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In this Minecraft video I survive 9814 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof
00:00Time is running out, and we are getting closer and closer to 10,000 days.
00:05In fact, by the end of this video, less than 200 days will remain.
00:10And despite that, there are still things that I have never done in this world, not even once,
00:15such as interacted with a campfire.
00:179,776 days, and I have finally used a campfire.
00:22I've also never cleaned a shulker box.
00:24I'll be honest, I didn't even know that this was possible.
00:27And another one is that I have zero deaths.
00:29I've never died.
00:30So let's go ahead and get that one checked off the list.
00:34What? You thought I was going to wait till day 10,000 to end it all?
00:37Well, you're right.
00:38This was just a random world.
00:40This is my first time ever triggering a trapped chest,
00:43my first time cleaning a banner,
00:46and it's the first time cleaning some armor.
00:48Yeah, have you guys noticed that I don't really like cleaning stuff?
00:51I've also never crafted or used a recovery compass,
00:54probably because they're kind of useless in Minecraft Hardcore.
00:57Also, you guys are always telling me to make one.
00:59I don't know why you always want me to have one.
01:01It literally points to nowhere.
01:02But yeah, there are still a lot of loose ends in this world that I need to tie up.
01:06For a start, so many of you guys want me to build a Knuckles and a Shadow statue
01:10next to Sonic and Tails.
01:12So I'm going to remove a few trees and grab a load of red concrete
01:16so that I can build Knuckles.
01:21And then if I grab a load of black concrete,
01:24I can also build Shadow the Hedgehog.
01:28And there we have it.
01:33I think they all look pretty cool there, don't they?
01:34Maybe eventually I'll build Eggman, but for now that's enough.
01:37And for the next thing that I want to sort,
01:38you see this megabase?
01:40Well, in it, there is a tunnel which leads to the concrete storage,
01:44a tunnel which for some reason I just never completed.
01:47So the next plan is to grab a load of different colored concretes
01:51and then make this whole corridor look much, much nicer.
01:57And that is the tunnel completed.
02:05Yeah, it looks so much better than it did before being a random stone thing.
02:09I could have maybe added a little bit more decoration to the walls and the roof,
02:13but you know what?
02:14I like it.
02:14Looks like there'll just never be something in this corridor.
02:16That's a shame, but we've done enough.
02:18And whilst I'm completing tasks on my to-do list,
02:20because hey, if I'm finishing the series,
02:22this world needs to be finished and ready for you guys
02:24because I will put a world download out at the end.
02:26But this nether hub, it's got a problem.
02:29Whenever I want to go to the stronghold,
02:30I go through here, fly down.
02:33It's such a convoluted way, isn't it?
02:35Fly down across and into this portal right there.
02:39So what I think I should probably do is add some sort of tunnel coming out of here.
02:46Okay, we have a slightly full inventory.
02:47Hold on one second.
02:49Let's just offload all of these items
02:51and then I can properly explain how the expansion is going to go.
02:55My idea is to get rid of this compartment here.
02:59So it's more of a doorway instead.
03:01And that doorway is then a tunnel,
03:03which will connect not to this portal here,
03:05which is a trunk loader.
03:05No, it's going to bypass that one
03:07and instead line up with this one.
03:09I'm pretty sure if I move this upwards into the side,
03:12it should all fit fine.
03:14All I'm really missing at this point is a load of polished blackstone.
03:17So we'll grab that.
03:18Do I want to?
03:19I probably will need more warped water as well and the basalt.
03:22So I shall grab everything and begin the tunnel expansion.
03:27I'm directly above the portal that I need to replace.
03:29So I'm going to dig down.
03:32Missed the portal.
03:32How did I do that?
03:34Let's try again.
03:35But yeah, I'm going to mine this up
03:36and then the plan is to rebuild it exactly there.
03:38I don't know why I have so many broken portals around here, by the way.
03:40But yeah, the plan is to build it exactly there
03:42and hopefully it will still connect perfectly to the stronghold.
03:45If it doesn't, then I'm going to be kind of going back to the drawing board with this one.
03:49But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
03:51So we're going to have some sort of system, I think like this.
03:56I might end up making it a little bit taller.
03:58But for now, let's just make sure that it works.
04:01So line it up with a bit of flint and steel.
04:03Let's head on through.
04:04And the answer is, it looks like it connects absolutely perfectly.
04:08Do you like my stronghold, by the way?
04:10Very, very cool, isn't it?
04:11And just to make sure, I'll check that it's working on the way.
04:14Okay, so we have an issue here where the chunk loader is firing items through.
04:21I don't need the chunk loader anymore.
04:22Enderpearls do the chunk loading for you.
04:24So if I head over here, flick that lever, it should switch it all off.
04:28And then I can break this new portal, which was created by the items.
04:31That's that out of the way.
04:33Yet another portal here that doesn't need to be here now, basically.
04:36And I'm pretty sure that means that when we head this way, it connects fine.
04:40And when we go back, it connects fine as well.
04:43That means that this is all ready.
04:45I'm going to add, without going through the portal,
04:48I'm going to add Warped Wart behind it.
04:50And I also need to kind of dig out this level,
04:53because this is where more Warped Wart is going to be in between these pillars.
04:58So I have a plan.
04:59I've got most of it in place.
05:01I've just got to pretty much go behind and make it all look good.
05:06Now, unfortunately, this doesn't quite line up as well as I would have hoped.
05:09I'm going to take a chance and I'm going to move the portal two blocks left
05:13and hope that it still connects.
05:15Because what we'll do is we'll have a pillar going downwards like that.
05:19And then we'll have the portal behind it right here.
05:22Just means I've got to do more obsidian mining.
05:24I thought those days were behind me.
05:26Here's the moment of truth.
05:27So far, so good.
05:29We've gone through the right way this way around.
05:31And if we want to go back...
05:34Yeah, it's worked fine.
05:35Okay, that's great news.
05:36Next, I can get all of the pillars in.
05:37Then the polished blackstone slabs, followed by chains and lanterns.
05:42Okay, that side's done.
05:44It feels a little bit narrow, doesn't it?
05:46But what can you do?
05:47It's got to go in this gap.
05:48So let's now do the exact same thing on this side.
05:52This is also looking pretty good.
05:53Now for the roof, I will need to mine it out a little bit.
05:56Let me just see how it's done in here.
05:58Okay, so yeah, it's warped blocks and then stairs connected in.
06:01I haven't really got the space for that, have I?
06:04Well, I suppose I have.
06:05Let's give it a go.
06:06First things first, it all needs digging.
06:07I could also really do with a stone cutter
06:09because that'll allow me to make the polished stairs much, much easier.
06:12And it's a bit more efficient.
06:14You lose blocks if you use the crafting table to make stairs.
06:17This middle strip can also...
06:18Is this the highest I can reach?
06:19Oh, that's perfect.
06:20That makes it very, very easy indeed.
06:22So I can just go all the way till the end and then...
06:25Okay, this is a little bit more annoying, but I guess if I just...
06:28If I jump and I'm smart with the way I place it,
06:30we can nicely fill all of that in.
06:32Meaning just the stairs are remaining.
06:34Whilst I'm here, I might as well fix this.
06:36I don't remember exactly why I broke so much stuff of that.
06:39I think it was with moving hoglins or something like that.
06:42And I just never repaired it.
06:43I also did have to break a bunch of portals because they were connecting wrong.
06:47Yeah, there's been a few things going on around here.
06:50I think I'm going to leave that open still
06:51because I will need to wait in and out of this hub every now and again.
06:55But I think for the most part, that's all of that sorted.
06:58I can drop off a lot of junk, which is not needed anymore for the project.
07:03And then I'll pick up a stone cutter.
07:04Have you noticed, I seem to be stealing stuff.
07:06I've nicked a smithing table from over there
07:08and there's going to be another stone cutter.
07:10I need to stop stealing them and not bringing them back.
07:12I think that could be my toxic trait, ladies and gentlemen.
07:15I'll remember to bring this one back.
07:17I promise you, I'll put that one back and any others that I've taken as well.
07:20But first things first, let's get this little corridor done.
07:23It looks a little strange at the moment without half the stairs.
07:26So we need to just go here, grab...
07:30I guess we just grab a stack of them for now.
07:32We're going to make polished ones.
07:33So that makes exactly a stack in return.
07:35That's why it's a lot more efficient.
07:38So let's go ahead and place all of this.
07:40And look at that, even had a few to spare.
07:43Does it look a little strange being staircased up?
07:46Possibly, but you know what?
07:47We're just going to live with it.
07:49We're sticking with it now, guys.
07:50It's not like I go down there all the time.
07:52It's better than what it was before, wasn't it?
07:53Where I had to go a weird direction and do things I didn't want to.
07:57I was going to say, I knew somewhere there was a bit that wasn't right as well.
08:01This is where a random portal...
08:03Portals are the bane of my life in the Nether.
08:04A random portal decided to generate me right there,
08:08which is very, very strange,
08:09and completely replace the roof and ruin it.
08:12So that will need replacing,
08:13but I'll have to go and get the Warped Warp Blocks to do that.
08:16There's also, I think, something down here that's not quite right.
08:18Is it just the fact that there's a chest?
08:20The chest might even be gone.
08:21No, there is a chest.
08:22I knew there was a chest here that doesn't need to be here.
08:25It's just a pointless chest.
08:26There's a lot of chickens in here, by the way.
08:27Don't ask why.
08:29I've got random junk that goes there.
08:31I even use it to get eggs.
08:32It's actually officially like a squid farm.
08:35So it gets me ink sacs.
08:36But the chickens, I don't know how they ended up in there.
08:39And now it's just an egg farm as well.
08:41A bit of a happy accident.
08:42I don't think that ender chest needs to be there.
08:44That portal is fine.
08:45And to fix that hole that I've just made,
08:47I'm gonna need some Warped Warp Blocks.
08:49I could nip back home and get some,
08:51but the fact is there's a Warped Forest right here
08:53that's already been desecrated.
08:55So I might as well steal about 10 pieces from that.
08:58It's not gonna take me long.
08:59I'm not even gonna...
09:00You know what?
09:00It's gonna be even quicker if I go like that.
09:02Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about.
09:04Might as well speed things up wherever possible.
09:07And in my opinion, that now puts the Nether Hub in a finished state.
09:12It had so many things on it that just needed sorting out.
09:14And I think now I'm really happy with where it is.
09:18As promised, I'm gonna put the stone cutter back right there.
09:20I'm also gonna go ahead and craft one more of them.
09:23So we need three stone, an iron ingot, and a crafting...
09:27Okay, apparently...
09:28Well, I'm not saying I've never crafted one before
09:30because I clearly have.
09:31But when you downgrade your world,
09:33you'll lose all your crafting recipes history
09:35and have to recraft stuff for it to show up.
09:36But it's funny.
09:37It just looks like I'm...
09:38In my 9,781 day world,
09:42I've never made a smithing table or a stone cutter, apparently.
09:46There we go.
09:46We've done another unlock of a recipe.
09:49There we go.
09:50That's all back as it should be.
09:51I really don't like this water.
09:52I mean, it's just a way to get infinite water source.
09:54But I think it needs to go.
09:56Once upon a time, it did serve its purpose
09:58and I never really came up with a more elegant way to do it.
10:01But I think now this is just random water.
10:03We'll leave that random water underneath.
10:05I think now that's how it should be.
10:06It just looks nicer not being there rather than being there.
10:10It really feels like I'm catching up on all those little odd jobs
10:12that should have been finished years ago.
10:14And it's just now that I'm getting to them.
10:15Anyway, no more doing these little odd jobs.
10:17I want to build something new.
10:19And that new thing...
10:20I just have come outside and seen the Shadow and Knuckles.
10:22They look awesome.
10:23Why did I wait so long to do them?
10:25They look really, really cool.
10:26I love them.
10:26But yeah, the new thing that I want to build
10:29is a giant SB737 logo in my world.
10:32I've got a penguin statue and that's about it
10:35that represents myself at the moment.
10:36So I think if I did a massive SB737 logo,
10:40it would look very, very cool.
10:42Now, I don't know if I'm going to do it flat or stood upwards.
10:45Probably stood upwards and probably somewhere in this direction, I reckon.
10:50As something that's kind of looking over my world.
10:51Okay, I've got a vague idea of where I'm going to build it.
10:54But before we can even worry about that,
10:56it's going to require a lot of materials,
10:58mainly concrete, but a few other things.
11:00So I think my priority is to gather all of them up.
11:05And once I grab just one orange terracotta,
11:08I will have absolutely everything for this build,
11:11including all of these in the chest.
11:13Let's just mine it up.
11:14And as for where I'm going to build this logo,
11:16I'm thinking just over here in front of this stone farm.
11:19The stone farm isn't really something that's nice to look at.
11:22So I don't care that being covered,
11:23but it'll be just behind the factory.
11:26So I think it's the perfect spot.
11:27It is going to be massive.
11:28It's 200 blocks wide, 200 blocks high.
11:30That doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, it's absolutely loads.
11:34It'll also require so many different types of blocks.
11:36So anything that I need multiple ones of, I'm going to keep in this chest.
11:40And the starting point is right here, kind of in that tree.
11:44Going to go all the way over there.
11:45It might even be longer than 200 blocks.
11:47Yeah, this is how wide it's going to be.
11:48And I'll be honest, it is going to be an absolutely mammoth task
11:52because it's a square.
11:54So the entire width of that is how tall it's going to be.
11:57It's going to look amazing though.
11:58I cannot wait for it to be done.
11:59A giant SP-737 logo looking over my world.
12:02It's just going to be beautiful.
12:04The layers are steadily going further and further upwards.
12:07And I think it would make a really cool time-lapse.
12:10You can kind of see it's starting to make shape.
12:13So that's the blue background.
12:14And then there's the bottom of my penguin.
12:15And yeah, a more zoomed out view of me building this up will look amazing.
12:25And it is done.
12:32I bet it looks epic.
12:33I bet it looks really, really cool, doesn't it?
12:35Oh, yes.
12:36My penguin is now looking over the world.
12:39I absolutely love it.
12:40It's a really, really nice addition.
12:42It's way, way bigger than I kind of expected it to be,
12:46even though I knew the size of it.
12:47But there's 40,000 blocks in there.
12:49Yeah, a little bit crazy.
12:51I also don't like the way that this beacon beam is blocking it.
12:53So I'm going to mine it up.
12:55Don't know why I mined the top layer first.
12:56It would have made sense if I started from the bottom,
12:58then I'd still at least get a little bit of haste from it.
13:00But anyway, I'm going to completely mine it up
13:02and instead build it behind the logo,
13:04where it'll be a little bit more out of the way.
13:07I also need to reactivate it with haste too.
13:09It's the beacon that works alongside the stone farm there.
13:13So it's quite important that it's kept.
13:15I'm also going to grab all these extra shulker boxes and the chests.
13:18And that's another job in my world that I'm very, very happy with.
13:21I feel like that's sometimes an entire video for some YouTubers.
13:25And yeah, I decided to do it as a tiny segment of this one.
13:28Yeah, I don't know why I take on such crazy projects,
13:31but I'm very proud of it at the very least, which is good.
13:34I think I'm also going to try and tidy up this automatic crafting setup.
13:40It's very handy at the time.
13:41Well, it was handy at the time,
13:42but now it's just a bit of a mess, isn't it?
13:44Maybe it would have been better to have a dedicated machine
13:46for that in its own space rather than just filling up the corridor.
13:49But anyway, we've got rid of it now.
13:51And another little thing that does just absolutely need to be finished
13:54is this aquarium room here.
13:56I mean, why did I just not finish the other wall?
13:59I don't understand.
14:00Everything else looks good.
14:01We've got turtles.
14:02We've got fish.
14:03We've got axolotls.
14:04And then we've just got random ugly stuff.
14:07Yeah, I've really got no idea why.
14:09I don't even need to go crazy.
14:10I'm not even going to add fish in there or any aquatic mobs
14:12because I don't think they necessarily need it.
14:14But at the very least, I can grab packed ice
14:16or also craft a bit more of it as well.
14:19And then I can fill a bunch of it in to make it look like
14:22it's actually being built at the very least.
14:23I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
14:25Okay, I'm just going to flood it apparently.
14:26I'm going to grab that, put the concrete back
14:28and I think I'm going to turn this glass to also be packed ice.
14:33There we go.
14:34Nobody needs to know that there was a load of water behind there.
14:36And I'm going to make this wall into packed ice as well for now.
14:39I know it's not perhaps as good as the axolotls on there,
14:43but I just think it's better than nothing.
14:45And I don't want to go overboard with it,
14:47but I also don't want it to be quite as ugly as it is
14:49because I don't know why I just left the walls as I did.
14:52I've also run out of packed ice.
14:53Maybe that's why I left the walls as it is.
14:55Not enough ice.
14:56Well, not too hard.
14:57I tell you what, I just walk out my door and I see my logo.
14:59Look at that.
14:59It's very, very cool.
15:00Anyway, if I've not got enough ice, that's not a problem because,
15:04well, there's no ice in there, but we have got an ice farm.
15:07We're just going to take this off and then it works automatically.
15:09I just have to hold down left click, hold down the mining.
15:13It keeps going along.
15:14Then once I reach the end, it all turns into infinite water sources
15:18and the ice regenerates itself.
15:20I've ended up with plenty of packed ice from that.
15:22And this wall can then be...
15:24What is even here?
15:25I don't know why all that stuff's there.
15:26We're going to ignore it.
15:27But yes, this wall can be completed.
15:30Does this room look as good as it could do?
15:32I don't think so.
15:33But considering I started this over 9,000 days ago,
15:36I'm pretty happy that it's at least not showing stone.
15:40The walls are done.
15:41It's because I left them exposed
15:43because I just assumed at some point I'd add something there
15:45and then I just never did.
15:46So we're going with ice.
15:48At least it's kind of partly done.
15:49The biggest procrastination award definitely goes to me.
15:53And I'll be honest, it's the exact same case with this place as well.
15:58It's a bit of a mess because I plan to add loads more villages above,
16:02but I've realized that's completely unnecessary.
16:05I just don't really have a need.
16:07What are all these for anyway?
16:08I just don't really have a need for any more villages or any more trades up there.
16:12So I think I'm going to put a bit of a roof over this
16:15and complete the staircases as well.
16:16So I'm going to need stone bricks,
16:18lime wool,
16:19and also a bunch of birch slabs as well.
16:21So the roof is pretty straightforward.
16:23I'm just going to go for something like this at this level
16:26and do that all the way covering this all, all of it basically.
16:31We'll just have a big hidden room above,
16:33which no one will need to know about and no one will need to worry about.
16:38I'm not sure how I'm going to make this bit nicer.
16:39I think I probably need some dark oak log to go around.
16:42You know, I've got some spare up there as well, haven't I?
16:44Might as well make use of it instead of it being sat here and doing absolutely nothing.
16:48And you know what?
16:48I'm taking some glowstone as well.
16:50So that can kind of go along there and then the logs can be above it.
16:56I'm liking it.
16:57Followed by bricks on the side.
16:58Yeah, that's great.
16:59Now, I do also think that this,
17:01I mean, it's an interesting concept, isn't it?
17:02But I think we're going to stick with it.
17:04The light green wool, also known as lime wool,
17:07can continue with this pattern all the way down.
17:10On both sides, of course.
17:12And then the stone bricks can be added above.
17:15And there we go.
17:15We now have something that looks much more finished at the very least.
17:19A lot cleaner.
17:21Yeah, way, way nicer.
17:22And it's another job checked off the list.
17:24I'm glad I finally got around to it after all this time.
17:26And I feel like there are probably lots of other tiny little things
17:29here and there that need doing in this world.
17:30So if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments
17:33and I'll try and get them done before 10,000 days
17:35so that this place is looking as good as it can be.
17:38And then when I make a world download for you guys,
17:40it'll be much more finished and it should look really good.
17:43But yeah, I like the addition over here and the new statues.
17:47And ladies and gentlemen,
17:48there are now less than 200 days remaining in Hardcore Minecraft.
17:54And when the next Hardcore episode is out,
17:56I'll make sure it shows up on your screen right now so that you can watch it.
