Yeah, you need to have a chat when you get home.
37:46I'm not going to deny that I don't miss her, I do.
37:48100% do.
37:49Yeah, well, I knew you would.
37:50Yeah, especially when you're coming back to the same place
37:52where we was obviously madly in love.
37:54Obviously, I miss her, do you know what I mean?
37:56But it's been all right.
37:57I feel like every time I spoke to you, I feel like you're sweet.
38:00I feel sweet.
38:02I'm not, like, moping around in the hotel,
38:05not knowing what I'm doing, do you know what I mean?
38:06So what's happening with you and Ella?
38:08You're obviously going to start taking that seriously,
38:09because she's getting quite old.
38:11I feel like I am taking it quite seriously at the moment.
38:13So out here, she's been absolutely lovely.
38:15She fucking cares about you a lot, I'll tell you that.
38:17I'll be honest, yeah, I've seen a very different side to her.
38:20She's been very supportive of everything I'm doing back home.
38:23I've spoke to her non-stop.
38:24It seems to me, from an outside point of view,
38:27and I never really say this, it seems a little bit like love.
38:30Maybe. Maybe.
38:33I know that feeling. I had that feeling.
38:35You still have that feeling, yeah.
38:37I still do have that feeling. You do.
38:39Well, look, it's good to see you in high spirits still anyway.
38:42I'll see you in a bit.
38:43Go on, enjoy yourself. I'll speak to you later.
38:45God, I love you, mate. God, I love you, mate. Bye.
38:48I know that feeling.
38:50You might be low, but you ain't down.
38:52Love is coming back around.
38:55Back around.
38:57Back around, back around.
39:00Love is coming back around.
39:03Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
39:05Hi, how are you? Good, good.
39:06Are you OK?
39:09Are you OK?
39:10I am shattered.
39:12Cheers, darling. How are you?
39:13Welcome to Bali. Cheers.
39:14Welcome to Bali. Yeah, you've been to Bali.
39:16I mean, you've arrived definitely fashionably late.
39:18Oh, babe, do you know what?
39:20My dad's had to have an operation, you know, obviously.
39:22Is he OK? Yeah, he's fine now.
39:24So that's why I'm a little bit late.
39:26The vibes here are so much better than the vibes in the hotel, darling.
39:29Why? Oh, the vibes in the hotel, Bex.
39:32Where do we even start from? What's been going on?
39:34Well, breakfast was the biggest thing.
39:36That was, like, absolute...
39:38Right, set the scene.
39:39We walked in, sat down, got the breakfast. Yeah.
39:42It started off quite nice, but you know when you can feel tension?
39:46What do you mean? It was just awkward.
39:48We could just feel, like, eyes and, like, whispers,
39:50and I was just like, no, get me out of here.
39:52So we were just like, we're going to make a dash exit.
39:54So you just left? Yeah, pretty much.
39:56Literally ten minutes in. It gets so much worse, right?
39:58What? So we've got Saffron and Ella chasing us.
40:00They're like, you need to come back in here and, like, say sorry.
40:03Say sorry to who? To Harry.
40:06But the truth of the matter is,
40:08I slept with Junaid before officially breaking up with Harry.
40:11But for me, it was done. It was over. There was no going back.
40:13No. No, but, like, we had just come back from Cypress
40:16and I knew I was breaking up with him regardless.
40:19The next time I saw him, it was going to be done.
40:21I was going to end it. So I was mentally single.
40:24Danny obviously knew, because I did tell Danny when it happened.
40:27Yeah. And obviously Danny told Harry, and everyone found out.
40:30So obviously you can imagine what it was like, Christmas number two.
40:33And now we've heard that... Now we've heard...
40:35..Freddie and Harry are cracking up. And kissed. What?
40:38We're confused, I think, more so than anything.
40:40But at the end of the day, we don't care.
40:42It makes it awkward now, though, because it's like,
40:44how can we be friends with Freddie while he's cracking on with Harry?
40:48It ain't going to happen.
40:50And the truth's now out there,
40:51but I think Harry needs to hear the truth from me
40:54so he can finally just put this all to bed.
40:56What, you're going to have a conversation with him out here?
40:59To be honest with you, I probably owe it to him
41:01and just let him know the timeline of events, how it happened.
41:05He's not going to like it, but then how can...
41:07Oh, it's so awkward. I can't...
41:09But he's cracking on with Freddie, though,
41:10so I don't really feel like he can have the ump anymore.
41:12Hey, have you got with Janaye, Joe?
41:14I don't know. It's like, do you know what I mean?
41:16And it's awkward.
41:18Hopefully, after that conversation, though,
41:20we can just hopefully move on. I hope so.
41:23Shall we just cheers to being in Bali?
41:25Cheers to blossoming friendships, eh?
41:28I need another drink. Same.
41:32Let's get another. Let's get another.
41:52Right, Saffy.
41:55She's all blissful.
41:56Oh, we're in paradise, though.
41:58Oh, it's lovely, innit? You coming in?
42:00Of course I am.
42:01I haven't got my house moved to us.
42:03Oh, it's lovely. I'm so hot.
42:05I've been hot the whole time, but actually,
42:07this is really good on the soul, this place.
42:10I mean, it's peaceful. Do you feel calm?
42:11Yeah, calmer than what I've felt since being there.
42:15So, what you thinking? I mean, the boys are here.
42:18Yeah. Look, listen, it's one of them things, ain't it?
42:21Like, it's nice to be around them,
42:23cos we ain't been around them, but it's awkward.
42:25I thought, obviously, inviting her
42:28would try and help away from the madness.
42:30Like, talk to them on your own.
42:32It's all about rebuilding now.
42:34Yeah, well, let's hope so, eh?
42:36I mean, we weren't that calm the other night, was we?
42:38No, not at all. And I don't regret it,
42:40cos I feel like the things that we said,
42:43like, they needed to be said, do you know what I mean?
42:45But it's just hard to see Joe in such a state.
42:47Yeah. Oh, he's really upset.
42:49He was saying it again when I spoke to him around the pole.
42:52About you. Yeah.
42:55Like, I do feel a loss in a friendship, do you know what I mean?
42:57I'd be heartless if I said that I didn't care.
42:59Like, I do care. It's just one of them things.
43:02It's normal.
43:03Do I just do it for me instead of pleasing everyone else?
43:07Cos at the minute, I feel like I'm holding grudges
43:09cos I'm trying to please everyone.
43:11Is that why you don't seem yourself?
43:13Has it just all got too much?
43:14Yeah, I just feel so in the middle of everything.
43:16Like, I want to be amicable with him,
43:19but I also don't want to upset Danni either.
43:21Like, I know what happened and what they did to her was so wrong.
43:25And I also don't want to lose her as a friend,
43:27cos I lost her as a friend for not having her back before.
43:29But when I think of it, I just think to myself,
43:31I am missing Danni a lot.
43:33Like, we speak every minute of the day on the phone,
43:35and he wakes up for me and whatever else, and it's nice.
43:38I get messages from him saying,
43:39patiently waiting for his wake-up, it's good.
43:42But I'm thinking I might want to go home.
43:47I think I want to go home.
43:49Well, don't... Oh, come on, now.
43:51I feel like it's wrapped up in everything, and, like...
43:54It's got... Yeah, it's got too much.
43:56And you miss him.
44:00And he almost, like, might break away from it all, shall I be?
44:04Yeah, and also, I think you're finding probably pressure
44:06around girl band.
44:08I feel uneasy. Yeah.
44:10And I just think, like, Fred ain't even taken a minute
44:12out of his day to even ask me how I am,
44:14cos he's so caught up in all that shit.
44:17Yeah, you ain't seen yourself for a couple of days.
44:20You've just been quiet.
44:22I just want to go home.
44:25Oh, come on, Elsie.
44:28She's a lot. Come on.
44:31I feel sad, Sam.
44:34These days, these nights
44:36Are changing
44:38My mind, my mind
44:40Is set on you
44:41I'm not afraid
44:44To say it
44:46To say it's true
44:49I hope you know I will carry you home
44:53Whether it's tonight or 55 years down the road
44:57Next time...
44:59He loves me, doesn't he?
45:03What is it? Go on, talk to me.
45:06I am getting close to Tare,
45:08and I don't think them two are going to like it.
45:09So what if they don't like it?
45:11Jo did cheat on me.
45:13What? You're joking.
45:15Night three.
45:16We've all got to be around each other.
45:18Yeah, of course.
45:19And I don't want to see you and Jonaid on your own.
45:22Ella's actually really in the middle of a lot of stuff.
45:24Yeah. I'm looking at you in your eyes, I'm messed up.
45:27And I'm sorry, and I don't want to lose you.
45:30You both played a part in this.
45:32What do you mean?
45:33You both weren't perfect.
45:37I'm not doing this.
45:38Wait, Harry. Why? Why?
45:46The only way is up, baby
45:50For you and me now
45:53The only way is up, baby
45:58For you and me now
46:02For you and me now