Hiiii :) Happy Sunday! SO excited to be back. Meet Dot, a mini Q&A - the birth, how I'm feeling and how motherhood so far! Can't believe she's here!
Where to find me:
Instagram - / poppydeyes
Website - https://www.poppydeyes.com
Up To No Good - https://www.poppydeyes.com/shop/
LTK - https://www.shopltk.com/explore/poppy...
Details from the video:
What I'm wearing (or similar if out of stock):
*Stripe top - https://rstyle.me/+u5fL3raopmGFhEpSzktjXQ
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Where to find me:
Instagram - / poppydeyes
Website - https://www.poppydeyes.com
Up To No Good - https://www.poppydeyes.com/shop/
LTK - https://www.shopltk.com/explore/poppy...
Details from the video:
What I'm wearing (or similar if out of stock):
*Stripe top - https://rstyle.me/+u5fL3raopmGFhEpSzktjXQ
All links marked with a "*" are affiliate links, this means I receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing products through this link. This does not affect you as the consumer or the price of the product. Anything marked with ad pr means I have been gifted the product or experience but I'm under no obligation to post about or mention it.
00:00hi guys i'm back it's been a little while
00:03i don't know why this feels so weird because
00:06it's been a few months but i feel like my whole
00:10world has changed last time i was filming
00:14it was literally a day before we had Dottie i uploaded and then was like
00:18see ya um and yeah i thought the best way to come
00:24back and say hello would be to just do like
00:27a little catch-up video i put a question box on instagram the other day
00:31i had lots of lovely messages so i thought i'd just
00:34answer some of them and yeah say hello i'm gonna keep it quite light
00:39and top line because i think it would be nice to do like
00:43a specific pregnancy q a and then maybe one about motherhood so far
00:48as well so this is more just like a little catch-up
00:52um a little hello and then yeah if you want me to go into more detail about
00:57any of the like experiences then just let me know in the comments because
01:01i was too unwell to properly talk about the pregnancy
01:05during the pregnancy so i feel like maybe it would be nice to do like
01:10a reflective uh q a now before we start the proper questions
01:14i just wanted to say thank you i started youtube
01:18back last march um a year ago how mad um when to be honest i was in
01:25a really unhappy and sad space and
01:30i just wanted to start something new take my mind
01:34off of things um we just had our fourth embryo transfer which um failed
01:41and i just needed like a creative outlet that was
01:45new and fresh and i had no idea that i was gonna
01:49love it as much as i have and do the fact that i
01:52started documenting the pregnancy without even realizing that i was
01:57pregnant and then brought you along on the journey
02:00with me um will just always be like the most
02:04special thing to me and the community you are just the
02:09loveliest group of people the most supportive even when i
02:14honestly like filming was really really challenging at times when i
02:18was so unwell um but yeah you were always just so
02:22kind and thoughtful and yeah i just want to say thank you
02:26so much for all of the support over the last year and specifically like
02:31throughout my pregnancy journey because yeah it was just so lovely to have so
02:37thank you so lots of questions about the birth and
02:40recovery again i'm not going to go into like
02:43huge amounts of detail but i ended up having a plan c section
02:49overall it was a really positive experience
02:53um i felt really anxious on the day i was so nervous but i think my way of
03:01kind of like coping with everything was to not
03:06read up on stuff which sounds a bit odd but
03:09i had like a few friends um give advice but then i kind of left at that
03:15because for me i wanted to just turn up on the day
03:19listen to what the doctors told me was going to happen
03:24and then just kind of deal with it in that moment
03:27it was a bit like fight or flight as you can imagine
03:31we've waited so long for this moment and it was very emotional and
03:37yeah i just kind of wanted to just be really in the moment and try and be as
03:42calm as possible and yeah it was a really positive
03:48incredible experience um i think the only way i can describe it is to just
03:55say i was so relieved like i think me and shaun just looked at each other i've
04:00said i'm not gonna cry in this video by the way
04:02which you know you know me but i've said i'm not gonna cry
04:05um we just looked at each other and i think
04:09that we just felt the biggest sense of relief when she was here it was like i
04:16could breathe again it honestly felt like the last five years
04:20and it was five years to the month since we started trying for dotty
04:24or for our baby um and i just felt like i could breathe
04:30again i feel like it was just this
04:34weight emotionally and physically that was just like
04:39lifted in terms of the actual operation i felt so looked after by the doctors
04:45and the anaesthetist oh my god he was amazing
04:48um the whole team was just incredible and i did actually end up having a
04:54hemorrhage um and dotty had to be pulled out with
04:58forceps and bless her she had quite a lot of
05:01bruising and a cut on her chin um and that moment was quite scary but
05:06she came very quickly after that was happening um so i didn't really
05:10have like much time to be scared and then she was
05:14here and all we could think about was her so
05:18it was all very quick but overall it was really really positive and yeah i felt
05:24really looked after and then in terms of the
05:27recovery at home i'm in an incredibly lucky position where
05:33i have sean here with me and he doesn't have
05:36a job out of the house to go back to um so i felt really really lucky that he
05:43could kind of like look after me and i know that that was a
05:48massive part of why the recovery was so positive because
05:52he was here to help and my family um i took it really slow
05:58like really really slow i didn't push myself
06:01i'd say it took the full like six to eight weeks to feel like
06:07mostly healed and more myself um but there were many times when
06:12you know we tried to go for a walk drive somewhere get out the car and i'd be
06:16like this is not happening and i just really
06:19tried to listen to my body and just be like don't do what you can't
06:24do um my mind was ready like so much
06:28sooner than my body was to do things i just tried to lean into not doing
06:33anything being at home being in our baby bubble
06:37and just really concentrating on recovery itself and yeah i'd say after
06:43a couple of months was when i was like okay i'm feeling really good um
06:48and yeah i just took it very very slow also lots of questions
06:52asking how i am which is really kind so thank you
06:55um i'm really good really really good obviously i had no idea what to expect
07:02and how i was gonna feel but like i said before i think the only way i can
07:07describe it and i feel like maybe people who have
07:10had a really you know challenging journey um to
07:14parenthood will get it is that i have just felt
07:20like this sense of relief and this weight
07:24lifting and i just feel the most me i have felt in years and
07:31the first few weeks were very hormonal and
07:35emotional i used to just look at her and cry with happiness but
07:39you know it was crazy um still do just not as much but yeah i'm really good
07:45i think it's just been such a journey to get here
07:51that it doesn't feel real still and i just feel like the luckiest person
07:58in the world i'm totally aware that i probably sound like a complete broken
08:02record by the way always talking about our journey to get
08:06dotty and how grateful i am and how lucky i am to be here but i think
08:13when you've been through something like that
08:15it does just feel so surreal and honestly i will always talk about it i
08:20will always talk about how we got here i will always talk about how grateful i
08:25am because every day just feels like the most
08:29surreal experience and i am just so grateful to be here so
08:34i'm sorry if i do sound like a broken record but
08:38i'm never gonna stop because i need to like shout it from the rooftops of
08:43yeah how grateful i am um okay next question how to change the
08:48camera battery so i hope this looks kind of the same next question is about
08:53her name how did we come up with the name
08:55dotty um it's quite a simple and quite boring answer really but
09:01me and sean have been together 16 17 16 i think years this january just
09:07gone and i would say we're trying to work this
09:11out the other day i would say dotty has been top of our
09:15list for maybe 10 years genuinely
09:20crazy we didn't know how we would feel about it
09:23if we were pregnant with a girl like if we would still love it as much or if
09:27we'd be like oh no that doesn't make any sense anymore
09:30but we just love it always have and we were like 99% sure throughout
09:36the pregnancy once we knew she was a girl um but
09:40when she arrived we were just like it's dotty it's always been dotty
09:47it was meant to be dotty and yeah we just
09:50love it and then her middle name is Maeve which is an irish name
09:54sean's family irish so we knew we wanted to have an irish middle name
09:59and we just think it works really nicely with dotty so
10:03that's her little name story take baby hello so this is dotty
10:10sean has a rainbow attached to his head they're doing some sensory
10:14she looks like a mini sean she has blue eyes
10:17and loads of hair i had no hair as a baby so we were
10:21in shock actually no they did tell us on a scan didn't they
10:24they said oh we saw it on the scan yeah yeah
10:27um but yeah this is dotty are you a happy baby
10:31we always say she looks like a little frowny frog right you're gonna go back
10:35and carry on playing with your dad yeah come here then chicken
10:39next question is what are my favorite things about dotty
10:45oh guys where do we start i mean she's just perfect love
10:51experiencing the world through her eyes like seeing her change
10:57every day and seeing her like respond to us as her mum and dad
11:02um yeah it's all just the most like magical thing and i just love
11:10how like smiley she is and happy and yeah in the middle of the night when i
11:15go in to like look in the cot now she's just looking up
11:19at me like you should be asleep but you're so cute
11:23now she's three months i think i wasn't expecting her to be so
11:28like engaged i think in my head a three month old even though i've been around
11:32babies a lot so i don't really know why i thought this
11:35um but i think i thought a three month old was just like
11:39a big newborn um that she's absolutely not like in her wake windows now
11:46she wants to like play and be entertained and be talked to and sung to
11:50and it's so lovely um just having her so like aware of the
11:56world and everything around her and seeing her
12:00taking new things and experiences and like new toys or sensory classes
12:06or seeing different people she's really started to like
12:10smile at my mum dad like and know our family
12:14and know people who she like loves it's just
12:18yeah basically everything is that an answer
12:22i'm gonna just have to say everything the next is what has surprised me
12:26about motherhood um i've definitely been more anxious than i thought i would be
12:34um i have anxiety so i knew that things might
12:38pop up or new things might appear but i think having a winter baby i
12:44didn't really think about the fact that i might be anxious about her catching
12:50a cold or being unwell and the first month especially
12:55maybe even two months actually i was really quite anxious
13:01and i wasn't expecting that and hadn't thought about that
13:05i've definitely become more relaxed now um
13:09but yeah that is one thing that i just hadn't thought about pre-baby
13:13that that might be something that um
13:18i would feel anxiety over another thing that comes to mind
13:21is about like being a people pleaser i'm quite a people pleaser
13:25in my like nature and i kind of knew that this
13:30was gonna happen but i didn't really uh appreciate how it would feel
13:35um i like to be on time and like do things in a certain way
13:42and having dotty now you just realize that nothing else matters
13:48you know sometimes you can't be on time sometimes things don't go to plan
13:53one day you'll wake up and the day is great you've had loads of sleep you feel
13:58amazing and you're like yeah we've got this
14:01this is like been so smooth today and then the next day you've had half
14:06the sleep than you're used to um you feel exhausted and you're running
14:10late and i think it's really teaching me just
14:14to like go with the flow more and lean into life
14:19and just relax because there is no other way if she's napping
14:25or needs something needs feeding um yeah nothing else matters and
14:33it's been quite interesting from that perspective
14:36um and i think actually it's really good for me i think
14:40it's made me feel like i should just let things unfold throughout the day
14:47and that's what we've been different another thing that comes to mind about
14:51being surprised is how having a baby
14:57just demonstrates like how quickly time is changing because you have this
15:03physical tiny person who's changing so much
15:06every day you can't help but feel so like aware of time before i would be
15:13like oh okay like three months ago or three
15:17months have passed or oh i look different a year ago or three
15:21years ago but now it's like you're so aware of
15:24every day or i'm so aware of every day because
15:27she is changing so much every day it could literally be like oh she can blow
15:31bubbles today you're like oh my god she can blow
15:34bubbles today like she's three and a half months old like
15:38it's just crazy that you can like see time moving in front of you that's how
15:44i feel i also didn't expect to feel so
15:49emotional already looking back at her growth so like i will look
15:56at newborn photos or videos and miss that stage already even though
16:02she's still a tiny baby and she's only three
16:05months old but i'll look back at that stage
16:07and like miss it i don't know if that's because of our journey to get here
16:13um and i don't know if we'll be lucky enough to ever experience this again
16:18but i look back at her as like a baby baby
16:24and yeah i just i didn't expect to feel that way i didn't expect to be like
16:30already looking back at her and thinking about how much she's changed
16:34when she's still such a like tiny baby so next is best thing about
16:39being a mum after all the obstacles my neighbour is banging so i'm really
16:46really hoping you can't hear that i touched on this in some of the other
16:50answers but i just can't explain
16:56it's it's basically made me realise how trapped and sad
17:03and desperate i have felt for so long
17:10and it's like i'm seeing the world again like from a fresh
17:16perspective it's like i'm getting me back
17:21and i know again that sounds like dramatic but
17:24we went through a lot and we had a lot of heartbreak over
17:28a long span of time and it just feels like every day
17:35i become more like me again i don't want to get emotional
17:39i can feel myself getting emotional but it's like i'm getting me back
17:44but a new version which is the best version i've ever felt i knew i
17:51would cry in this video oh my god also it doesn't help that
17:55this is literally where i sat to tell you guys that i
17:58was pregnant and now we're back here and she's here
18:02and yeah so it's less actually about motherhood motherhood has been
18:08everything i hoped it would feel like and be
18:12and more but it's more about like how i've personally felt after
18:19the journey to get here i think i didn't realise how much i had
18:25been putting on the front for so long and i'm just so
18:32thankful to be in a position where i can like rediscover myself
18:36and just lean into this new chapter and i'm just so so excited
18:45about the future and all the memories we're going to make
18:48and being with sean he is the best dad like sean is just
18:56the most gorgeous dad and i'm just so lucky to have him
19:00and yeah i'm just so excited for all that's to come
19:04and to bring you guys along right i'm gonna leave it there
19:07i hope you've enjoyed this video um it's a bit different for me
19:11doing like a little sit down q a um actually let me know in the comments if
19:16one you enjoyed this style video and also if you'd like to see more maybe on
19:22specific topics i get a lot of questions about our
19:26trying to conceive journey um maybe the pregnancy journey as well
19:31and maybe one more and specifically like motherhood so far when i've
19:36experienced a bit more of it um yeah let me know
19:40and thank you so much for watching and i'm just so excited to bring you guys
19:45along for this new chapter new life chapter um yeah
19:51i will see you next week and i hope you have
19:55a lovely one