• 2 days ago
Roblox Dandy's World Gameplay

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#dandysworld #gameplay #forevernenaa
00:00The new toon is officially here. So let's go ahead and check her out. Let's go ahead get in here go to daddy's shop and
00:07There she is her name is yada
00:10Okay, so yada has three health three skill check four movement speed
00:16one stamina two stealth and five
00:19Extractions. Oh, that's crazy
00:21But I kind of love that because I don't care if the stamina is one as long as the speedy speed is speeding
00:27You know requirements 2000 icore owned 15 or more toons and 50 percent research
00:33So we kind of have to go in trying to fight yada before we can blaze her and she has one ability called pinata party
00:40This toon drops two random candy items after completing a machine and four random candy items when injured
00:47That sounds interesting, but then that also kind of depends on her getting hurt
00:51So, I don't know if I like that actually I feel like it works as a perk honestly for when you get attacked
00:56So, you know what? It's a win-win. Anyways, we can't get her right now. So let's just go ahead
01:01Go in
01:02And try to see if we can at least find her
01:05Okay, guys, you already know I am back in my roger era because we need to go and collect this research
01:11Oh my gosh, actually i'm kind of excited to see
01:14Twisted yada and I can't wait to see is she gonna be a common
01:19Or is she going to be?
01:24Uh, oh
01:26People are already getting got by poppy
01:31Awesome awesome. Oh freak not awesome. Not awesome. Not awesome
01:36Great. No, we can't end already. We can't end the run already. Okay. Thank goodness. Oh, no
01:44Oh my god
01:46Please tell me she's gone. Oh my gosh, I could see my life flash before my eyes. That was fast. I'm gonna say dang
01:52That's it. That's it's over. Oh my gosh, you keep can you guys get away from me? Why is why is this so dicey?
01:58What is what is happening?
02:00This toodle this toodle is out for for blood. I'm telling you guys so far
02:05No, yada. I feel like if we don't see her in the first five floors, most likely she's more on the rarer side
02:11You know, I mean
02:12Great. I'm running. I'm running. I'm running. I'm running running running. I'm running and running. Don't go over there. Don't turn back
02:19There's a puppy over there
02:23Whoa, that's a new type of candy stamina candy. No, wait, do we always have a stamina candy?
02:28No, is there a new type of candy too? Oh, that's interesting cool new candies guys
02:33I guess yati is bringing or yada is bringing all of the new candy with her update guys
02:41Let's get down to business
02:44to find
02:46Yada, where the freak is she at?
02:49Because I need a research
02:53Freak I didn't ask for a box and ask for a yada
02:58Oh no, give me goob. Oh my gosh
03:00The gooby goob is literally one heart everyone else is pretty is up not gonna lie
03:04Even this even this poppy that has like no trinkets. Oh also they added over 170
03:11New dialogue interactions, so I should start like kind of paying attention and see if there's anything new, you know
03:19Is the gooby goob lagging the gooby goob 100% is lagging so bad
03:26Oh my gosh that gooby goob is lagging so bad
03:31Will we be able to make it?
03:32Oh my gosh
03:34What wow bandages
03:37Are we buying? I guess we're buying we just extended our life a little bit. I just
03:43Dang I knew that good wouldn't last too long. And of course we get medical attention
03:48Oh, I saw you almost walked into a wall. You're seeing things
03:52I've got a keen eye glisten. Don't forget that. Hmm. I'm all right
03:58Glisten did you walk into a wall?
04:00Something I should know and the glisten goes in timeout
04:04Yeah, things are slowly falling apart. Did I say slowly? I mean really falling apart
04:09Did I say slowly I mean really falling apart
04:16Is that astro why is astro here guys today is a sprouts day why is astro here
04:23Oh, wait, that's a new type of candy
04:25extraction speed candy
04:29Oh snap, I love that I love all the new candies what
04:33What poppy runs he's on poppy he's on poppy i'm going this way I think poppy oh my gosh, no
04:43gg's here
04:45And astro, please don't turn around. No gg's here astro's here
04:50I I have no items because gg freaking took my sodie
04:57That's a gg's
04:59Oh my gosh, I have to
05:02Oh my gosh, hey poppy, it's just you and me poppy many other people
05:07Yep. Yep. Everyone else is dead might as well go out to the astro astro
05:12Astro turn around astro turn around astro
05:18And that's
05:19All right. Second time's the charm guys second time's the charm this time with seven other teammates
05:25We got a pebble. I feel like we should be good. We should have a distractor
05:31Oh and also, uh scraps has a new rework so let me know if you guys would like a new video on scrap wait
05:38Oh my gosh, it's her what?
05:41Why does she is she walking on ribbons
05:45Everyone's taking turns getting got by her. Oh, wait. No, she has legs. Oh, she's oh that is so weird
05:54Oh, that is so weird
05:56Okay, i'm out
05:58That is so weird so she
06:03Um, this is like a psa you do not need to get got by yada
06:07All you need to do is just be seen by her guys. You're just gonna be seen by her. That's it
06:12So that's crazy my first time seeing her she killed everybody like everyone was low-key lining up like, okay
06:19I'm next please. Can you get me next please? So that's yada as a twisted form. That is so
06:26She just kind of chills like oh my gosh. I kind of want to go back to her. Where is she at?
06:30Oh, I also got to pick up capsules. Where is she?
06:34Oh, she must be over here
06:36Or not. That's just louie, you know, actually I heard that her and louie are like, um
06:42Friends. Oh my gosh, louie. Leave me alone
06:45Oh, she's right there
06:48Oh my gosh
06:50That's crazy the friends are on the same floor what a new jaw breaker
06:57People are getting a crunchy crunchy
07:00Too much crunching for my liking guys
07:03Oh my gosh
07:07Another one bites the dust dang. I wonder if there's another yada
07:11Yada, yada pinata. Oh, no, it's just a poppy. We getting got by poppy's guy
07:17It is a yada, I feel like every time you hear a bunch of crunch crunch crunch, you know, there's a yada
07:22Hey, yada. Yada. Hey, yada. Yada. It's so weird. Look at the way she's like, oh my gosh, it is so
07:30Oh my gosh, wait, why is she on why um, excuse me? Oh, she has speedy speed on her side
07:35I forgot she is a speedy speed. No
07:38I can't be cornered. No
07:40Oh my gosh, no, please please please i'm sorry i miscalculated i miscalculated guys, please please guys
07:52I miscalculated guys, but at least it's good. I think she's actually a common
07:56I was able to see yada two times before floor five. I kind of love that
08:01So now i'm able to come over here and check out yada's
08:06Thing I got 22 research i'm literally halfway there. I love that. So she is a common
08:12Twisted obtained 50. We're gonna we're gonna learn more about yada. I
08:17Really love her design like the first time I saw it. I was kind of confused because it was really dark
08:21But I really love her design
08:24I mean only one thing to do we gotta go back and try to find her some more because honestly
08:29I really like her design like a lot third time's the charm guys
08:34I wonder i'm gonna have like she's a she's a common twisted
08:38So I feel like it shouldn't be too hard to find her
08:40You know, I mean and also we're gonna try not to be running everywhere
08:46I say as soon as I just start running. Okay, there is a cosmo and a toodle. Let's get away from that
08:55No yada guys no yada yet next floor show me yada
09:02Or not a pop
09:04Let's freaking go
09:06And a candy finally I can try this extraction kitty. Okay, so it's uncommon these these these little candies they added are on
09:15I was not paying attention
09:18Freaking cosmo the worst timing ever
09:21The freak away from me. I gotta use the pop. I just got
09:25Oh my gosh, I just got this pop freak you man
09:29It says use this item to increase extraction by 50
09:33for five
09:35Wow, that's actually long. What are you guys doing in the corner?
09:38What what did I just walk on?
09:41Oh my gosh
09:43Please leave me alone
09:45Oh my god, i'm actually gonna i'm actually gonna get got
09:48by this dirty bomb
09:52Run, i'm literally gonna die the same way. I died before. Oh my gosh. This is bad
09:57Oh, thank goodness. He did not see me
10:00I need to lock in I need to see yada
10:05Thank you, oh my gosh cosmo no, you're literally almost close to death
10:10Thank you. Why can't I find any freaking sodas? Like literally my whole play style kind of relies on sodas guys
10:18Like I don't know if you ever noticed my whole play style relies on having some type of soda
10:23But let's get that freak out of here. Thank you. Tisha. We out
10:27Let's go
10:28Oh first aid
10:30You already know
10:32Everyone's rooting for it and we still got all ap but I just realized that on floor five
10:36That is super rare with queuing up with random. What roger?
10:42uh louis
10:44Guys, where are you going?
10:53What the freak did I just witness
10:56What that's crazy the louis thought he could speed in he was about to be like, hey, hey watch this watch this
11:03That's crazy. The only time we actually died. The only time we lost a team member was literally them trying to flex
11:09Hey roger if I had something, uh
11:12Something bothering me. Well, that depends on what was bothering you dot dot dot louis
11:19Oh, never mind. Ha ha ha ha. Just overthinking something. Well, i'm here if you need me
11:25Papa roger strikes again
11:28Okay, who'll be here?
11:30Let me let me check. Let me let me go ahead and collect that and see who's here
11:34boxed in and who else
11:36Oh my nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Anyways, we are going through these floors fast
11:40We are already approaching floor nine now. I love that. Yes, everyone coming get in here. Yes. Yes. Good job
11:47No flexing. Okay, that's how people die
11:50Louie think he could lighten up the mood sure can ever see me juggle can't say I have yet dot dot dot
11:59Well, are you going to?
12:01Oh, look at the time the elevator is opening. Gosh, we should prepare
12:07That's actually hilarious. Oh, what does that do? I want to see what that does
12:11It's uh jawbreaker use this item to get a random 50 effect for 20 seconds
12:18Oh, okay. So that's okay. So that's one of the new uh candies. Let's try it
12:22I think that skill check right? Yeah, that skill check is killing it is huge
12:28Okay, that's interesting. So that's for 20 whole seconds guys
12:33That is actually very a long time
12:36It's like having the participation award right now. Wow, that was a long time that literally
12:43Guys run run
12:45Listen I don't know where glisten is freak freak freak
12:53Who was that was that the louie
12:56No, uh, did the louie just help me out who else is left
13:01Who else is left?
13:05Oh, no, I think that was it. Oh
13:08We lost two people
13:10Dang r.i.p the team
13:12We literally about to get to floor 10 and the team is dwindling, but we must press on we must find yada
13:19Yada, oh freak. I manifest a yada. Oh freak. I manifest a yada. Yada
13:25Hey, yada. Yada. Yada. Yada. Yada. Hey yada
13:30Oh my gosh, yada
13:31Yada is here. I love that. She kind of uses her little like like things
13:38To walk and then when she's serious she gets on all like she gets on her actual feet. I kind of love that
13:44I love that a lot and I think I got all of her capsules. Let's freaking go that put me at I think i'm at 40
13:52I think i'm at 40
13:53Let's get out of here guys. Let's get out of here. No need to stick around no need to stick around this
13:57Oh my gosh, there's three
14:03Freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak. You know what i'm gonna lead them over here
14:10I'm gonna just pop that i'm just gonna pop that why not?
14:15Better safe than sorry. I always say right guys, but I got my yada
14:20Let's go
14:22Paul toodle poor daughter toodle sitting at one heart tisha sitting at one heart
14:28Shelly sitting at one everyone's sitting at one heart
14:32Oh, no, oh gosh. Oh gosh run run run nice
14:47Fossilinian was it?
14:49Yes, how can I help you roger interested in answering some questions for my case?
14:54You want answers from me? Of course. You're part of the main casting. Are you not? I am I am
14:59I'll catch up with you after this. Oh
15:02Shelly's so adorable. I guess since like she's used to people kind of like ignoring her and stuff like him like roger being like hey
15:09Um, can I ask you for your opinion? Ah
15:15That's a gg yada yada, where are you at yada yada come on, yeah, wait yada
15:22Someone said yada dnv. What does that mean?
15:27Does that mean yada's here
15:29I just need to see her man. Nice. Oh roger's here
15:33You faking?
15:34You naked there's razzle dazzle. There's a roger and there's one other twisted. This is a very free floor actually
15:42It is yada
15:44Oh freak, let me let me see if I can dodge you are so fast
15:53Freak okay. Nice. Okay. I gotta look for capsules. I need her capsules. I need it and go find some capsules. Nice
15:59Wait, dang it. I don't want roger. We're almost done with the floor. We're almost done with the floor
16:07I'm here guys. I'm here
16:11Nice couldn't get that yada capsule, but I feel like we're gonna see her again
16:17My medkit
16:19Love that look at everyone is back to full health except for roger roger. What are you doing?
16:24Get the med kit and heal yourself. Okay, so
16:30And who else be here tisha stop guarding and then glisten and one other person
16:36Tisha's literally guarding
16:38Actually guarding go away. Go away. Thank you
16:43Hey glisten
16:45What whoa?
16:47Freak there's a dirty little toodle. Oh freak. I'm i'm i'm i mean i'm not dead but oh my gosh, i'm not losing her
16:55I'm not losing her. Yep. I'm just gonna take it and then swoop around
17:02Did she what no
17:06Get away from me toodle stayed the freak away from me, okay
17:10Freak freak freak freak freak freak. Can I make it now?
17:17Oh freak
17:21Why is there so oh yada's here
17:25Oh, we gotta go we gotta finally yada yada. Yada. Yada. Yada. Yada. Yada. Yada
17:31Who is it?
17:33It's louie
17:35I guess it's their oh my gosh, who was that? Is it louie again? Please don't please go away. I'm not looking for your research
17:43No need this is a dangerous spot i've put myself in guys, I don't have any items
17:49I just gotta find yada and at least die with yada research, you know, I need more items. Where's the items at?
17:55I need that research though. Where's she at?
17:59Yada, hopefully they can bring her to the elevator
18:03Tisha why am I getting everyone else?
18:06Oh, she's probably over here
18:08Yeah there I knew it. I knew it. I knew she would be over here guys. I knew it
18:13Oh my gosh, she is so
18:15Freaking fast. Okay. I'm leaving i'm leaving
18:19Let me come over here to this loop. It's probably a little bit better
18:23Oh my gosh, I thought it would be a little bit better. Let's just take all the candies
18:27Let's glow bright like a bright knee
18:31There's a louie
18:33Oh my gosh, you guys are like everywhere
18:37Go somewhere else, please
18:40Why is there so many guys?
18:43Ha ha I have put myself in a terrible predicament terrible. Oh
18:51You guys doing machines over there
18:55Where I don't even know anymore guys i'm just running. Oh my gosh louie
19:03Frank, yeah, i'm dead
19:05I am a dead dead
19:09What what how do you see me
19:15Oh, you know what I got my yada research I don't care I am happy as a bear leave me the freak alone
19:24Why is there no items on the floor? Oh nina
19:27Oh, let's go. You came in clutch. Get me out of the darkness. Let's go
19:32Shelly you survived. Let's go
19:36We are at floor 15
19:38Once these doors open first order of business get freaking items
19:46Not this floor, but at least it's not a blackout connie
19:50I'm, so happy to see you. Thank you. So just me and the shelly and who else is going to be here?
19:59You know what? I love that. I love that. That's an easy floor right there guys. Thank you. Shelly connie and roger
20:07GG easy dubs, you know, but I really gotta find some items. I say as i'm just going from machine to machine
20:14I can't help it. I'm an extractor at heart guys. Why is there like no items on the floor though? Honestly guys
20:21I honestly don't see any
20:25Freaking items. Hey roger
20:30How unfortunate oh
20:35We made it to the shelly floor they actually said that they
20:39Read they changed some stuff up. Of course. There's a box and waiting on that side
20:44They said that they changed some stuff up so I can't wait to like try
20:48And just look around
20:50Oh my gosh, look at that guys
20:54Yara's here, too
20:55There's a whole dinosaur
20:58Sorry, shelly i'ma hide with you. Okay
21:00Please turn around please turn around. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. There's a whole dinosaur. There's a dinosaur
21:10What is that sound
21:16What's that sound anyways, um
21:18Look at this. I
21:21Love that. Oh my gosh, take a pic
21:24Literally take a little pic. Oh, I love that. Oh, I love I
21:28I love it. I love the new room the new shelly room. This is so cute. This is honestly. Oh my gosh
21:35Oh my I think maybe i'm just uh astonished like amazed with this whole like dinosaur up here, you know
21:41I'm, so happy we made it. Thank you. Shelly for getting me up to floor 16 without you. I would have given up by now
21:50Let's make sure I got that research yada
21:56Shelly it's like we just want that research
21:59Oh my gosh, these little shelly plushies are so cute
22:02Nice guys. Good job team
22:09Shelly no, you know what I might as well get got by yada. Actually, that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna find yada
22:15There she is right on time. Hey yada
22:17Hey yada, let me get got by you real quick. Let me get got by you real quick
22:22Oh my gosh, she is actually so
22:28I gotta love it
22:30and that's
22:31All right. Okay guys moment of truth. Do I got enough research? I got more than enough research got 70 on yada
22:39While this twisted is more common than others yada is dangerous when running on tails overcome with icor
22:46Her tails provide her with a higher run speed compared to other
22:51common twisted
22:52Yeah, I noticed that literally she was on my butt. She was literally as fast as maybe a tootle
22:57So there you go guys next dandy's world video is gonna be on yada
23:01I have enough research for her. Can't wait to try her out play her and see what candy she throws out
23:06I love that
23:07They added a bunch new candies because like her literally her whole ability is just candy
23:12So they added a variety more to kind of like compliment her and I love the changes they made in shelly
23:18Room, let me know if i'm wrong
23:19But I feel like that dinosaur skeleton was not there before and I kind of love that. Oh and also scraps
23:25They completely changed scraps ability. This tune can pull herself towards another tune or machine
23:31So I guess expect a scraps video too in the future
23:35I can't wait to try that out, especially with all the new trinkets I got, you know
23:38But anyways, that's gonna be it for me. Thank you guys so much for watching. Don't forget to like subscribe
23:41I'll see you in my next video
