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Hiiii :) Happy Sunday! This weeks vlog includes a grwm, juice making, teeny baby feet DIY art and a Dotty Vinted haul. Hope you enjoy!
Where to find me:
Instagram - / poppydeyes
Website -
Up To No Good -
Details from the video:
What I'm wearing (or similar if out of stock):
*Black sweatshirt -
*Pink vest -
*Stripe top -
Black jumpsuit -
Things I mentioned:
*Fenty foundation shade 150 -
*Guerlain bronzing power -
*Vieve brush set -
*Saie liquid bronser -
*Foot print kit -
*Aveeno baby bath & Body -
*Weleda shampoo and body wash -
*Frog bath time book -
*Octopus light -
*Star light -
Artwork frame -'s-frame-p-2747d177?variant=519535-002
All links marked with a "*" are affiliate links, this means I receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing products through this link. This does not affect you as the consumer or the price of the product. Anything marked with ad pr means I have been gifted the product or experience but I'm under no obligation to post about or mention it.
Hiiii :) Happy Sunday! This weeks vlog includes a grwm, juice making, teeny baby feet DIY art and a Dotty Vinted haul. Hope you enjoy!
Where to find me:
Instagram - / poppydeyes
Website -
Up To No Good -
Details from the video:
What I'm wearing (or similar if out of stock):
*Black sweatshirt -
*Pink vest -
*Stripe top -
Black jumpsuit -
Things I mentioned:
*Fenty foundation shade 150 -
*Guerlain bronzing power -
*Vieve brush set -
*Saie liquid bronser -
*Foot print kit -
*Aveeno baby bath & Body -
*Weleda shampoo and body wash -
*Frog bath time book -
*Octopus light -
*Star light -
Artwork frame -'s-frame-p-2747d177?variant=519535-002
All links marked with a "*" are affiliate links, this means I receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing products through this link. This does not affect you as the consumer or the price of the product. Anything marked with ad pr means I have been gifted the product or experience but I'm under no obligation to post about or mention it.
00:00Good morning, I am whispering and vlogging from the bathroom because Shaun is rocking
00:23baby to sleep, or it's called dotty baby, does anyone else call their babies by baby
00:29instead of their name? I think it's because when we were pregnant I used to say the baby
00:35all the time, so now I'm like, I do obviously call her dotty, but I also just call her baby
00:40a lot. I've been up since about, well on and off since about 3.30 today. So, I need to
00:49fix what's going on here, I've actually got some new products which I'm really enjoying
00:53so I thought I would show you them. First is this Fenty foundation which I used years
01:00ago but have rediscovered it. It's got a bit more coverage than I'm used to, but I need
01:07it right now. Sorry, I keep looking up, I'm out of practice. Yeah, it's a bit more coverage
01:13than I'm used to, but it's so lovely, like it's more coverage but doesn't feel thick.
01:20So today's plan is we're basically going to go to a local veg shop and get some fruit
01:27and veg because Shaun's been making these juices. We actually bought a juicer and we
01:34had one years ago, but then I think gave it to someone and we didn't use it, I can't remember.
01:41But we've been doing juices over the last couple of weeks and oh my gosh, they're delicious.
01:48He's also been making ginger shots as well, which feels very healthy, but I think when
01:54you're not getting much sleep at all, it's nice to wake up and have something like really
02:00refreshing and I don't drink coffee, although I have been questioned whether I should be
02:07drinking it recently. I haven't drunk caffeine for, honestly it must be like eight or nine
02:14years now, so I'm not sure if it would be good to start now. But yeah, so we're going
02:20to go and get some fruit and veg and then I think we're going to do a big juice making
02:26session. Oh, this is the bronzer that I bought as well. So new foundation, which I hope looks
02:34good in this light because it is lovely. And then new bronzer, Guerlain, never used much
02:42Guerlain before, but Zoe actually recommended this and at first I was like, oh God, it's
02:47got glitter in it, but you don't see the glitter and it just looks, oh wow, that doesn't actually
02:54look that natural what I've just done there, but it does in real life. It's got like a
03:00really nice glowiness to it. I feel like I'm brushing this too much, but I would like to
03:08get out the door this morning. My favourite, Eborium concealer. I hadn't got a new concealer
03:14because I just love this so much. Basically did a bit of a makeup refresh, but I hadn't
03:20bought new recommended pieces in years. Also bought new makeup brushes, bought this little
03:31Veve, what's it called? Collection? Set. And oh my God, they're so lovely. They're so lovely.
03:40Having fresh makeup brushes has been the dream. Oh my God, guys, I'm looking up. I'm so sorry.
03:46And another new product is this bronzer, but it's like a liquid bronzer. You really do not
03:56need a lot. I am very much enjoying this. I don't really know what I do. Like I don't
04:03know what I'm doing with it. So this is what I've been doing. Oh my gosh. So I just pop it.
04:13I'm not even going to try and give you a tutorial. So this is what I've been doing. A bit on the
04:18cheeks. Look how nicely it blends. Does it look nice in the camera too? A little bit more severe
04:25in the camera, but in person it's very smooth. I just pop a bit on my nose. Don't know why, but
04:34I just do. Is that what people do? I don't know why I put some on my head,
04:39but I feel like I've seen people do that. So that's what I do.
04:44You know what I'd love to do? I would love to like go and have a makeup lesson,
04:49like as a 33 year old now, and like someone teach me how to actually wear my makeup well
04:57now, because I feel like it's very different than what I would have done years ago. But I feel like
05:03I don't really know what I'm doing anymore. Anyone else? Anyone else feel like that? I don't know if
05:09you're going to be able to hear Sean shushing. I feel like we spend like 80% of our life shushing.
05:15I was literally getting her to sleep last night. Oh my gosh, I need to do my neck.
05:19I was getting her to sleep last night, literally galloping like a horse for like half an hour. And
05:25if I dared stop galloping, she would wake up. It's weird with the nights though, because
05:32although I do not enjoy how tired I feel the next day, I actually love the nights,
05:38which I don't know if that's a really weird thing to say. And people with newborns would be like,
05:43are you mad? But she is so like, like last night, she woke up at like four o'clock,
05:51one of many wakes, but she woke up at four o'clock and she was just so happy, like laughing away,
05:59talking away. And it's just this like time when like, no one can contact you, you have nowhere
06:05to go, you have nothing to do. And it's just you and baby, me and Dottie. And I just love it. Like
06:17I just love that little like moment. Again, when she hasn't gone down for like the like fifth time,
06:25then yeah, it's exhausting. But there's just such nice little moments in the middle of the night
06:33when it's just you and them. Actually I haven't brushed my hair this morning, but I think we're
06:44just going to go with it. I did kind of do a little crimpy curl thing yesterday, so it's stayed.
06:54The green juices, more than the orange, if we do the leaves as well, like that is absolutely huge.
07:02How many lemons? We've got some big sweet potatoes as well for dinner,
07:08very into a baked sweet potato at the moment.
07:11Can you see your face? Oh, look at that little frown. Where's your smile?
07:41Are you just chilling?
07:46I've gone for scrambled eggs for breakfast. Oh, that looks nice. Is that like a purple hummus?
07:53Yeah. And the mushrooms here are real.
08:05Yes. Okay. This is our haul. But firstly, how nice is this bag that Alfie and Zoe bought
08:10Shaun for his birthday? It is absolutely huge. It's like a Mary Poppins bag. So we've got oranges,
08:19we've got mint, cucumbers, the potatoes for tonight. Hiya Siddy. I got some mushrooms.
08:30I love these little ones. And then loads of lemons, big bag of kale.
08:39Oh, I saw these tomatoes. They're like dark purple, so I had to try them. Broccoli for dinner
08:48and carrots. And also one massive ginger because we're going to do some shots as well.
08:56Can you see Sid? Say hi Sidney. Hi Sidney. Hello bub bub. Are these vlogs just going to be in baby
09:04voice now? Yeah. We're going to go straight back out. We're going to go on another walk.
09:09You are? Yeah. The plan now is I am going to go on a walk with Zoe. She just messaged and asked
09:16if I fancied going on one and it's perfect timing because Dotty needs a nap and she loves a pram
09:23like loves a pram nap and a walk. We basically spend half our life walking around Brighton.
09:29What's the average steps that people do in a day? I don't know. The aim is 10,000, right?
09:35That's what everyone says. Mine's up to like 23,000. Yeah,
09:37Sean did 23,000 steps the other day from walking Dotty and Sid.
09:43So yeah, going to go for a walk and then come back and plan is to make these juices. So I will
09:49show you. Realized I left out this celery. We bought this, which I've never bought celery like
09:55this before, but we thought we could do the leaves as well, hopefully. Going to look it up, but look
10:02how absolutely ginormous it is. And then coconut water and a loaf of bread.
10:21Whilst I've been out, Sean has been prepping some of the juice bits.
10:27So I'm going to make them now. So this is going to be the first one, a green juice.
10:32So it's going to be celery, apples, kale, cucumber, and ginger.
10:41Ready for the most satisfying bit.
10:48Oh my gosh. I just love it.
10:56Okay, I've put it in a jug and I'm just going to pour it into these glass bottles that Sean bought
11:08for this. Try and show you whilst I do it. I think we're going to have enough for maybe two
11:17or maybe just a glass as well. Cucumber, kale, lemon, celery mint. I'm missing something.
11:27Cucumber, kale, lemon, celery mint.
11:32I feel like there was something else, but I'm just going to leave it at that for now.
11:36So this will probably last like four days. I'm going to tidy up as quick as I can.
11:41I'm going to make the orange one later, or Sean will. We've got everything prepped,
11:47but I want to squeeze in a little headspace meditation because Sean is out with
11:52Dot at the moment and they'll probably be about half an hour. So I'm thinking I can
11:57squeeze one in now before they get back. Okay. I've come up to my little Zen spot. I have filmed
12:03up here before, but I'm in basically our little attic, which is our spare bedroom. And it is just
12:08the most calm little spot. I love it up here. First, thank you Headspace for sponsoring this
12:15video. I love Headspace. I've spoken about them before. I will show you what I've been using at
12:21the moment because they've just saved me. They saved me through pregnancy when I could not sleep,
12:26if you'd see me guys. And now it's a different type of saving because I just need time to like
12:34Zen, just like five minutes. I'm talking literally five, 10 minutes if I can, but like five minutes
12:41where I just take some time for myself. The app is incredible. I've said this before, again,
12:46it's literally like a hub for self-care. So this is the app for anyone who isn't familiar.
12:52So we've got meditate, sleep, move and music. And then we've got podcasts and all of these
12:59different categories, depending on what you would benefit from in that moment. There was literally
13:06so much. I mean, like this one, show yourself love. This is just the sweetest. So you're worthy
13:12of unconditional love, feel empowered by your story, honour your authentic self. And then the
13:19other one that I think I'm going to do today, calming everyday anxiety. I've had quite a lot of anxiety
13:25since having Dot actually. It's probably something I'll speak about in another video.
13:29But I find these little snippets when I just have a few minutes to sit down, do a little breathe or
13:35reset, just so helpful. So I think I'm going to do this little breathe one now.
13:43Just sitting comfortably, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.
13:49Fancy trying Headspace and seeing if it can help you at all, then I will put a link in the
13:54description. And also you can scan the QR code that I'll put somewhere here and that will get
14:00you 63 days trial so you can give it a go. Let me know what you think because I'm like their biggest
14:07fan. They've just got home and I've just remembered I ordered these from Amazon. So basically it's to
14:14do her little footprints with because I thought I could just put them in a frame. Apparently you
14:23just pop their foot on it and then it goes through onto the other side. I don't know why I'm acting
14:28like this is revolutionary, but I've never seen this before. Maybe everyone else has, but then the
14:35ink goes onto the other side and their foot doesn't get messy. So we're going to try that now because
14:41she is awake and happy. Put your little toes down. Whoa, that's so good. Oh, it actually worked. That's so good.
14:53Look how cute. I'll show you them after. Let's do the other foot. See if you can use the same ink pad.
15:01Do you reckon? Well, might as well try. Okay.
15:10Oh, cute. And there we go, Dot. Little tickle. Tickle those toes. She's going to have eight toes on that one.
15:20Is she? Yeah. Why does that make me emotional? It's cute. It's so cute. I feel like that was very
15:28successful considering it literally took two minutes. This is the best one. I'm going to
15:35find a teeny little frame for them and then give our parents one as well. Banana bubblegum tree.
15:41She's smiling at you, Cigarette. I like your makeshift den thing you got going on.
15:52My parents bought her this book and it's her favourite one so far. We've got pandas, we've got
15:57whales, we've got tickly little turtles. She loves it, like genuinely smiles at it. The illustrations
16:03are actually really quite engaging. Here we go. Look, look at those eyes open.
16:09Mesmerized by peekaboo panda. Your favourite, Dot.
16:21You're so cool. Look how clever you are.
16:24Well done. Go on then.
16:34Whoa. What was that? Where's that coming from?
16:55Good morning. It is a couple days later since I last filmed. I was going to film like a little
17:2248 hours kind of vlogging video but Shaun had a really savage migraine so we have scrapped that
17:29and I'm just going to film some clips this morning instead. I'm going to finish off the ginger shots
17:34because we didn't end up making them the other day and I've actually really missed having them
17:39in the morning. Who am I? It's a really like grim rainy grey day today so I think we're just going
17:47to stay in and be cosy. I did want to show you this order that arrived. I ordered some frames,
17:56one actually for Ottie because she is loving doing her drawing at the moment. Wait, let me show you
18:02them because then I feel like it will explain what I mean. These are the frames, they're little like
18:06artwork frames or I suppose you could put a picture in them. I've put Dot's little footprint in for
18:12now and then I also ordered Ottie one because she's loving doing her drawings at the moment
18:18so I thought she would like this. Then I also ordered this tiny little ceramic bow which I
18:25thought was so cute and would look really nice just hung up on the wall like next to a piece of
18:29art in the nursery so I'm going to put that up too. I've actually got quite a few bits that we need to
18:35put up on the wall in the nursery so maybe in the next video I'll show you those because there's
18:41some such cute bits I need to update you on and yeah I'll link these below. I think this was
18:45honestly like maybe three pounds or maybe even two pounds. I got served it as an ad and then was like
18:51I need that. Right I'm gonna get on with these juices now. This is the magic combo so we've got
18:58the lemons, ginger, honey and then this blue spirulina which makes the shots like a luminous
19:07blue. Do you love that?
19:14Oh you're way neater than me. I think it's always been that way honey even when I cook dinner.
19:25This is going to be a very satisfying one because the lemons are so juicy. Ready?
19:35Yeah? Yep. Plop. Like that? Yeah.
19:40Make your top. Happy? Yep.
19:45Yep. Yep.
19:51Lovely. There's one more here. Look we used to be doing shots and clubs now we're
19:55cheers and spirulina. I mean I'd rather have this. Ginger shots. Ready?
20:03Yum. Whoa whoa whoa. It's a bit later I'm sat in the nursery and I thought I would show you
20:10a couple of vintage purchases that I've bought recently. Now I don't know if there's any other
20:14new parents watching but oh my god this is like this is what I do at 3am. I buy random pieces of
20:23clothing for Dottie when I'm like sleep deprived in the middle of the night and it's like my
20:28favourite thing is just to scroll vintage. So some of the bits I've bought this week.
20:33So obsessed with Oshkosh dungarees. Does anyone remember these from when they were a kid?
20:40So these ones I can't remember I think these are six to nine months and they're just like
20:45classic little plain denim. I thought they were so sweet. Another pair of Oshkosh. These are
20:53little striped denim ones. These are a little bit more worn but I thought they would be so cute
20:59for summer with a little t-shirt underneath. Imagine summer guys. How crazy. And then this.
21:05This was £1.50 I think and it's just a little pram suit. It's a little bit too cold for it at
21:12the moment but again like summer evenings on the beach how sweet is that. And then I am obsessed
21:20with everything hand knitted. Basically my mum's friend knits Dottie all of her hats and I'm
21:27obsessed with them and I saw this and I just thought it was so sweet. It reminds me of like
21:32Pingu. Little hat that she can wear when she's a little bit older. Again I keep buying everything
21:39for when she's older so I just have a collection of stuff like waiting. But yeah let me know if
21:45you're also a middle of the night vintage scroller and I'm sure I'll have another little
21:51collection for you in the next vlog. Oh my god I've just tried it on her. I think it's the cutest
21:58thing I've ever seen. Dottie look at you. Right I think I'm gonna leave the video here. I feel like
22:05it's been quite a random selection of things we've been doing but I hope you've enjoyed it.
22:11It feels very nice to be just vlogging again and yeah I will leave the headspace link in the
22:18description below as well. Remember you can use that to get your 60 days free trial
22:23and I will see you very soon.