Today Omz is KING in Minecraft. But Violet (Crazy Fan Girl) is not exactly the greatest Queen material. Starring Crystal, Roxy and Kevin! #minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00I can't believe this actually happened! Last night, I officially became the king of the entire world!
00:08They're even making a golden statue of me in my giant palace! This is so awesome!
00:15Yes it is, Mr. King Holmes!
00:18Thank you, Kevin. You have been such a huge part of me becoming king.
00:22You are my royal right-hand man!
00:25Yup! And as your right-hand man, when do you think it's gonna be time?
00:30Huh? Time for what, Kevin? Time to hang out in our giant, awesome kingdom?
00:35No, silly! Time to get you a queen!
00:38Wha-? A queen? Umm... Why would I get a queen?
00:44You know, so you could be king and queen and have a lot of power in the kingdoms.
00:48Mmm... I don't know, Kevin. I've never really thought about having a queen or a wife or anything like that.
00:55Well, good news! There's a queen from a different kingdom coming in about 30 seconds. She should be at the front.
01:02What? A queen from a different kingdom in 30 seconds? Kevin, I am not prepared!
01:07Quickly, go to the front door and say hi! Let's go!
01:10Oh gosh, I cannot believe this. I'm actually gonna meet a queen.
01:13Okay, I just need to act calm and natural. And ooh, there she is! Hello!
01:19Why, hello there! Aren't you gonna open the door for me?
01:22Oh, um, yeah, yeah, of course. Step outside, I'll open the door for you.
01:26Welcome, Miss Queen... What's your name?
01:29My name's Queen Violet, from the royalist kingdom of all the kingdoms. What's your name?
01:35Oh, I'm King Ohms! I became the king last night, and welcome to my awesome palace.
01:40Oh, are you gonna give me a tour?
01:42Yeah, of course I'll give you a tour!
01:44Okay, so over here, we have my first hallway, and then this is the living quarters.
01:49It's pretty nice. We're about to get it remodeled because, you know, I just moved in, so I still need to change it up.
01:54Ew, this place is super small. This TV's not even huge. It's only eight blocks big.
02:01What? This TV's gigantic! What are you talking about? It's a plasma screen!
02:05Yeah, my daddy's TV's way bigger.
02:08Oh. Okay, well, this is the dining room, and we have four seats over here, so we can all hang out and eat.
02:14Four seats? My dining room has 15.
02:18Okay, that's really cool, ma'am. That's right. Yo, Kevin, this girl's weird.
02:23Yeah, she's a queen. You gotta impress her, dude.
02:26Okay, well, over here is the awesome kitchen area, and this is where I cook food.
02:32No way you just said that. You cook food yourself? You don't have, like, servants that do it for you?
02:38Servants? No, I just cook. What do you mean, servants?
02:42Ohms, just say you have servants. You're a king. Don't forget.
02:45I don't want to be that type of king. That sounds mad boring.
02:48Dude, Ohms loves to have his servants cook.
02:53That's what I thought.
02:54Actually, as a matter of fact, I do. My specialty, homemade cookies.
02:59Oh, see? That's good, Ohms.
03:01Yep. Excuse me, Violet. Let me grab a cookie over here and take a bite.
03:06Are you serious? Did you just throw my cookie on the floor?
03:10Um, yeah. I had to pass it to you.
03:12That is disgusting. Take this back and never disrespect me again.
03:16Hey, what is wrong with you? It's an awesome cookie.
03:20Oh, it's so good.
03:22Queen Violet, seriously, take a bite.
03:24Ew, you're disgusting me right now. Take this nasty cookie away from me.
03:29Oh, my gosh. That Queen Violet girl is awful.
03:35Ohms, come on. Just be nice to her, dude.
03:38No, I'm not being nice to her. I need to get some fresh air. I'll be right back.
03:42I can't believe this is how you treat a queen. You suck.
03:46I am not impressed by you whatsoever.
03:49Hey, I don't care if you're impressed by me. Oh, my gosh.
03:52That queen is absolutely the worst. I'm going to go into town.
03:56Just get away from all this king stuff. I'm sorry not to like it.
04:00Hey, you can't just leave like that. You're going to be my future husband.
04:04What? I'm not going to be your husband. What are you talking about?
04:07Ohms, I kind of already said that. You guys are getting married tomorrow.
04:11What? Ew, I don't want to marry you. You're a crazy lady.
04:15Well, we have to get married so both our kingdoms can combine and get so much power.
04:20Oh, my gosh. Are you serious?
04:23So this is your last day being single, buddy. You're going to love and smooch me every day.
04:29No, I don't want to smooch you. You are so rude.
04:33Yeah, whatever. And Kevin, we've got to talk about improvements on this disgusting house.
04:38Yes, my future queen. Whatever you say.
04:41Kevin, what's it? You don't have to listen to her.
04:43Follow me inside and let's fix this place up.
04:46Yes, ma'am. Okay, Ohms. I'll see you later.
04:51This is my last day of being a single man. This is absolutely awful.
04:57I can't believe this. And whoa, I never even noticed this part of town.
05:02It's looking pretty bad and it's right outside of the kingdom.
05:05Holy smokes. It's all caged up and stuff and it looks like there's a bunch of homeless people living over here.
05:12Oh, my gosh, Roxy. I am so hungry.
05:15Yeah, me too. We haven't ate in days.
05:18Whoa, it's two people over there.
05:21The king hasn't gave us any rations for a week.
05:24Yeah, I don't know how we're going to eat tonight again.
05:27Oh, wow. These people haven't ate in a whole week. What? Hey, guys, what's going on?
05:33Holy smokes. Wait, why is your clothes golden?
05:37Oh, these? I just got them yesterday when I became king.
05:40What? You're the king of the kingdom?
05:42Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you. What's your name?
05:45I'm bowing down to you, sir, for respect. Please don't kill me and my family.
05:49Yeah, yeah. We didn't do anything wrong. We're just trying to find some food.
05:53What? Kill you guys? I would never kill you guys.
05:55Looky what we have here. It's the king.
05:58What? Um, hello. Hi.
06:00You haven't fed our people in so long. Where's our rations?
06:05Rations? Um, they should be coming soon. I just became the king, so I don't really know much yet.
06:10Oh, really? How about I kill you right now and steal the food off you?
06:15Steal the food off of me? No, no, no.
06:16Then get out of our area. Haktua.
06:19Okay, I'm getting out. Holy smokes. I don't mean any harm.
06:23But I feel really bad for these people over here. They haven't eaten anything.
06:27And wait, I have my cookie. I'm going to give it to that girl over there.
06:31Mom, relax. You didn't do anything.
06:33Sweetheart, all royals are rich and evil and greedy.
06:38I'm going to go back in the tent and get some food for you, too.
06:41All right, Mom. Thanks. I just wish we had any little bit to eat.
06:46Okay, I'm going in right now. Their mom is over there.
06:48Um, hey, guys. Oh, my gosh. It's the royal. I'm getting my mom.
06:52Wait, wait. No, no, no. Hey, hey, hey. Don't get your mom.
06:55I don't want to get in trouble, but if you guys want, I got this cookie from my house.
06:59But I don't know. It did touch the floor.
07:01So you're probably going to yell at me and say it's awful.
07:04Well, a cookie, please. I'm starving.
07:07Wait, really? You want it? You actually like stuff like cookies?
07:10Oh, my gosh. It is so good. Roxy, take a bite.
07:12Wait, really? Oh, I haven't had a cookie in so long. Thank you, King Ohms.
07:17Oh, no problem, guys. You really like that?
07:21So much. It is so blessing.
07:23Gah, sweetie. It's the royal back. Come here. Get away from my daughter.
07:28No, no, no. I'm not bothering nobody.
07:31Get out. Get out.
07:32Mama, all right. See you later, Royal Ohms.
07:35Oh, okay, guys. I'll see you later. And, oh, this sucks.
07:40Kids, we're going to have to find a way to get food for the night.
07:43Come here. Let's bundle up before it gets cold.
07:46Yeah, I'm really hungry.
07:48Those guys are still hungry. A cookie's not going to feed a family of three.
07:52Oh, I know. I'm the king. I'm, like, super rich.
07:54I shall go to the store and I shall get them some royal foods.
07:58And since I'm the king, I can just take whatever I want.
08:00So let's grab some bread for them.
08:02I'll get some, ooh, treats like cakes.
08:04What else would they like a lot?
08:07Oh, fruits. I'll get them some apples.
08:10What else? What else?
08:11Oh, we can get them some milk, of course.
08:13It's up over here.
08:15Let's grab them.
08:17And what else? What else? What else?
08:19I say, ooh, some juice would be really good.
08:22So let's grab the juice over here.
08:24All right, we got the load out. They're going to love this.
08:26Oh, Roxy, I can't sleep.
08:28Yeah, my stomach hurts so much.
08:31Oh, gosh.
08:32Well, kids, they're going to give us our rations eventually.
08:35But come here. Let's bundle up near the fire.
08:37Oh, gosh. I got to give them the food.
08:39Um, hey, guys, I come in peace before you attack.
08:41The king again? I'll kill you.
08:44No, no, no. Here, I brought a bunch of food for you guys.
08:47Because I know the kingdom has been pretty slow giving out rations.
08:50So here's some bread. Here's some milk.
08:53And here's a bunch of juices.
08:55Wait, juice? I hadn't had juice since I was a baby.
08:58And bread, are you serious?
09:00Well, what's the trick behind this?
09:02What are you doing?
09:04What? Nothing. Why are you so mean?
09:06Because I know the king is evil.
09:09What? No, I'm not evil. I just became the king yesterday.
09:12I don't know why you hate me. I didn't do anything wrong.
09:15Hmm. All right. Come on, kids, let's eat up.
09:18Oh, my gosh. King, thank you so much for getting us food.
09:22We've been starving.
09:23Yeah, seriously.
09:24Um, no problem, guys. Enjoy your meal.
09:27Huh. These people really appreciate me.
09:30Not like Violet at the kingdom, especially that girl Crystal.
09:34Well, it is getting late, so I better head home so no one gets worried about me.
09:40Hey, wait a minute.
09:42My castle looks totally different.
09:44Why is there so much purple in it?
09:47Hey, what's going on?
09:49Um, where have you been?
09:51Nowhere. I just went out into town to give some rations to the peasants.
09:56Are you serious, sugar?
09:58Now you're disrespecting me.
10:00What? How am I disrespecting you? What are you talking about?
10:03I just went to feed people that were starving.
10:05Come here. Let me smell you.
10:07Ew. You smell like disgusting poor people.
10:10What? Hey, that's super rude. What do you mean poor people?
10:14They're disgusting compared to us, the kings and queens.
10:17No, they're not. They were super sweet.
10:20But, Kevin, take him to the back immediately. He smells like butt.
10:24Oh, okay. King Ohms, you're coming with me.
10:26Hey, what do you mean King Ohms? Hey, what are you doing?
10:30Ohms, you gotta take a shower. Your wedding's in a few hours.
10:33What are you talking about, Kevin?
10:35I'm not getting married to that girl.
10:37She's changing her whole castle. It's super purple.
10:40Yeah, she's the queen. She likes purple.
10:42Yeah, but I don't like purple and I don't like her.
10:45I actually think I like somebody else.
10:47Wait, you found another queen?
10:49No, I didn't find another queen. I found a poor girl over there.
10:52She was living in the homeless shelter.
10:54Are you serious, Ohms? A poor girl?
10:56Yes, anything is better than this violet lady.
10:59Are you taking your shower or am I gonna have to fight you?
11:02Um, okay, yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go take my shower, but you're the worst, violet.
11:06Do not talk to your queen like that.
11:08You smell like butt and need to be cleaned immediately.
11:12See what I'm talking about, Kevin? She's no good.
11:14I see what you mean, but come on, let's take your shower.
11:17All right, I'm finally done with this shower and...
11:19Kevin, I say we sneak out of here.
11:21I want to show you the girl I was talking about.
11:23What? But we can't marry a poor person.
11:25How is she gonna be queen?
11:27Dude, I'm the king. I can do whatever I want.
11:29I'm gonna go get her and I'm gonna show you how awesome she is.
11:33Come on, Kevin, let's sneak out of here.
11:35Oh, okay, if you say so, but if the queen finds out, we're cooked.
11:39Hey, she's not the queen yet and this is our kingdom.
11:42We can do what we want. Come on.
11:44Let's jump off the roof and let's go back to her.
11:46Sugar, where are you? Are you in the bath?
11:50Oh gosh, she's coming up. Kevin, we gotta go right now.
11:53It's now or never. Do you want to come?
11:55All right, let's go!
11:56Whee! Come on, let's go over to the homeless area and...
11:59Violet's going upstairs.
12:01That was the best meal of my life!
12:03Oh my gosh, it's delicious.
12:05Seriously, I hated the king, but now I love him.
12:09Are these the people?
12:11Yeah, look at how much they appreciate the food I got them.
12:13They're super happy.
12:15I see what you mean, Holmes. They seem super grateful.
12:17Hi, guys!
12:19Oh my gosh, it's the king. Hi.
12:21All hail the king.
12:23All hail the king!
12:25Oh, hey guys! You don't need to bow to me.
12:27What are you doing?
12:29We just finished our meal and we're dancing.
12:31Wait, really?
12:33Yeah, it's so good.
12:35Yeah, see Kevin? They like my food, unlike Violet.
12:37You know what? Maybe we can get her married.
12:39Quickly, let's bring her to the castle and let's get you guys the ring to make it official.
12:43Yes! If I put a ring on Crystal before Violet, then she could be the queen.
12:47Crystal, I don't know how to ask this because I don't really have anything prepared, but I think you're pretty awesome and I would really want to get married to you.
12:57What did you just say, Holmes?
12:59Oh, gosh.
13:01Hi, Violet.
13:03Holmes, who's this?
13:05This is nobody, actually.
13:07Violet, you're not the queen anymore. I'm marrying Crystal.
13:09Oh, really?
13:11How are you going to marry Crystal without a ring?
13:13It's inside the castle, and I'm going to go get it.
13:15Not if I get to it first.
13:19Hey! Oh, gosh! Crystal, I've got to bring you!
13:21Wait, what's going on?
13:23Crystal, will you marry me?
13:25What are you talking about?
13:27I need to marry a queen for the kingdom, so I don't marry Violet, and I want to marry you.
13:31Let's go, let's go. We've got to be quick.
13:33Okay, yeah, I'll marry you.
13:35All right, quickly. Come inside and...
13:37Hey, what are you doing? Hey!
13:39No, no, no.
13:41Sorry, Holmes, but it's time I found that ring.
13:43See you outside.
13:45Oh, no, no, no!
13:47She hired Bob to do it! Hey, Bob!
13:49Yeah, what's going on, buddy?
13:51Um, do you mind making, like, a little path for us?
13:53Yeah, of course. You're the king.
13:55Oh, that was easy. Thank you!
13:57Now, quickly, Kevin! Where is the ring at?
13:59It's in one of the bedrooms.
14:01Oh, my gosh. No, no, no, no, no! We've got to go fast!
14:03Now, where is this ring?
14:05It has to be in the bedroom somewhere.
14:07Holy smokes. She's looking everywhere.
14:09This is not good. Go upstairs, guys.
14:11Where is it?
14:13Look at what I found, sugar. Now I do.
14:17Oh, no.
14:19I guess, yeah, you have the ring, so...
14:21I guess we're married now.
14:23Oh, I'm so sorry, Holmes.
14:25We couldn't make it in time.
14:27Now let's get this disgusting filth outside of my house.
14:29Hey! Just because we're married
14:31doesn't mean you can talk to Crystal like that.
14:33She's super sweet, unlike you.
14:35No. She's a dirty, poor peasant.
14:37Now get out of my house.
14:39Um, okay.
14:41Yeah, I'll get out of here.
14:43I'm sorry, King and Queen.
14:45I'm really sorry.
14:47What? No, no, no, Crystal.
14:49Oh, gosh. I didn't mean it to be like this.
14:51I wanted to marry you.
14:53I guess my mom was right.
14:55The King and Queen are always evil.
14:57Never talk to me again. I hate you.
14:59What? No!
15:01Crystal, no!
15:03Finally, that disgusting, poor peasant left.
15:05Now let's get to decorating.
15:07Um, yeah, I could get the people
15:09to decorate here immediately, Miss Violet.
15:11No, you can do it now.
15:13And scrub the toilet while you're at it.
15:15Huh? But that's not my job.
15:17I said scrub the toilet
15:19while you're at it.
15:21Um, yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
15:23What? Oh, no.
15:25Violet's treating everybody super rude.
15:27This isn't right.
15:29Wait a minute.
15:31Just because she has a ring doesn't make her the queen.
15:33I'm going to go get Crystal back.
15:35Where are you going, Holmes?
15:37Um, I'm just going out because I want to celebrate
15:39my first day of being married
15:41to such a beautiful queen like you.
15:43Oh, yeah. Also, you should get me a gift.
15:45What? A gift?
15:47But you're already rich. You're a queen.
15:49I want a Bugatti.
15:51Oh, my gosh. There's people out there starving
15:53and you're talking about a Bugatti?
15:55Who cares about them? Now hurry back.
15:57I'll be waiting for my gift on my throne.
15:59All right, fine.
16:01I just need Crystal to say yes
16:03to being my queen and then we can get Violet
16:05out of there and everything's going to work out.
16:07But she seemed really mad at me.
16:09She said she hated me and I would too
16:11if I was so mean to her.
16:13Oh, gosh.
16:15He's the worst.
16:17I knew it. I just absolutely knew it, Crystal.
16:19All kings are bad,
16:21just like mom said.
16:23I told you, kids. Never trust a king.
16:25They don't trust me at all.
16:27Oh, gosh.
16:29I know.
16:31I forgot my cookies.
16:33Crystal really loved them when I first met her.
16:35So let's grab one and hopefully this works.
16:37Hey, guys.
16:39It's me.
16:41Oh, my gosh. It's the king. Let's kill him.
16:43Yeah, if we kill the king, we can steal
16:45whatever money we have on the king.
16:47Yeah, hands up.
16:49Hey, no, no, no. I'm not here to fight.
16:51I'm here to ask a favor for you guys.
16:53You're cornered. Don't make any quick moves.
16:55Wait, guys.
16:57I have a cookie if you want.
16:59A cookie? I love your cookies.
17:01Yeah, here. Take it.
17:03It's fresh out the oven.
17:05Oh, my gosh. It's delicious.
17:07But why are you over here, king?
17:09I'm here to ask you to be my queen
17:11because Violet took over the kingdom
17:13and she's going to make everybody's life awful.
17:15We have to overtake her and, Crystal,
17:17you have to become the new queen.
17:19Will you do it?
17:21Mom, should I do it?
17:23I don't trust him.
17:25Please. I'm telling you.
17:27Crystal, overtake her.
17:29I believe in you guys.
17:31Okay. We're going to do this, guys.
17:33How are we going to overtake a kingdom?
17:35We go in and we take it over.
17:37Hands in the air, Violet.
17:39What are you doing?
17:41And why is there poor people in my house?
17:43Because we're taking it over.
17:45Hands in the air.
17:47Kevin, take care of my business.
17:49Yes, your majesty.
17:51Kevin, what are you doing?
17:53Holmes, I don't want to fight you.
17:55What? Kevin, no. I'm the king.
17:57Yeah, but she's the queen
17:59and I have to protect her with my life.
18:01Well, okay, fine, guys.
18:03We have to fight Kevin.
18:05But isn't that your right-hand man?
18:07Yes, it's the beginning.
18:09It is, but it doesn't matter.
18:11Kevin, I'll fight you to be right
18:13and have everybody happy.
18:15Oh, my gosh. Kevin, kill them already.
18:17They're so stupid and smelly.
18:21Okay, Violet, I will.
18:23What do you think? You don't want to do this.
18:25Violet's evil, not us.
18:27You're right, Holmes.
18:29I'm not fighting you guys.
18:31Everybody, kill Violet.
18:33Wait, what? Get away from me, you poor people.
18:37Come here. Die. Get her, get her, get her.
18:39We did it.
18:41And Crystal, now that she's gone,
18:43will you be my queen?
18:45Oh, my gosh. Yes, I will.
18:47And let's live happily ever after
18:49because that was an awesome adventure.
18:51If you want to join us on the next, click right here.