• 5 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Le tecniche di Pma, procreazione medicalmente assistita non sono “uguali” e danno “risultati  diversi. Solo per il 32,5% dei centri di secondo e terzo livello, in Italia, ha eseguito più di 500 cicli contro una media europea del 50,1%. Per colmare questo gap  è importante l’informazione, l’educazione, ma anche l’aiuto economico alle coppie per garantire che accedano al trattamento più moderno ed efficace nei centri pubblici o privati convenzionati”. Così Antonio Pellicer, professore ordinario di Ostetricia e Ginecologia all'Università di Valencia, fondatore di IVI, Istituto valenciano di infertilità, commenta i dati della Relazione 2024 sullo stato di attuazione della legge 40/2004 in materia di Pma.


00:00I am increasing in our country all the PMA techniques, the medically assisted procreation techniques, also for the heterologist and the use of donated gametes.
00:14From 2021 to 2022, in fact, the couples treated with the PMA techniques have gone from 86,090 to 86,192.
00:24The cycles performed from 108,067 to 109,755 and children born alive from 16,625 to 16,718, according to the data disseminated by the Ministry of Health,
00:38in the 2024 report on the State of Action of Law 40-2004 on PMA.
00:45Data that highlights a greater trust in the tools that science makes available to treat infertility in a country like ours,
00:52in which the idea of ​​pregnancy is increasingly procrastinated.
00:56Couples who resort to PMA have an average age of around 37 years.
01:05This is an age that is too high, which increases year by year and which, in my opinion, is a consequence of social changes.
01:17Women naturally have children later than once.
01:24Despite the data disseminated by the Ministry of Health, a slight increase in the use of PMA,
01:30in Italy, the techniques of medically assisted procreation are still used little.
01:35In Spain, 10-12 out of 100 children born a year come directly from PMA.
01:43In Italy, only 4.2.
01:47Finally, infertility has been recognized as a disease and therefore, as a consequence, it is part of the E.A.
01:57and the State takes care that all Italians have access to PMA treatment and have children if they need medical help.
02:11But be careful, because this help must be fair, because this technology is a technology that continues to learn
02:23and we must apply the most modern techniques to have the greatest rates of success possible.
