• last week
Today Omz saw a bunch of Omz Crew Ship Art in Minecraft Crystal's sister with Roxy, Lily, Kevin and Megan (Crazy Fan girl). #minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00Today, I am going to be putting ship photos of the entire OMS crew around the town
00:06And you guys are the ones that made it the viewers, which is very suspicious
00:11The way it works is there's an item called the frame block and in this you can literally add anything
00:17from any website into Minecraft
00:20So if I go into YouTube and look up Roxy and Lily ship, let's see if we could find anything. Oh
00:31Roxy and Lily is kissing in this. Oh my goodness gracious. This is insanely suspicious and wait
00:38That's me
00:39So we could take this video and then copy the link like this
00:43Then if we go back into Minecraft, we could paste the video in and then when we click Save, oh, oh my gosh
00:50It's really zoomed in. I gotta fix the width. I think the width out of YouTube short would be three by
00:55Maybe one. Okay, let's try it. Oh
01:01Gosh, this is crazy sauce and I'm gonna be putting this in the middle of the town
01:07so let's take this frame and we're gonna put it in the middle of
01:12Roxy's house. Nah, bro's gonna get so trolled
01:14So let's build a gigantic structure like dish and build it up over here
01:21Then let's build down over there like that now we fill it all in and we could put the frame block down
01:28Nah, it's gonna be so bad. So let's put it in and then put the link again
01:32No, and let's boot put it like that. Now. Let's load it in. Boom. Save. Oh
01:39Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay. I need that Roxy's attention. Let me grab some fireworks and I'm gonna start blasting it
01:45Okay, hide hide hide fireworks and what and the world is this oh
01:57My gosh, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. It's bad. Huh? What's all the commotion outside? Oh, no
02:05Whoa, oh no, he broke it up. Are you serious? I see what's going on out here. Nothing. Nothing
02:12Ohms what is happening? Oh, hi Roxy. I was just a walk it through town. Uh, no idea
02:18Uh, wait, why were you screaming Roxy? I don't know guys you guys deal with that brah. He broke it
02:23Okay, if Roxy wants to break my creation, I'm just gonna put it somewhere else
02:28I'm gonna put it in Lily's house
02:30So let's get rid of this and let's find another video to put on so let's look up
02:36Ohms crew
02:38Lily ship. Wait, I don't want it to be owned in Lily ship
02:41I want to be like from the Ohms crew and wait, that's a singing. No, I need us
02:47No Ohms and crystal. Yo, stop doing stuff like this. Um, how do I make it?
02:51I wanted this like all these videos Ohms and crystal are not together
02:54No, stop Ohms and Lily kiss
02:59Ignore that. Uh, yo, where is it? I need some more Lily and Roxy. Okay, how about I look up Lily from the Ohms?
03:09Crew kiss that definitely will have some such videos. Let's see what we got. Let's see what we Lily sees Ohms and crystal kiss. Yo
03:17No, no. No, why is it just Ohms and Lily? I need some Lily and Roxy Ohms and crystal sitting in a tree
03:24No, Ohms and Lily are dating. Yo, what are these videos? Uh, where do I find it?
03:30No, no, wait, nobody wants him. No, that's not good either. Okay, no one look at this one either
03:37Yo, I could not find any single one of Roxy and Lily
03:41Maybe I have to look up Roxy and Lily from Ohms crew kiss. Let's see if that would give me some better results
03:47Okay. Yeah, we got this in
03:49Roxy and Lily flirting. Yes. This is what I've been wanting. No and whoa. Whoa. Whoa
03:56This is not Roxy as cool as youtuber counts. Hold up. Is this actually Roxy?
04:02Hmm I low-key think it might be okay
04:05Let's grab the link and then let's go into Minecraft and let's put the link in here
04:10And then we want to make the ratio of it 3 by 5 and then center it over here save. Oh, oh
04:18My gosh. Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna pretend like I'm trying to get some cakes from Lily
04:23Lily Lily, I didn't go inside your bakery yet. But is it open to buy some cakes?
04:29Yeah, I can get you some cakes Ohms. Yeah, Roxy you should join us. Um, okay. Come on. Let's go get some cakes
04:35I would like a normal vanilla cake, please. Of course. Come follow me over here. Thank you so much Lily and
04:42Okay, I'll just make me the cake, please
04:47What whoa you install TVs in here
04:54Wow Lily, it looks like you're really trying to tell Roxy something with this video
04:59Do you have a crush on me or something? No, you're gross and ugly and fat. What's up? I'm out of here. Bye
05:05Hey, no, Lily. Oh my gosh. Oh
05:12Oh, no, wait, I really messed this one up. I really messed this one up
05:15I do you got another one that shows Lily really likes Roxy. Let's see what we working with
05:20Oh, wait, it says Lily saying hi to Roxy. Hi Roxy. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. This one might be fire
05:26Let's see. Oh, yeah, this is the one this is the one and people are messing with this one. Ah
05:32We're copy and pasting this one. Let's grab it and then I'm just gonna put it in the middle of the town
05:37So everybody could see it
05:38So let's make a gigantic wall and I'm gonna make it out of pink blocks and then build up like this and then build across
05:45Like that and then up like dot boom and fill it in and fill it in now
05:52let's put the screen right over here like that and then I'm gonna put the link in and then we're gonna do the width of
05:58Three and the heights of five and centering. Oh
06:02Check it out. It's Lily. Okay, and then is it gonna show?
06:06Roxy blushing. Oh, oh my gosh. Okay. Okay. I need to find them. Yo, Roxy. Are you still sad, dude?
06:16Okay, wait, I got idea don't worry, don't worry, don't worry I got idea
06:19Let me get my phone boop. Yo, Lily. Hello. Yeah, what do you want?
06:24Roxy made you a gift at the town tree. So you better pull up
06:30Yeah, he did so you should pull up she's right over there
06:34Okay, now I'ma tell Roxy the same thing Roxy. Come follow me. Lily made you a gift. Wait, what a gift?
06:40Yep. Look it's right over here. Oh, hi, Lily. Hi Roxy. Look at this
06:46Oh, whoa, it's me Lily. Nah, y'all boys getting Rizzy Roxy. She said hi to you. Oh, she's so cute
06:53And oh, look, I think Roxy you're blushing. Wait, what? No boy. No, no, no, no, no, no, no
07:00I'm out of here
07:01Yeah boys do whatever you want to do and I'm gonna see if there's any one of me and crystal
07:06But I know you guys be posting the weirdest things of me and crystal when we're just friends
07:12All we do is hang out and we just chill sometimes. Let's look up Ohm's X crystal short
07:19Nothing crazy. Let's just see what people post. Look at this. Ah
07:23Look, it's just us hanging out and it looks like it's a music song
07:29Whoa, whoa, it's crystal being a murderer. Wait, this one's actually got a fire, but it's not really Ohms and crystals
07:36We're just crystal. Hmm. Let's Olivia crystal cheated on Ohms
07:41Hey, what the what's up? Okay, it's me and my mom's what's going on here?
07:47What's going on here? What's going on here? She's just dancing and it's Lillia. Yo, the streets are not messing with this
07:56Okay, I do not want a cheating crystal we're not using that one that one's Omega sus. Oh, wait, what about this?
08:03It looks like us in dire wolf form. This is wholesome
08:07So we'll make color loading
08:11Was cyan and red and green. Oh not just like bro. Did this like what? No, no, no, no
08:18No, are you serious right now?
08:21What is this? No, what? Oh
08:27It's our colors. Wait, that's actually fire. It starts with us not being soulmates and becoming soulmates. Okay, I mean friends
08:35Oh my gosh, what am I sick friends?
08:36I got carried away me and crystal are just really good friends. So like yeah
08:41Let's just put it right over here and let's build up like this all the way and crystal is gonna absolutely love this
08:49Okay. Now, let's grab the frame and then we could copy and paste it in here
08:52I'm gonna make the width three and we're gonna make the height five and then put it right over here and save it. Oh
08:59My gosh, this looks awesome. So first starts with us having different soulmates then it changes into our color
09:06As friends as friends as friends crystal crystal. Hello. Let me call her. Boop. Hello crystal. Where you at, babes?
09:14I'm upstairs. Can you please come downstairs? I want to show you something. All right on my way. She's coming
09:19She's coming check this out crystal. Look at what a random person put down over here. That was not me
09:24Um, it just looks like a but oh it loaded. What is that? Check it out. Come come come come come
09:35Well, look it changes
09:40Babes, we get married. No, no. No, I don't want you to get the wrong. I did not see this in the video. Wait, what?
09:47Why are we blushing and holding each other? Oh babes, you know what I do. Let's get married
09:56That's not what was supposed to happen to the just turn around let me get something else real quick just just stop going this whole
10:02Please babes. What are you doing? Just wait in the hall. I need to do something really fast. I need a nonsense video
10:08I did not think it would end with us getting married instead of having Oh X crystal short. We should look up Oh X crystal
10:17Lee short not no sus activities
10:21protective fangirls
10:23Okay, let's do this
10:24Alexa is so dreamy Luke says Lukey. Can you stop yapping about Alexa? It's really annoying
10:31He's yapping about her. Oh my gosh. I look at so many girls. Uh, oh, no. Why is Ohms crying?
10:39But why am I crying? What's going on?
10:42Lukey today you die. Okay, we are not you this is not friendly at all. Oh my gosh, that is just killing Luke
10:48Let's see, what else do we have that's not extra size Ohms X crystal. This is what we need. Whoa
10:56It's literally crystal. That is not me. Who is that?
11:00Bruh, that is not Ohms brah. No my gosh. Okay. What do we have? That's just normal friendly vibes
11:06Oh, I think I saw one. I think I saw one right here. Okay, Heather or crystal
11:12I think this one might actually be a normal short. Let's see. Let's just okay Ohms and crystal
11:19No, no, no, we're too close. Yo, why don't anybody make this normal fan art of us? Okay crystal, okay
11:28She's normal
11:31Okay, I don't blush when crystal gets around bro, like seriously this is getting out of hand bro
11:37Crystal girl. Well, I'm messing with this. I'm messing with this
11:45Mama I am a rich man. What does that even mean?
11:50What it's crystal. Okay, do people like crystal more than they like me? Are you serious right now, bro?
11:54Just get me an Ohms crystal. Just chillin. Oh, I know we could do. Let's just look up Ohms and crystal fan art
12:01Let's see if this exists, please something non size
12:05What is that? Oh nah crystal and evil Ohms. Nah, bro. No, no
12:11No, this is crazy work, this is crazy work
12:15Your smile and I go crazy. No, maybe we could like crop out the bottom part. Like that's chill. Is this literally a
12:23Family. Okay, dude, this is out of hand. This is out of hand. What is it that you guys make a holy smokes?
12:30Let's see something normal something normal. Let's are you serious right now, bro. We're on tick-tock
12:37What is this? Oh my gosh. Yo, whoa. Oh, no, bro. Give me it. Hey, yo
12:45My gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I'm not watching this bro. This is insanely sus
12:51Let's just change it from Ohms and crystal fan art to just Ohms and crystal art. Let's see if we get anything normal and
12:57Finally, oh my gosh something normal
13:01Crystal stop smooching me and crystal. No, and you know, we're married Ohms. No, we're not married
13:06What is this?
13:09What Ohms crystal stop smooching me crystal? No, and you know, we're married Ohms. No, we're not married. We're not dating
13:15Okay, is this like an AI and literally is it AI and 6,000 people have used this? Oh my gosh
13:21Just give me the photo and let me put it in now. Let's try and put this John in and put the link
13:25Okay, I'm not sure if it's gonna work. Let's see three by five and then save
13:31Bruh it doesn't work. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be forced to put something sus
13:37There is literally nothing normal crystal. Is she dating anyone? Are you serious, bro?
13:43You like crystal, uh, bro. What? No, I don't
13:49Are you serious? I do not like crystal bruv bruv bruv. Okay. Wait. Nope. That's just I'm sitting in a tree
13:56I literally do not know what to use
13:59Every single video you guys post is sus. Okay, wait
14:04It's just us should okay, I think I might be able to use this
14:07Yeah, I think I could use this. It's not weird yet. It's not okay. I mean, okay, it's just it's just a friendly cheek
14:14Okay, I'm just not gonna watch it's a friendly video of me and crystal nothing crazy sus
14:19Okay, let me just grab it and paste it in now. Let me save it and okay, it works
14:24At least we have something that works and then move it up by one like that
14:29Oh my gosh crystal crystal crystal, babes. Yo, what's up? You spent so long. Yeah, I was having a lot of complications
14:36Crystal, okay, but I think I found a really good one of us being a friend
14:40What is that? Oh my gosh, babes. I agree
14:45This is just not even real babes me and you hugging me and you blushing
14:50Oh my gosh, me and you arguing me and you smiling. No, no, no
14:55Oh my gosh, yeah, you kissing me and you kissing. Okay crystal relax
15:00Babes, we're hugging and we're under a raincoat
15:04Look at this. All right. Okay, I probably should watch the whole thing. This is so sus. No
15:11Okay crystal just ignore all of that none of that is real babes you're in love with me, aren't you no, oh my gosh
15:18Oh my god. I need to find some crystal hating homes. Wait one second crystal, babes. What are you doing? Just don't talk
15:23Oh my gosh, why is there not a single normal short? Let's change the word friendly to being
15:29Mean, I want mean shorts. Not none of this lovey-dovey stuff. Oh wait, hold up. Okay
15:36Crystal and Heather fighting over homes. Maybe crystal could lose so crystal gets the idea that we're not together anymore
15:41Cuz this is getting out of hand. Okay crystal. I'm gonna win Ohms
15:46No, I'm gonna get Ohms. Nah, wait, they got powers and stuff. Oh
15:53Who's gonna win what's happening? Are you serious? Is it just a forever fight?
16:00It's just a forever. Oh my gosh, bro, and you guys are eating this up. Stop liking these videos, bro. Oh
16:09Gosh, okay. Let's see this. What?
16:12Are you serious right now? No. Oh my gosh. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
16:19No, no, no, no, no, no something normal. Wait owns versus crystal who is best? Yes parkour. Yes
16:26Pvp. Yes
16:28Cringy. Yes
16:30Famous. Yes, actually low-key crystals is pretty clouded but still yes. Oh, yeah, this is the one so I'm gonna grab this and Chris
16:38It's gonna get so so mad
16:40Ohms and crystal city get a tree cast aside G of the crystal city a tree cast aside G
16:45Of the crystal city a tree can't yo
16:49My god, so it added that comes love that comes marriage that goes a baby to baby carriage, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro
16:55No, no, no, this is crazy work. It's crazy work. Babes. Can I come out now? Wait, I'm doing something
17:00Boop and then I'm gonna make it three and I'm gonna make it five and then I'm gonna save it like that and then move
17:05It to the middle like this. Oh wait, I gotta move it up. All right crystal come outside
17:10Check this out
17:11Okay, let me see. Is it another love video? No, it's who's better parkour Ohms. Who's better PvP Ohms
17:19Who's more cringy crystal? Who's more famous Ohms, which I think it might be you but who's better Ohms of babes
17:27That was so rude. I'm going home. Don't ever talk to me again. What? Hey, oh
17:33my gosh, I
17:34Did not expect that to happen
17:37No, no, no, no, I'm gonna say Ohms and crystal being love short, I am so sorry. She's mad Ohms proposes to crystal
17:44I didn't want to use this one, but I guess I have to oh, okay
17:47How sus is it? Is it really sus or just minorly sus? Okay. Wow that wow, that's crazy
17:52Um, I guess if it makes her feel better because I guess I wasn't the wrong sure. I'll do it
17:57Oh gosh, and look at this bro. Like y'all eating this up, bruh. Oh my gosh
18:01I finally see this in my life not gonna happen in real life, buddy. Yes
18:06Bro, this is so cute Ohms and crystal sitting in a truck. Oh my gosh, whatever whatever whatever. I don't care
18:12I don't care just doing it because I'm a good friend for crystal boom and she would really appreciate something like this
18:17So, let me just save it like this and then let's show her
18:23holy smokes crystal crystal
18:26Crystal wait, there's a side over there. It says no Ohms. Stay away matey crystal. Hello
18:32I gotta call her boop. Crystal. Are you okay? That was so rude. I'm so sad now crystal
18:41What do you want babes come look I made you something new babes
18:44I don't want to see any more of me and you YouTube shorts. It's not mean it's super sweet. Check this out. Oh
18:52My gosh, I do
18:54Holy smokes. I've been waiting for this my whole life and then look crystal. It's me and you getting married. Oh my gosh
18:59I'm gonna keep this video for the rest of my life. Oh, yeah, that was close
19:04So I am so happy that crystals happy and I didn't even have to do too much like no one has to know about this
19:10Suss V. Oh, what are you guys doing? Oh, what's up?
19:18Close your eyes, dude. What is this? Nothing? Oh, oh my gosh
19:24Don't look everyone. Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes. What you guys watching over there?
19:28Nothing, Kevin. Nothing to see nothing to
19:35Crystal sitting in the tree. Okay. Yeah
19:40No, okay. No, no, this is serious public announcements
19:44Stop making these superstar shorts make normal shorts of me in the homes crew babes. Let's make this short come to life
19:50I'm in my dress. Oh
19:53My gosh like the video and I'll marry homes what hey, you know, that's not that is not work
19:58So yeah, if enough people like I'm gonna marry you in the next video in real life. Yo, no
20:03That's not happening. Just and that was an awesome adventure click right here for next. Bye
