• 4 hours ago


00:09He's your partner
00:13Bravest person I've ever known so I'm taking the transfer to undercover no contact with anyone else
00:21Let's talk about your agoraphobia, let's talk about your PTSD or at least why you don't want to talk about it
00:27When I logged in on your computer you stole my password, how could you do that?
00:33Craig and I are getting married. You're supposed to congratulate. Look Lucas you and I we were built to hurt people
00:40Okay, we learn from the best. I'll just have to be a better judge of character in the future
00:43You were right about my brother. Oh
00:48Lucas I lost everything it's over
00:56So French about French toast anyway, it's just bread and eggs you get to add maple syrup
01:01So it's French Canadian toast just have another mimosa. You'll get the hang of it
01:11Now I was gonna say anything about your stupid shirt or stupid necklace, but there you go, I'll talk to you later
01:21He's mad everyone here is something that might resemble French toast
01:36No girl, would you do ransack a hen house?
01:40Looks delicious. Yes. This is a serious level up test you invited people into your home
01:45You fed them. It's like you're trying to create community
01:49There you go, I can plate my own breakfast Lucas, I'm just trying to help we all know how well that can turn out
01:56trouble in paradise
02:01Thank you cheers to the happy couple
02:29Is everything okay with you and Lucas don't worry, I'm not gonna cancel the wedding but your brother can't be trusted
02:37Craig you know, it's really disappointed in himself. Yeah. Well that makes two of us
02:46This really was a nice brunch test
02:52From Leo. Hey Tess when you were a baby cop, did you do that module on?
02:59Plastic guns at the Academy I did. Okay true confessions at that time. I was deep in a situation chip
03:05I do not regret to this day as a result. I don't remember the module
03:10Leo has there been a shooting? Uh-huh
03:14Victim is Angela divine 44
03:20She was on the move
03:22And I'm not saying that just because she's wearing $600 trail shoes
03:29FIS dug out two splintered plastic bullets at the scene
03:33Nine millimeters, which means any number of firearms could have been used
03:37So it doesn't necessarily mean but it could
03:41All right
03:43Talk to me about the crime scene
03:45It's a wooded area remote
03:49Good of a runner's trail weaving through the trees
03:52FIS found the bullets north of and 20 feet from the body. Okay, imagine a line drawn through the victim's body
03:59perpendicular to the bullets
04:01Now on the side opposite the FIS team create four pie-shaped segments that add up to 180 degrees
04:07Which quadrant has the most cover?
04:14Third quadrant
04:16This big tree lots of foliage for cover check it out
04:20Look at you do math and geometry
04:23Helps when you like pie way too many trans fats
04:30I don't see anything. Don't look touch feel
04:40So this is it, huh chapter one and test Avery's crime-solving manual
04:46Don't expect anything go slowly
04:52There's something on the leaves tiny filaments spatter bombs, what color are they blue?
05:01Like the bullets it's not kind of residue only comes from a gun. Yeah, it's not a maybe anymore
05:09Untraceable and fully functioning
05:13The killer used a ghost gun
05:16Angela Devine was killed by an untraceable 3d printed plastic gun
05:21She's the first victim to be killed by a ghost gun in this city ever. It's usually gangs that traffic and ghost guns
05:27Yeah, gangs would be better than a citizen with a grudge and a 3d printer me familia
05:32I have just returned from the 80s where finance bros still thing even if your sis and our victim
05:40Was the braviest she was married to her work drove an Arancio Borealis Lamborghini and was christened king of the Jaguar
05:50Also still a word although now it's gender-neutral so she was well-liked. Oh, yeah, yeah
05:55Demanding humorless aggressive and she led all our team to million-dollar bonuses. So yeah, there were real tears there today long with the king
06:07Explain to Rick B's wife about our affair. No, that's a big one reach out to mother gargantuan
06:18Apologize to Kai. Yeah. Yes, I can do that right now
06:24Hey Kai, it's me the recluse from 93 it's been a minute
06:34Hey there
06:37It's sunny in case you deleted me, which I can't blame you for
06:43I would really
06:46Like to try to connect
06:53Of course take your time
07:04Don't make me talk to my mom
07:15God Angie
07:17We can't believe it
07:19Should live forever
07:21You're on a ferry this morning. I'm very run late
07:24That's my three hours in the parking lot two on the boat
07:29unbelievable unbelievable
07:32See, this is why I come in Sunday mornings rolling in late on a Monday. Not not a good look
07:37So mr. Vines not someone you want to disappoint the werewolf of Wall Street
07:42Yeah, sure as hell don't she'll rip your throat out, but everyone wants to work for
07:48A nurse of steel which you need when you're betting millions and making millions. Yeah, even in a bad year. I
07:59Did she have it in for anyone we made money no one wants to turn that off especially in this economy
08:08Can I roll now market never sleeps
08:14I'm like, yeah
08:21Sorry, okay. Yeah, I'm I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks. Yeah, it's it's sad
08:29See ya
08:33See ya
08:35You know, I know everyone walks out of that room with an elevated heart rate that guy's pulse was racing
08:41Won't check his alibi
08:43And the rest of the pros. Hey, there's a shooting in Strathcona 42 year old man
08:48He survived but the surgeon dug out a plastic bullet for a souvenir. Guess the lucky color
08:53That's on the other side of town from this morning shooting and it was the second one less than 24 hours
08:58I can't remember just to make a spree
09:01house free starts
09:05The would-be murderer shot me while I was meditating I saw nothing
09:10Which is the goal, right?
09:13Whatever you can remember and describe would be useful. Mr. Mass. Oh, call me mass just mass
09:19You guys know who I am, right shoe by mass, you know my work
09:24Last shoe I name-checked was some that guy
09:28with heels
09:32Somebody cares mass. Did you hear anything or notice any movement after you were shot?
09:39Another shot came from
09:41The back of the property. There's this gap between the security door and a utility pole
09:45You work in a very competitive business a lot of people can get jealous
09:50Maybe shoot you jealous those gutless hacks. They got the stones or the ovaries
09:56Last week. I took out another massive loan to start my new line. I'm comfortable with risk
10:02Money isn't freedom
10:05art is
10:08Any impression at all of the shooter? I caught a glimpse of his hand
10:12Look white. Yes
10:15You're right. Could have been a woman
10:17in which case a girlfriend could use some
10:24So as a sitting in his backyard
10:27Pull it hits him in his left shoulder and as he's going down
10:30He sees the shooters finger on the trigger. So the shooter was tucked behind the shed
10:35The gun was sticking out around the corner which means they are left-handed with Angie's killer behind the big cedar
10:42That's natural swing for a left-hander. It doesn't rule out a right-handed shooter guys
10:47But what we do know is the killer was low to the ground when Angie came into view
10:52The shots all angled up remember right but they angled down for the shoe maestro
10:57Which normally suggests an experienced shooter except FIS dug out as many bullets from the trees as they were found in the victim
11:03Farley's alibi checked out
11:05CCTV from the parking lot and the fairies. Okay, so he's out as the shooter
11:11Where are we on the 3d printer front now? We got uniforms visiting public-use printers, but everyone's got a home printer these days
11:21Hey, what's up?
11:23So I dug up what I could on Mazda's business, which is hard to do since he's a private company
11:27But he's refinanced his business twice barely paid off the loans. Talk about being devoted to your art
11:34Sonny their shoes. They are sculptures that you wear
11:38Anyhow, he's basically broke which seems like a badge of honor for him. Good luck. Thanks
11:45All right. Well Sonny just confirmed Mazda's as bad with money as he's good with shoes
11:49Where did these Vicks connect different financials different fields different neighborhoods very different backgrounds?
11:56Yeah, and she's rich and Maz is still drinking and dive bars on East Hastings and she's dead and Maz is alive
12:02Do we really have nothing they're called ghost guns for a reason?
12:11Oh my god, I want all those shoes. How long have you worked here Robbie?
12:16two years four months
12:1912 days
12:22That's very specific, thank you
12:25What kind of a boss is maz? He's a visionary
12:28There's nobody better. I quit a top internship at Arklay financial to work here. You know every day
12:33I know how lucky I am to have been given this opportunity
12:36people would kill for
12:39Sorry kill for the job. Yes, in which case they should shoot me not him
12:44He is a big personality, but he shows an interest, you know, I mean this place is
12:50Basically grad school, but for shoe design, even if it's a little bit old-fashioned
12:54How's that if he modernized he'd see his market share increased by four hundred percent Robbie's reacting to Chloe
13:02She looks worried is Chloe, right?
13:04Could the business do better if it modernized I'll tell you what Maz would say
13:09Every shoe must be shaped and no machine can do that. Come on, Robbie if Maz went public
13:15He would make a fortune if Maz went public he wouldn't be in control
13:19Not that he's in control of his finances. I mean look at this place
13:23Can you tell us where you were yesterday between 6 and 8 p.m. I?
13:28Yes, I was actually at my dragon boat club end of season party my team took second I
13:37Have to check it was 18 hours ago
13:41Hmm Chloe's left-hand dominant. Oh, you're gonna your mom's for dinner. I
13:47was supposed to but basically I crashed really early and
13:52My roommate probably saw me
13:55You know Chloe's the only person we met so far where art and finance cross paths
14:00So she's planning a takeover. It sounds dumb when you say it like that, but it could connect the killings
14:09Hey, so I'm sorry
14:11So all the finance bros who worshipped Angie have been alibied as is her family scattered and otherwise that includes
14:21Ex-husband who mentioned that she was not a big fan of Farley really?
14:26How not big management confirmed there was a restructuring coming Farley was on the shopping block
14:31There's sort of irrelevant given his alibi. Yeah, but that's one hell of a motivator. Mm-hmm
14:36You know, the only place where it might come together is your girl from messes workshop Chloe
14:41All the other employees their alibis check out Chloe's the only one with their foot in both worlds, though
14:46She doesn't have an alibi for either shooting. She's barely worked there long enough to hate her boss
14:51She's left-handed though, which is all we know about messes shooter so far, right?
14:57In the photos from Chloe's desk. There was a maker's market card
15:03In the membership-based club for creative creation
15:08That's a whole lot of redundant. Yeah
15:11Hey, yeah, my guide says Chloe was part of a digital creation membership club digital creation
15:18Meaning 3d printers top of the line. Yeah, I
15:21Guess I'm going back to the workshop. I'll talk to my guy about the printer records. You have a guy
15:27Maybe you should get 101
15:31Six steps straight ahead Oh Robbie seated to your right
15:37You're closing early
15:39Maz decreed an early close out of respect for himself. So I lit a candle and kept working
15:47You said working here is a great opportunity for young designers. Yeah
15:50I mean the hours are long and he expects a lot task the heels on Chloe's desk
15:57Do you know where Chloe is right now, that's one of Chloe's isn't it beautiful? It's like the Eiffel Tower
16:07These ridges I understand that's typical with 3d printing. Yeah, it's just a little nothing hobby of Chloe's
16:14She knows Maz would never go for them. He's all about artisanal craftsmanship
16:20Is there a printer here no, he would never
16:23You calling about the printer records wish it wasn't you never clubbing live shows
16:28Or that time that you forced me to cycle to squamish him back. Oh, man
16:33That feels like a hundred years ago, and I didn't force you
16:37You totally forced me. Listen, we'll do it again. Okay, I promise you I'll do it again
16:43I promise you I'll do it again. I promise you I'll do it again
16:45I promise you I'll do it again. I promise you I'll do it again
16:48I promise you I'll do it again. I promise you I'll do it again
16:51Okay, I promise. Mm-hmm
16:53So any luck with the the makers market 3d printer specs? Yeah
17:00Found Chloe's account. So do you want to hear about all the
17:053d shoe heels that she pushed through that printer damn it
17:08Maybe I'll just skip ahead to the gun. She printed along with a couple dozen bullets
17:14Smart shootings untraceable weapon and
17:18Then our potential shooter falls apart in the postgame Chloe printed the gun. She has no alibi
17:24We haven't found with a gun or have we seen her on CCTV and she has no motive
17:28Yeah, a few hours in an actual cell. She'll find one or or they're separate incidents
17:34These bullets look like they came from the same batch they can't be untraceable
17:39These bullets look like they came from the same batch they can't be unconnected can they
17:51So I realized that the hardest thing that I learned
17:55The first year that I left was that I didn't have to listen to you anymore
18:04Because you weren't really there mother even though you were still in my head
18:11Not untrue
18:21Hi, it's guy leave a message hi
18:27So I realized that texting is cowardly
18:31But I wanted to say thank you, and I didn't know how else to do it. That was sort of in person
18:37And because of you I'm working with a therapist and she's helping and I'm so sorry
18:45But I took advantage and that I lied
18:49And Kai no matter what I will never do that again
19:06We don't have it yet, so we keep telling it till we do
19:15Chloe shoots mass Chloe's working at a financial firm she jumps into the shoe business
19:20Her main concern is how mass could mechanize and make more money, but her heels were beautiful
19:26I mean, she's a real deal Chloe shows up at Angie's firm and says she's got a takeover target
19:31Yeah, Angie buys in the two women talk to mass about it mass agrees at first
19:36They start spending real money on due diligence
19:38Which illuminates masses shaky financial passing kills the deal and in a fit of rage Chloe shoots them both listen to that part
19:47Yeah, but we got to find a direct connection
19:51Okay, Sonny, can you go online again?
19:53Can you dig around for any gossip on how mass treats his employees especially the women I did he's squeaky-clean
20:00Not a whisper anywhere
20:02not a whisper
20:05Which is weird Chloe shoots mass and then shares her homemade gun with someone who would want to kill and she?
20:23Pretty sure reddit has a sub thread on shared murder weapons
20:34Chloe meets someone who hates Angie at church synchronized swimming
20:39Competitive chess hey Taz we're gonna send you a picture
20:44Hey Leo, can you take a look at this? It's from my guide
20:50Why she's doing a little backseat detective
20:54Okay, she's got a crime board. She's got a string crossing from Chloe to Angie killer to victim
21:00She's got Chloe shooting Angie
21:03There's a second string leading from unknown shooter to mass the strings are crossing yet across
21:12It's a Hitchcock movie
21:16What's the one
21:20Strangers on a stranger's on a train in the movie two unhappy strangers meet they get to talking about who they'd like to see dead
21:26They swap murders right right
21:29I remember it and neither killer has a connection to the potential victim and each guy has a perfect alibi for their own targets
21:36time of death
21:37Chris cross Chris cross hey you guys know who had a perfect alibi for the morning of Angie's murder
21:47I have an alibi so why am I here?
21:49You know it's hard to believe it was just the other day, huh?
21:52Hmm actually a few of us went out for a little mini wake that night. Oh, we know your co-workers told us
22:00You don't think someone at the firm did this I thought all you financial guys were killers we are emotionally stunted men and women
22:09So the wake started at six o'clock really mm-hmm, but you didn't show up till 733
22:15Whoa 733
22:22Hey Tess hey Owen was that the sound of a pen being caught by a left hand it sure was Wow
22:30Hey Farley
22:31Where were you before the wake?
22:34I don't
22:41Is that near your home
22:46Not too far
22:48So I was up for a little walk
22:51Maple in 22nd, that's was quite a ways from your place not too far from Maz's house. Is that a gun in your pocket? I
22:59Had nothing to do with Angie's death
23:02But someone shot Angie and we think it was for you and these photos make it look like you're returning the favor
23:08I guess you failed your assignment Farley
23:10Any worries that your partner might be coming after you
23:13What does this all land on you who asked you to shoot us who shot Angie for you? Who's your partner? I don't know him
23:22We've never met
23:56Know that the separation was good for me and I wish you every happiness mother
24:06Just send it
24:13God what did I do? I
24:18Talked to my lawyer. I don't say anything. Hope you don't mind if we do
24:22Yeah, we want to just make sure your lawyer explained your culpability in Angie's murder. Maybe you didn't pull the trigger
24:29But you did plan it. This is where you hope we're good at our jobs because if we don't find your partner
24:34You're not just an accessory. You're also responsible
24:39Scared of you guys
24:42Stop crunching those numbers Farley
24:44Cuz they start at 5 to 10 and they go all the way to life already told you I don't know him yet
24:49Somehow you met I
24:51agreed to a conspiracy we met online
24:54in a game
24:58Hang tight
25:01So they plotted a murder inside a game
25:03It's guaranteed anonymity Farley referred to his partner as he and Farley knows more about his co-conspirator than his pronouns
25:13Level up anyone
25:18Bones of dogs is my go-to game. It's violence. It's nihilistic. It's it's the best way. I know how to blow off steam
25:25I'm ever Starker's during a stakeout
25:29Amazing player we talked
25:32And then
25:35We talked
25:37I had
25:39Work pressure. He had personal trouble such as
25:43Is he said that that shoe guy mess?
25:46came on pretty strong to his wife like
25:50Assaulted her she quit her job and she was too afraid to go out and she wasn't getting any better
25:56You covered all this in an online game, yeah, there's a lot of line and wait you got deep
26:02So you you kept talking to Bruce Starker's. Yeah, I
26:07Told him that Angie had it in for me. I knew that there were cuts coming
26:11I didn't see a better job in my future. I mean
26:14Impossible to be a young Turk 35, you know, I
26:18Was scared did Bruce Starker's know it
26:22Yeah, I might have come up
26:25So one night another stakeout
26:29He asked me if I've seen this movie strangers on a train. I
26:33Read the synopsis. I got it swap murders
26:36Perfect alibis. It was fun to talk about. I
26:41Kind of like the idea of helping out his wife and this entire time you two stayed strangers
26:46I mean, I might not have known the guy's name, but I
26:50Felt really close to the guy
26:52for real
26:56And then he says he's got an untraceable gun
27:02And that he'll take out Angie fun and then he'll pass the gun to me and I'll do the same for him
27:10And I'm like sure it's a it's a nice fantasy
27:15But you just thought it was talking. It wasn't really gonna happen. Except I'm on the ferry and my phone blows up and
27:22Angie's dead and the police want to see me and all I can think about is I'm
27:28I'm supposed to
27:30Kill mass. I know the time the place
27:35At this point, I'm I'm scared for Starkers
27:39So I do it I go to the place and the shoe guy is sitting there
27:45Meditating and then you shoot him. No, but I missed I hit him a little bit. I was trying to miss
27:52I couldn't kill a person. I couldn't where's the gun now? He's only to dump it in a bin behind a strip mall in Fraser
28:00I'm scared. He's gonna come after me. I
28:03Get the strip mall see if the gun is still there
28:05Yeah, I worked as his employee file see if I can find my wife and girlfriend
28:09Assaulted, you know, it's so specific. It's so personal telling somebody your wife was assaulted. I met my second wife when I'm on my game
28:17It's amazing the things you talk about
28:23Sonny checked all the socials and nothing came up about mass being anything other than a design genius. Oh, nothing negative at all
28:34The bad boy shoe designer in the fashion world yet somehow he's led a blameless existence I hear what that sounds like now
28:42Don't worry. I'll dig up some more. Thanks, honey
28:46Hey, how'd your homework go? Well, I haven't really heard from Kai and
28:53They sent my mother a letter
28:56Wow, that's the first time in years, isn't it? Yeah, I don't think she's gonna respond
29:01I mean I was more direct than I've ever been. Are you gonna tell me what was in it? Of course
29:06You know out of all the couples at brunch. I think we might be the strongest in each other's heads
29:12Anticipating one another's needs. Yeah ready to turn each other off with the push of a button. It's perfect. That part means work
29:19So, where are you headed we are headed to Matt's office to play a video game called the bones of dogs
29:28It's the game where Farley met his partner in crime
29:31He doesn't know Bruce Starker's real identity, but other players might
29:34Farley gave us the green light to use his avatar
29:36So you're looking for a murderer inside a video game if it gets out the police couldn't solve this
29:42Who's gonna print the next ghost gun?
29:44God Tess the world seems like such a scary place sometimes. Yeah
29:53It's Kai go I'll check in later
30:11Was Farley's characters voice try it
30:17Worship means we're good master. I was thinking you lost your head. Come on, dude
30:27I'm gonna operate the avatar. You just question the place. You ready? Yeah, let's do it
30:33Wait, what's my character's name BSD dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign?
30:39Of course
30:52Susan Gill spokes thingy. Let's find out who you really are
31:06What exactly did you clean up
31:23Greetings are you storming the castle or destroying the bridge?
31:27Bridge, have you seen for Starker's do this should be there already
31:32Stalkers over there. Tell him we could use him at the castle
31:37That's our killer, where have you been I left the gun where you told me to let's walk
31:44So you're that bad a shot the man was sitting down motionless I
31:49Tried I did I can try again. This has fallen off the rails
31:58Oh, how's your wife doing? She's very determined determined
32:10Oh, honey, take it easy Robbie Barry, you're so cute when you're drunk that party was NSFW
32:20Oh God Robbie
32:24I kept my part of the deal
32:27You have to try again. I want you to do what you said you would. Yeah, I can take another shot
32:34Tell me where to meet you for the gun meet outside the game. No one trap was enough
32:46I was not expecting that. Yeah
32:49Sonny hey Tess, listen
32:51There's no dirt on Maz because he pays someone to scrub him clean and he needs to because he abuses the women who work
32:58For him keep going. Well, I put the pieces of the story together and one post leads to another which leads to another and then
33:04Suddenly you see it all I
33:08Pictures that seem to add up to Robbie being assaulted by mass
33:12Pictures that seem to add up to Robbie being assaulted by mass for years
33:21One trap was enough
33:25Robbie's dream job became her trap and it's why she said nothing until she broke
33:37Did you find the ghost gun
33:40Looks like someone retrieved it Thanks
33:42So Farley's online partner was a woman pretending to be a bro so that she could enlist another bro
33:50Three more steps
33:53What more do you want Tess I'm running out of patient my god, there's blood on the floor
33:59Okay, one o'clock eleven steps and then you'll be where they are but Tess wait wait for backup
34:05I wish I would have done this years ago when you started Robbie's pointing the gun at mass. He's on the floor
34:10There's there's bruising on his face
34:13She's a cop the guns on you
34:16Robbie I'm here to help you. I don't want to shoot you then don't shoot me or him
34:21The bitch is out of control
34:23She's pointing the gun on mass. He's five steps away ten o'clock. Let's all take a breath. The police are on their way
34:30Put the gun down Robbie. I don't want things to get worse for you
34:37Horse was a long time ago
34:39Horse was when he started tearing me down piece by piece. I was teaching you you were grooming me
34:45He was nice in the beginning
34:48But like I was finally where I was supposed to be
34:52And then he started tearing me down
34:54Telling me how terrible I was. I
34:57Was afraid I would lose everything and that's when he said he could help me
35:04He could shape me
35:07And that's when he started sexually abusing you she's lying what I did was give her this career and this is how she repays me
35:16She's still pointing the gun at mass
35:19You wanted to protect Chloe
35:22But then you used her club membership to print the gun and she became a suspect
35:27Yes, that's not what I wanted. She didn't do it. Now, you know that so, um
35:32She can have her life back
35:35Robbie I want you to tell your story in court
35:38When mass is on trial for sexual misconduct
35:41That will work
35:43But he'll get a year then he'll walk and then he won't stop her hands shaking. I don't think she wants to do this test
35:51He's 15 feet away directly in front of you
35:58Get out of the way Robbie I
36:01Know what a tough year is like
36:03I'm pretty deep into mine
36:06Every day tears me down and all I have to fight back is my own fear and self-doubt
36:11What happened to you? I
36:14Lost my sight
36:17So I know what the worst thing feels like
36:20But I'm still here. I'm not letting it destroy me if you're blind
36:24Then how I have a guide a partner. She's been through a lot, too
36:30Maybe I'm not as strong as you. You're still here, too
36:34So I'm guessing you are
36:37We will take him down together. I will be right there with you in the courtroom
36:48I did that to see him dead
36:50All I ever wanted was just to make something beautiful
37:21She just walked past her partner
37:27And she doesn't even know it
37:37They're perfect
37:38Well great. Okay, cuz the day they really looked like your colors. Yeah to me. I'll get a vase. Okay?
37:44Oh, I ordered from this new place on 71st. They specialize in wild game, and I hear that they're venison. It's fantastic
37:58Bad news no news you can tell me it's okay
38:10I treasure you Oh
38:18I'm a little overwhelmed. I'm a little overwhelmed. I guess I'm whelmed. I'm well too
38:28What kind of news were you hoping for I
38:33Reached out to my mother and
38:35She hasn't answered
38:37And I guess I just feel like I took a step out in the world and it sure feels like the world doesn't care
38:42I can't feel great
38:46Don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I wanted to show you my fun new
38:53therapize self
38:55That's fine by me. Yeah
38:57What do you think?
38:59I think that you should put those flowers in a vase
39:05Set off no
39:09We're gonna turn this night around
39:12How much of this night?
39:14a little bit
39:33What about dinner? Oh, that's work, I'll get it
39:44This place is a dump and not even a fun one. So, thank you
39:48You're welcome. I thought Lucas would be more comfortable here. It's
39:52The kind of place my mom would have run stop nagging on mom
39:56She preferred to drink at home with unsavory men. I am so mad
40:04Of course, you're right
40:07screw up that big proportions
40:10You know, sometimes I can enjoy your juvenile behavior
40:14Because I can see the adult in you the man like this
40:18Chrysalis just begging to be cracked open and I'm so articulate. This isn't a joke. I'm not joking
40:24Okay, it's part of the reason why I love you
40:27I want to be as good for you as you are for me. I
40:34Took a job at a call center
40:37It's not gonna buy us a wedding venue, but you've got a job at a call center
40:41That is the most boring thing you've ever done. I'm just terrified for anybody who picks up their phone. I'm so proud of you
41:05Hey, I'll settle up
41:13Whiskey beer back
42:11Miss life practice your medicine on the high seas
42:14Not being stuck.
42:18It's addictive.
42:21Doctor Odyssey all new Thursday 9-10pm on CTV.