• 2 years ago
Heartsome is a channel for everyone who loves watching Heartwarming videos. This channel features some Great heartfelt, human kindness, positive and strong, emotional content. We want our channel family to have some good vibes and hope regardless of what hardship they are facing.

Video ID: WGA724365

All the content on Heartsome is managed by WooGlobe

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#newmom #motherhoodjourney #breastfeedinginpublic #pumpingmoments #embracingmotherhood #heartwarmingmotherhood #maternallove #breastfeedingexperience #supportivefriends #motherhoodchallenges #empoweringmoms


00:00 This new mother here shows the hardships of motherhood and its beauty.
00:05 She knows breastfeeding is important and she is not ashamed of it.
00:10 This video encourages other moms and sets an example of confidence.
00:13 [music]
