• hace 2 semanas
I survived 100 Days in a Minecraft Woodland Mansion on Hardcore Mode, this is what happened...

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Other GREAT 100 Days videos,
The ORIGINAL 100 DAYS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYzfeWaenlU
100 Days with Cheats - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RnG5T0f_IU
100 Days on XBOX 360 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgL5k1LkIk
100 Days with TORS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7OHcDnWw-c

#100Days #minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft
00:00:00100 days in a minecraft mansion. Yeah, one of these things on hardcore mode starting with nothing. Well, okay, okay
00:00:08I'm being i'm being greeted already. Looks like this mansion playthrough is gonna be awesome
00:00:12Oh, hey a pillager how many punches is this gonna take?
00:00:15So I didn't expect to be attacked so quickly the basic premise of this video
00:00:19Hello, everybody the gray man back again with another challenge. I can do anything you can do in minecraft
00:00:24There's no restrictions
00:00:25But I do have to live in a mansion and I can't leave if i'm not standing on a block
00:00:30Made by minecraft in the mansion generation process. That's illegal
00:00:33I also can't use anything from outside the mansion. So that coal there that's also illegal
00:00:38I think a lot's gonna happen in this first day
00:00:40We're gonna see if i'm even gonna be this is gonna be possible. All right, i'm armed
00:00:44I have tools pillagers were that way i'm gonna see what I can do here. Maybe grab a little loot survive the first night
00:00:50Oh chest
00:00:52Bones, that's that's useless but a little food. Okay. Okay. There's a farm. Nice. That's already set up for me
00:00:57Now I definitely saw a pillager run this way
00:01:00I'm, just gonna investigate see what we got going on here. Okay creeper
00:01:06Oh, this is not good
00:01:11Okay, this is gonna be tough this is gonna be a hard one wasn't recording for attempt two
00:01:15I got baby zombie basically at the gate. Okay got the recording started
00:01:21So far the record is zero days zero days so far see if we can beat that
00:01:25I don't exactly know what my best course of action here is
00:01:28Do I just throw caution to the wind and hope to get lucky with a chest or okay?
00:01:31I can't I don't think I can get those no cobblestone for me looks like but I will grab these walls
00:01:36These are legal mansion blocks. There's a zombie but i'm armed i'm armed. I'll be okay. I got a wood sword
00:01:41Oh, he still hit me a potato. That's a good omen. That's a good omen right there. Oh, no
00:01:48Oh, yeah
00:01:50Oh, oh no, this one's in a pale forest
00:01:54Is that good or bad? I don't even know whatever I at this point. I'm just trying to live one day. Okay. I'm already uh,
00:02:01Already getting sniffed out by a zombie here. Okay, forget the early game. I'm just running in i'm running in
00:02:08I am mortally wounded one axe shot on that guy, man
00:02:12Ow, I don't know if I can recover from that I may have overstepped there
00:02:16Well, i'm way under half health and i'm not gonna live much longer without some sort of food
00:02:22I hear him all around me. Oh, this is such a bad idea. Oh, no
00:02:28This one looks somewhat promising I don't know why I even say that I I don't know anything the entrance is in water
00:02:34Okay, I can I can go in the water. It's fine. I have no other choice
00:02:37I'll grab these torches and i'll i'll get some wood and head on in. Okay left it is let's see
00:02:42Oh, there's a farm, uh, no crops in it
00:02:45Liberals, what even is this room supposed to be a flower room? Here we go. Is there stuff in here? Is this storage?
00:02:53He's totally gonna kill me. Oh
00:02:55That one was I don't know why I felt good about that one
00:02:58This like this lobby area being so dark seems to make it just so diff. Oh, there's a guy over there
00:03:03All right. I gotta get it. I'm in the game. I'm in the game
00:03:05Oh this first little bit it's just the hardest part grab the wood easy wood right here
00:03:10I'm, just taking on these on these sconces, right? That's a sconce. Am I cultured?
00:03:15Well, anyway, there's two on each wall. So i'm just taking one and I think I should put a torch there just for safety
00:03:20Okay, let's fight. I got a wood sword
00:03:23Oh, there's two of you. Uh, uh, uh mlg. Oh, I mean it's working. It's just I don't like it at all
00:03:28Okay, I was hoping one of them would drop an axe
00:03:31None of them did
00:03:34Skeleton can kill you on day one. Just gotta get up in there
00:03:38There is loot in here
00:03:39Right. Yes
00:03:41I I did not need to take that hit diamond hoe
00:03:44That's just useless. Okay, come on easy. Good loot. That's all I want right now. Easy. Good loot. What is this?
00:03:51I should have studied all the mansion rooms
00:03:54Oh, no
00:03:55There it is
00:03:57That was a good run, I think that was the longest one yet definitely highest points at 43, okay, well I
00:04:05Attempt something and I wasn't recording silly me. So i've got a little area here that seems to be fairly safe
00:04:11I've blocked it off
00:04:12And i'm just gonna go from here. This looks fairly safe. I'm gonna try to go through the walls
00:04:16I thought that was a pretty good strategy. I just needed the oh nice melee
00:04:22Be free my friends. I don't think they really do anything for me other than
00:04:26Pick up blocks, but maybe i'll find a way to use that for now. They just kind of make annoying sounds
00:04:35Dude that reach that reach on that axe my guy. Oh that may have just scuffed the whole run
00:04:42Well, maybe I should have stayed not recording another wonderful day in the mansion. Okay, i'm going for luck. I don't even care
00:04:49I'm going for luck
00:04:50Pure luck here. I'm limit testing. Can I outrun them?
00:04:54No, I cannot
00:04:56Oh, that's an enderman
00:04:58I'm gone. I'll just stand here. This is it. I feel it. This one's different looking for a good room here. No
00:05:04Skeletons. Oh, no. Oh, geez. Go go go. All right. How about this side?
00:05:08How about this this already looks? Okay, as long as this room's clear. I haven't done this yet
00:05:13I'm gonna try going up the stairs. Oh, there's wool for a bed. I'll grab that. I may need that actually a lot
00:05:21I need food. I gotta secure food early on or i'm i'm not gonna make it
00:05:26Oh, i'm just not gonna make it entirely. Yep. Good start here. Good start here
00:05:31I'll show you why this one's got a really nice thick pad of cobblestone what hold on there's food
00:05:36What let me check this out. I think that's just from the world generating. Okay for the first time ever
00:05:42I've got like a full actual inventory here
00:05:45So I think i'm gonna just shore up my area make this
00:05:48Make this kind of hard to get into for if you're a pillager if I really want this run to go
00:05:52Well, though i'm gonna need food
00:05:54So I still kind of have to go out and risk a little bit of my life here. Oh pumpkins
00:05:59Okay melons
00:06:01Yes, no way. No way. I hate melons. They're the worst food in the world, but i'm so happy right now
00:06:07Okay, put a light in here. Oh, that's free food right there for like forever
00:06:11I don't want to call it too early, but this one feels promising
00:06:13I mean look I got 64 food 64 food melons right now in the night time. I'm just gonna farm up resources. I'm safe here
00:06:20I'm gonna do it i'm gonna take this time and be efficient. I am blessed by that food find
00:06:24So i'm gonna try to just keep this going keep all this good luck going a lot of cobblestone right here
00:06:29A lot of free wood. We'll see where that takes me. Okay. Well, my home does not look great
00:06:34Not much of a mansion, but look at this. It's official. I've made it to day two day two everybody day two
00:06:41Well here on day two you have to ask yourself the question. What do you do?
00:06:45Well in this mansion is a bunch of vermin scum the pillagers and i'd like them all to be gone
00:06:50They don't respawn the pillagers, right? So if I kill them, they're gone forever
00:06:54I think with my lack of armor and good weapons i'm gonna have to do a lot of trapping
00:06:58I'm decent at trapping. I am that that'll work, right?
00:07:02Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Here we go
00:07:06Geez, it did not work. It's okay. I can fight him. There we go. That trap should work. Oh
00:07:11Okay, some redstone my inventory's full. I can't believe it
00:07:15I actually have a full inventory. Yeah, nothing more baby zombie baby zombie
00:07:20Watch this work beautifully if you're doing this challenge, don't even don't even try unless you have a melon farm, I think
00:07:27This whole side now is just pretty much cleared out
00:07:30I think for now i'm just gonna keep working through the first floor until everything's gone
00:07:33Oh, oh dang, dude. I was not recording. I am so on edge. It is insane right now. Basically what i've done today
00:07:41Is I did a little scout on the outside of the building. I did uh, I did cut a few leaves on the trees here
00:07:47You know what? It's just leaves and it's touching the mansion. It's legal
00:07:50Anyway, I got all the way around there weren't really any windows
00:07:52So I couldn't look in and kind of in this back corner. I heard evokers. Those are the ones that spawn the vex
00:07:58I really don't even want to look at those things right now
00:08:00But from what I can tell they're actually on the second level
00:08:03I'm on the first and i've now completely completely cleared out the first level
00:08:08There might be some hidden rooms that I haven't got to but the easy stuff is all mine day three
00:08:13We got that going for us still though at this point. I am just very very very insanely weak
00:08:18There is just nothing everything in the world can kill me right now
00:08:22But this wall up here pretty much every day now has produced at least a few pillagers that are just
00:08:27Down to just get smacked evokers definitely don't work in the same way, but it's i'm making progress. I'm making progress
00:08:33Just trying to get everything airtight keep monsters out that sort of thing. I'll even hey, look at me
00:08:38I'll even repair the carpet where I can
00:08:40Because you know what there may be a day where I get rid of all the pillagers and then this mansion will be mine
00:08:45If I try to keep it clean in the meantime, you know, i'll have less uh less renovation to do later
00:08:49Oh night night day four. I'm gonna just start
00:08:54Oh no, oh, uh, uh
00:08:55Well, I didn't mean to fall out of the mansion. That's we'll just count that as an oopsie
00:08:59I mean that I mean if the mansion was bigger that could have been death. Sometimes these things are huge
00:09:03Okay, just as I thought the second level does have windows and monsters
00:09:08They can't see you through windows
00:09:09So this should let me get a really good look of what's on up here on the second level
00:09:13I might also be able to sneak in and steal he's up there on the second level. Just chilling
00:09:18I'm still brainstorming how i'm gonna deal with that
00:09:21I don't know
00:09:23If I had full diamond armor, I'd just run in there and whack them. There aren't many evokers
00:09:27So once I figure out a plan to actually take care of that thing and execute it
00:09:31Well, this mansion's mine, but it might not be that simple. In fact, I know it's not gonna be that simple
00:09:36I really would like to avoid them, but I also need them gone
00:09:40I think there's at least two maybe three date day five
00:09:44Right day five
00:09:46Okay, I got plenty of wall
00:09:48I'm gonna go up there and start continuing the quarantine now these evokers they have very bad sight if i'm crouched like this
00:09:56It's pretty hard for them to see me. Dang. Just really no loot in these rooms. I hope I don't regret going in here
00:10:01Look at this
00:10:05Easy kill
00:10:10Well, that was the best yet. The melons were just too good to be oh
00:10:15I I died over a regular old evoker not an evoker
00:10:19One with an axe. Oh, I was not looking at my sword durability there. Oh, well, okay
00:10:25Uh, that was a good run. That was a really good run
00:10:28I just had and I I don't know if it was me being overconfident or what but i'm starting to recognize some of the rooms
00:10:34So I am getting better. I think i'm totally cooked here
00:10:37Goodbye cruel world. Wait, where's I can i'm just spawning them all looking for the entrance
00:10:41Oh, look, look at this game mode survival
00:10:47Oh, okay, this one looks nice i'm just running in squatters rights flowers. Wow. Thanks and that room's just too dark not going in there
00:10:54tree room
00:10:56Nothing in here. That's not gonna help me
00:10:59Oh, there's the melons. Okay. We got melons if I can keep myself safe here. This room should actually do it for me
00:11:04I've been given another chance. Oh, he dropped his axe. I think that's the first time that's happened. I'll take an axe
00:11:10It's a free weapon definitely gonna be okay with the food
00:11:13I I don't know if this challenge is even possible if you don't get a good melon farm like this
00:11:18I don't think it is. I can't imagine it working out very well. What do I do with the pumpkins?
00:11:23Can I can I do anything with them? Uh, I guess if I found sugar pumpkin pie and there's water here
00:11:28Okay, a lot going on right now a lot going on for now. Just gonna section off this area. Oh love this iron axe
00:11:35Oh, it's good stuff. Oh
00:11:37Day two did a lot of chopping. Let's see how this goes. What is this?
00:11:42What is this room what what even is this oh
00:11:48Is that a bucket
00:11:50Bucket. Yeah, many many reasons why a bucket could be actually awesome. I mean even just with water
00:11:58Blood I want to get a lot of this first floor cleared out then I can start my scheming
00:12:02So, yeah, check this out I can just grab some of this water, right, right put that there and
00:12:08Infinite water. I'm still brainstorming a way to actually take out the pillagers 64's food 64 torches
00:12:15I don't care who you are on day two. That's good. So i'm gonna continue clearing here
00:12:20Try to be as sneaky as I can. Oh, there's the wool. Nice. Nice. Here's a chest
00:12:26Wow golden apple
00:12:28Okay, lily pads lily pads kind of kind of useless
00:12:34No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:12:39Skeleton will get you on day two or whatever day it is. I don't even know i've died so many times. I'm gonna go sleep. Oh
00:12:46Sweet dreams, I guess there's that skeleton
00:12:49I'm gonna get him. I think he's the last monster that can really even spawn in here. Just get up in there
00:12:54No fear
00:12:56Just get up in there
00:12:58No fear. That's why these melons are so important. Like you you gotta fight. There's no getting around it
00:13:03And i'm gonna make my way to the outside if I can find a good spot to do it
00:13:07I'm, pretty safe on the outside here. I want to see if I can maybe locate some good loot then i'll sneak it
00:13:12Yeah, nothing really good in there, but I can spawn proof through the window. Okay, there's a pillager there
00:13:18Maybe I fight him through the window
00:13:22Oh, okay my life just flashed before my eyes
00:13:27Evoker just showed up
00:13:30But yeah, that was almost really really bad I don't see any crazy loot i'm like in a mansion crevice here
00:13:37Wait, what a spider spawner? I I hate this but I think i gotta keep it like it's a good spawner xp and stuff spider eyes
00:13:45I have spider eyes. Would you would you like to buy them?
00:13:49My spider eyes they're for sale. They're in my pocket. I carry them with me my spider eyes
00:13:53I don't I don't know why else would this would be useful, but it's here
00:13:57I don't even know that could be in a mansion and
00:14:00Just more more hallway here. Okay productive day
00:14:04Stressful one but a productive day. Here we go. I don't know why i'm feeling brave. I'm feeling bold
00:14:09I feel like I
00:14:12Incredibly just so brave and bold here. The evoker was somewhere in this area. What i'm really looking to do here is
00:14:18Find the evoker get it trapped in at least one room if I can get it trapped in a room
00:14:22Then I can sort of maybe start doing stuff to it
00:14:25You know, I can't do anything if the evoker can just walk around freely. I hear it i'm getting closer
00:14:30I should be able to look out of this hole
00:14:32Yeah, and it shouldn't be able to see me through a hole like that. Give me a little bit of freedom to kind of look
00:14:38Oh, okay. I totally was wrong. Okay, i'm gonna just I I just spawned the vex. I may be dead
00:14:43I may be totally dead right now. I'm just gonna go ahead and get out of here
00:14:45I just spawned the vex. I may be dead. I may be totally dead right now
00:14:48I'm, just gonna run as far away as I can and maybe i'm okay. I'm like opposite corner. I'll wait a few minutes
00:14:54I'll go back. It's been a it's been like a minute or two
00:14:56I think if the vex were going to just destroy me they would have done it by now. I think i'm all right
00:15:01I was pretty sure you wouldn't see me through those stairs, but i'm
00:15:04I guess i'm just not a professional minecrafter. Well at the very bare minimum
00:15:08I got a few more rooms here cleared out. I'd still like to get one of those pillager leaders crossed off my list
00:15:14I'll say what's working very well. What's working very very well
00:15:18Is kind of moving almost through the walls through the rooms the hallways seem to be kind of dangerous
00:15:24But so far i've had a lot of success moving kind of like around the mansion
00:15:27So that's hallway i'm gonna maybe try to avoid that
00:15:30So here i'm gonna try to like blow out the bag of the staircase and see what's behind it
00:15:34Oh, okay
00:15:37I don't know why he died in one hit but he did hiding in the shadows there. I'm trying to see what's behind here
00:15:42Something hallway. Okay. Just trying to limit the amount of areas that the pillagers can even go. Oh, here's some loot. Oh
00:15:50It's all terrible
00:15:52Okay, there he is. He's right there
00:15:53I don't know how much of that you can see right on the other side of this. It's just a massive hallway
00:15:57I don't think there's any way
00:15:59To really isolate him maybe right there get some blocks in right there. He's so close to being trapped
00:16:05Oh one more
00:16:08One more block here we go
00:16:11Okay, I think I got him i'm i'm pretty sure he's in there now, yeah, he's trapped
00:16:18Oh, I don't know what I just did now I can get above it. Hey, don't let him see you for sure
00:16:22It's now trapped in there. It's just trapped
00:16:25There's no getting out
00:16:30I obviously don't
00:16:31Uh really want to live with a pillager like that. Let me let me real quick just section off more of the mansion here
00:16:37I'm, just gonna do some chopping and and do some thinking I have a evoker. He's trapped
00:16:42This is as far as i've ever gotten. How do I kill it or?
00:16:45Exit it from the mansion
00:16:46So I just had a very very thoughtful poop and I have come to the conclusion that I can totally do this
00:16:52I can totally do this. I don't know why i'm worried and I have a feeling i'm gonna take out every single
00:16:58Evoker in this building this way. So let me just quick figure out where this guy is
00:17:03I can always put these blocks back. I'm gonna figure out where I actually have him stashed here. Oh, it's dark in that room
00:17:10It's dark in there so the room is a little bigger than I need it to be
00:17:14So now you see this wooden box. This is where i'm hoping to
00:17:17Make the evoker go the internet says and the internet never lies if it stands on a campfire
00:17:24It should get hurt. So now all I gotta do is well get it into this room
00:17:29And it should be pretty simple. It'll just go right into that hole
00:17:32Uh, so I think I just gotta map this out a little maybe I just start cutting up the floor
00:17:37Can't tell where he's standing. This feels a little caveman. He not gonna lie. Oh, there he is
00:17:44He's in he's in the room come on sweet beautiful music of him dying. Yes. Yes
00:17:52Yes, oh he's dead
00:17:55Do I get a totem
00:17:58Is there a totem down there? Yes
00:18:00I knew it would work. I did. Oh, oh look at the totem. I'm not dying. It's not happening. Look at it
00:18:10After how many attempts
00:18:12It's doable
00:18:13It's doable everybody
00:18:16I'm gonna be okay
00:18:18Is it night time or day time? I don't even know we're going to sleep. Ah, see I knew this bucket was big
00:18:23I knew the bucket would be big. Uh, I guess I just gotta get rid of all this now
00:18:28I mean i'm still naked
00:18:28But I do feel a little bit better with the totem of undying like if I get creeped on by a creeper or whatever
00:18:34I'll be okay, and I have now proven that I can kill evokers. I can do it. There's not too many
00:18:40Maybe five max in this whole building. I should be okay. Once they're gone. They don't come back
00:18:45There's no respawning of evokers. So I just got to get them dead. I believe in myself totem of undying
00:18:51I can I feel like I can actually take a breath now
00:18:54I do want to get this monstrosity cleaned up before I move on
00:18:57I just feel like it's a bit of a hazard just to have this up here have a trap probably not the smartest thing
00:19:02And this is good material. So I guess with this newfound strategy
00:19:06I'm, i'm just gonna keep moving try to find myself some more people to kill. There's one. Hello. Oh too easy
00:19:12Too easy, bro. Oh, look at that the mansion like spawned
00:19:16Inside a hill or something. I don't know. So this whole end here is buttoned up at least from what I can see
00:19:22I'm, just gonna keep moving on down see what I can get going on the other side
00:19:26Yeah, this this thing definitely has some issues with spawning. I mean it's like in a hill. Oh, it's the boxing ring
00:19:32Yeah, that room always has something. Let's see what you got
00:19:35Wow, nothing horrible not worth my time. Okay, so
00:19:40It's it's going. Okay
00:19:42There's definitely more stuff this way I think
00:19:46But we've got some weird generation here. We'll say really nice having the ocean right here
00:19:51Perfect place to put all of my garbage. I could probably also fish now that now I think about it
00:19:56Okay, that could actually get me some good stuff. Okay, one one problem at a time
00:20:00I'm still looking for evokers
00:20:02There should be like at least two more just walking around seeing if I hear them first and all I really hear is zombies
00:20:07Bro, it's daytime. Leave me alone. Okay, very strange. This is the whole third level and no one's up here
00:20:13I mean there was a few monsters, but no one maybe there's a special spot or something unless i'm missing something
00:20:18Oh, there's spiders. Okay. I mean i'm still gonna be cautious, but I maybe I did it already
00:20:23I think i've given this whole house a very good look
00:20:26And I don't see any more pillagers. I think when you do like 13 of them
00:20:31Maybe I look out and get the best one
00:20:33I don't want to call it too early and then I have to go kill more pillagers
00:20:36But I may have conquered this thing before I killed them all allegedly you'd walk around and you'd hear like
00:20:43Stuff like that and I just don't hear any of it
00:20:45But as far as I can tell i've been everywhere in this mansion and I don't see any more pillagers all the chewing
00:20:51Oh, just chew it all up. This place looks rough
00:20:54I have not been kind but i've also been fighting for my life. So it's fair
00:20:58Like I said, i'm pretty sure this is my property now. Oh
00:21:01Moral dilemma. So I mean look at this block and this one and that one. I mean they kind of like
00:21:07Are in the mansion a little dirt a little dirt up there if the mountain's hiding pillagers. I want to kill them
00:21:12What if they're in there what if they're in there no pillagers, but it looks nicer
00:21:15I guess at this point I just go around fixing stuff. I mean the mansion is in complete disarray
00:21:20I don't know how i'm gonna redo windows. I just can't do it. I can't touch that sand. I'm not allowed. Oh, dude
00:21:25I'm trying to put the sconces at the same height
00:21:27I can't jump that high gotta do this every time I complain, but I gotta get these lights off the ground
00:21:32I'm, not an animal. I really hope I can get the carpet back. I'd say it's very iconic in the mansion a few more scant
00:21:38You see this is why you gotta investigate there's this whole like under stair area in this weird spiral room where I got the bucket
00:21:44I've been hearing a skeleton and an enderman all day the house is haunted
00:21:47Anyway had a thought. I just want to see what this looks like. Okay, not final not final. I mean, I don't hate it
00:21:53No, I I don't yeah, man. They love me out in the philippines
00:21:57See, there it is. So I just spent a good bit of yesterday spawn proofing this room and I have decided to just get rid of it
00:22:03Oh see, this is what I mean. This is what I freaking mean
00:22:06Oh both my kneecaps both of them over here chugging melons. Anyway, i'm gonna grow in this room
00:22:12I'm gonna grow these things. I thought this room was kind of dumb, but now I have saplings. So that's good
00:22:16It's like right next door should be perfect. That looks pretty good carpeted
00:22:20Let's get up in there. It's done rooms all cleared out more torch efficient this way
00:22:24I'd say I mean look at that. Hopefully I can grow trees in there, but it's dark and I hear monsters
00:22:29See if I can bone meal this will it grow?
00:22:34Room might be too small here. I mean I do have a mansion
00:22:36I I can blow out some walls. Wow
00:22:39So it might not seem like much time to you but man chopping a lot of these rooms with a stone axe
00:22:43It just takes a while. I like that. I kept the pillar. I do want to see what's under this birch
00:22:48Okay, that's stone. Okay. I don't think I should be down here
00:22:51Anyway, I was hoping to sink the floor a little bit give myself some more room up there because I don't know what's up there
00:22:57Maybe it's enough room. Let's see
00:22:59Come on, come on
00:23:00I mean, I don't absolutely need need the wood, but it'd just be nice to have I mean i've come this far
00:23:05I might as well rip out the ceiling. It's been a lot of chopping so far a lot of chopping
00:23:10Okay, way better idea just just came to mind right there on the roof
00:23:14It'll grow. I don't even know if i'll really need to grow these trees. I should have plenty of wood here
00:23:19I mean look at it. I'm just trying to prepare for the future
00:23:21So without thinking I I kind of just started shoveling this. I mean it is touching the mansion
00:23:26Oh look at that dark spot
00:23:28I don't want to go in there. Hey, hey, there we go already wilderness does make me nervous though
00:23:33So i'm just gonna wall this off. I'm on a wall. Oh pig the chicken. I mean if they were to come near my mansion
00:23:40Could I lure them city did say i'm not allowed to be within 50 feet of them?
00:23:44But hey if they come to me, I mean that's legal. I hate all these zombies that I hear
00:23:48I'm, so on edge. Please. Let me sleep. Oh another tree big question is what do I do with this giant open space now?
00:23:54I think this feels like where I sleep
00:23:56It's also a great section of the house because if you go straight up
00:23:59You should have a pretty good spot where you can get on the roof
00:24:02I can make some more efficient ways to get up and down this big giant staircase. I mean, it's great. It's cool
00:24:08But it's kind of a pain
00:24:09Running around my mansion. So i've thought about it before embarking on this
00:24:13I do have to make sure every level of the mansion is safe and secure
00:24:17I'd also like to try try to maybe get all the lights off the ground
00:24:21So i'm gonna do some sconce and maybe fix a little carpet. There's no lights on the ground
00:24:24That's my standard right now, at least when i'm walking around in the hall. Yeah, it looks good. It looks good
00:24:29All right, I immediately noticed some on the second floor. Oh, what am I gonna do about the window any window I bashed through?
00:24:36There's no fixing it. I can't get glass and you know, hey if one day I do get glass i'll just fix it
00:24:41I'm, really just carving this bad boy up making it mine little hallway here made the second floor more like a circle
00:24:46Just easier to get around good access to third floor. I don't even know what to do up here
00:24:50There's a lot of dirt up here, right? I think this grass is valuable. I could bone meal it for stuff maybe bread
00:24:55So maybe up here I do like a it's just where it is. I do a little grass farm this stuff here
00:24:59It's in the mansion, right? Totally. I gotta get it out. It looks bad now to get down
00:25:04You don't want just like a ladder in the corner going down
00:25:06Did you did you think I was gonna put a ladder in the corner going down?
00:25:10Got plenty of room over here for a little secret staircase. I have redstone so I can't do like a button. Oh and enderman
00:25:18Just don't look at him
00:25:19Just don't look at him. They'll go away
00:25:24Oh so perfect
00:25:26Oh it lined up beautifully. I'm supposed to be doing safety. I'm getting a little caught up here, but hey, there's enderman
00:25:31I'm trying to d enderman you like the real bed between two fake beds might be better if they were blue
00:25:36What even is this?
00:25:37Supposed to be like it's a giant bed. I get it
00:25:40But what is this thing just sitting there in the middle of the room bed up here looking down?
00:25:44I don't understand a little more wood and then i'm good
00:25:47All the lights in the house are good this whole thing spawn proofed but enderman are still pretty much walking around
00:25:52So i'd like to see what I can do about that. I think I think this would stop enderman
00:25:56I'm, not trying to stop them completely. I think that's unrealistic
00:25:58But if one does get in and attack me
00:26:00These should kind of slow it down and if I am attacked if I have blocks
00:26:04It's kind of easy to build a corner. I had something like this when I lived in the end
00:26:08They're not pretty but if I can't stop the enderman, I gotta live with them. I'm naked man
00:26:12I don't want to get touched by that thing. I want to see if I can do this for free
00:26:14So I have no birch in my inventory. I'm gonna start ripping this up
00:26:17Oh, yeah, turn that into six slabs free reno just got to do the labor myself spawn proof
00:26:24Not spawn proof. I'm gonna have myself a little dream in my dreams. I have pants
00:26:28I've been pantsless for 20 days just real quick want to see if that enderman anti-enderman design I did would work
00:26:33Like I guess I could like lure an actual enderman, but then I might die endermite. Okay survival. There's the enderman
00:26:40This is an exact replica of what i've got in my house
00:26:43Can he come at me? No, he cannot I mean
00:26:47You can go around
00:26:49But in my house, it'll it'll slow him down
00:26:52Slow him down tremendously. That's a good dream time to wake up. That's that spawn proofed
00:26:56Yeah, they're gonna block in this whole thing this whole back area now completely spawn proof
00:27:02Oh, do I do the first floor? Yeah, it's it's just my labor, right?
00:27:06I can afford my own labor pay me in melons
00:27:08Redoing this floor is gonna make me redo a lot of stuff a lot of ways. I live my life here
00:27:13I could use new storage. I mean look at this. It's a little bit despicable
00:27:16There's gonna be a lot of chopping, but it'll be worth it in the end
00:27:19Oh right at the sunset got this all done down here. Well, at least the floor
00:27:24Don't you know i'm in business all over vinton surfing athens perry morgan and lincoln totally out of white carpet
00:27:30So over here i'm gonna use light blue if you look over there. I got dark blue. So it's fine
00:27:34I might have to blow out this wall. It would just make this first floor look so much bigger
00:27:38I'm, definitely not vibing with the cage cage is fine
00:27:41Not above a cage on the first floor right as you walk in you see a cage that just screams weirdo
00:27:47Gotta get rid of it
00:27:48Maybe I don't want to blow out the whole wall
00:27:50But at least the cage at least the cage i'm gonna see how this looks i'm putting a bunch of these enderman devices
00:27:55Just everywhere in here a lot of spots where they connect
00:27:57I would love if I could live in peace away from the enderman, but i'd much rather live in safety
00:28:01So now i've got symmetry you come on in the house. I see the staircase a little side room here
00:28:06This is where i've been living and this was the cage made it a side room as well
00:28:09I like those chandeliers. Those look good back in here. I'm, not sure what i'm doing yet, but i've got the enderman stuff
00:28:14It's a lot safer this way. Is it too much to put my enderman stuff on every room?
00:28:19Is that a little too paranoid?
00:28:21I don't think so. I don't think so. It kind of looks nice. Yeah
00:28:25See you hear them. They ain't getting me. I feel safe
00:28:28I think for maybe the first time in this entire in this entire video in the hallway with all these trusses
00:28:36Yeah, i'm going with trusses feel like in these hallways with all these trusses I could take an enderman easy out here
00:28:41I don't know, but you got to have some areas that are open. Just wish this tree was moved over
00:28:45I think down here i'm satisfied with the safety of the first level
00:28:48There's some little things obviously I can do here and there like carpet
00:28:51But what i'm saying is I don't think anything's gonna get me down here regular monsters
00:28:54They just can't spawn enderman can teleport in but it's definitely got a lot of anti-enderman stuff
00:28:59Let me work on the bedroom. This is my current bedroom and there's a pool of water in it
00:29:03I want good stairs to go all the way up not beautiful or anything. Just stairs. Does this fall kill me?
00:29:10I don't I don't think so test the speed here
00:29:12And yeah, that's quick. That's real quick. Okay. I just want to apologize for what i'm about to do
00:29:18I don't think anyone's gonna like it, but I need the bedroom completely enderman proof. It's a personal thing
00:29:23I just I just gotta do it telling you right now. It's not gonna look good
00:29:25I'm gonna board up these windows with cobblestone cozy little bedroom. No enderman allowed. I'm serious, though
00:29:30I don't want any of those things near me. Can I sleep? That's that's the question
00:29:33will I wake up weird and
00:29:39Well, whatever i'm okay with this it's fine better lighting might be nice but for now i'm okay with it
00:29:45I think I see up here some room for storage. I don't need much right? I have a bedroom. I'm good with that
00:29:50i'm gonna keep building out the safety on level two because I always hear enderman like up here and
00:29:56I'm, just too spooked to come up
00:29:57I think i'd be happier with these gates if I liked the way they looked more
00:30:01Second floor is already feeling much safer with the enderman trusses. Do I even I don't know if I need these
00:30:07Oh, I heard an enderman get on my property time to go to sleep in my lovely enderman proof room time for another beautiful day
00:30:13Let's see how much cyan carpet I can fill up here keeps monsters out. Come on. I think just simple wood
00:30:19Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that and these give me protection from you
00:30:23You never know like a baby zombie, right? This does nothing against a baby zombie. I'm too short
00:30:27No gotta free up some cyan here totally spawn proofed gated colored carpet, I mean what more do you want?
00:30:35I don't like being out here at night. The wall is not complete
00:30:38No, I don't like the third floor a little more chop in here
00:30:41I put the tree plots kind of close together and all the leaves are kind of intermingled
00:30:45I just I just got to chop down all these trees. It's good
00:30:47I need the wood as i'm shaping this staircase this upper level. It's starting to not look right
00:30:51I think right here. This is where I could put
00:30:54The weight of my storage, yeah, this is perfect right here
00:30:57This will go up. There's some carpentry going on. You can't even look out of the window
00:31:00So does it matter if I just make it a little smaller? Yeah, that looks fine
00:31:04It does if the crown molding ain't spot on don't even bother dude. Don't even bother
00:31:09Mighter right what time even is it is it?
00:31:13I need like a skylight or something. Wow. It's the next day. Hey up here plenty of room for a storage area flooring
00:31:18I'm gonna try to do birch birch slabs just for best safety food chest on melons. That's cute. I do not have much food
00:31:26I'm, very hungry. There it is storage room. I told you I would not need much learn that clean inventory
00:31:31Hasn't been this clean since like day one really would love some pants feeling fresh feeling clean. What is next?
00:31:37Well, I want to get that third floor safed up keep hearing skeletons. I keep hearing zombies. I think it's the third floor
00:31:42I do want to encase the stairway. There's a lot of space. You don't really need in here
00:31:46There we go airtight slab. What a beautiful view. Wow
00:31:50I'm, so glad I spent my entire life savings on this house like how that looks it actually looks like a wall now
00:31:55It's taking a whole lot of wood, but it's looking good. Oh, it's nighttime. It's nighttime. I don't like nighttime on level three
00:32:00I'm going to bed. I will allow floor torches in the bedroom. I'm scared. They want my gray skin
00:32:07Okay, forget the staircase I have an idea I don't have quite enough wool to do this how I want
00:32:11But i'm gonna keep it anyway, ta-da
00:32:13Yeah, I need a lot more gray wool to do that
00:32:17Maybe i'll find a alternative perfect face as possible. Oh, I put the torch up all lazy-like i'm going to bed need more wood
00:32:23Let's go to my trusty tree farm. Maybe getting closer on the wall, too. Oh so close
00:32:28Forgive me for what i'm about to do. I just want to be safe in a pinch
00:32:31That's a certified wall for the time being. I like it
00:32:35Staircase is looking good
00:32:37All sealed up. Wait a minute
00:32:40Wait a minute. I could have swore
00:32:42I just heard a wandering trader. I have I have three emeralds
00:32:46I could trade could have swore. I heard him think I heard a wandering trader a bit of a side quest day
00:32:49I think oh, wow. Yeah, i've never been back here. Hello cow
00:32:53I won't I won't stand off the mansion a cow. Come on wander over here. I think that cow walked away
00:32:59I'm doing too many things right now. I gotta work on staying safe
00:33:01I will just redo this door because that that's not mansion level
00:33:05Maybe i'll blow out this wall make a new door out to the oak
00:33:07This already is much more locked down on the third level. Tell me why I like that
00:33:11Yeah, i'm keeping it looks artsy need some sconce work, but i'm almost there switching it up today a bit
00:33:16I'm gonna try my best today to make some bread. I've got a little bit of wheat
00:33:19I've got one bit of seeds i'm gonna bone meal some of these saplings here. I don't really need them, right?
00:33:24Wow, it takes a lot of them for one bone meal. Then here's the idea you take the bone meal maybe more seeds
00:33:30Maybe oh, yeah, I got two more but now check it red farm forever and I can expand over here
00:33:36I'll be eating better not good trying to get this third level more airtight. I could use some carpet for sure
00:33:41I mean that cat that's a lot of wool white black red looking good looking good. Oh, yeah
00:33:47Oh gonna trim this all out. I don't want anything spawning gonna have to punch
00:33:51Uh this cat a little more tomorrow
00:33:53So, you know if you if you really like cats maybe go and get a drink or something. There's the cat deleted
00:33:59There he is. I don't know if maybe I heard you a few days ago, but you're here now
00:34:03I have three emeralds to my name. Do I spend it on sand?
00:34:06I think maybe I hold out for something better
00:34:08I don't really care that some of the windows are messed up. Isn't there a way I can breed these things, right?
00:34:12I need a lot of wheat though. You can't eat llamas. Unfortunately, I would love to eat these llamas
00:34:18That'd be great. If I ran minecraft there would be sweet llama flesh on the menu
00:34:22There we go hallways all spawn proof. Oh, look at that up there
00:34:26I bet you monsters spawn up there. I bet it might have been harboring some people
00:34:30This is why I got to get rid of this stuff up here
00:34:31This is a part of the house
00:34:32I really don't go to you can tell because the edge of the carpet isn't trimmed a lot of blocks over here
00:34:37It's gravel totally in the house. Look at that. That's my gravel. That's my property. Come here gravel
00:34:42Yes, i've never been happy to see gravel, but I am
00:34:46It's copper. I'm not excited about copper. I'm not look it's in the house. Look at that
00:34:51Second level man. This is all good house. So big I go mining. Oh, wait a minute
00:34:56Is that is that a new trader check this out? Oh, no llama llama. Yeah. No, i'll save you. Stop it. You animal
00:35:02All right. What do you got? Let's
00:35:05That's five though. I don't have five. I only got about three fitty. Oh, dude, just stop it
00:35:09It would be helpful to have the llamas. It would if I just build a wall push him
00:35:13That's some high quality rope. Look at that. No one got hurt llamas are mine though. I mean I will hurt someone
00:35:18I'm, not above that. Oh, no, they despawned. Golly gee. I have to tame them. Don't I? Oh
00:35:25That's what I forgot dang I could have four llamas he's real stuck up there. He's having a hard time
00:35:29Oh, you know what a cage would be great right about now. I don't expect to explode the llama population
00:35:34So at least for now, this should be fun. Happy feast eve everybody
00:35:37I've really been debating whether or not to fish here one. I don't really like it. I mean, it's it's out it's outside
00:35:42I'm an indoor man, but I would love good fish some meat, you know
00:35:46So I did have an idea about just using water making my own little fishing hole. I know the mansion
00:35:50I'm pretty sure this room will work. What's under?
00:35:54Yeah, nothing. Well seed bank. Not exactly. Nothing. How about in here? Oh, yeah, that's flower room under there
00:36:00That's really nothing like everything else. It's gonna be a lot of chopping
00:36:02Okay, there's a sizable pit in my house now edged it all with cobblestone. I'm thinking about the base too. Yeah, look at that
00:36:09so now
00:36:11I should just fill it with water. Oh, yeah, that's a straight up vortex. It's also gonna need sky access
00:36:16I'm not entirely sure what's above me here. Yeah, luckily nothing too important. Okay, nice just roof right up to the sky
00:36:24Perfect. Oh, well, there's the sunrise. Happy feast day everybody
00:36:28I'm hoping today I can dine on some fish the hole. It's not my it's not my proudest hole. There it is. There it is
00:36:36Oh and a a feast day puffer fish
00:36:39Perfect. It works. I would say it's roughly the same speed. Yeah, boom right there. There's another one
00:36:46I would say it's roughly the same speed as like fishing in a normal lake got a bone there a lot of stuff you can
00:36:51Get from fishing. All right, maybe a salmon. Can we get a salmon? Oh
00:36:55I don't have any item frames. So I don't want to put the puffer fish down. It's historical but I am gonna absolutely slam this cod
00:37:02Yeah, two of them man. That would have been like six melons. Can I drink a little? Yeah, I can drink a little drink
00:37:09Mm a little water. I'm not eating the puffer fish
00:37:11It like I don't want to die maybe if I had some milk, but llamas do not make milk
00:37:15I'm really upset about it. Actually. This is the first day. I've had all this good food and you know what?
00:37:20I'm gonna get more. I gotta go to bed early
00:37:22Feast day inspired what a bright and shiny day 41. I gotta get this hole fixed if i'm gonna fall in
00:37:27I just want to slide on down into the water. Okay, my fishing hole is done
00:37:32It's kind of cool when you look at it all finished
00:37:34I'm gonna go to bed so I can get in that thing definitely about the same speed as if I was just fishing outside
00:37:38in the river
00:37:41I have shoes
00:37:44Leather boots I found in the river
00:37:47A window like right there would be nice. I don't like having to
00:37:50Look up into the skylight to see what time of day it is easy little slit there can't fall into that
00:37:55Nothing's gonna get through it, but I can see what time it is. Are the fish biting today?
00:37:59They will if you come any closer
00:38:02Hey piece of leather could make one item frame, okay
00:38:06I've done it 64 cod gonna have to chop down some wood to build a barbecue. Wow, that took like all day
00:38:11What is what is this? How have I allowed this to happen? I got too many different things going on right now
00:38:16Oh, what's the thunderstorm? I never put those lightning rods up. I'm going to bed
00:38:19So I lost day 48 and then i'm on the final cut of this thing and I found it
00:38:23Basically, I just put some lightning rods up did a little kitchen work
00:38:26Okay, gonna see what I gonna see what I can do here about the kitchen
00:38:28I think for now that's just perfect real easy kitchen. It's clean. No mismatched blocks
00:38:33I think a full stack of fish should last me a while. I do also want to work on this farm here
00:38:38Is this outside? Okay, I can't go out anymore. There's pills to make it longer much bigger farm here
00:38:44That's looking good melons, of course preserved. Oh, no
00:38:47I was not recording. It's day 50. I've been a little on edge
00:38:50That's probably why I wasn't recording as you can see
00:38:52There's a enderman in my house some of this stuff on this side by the farm is not the most airtight
00:38:58Anyway, my llamas grew up and I made a system the light blue ones
00:39:02Have already tamed and that dark blue guy. Well, obviously he's new so i've just got to come back maybe a day or two
00:39:07Oh now I hear zombies and a bat. Why did I hear a bat? They're like a cavern here in my home
00:39:11Oh, maybe that maybe there's a maybe that's a cave. Yeah, i'm not worried about that
00:39:15I think at this point i'm just waiting for things to grow up and grow so I can eat them still would love some pants
00:39:21Some pants more fishing today, you know, I love that salmon, baby
00:39:26And of course as you know the llama little guy needs to do some growing up farm be farming two skin nice
00:39:32I need four gotta say i'm really enjoying having fish the saturation
00:39:36Which is basically how good the food is is like five times as good than melons
00:39:40I mean man that salmon is rare. I fished all day today got 16 cod four salmon
00:39:46I think when this little guy grows up i'm gonna kill him. Um, i'm wondering if they will all start spitting at me
00:39:52I don't think they will
00:39:54But I don't know if I can take on five llamas. I think in real life if I had a sword I could
00:40:00Come on, I could take five llamas naked. I could do it naked
00:40:04Llamas are big but give me a sword. I don't even think it had to be like a broad sword
00:40:08I think I could do it with a short sword like a like a minecraft one-handed sword
00:40:11They got that long neck easy one ostrich with a sword. I could definitely take just one. Oh, you just turn my monitor off
00:40:18I'm on hardcore minecraft, bro
00:40:21On yes, please turn it on. All right. Look llamas
00:40:26Llama, hey, you want some white monster you say please?
00:40:30All right, little guy's gone time to murk a llama. So big uh question here is are they all gonna start spitting?
00:40:36I'm gonna try to do this as quick as possible with an axe
00:40:39It looks like i'm good actually
00:40:41Oh that llama's spitting but the rest don't seem to care you're next pants
00:40:47I have pants
00:40:49I mean leather ones, but they're pants i'm getting very very very little armor here, but it's something better than naked
00:40:55I almost want something to hit me just so I can feel it luke likes luscious llama leather for lifting livelihood
00:41:00I think at this point diamonds just ain't happening. I'm gonna add two more llamas in the flock here
00:41:05That'll give me three per day
00:41:07Hopefully if my wheat can keep up, okay, not quite enough hay bales to breed three new llamas
00:41:13But i'll take two new ones. Look at this 64 salmon gonna throw them all on the barbecue
00:41:18Yeah, I just looked it up salmon is way healthier for you in minecraft
00:41:25I mean, come on, you can't beat that cod's still very good
00:41:28It's it's just a lot more common. I really should put some cabinets in here or something
00:41:33It's I want a kitchen. Okay. I I have almost 200 fish right now. I think for a little bit
00:41:39I'm gonna stop fishing. I live in a mansion. I should have a somewhat decent kitchen. I do love that window there
00:41:44I really do
00:41:45I'm, just gonna throw up some cabinetry here to give the room a little more feel look up here
00:41:49Some of the other rooms have a design kind of like this where it almost looks like a little chimney
00:41:54Well, you call this uh, kind of like a vent right? I mean it already draws my eye up
00:41:58I need one of those little signs. It's in every white lady kitchen something dumb like love made here
00:42:04Yeah, I think i'm satisfied with that. I don't know if i'm gonna do much more. I do have another idea
00:42:09I want to do a little bit of scouting here see if this is even gonna work
00:42:12I want to see if there's any way I could maybe potentially do like a monster farm
00:42:17There are a few drops
00:42:18I would really really really like to get from the monsters in this game and i'm just wondering if there's any good spot like
00:42:24On near the outside of the mansion where I could kind of lure monsters in see
00:42:29See right there. You got a few got a few I know this game. I've played it a long time
00:42:33There is probably a way I can profit kind of like I did with the fish
00:42:36You know, maybe just make a big room something where I can kind of make my own monster farm because these zombies they drop stuff
00:42:42Though this oh that one hurt. Ow
00:42:44If I kill this one, he might give me some armor. Can I do gold pants?
00:42:47That would be so sick. Okay gold shoes. I think those are actually the same
00:42:51Yeah, those are the same as leather. Isn't that just silly? I'm not a metal guy. Don't explain it to me
00:42:56There is a nice little area back here and you can tell I haven't really come back here much
00:43:00There's still you know a chunk in the house
00:43:02But there's a nice area back here that I haven't really done much with and i'm thinking if I just really get this into a big
00:43:08Open area. I might be able to do something. Okay. Wow. I've been shopping a whole day
00:43:13and uh
00:43:15That's all that's all I got. I'm nearly there. I'm nearly there got a farm to feed those
00:43:20fat furry
00:43:21Oh, yeah enough here
00:43:23Everyone breeding the whole flock. There it is room cleared out besides torches and that bed there question is do I keep going further?
00:43:31I could blow out more walls get more space. I'm gonna have to do some measuring but i'm gonna do that in the morning
00:43:36It's union. I get to sleep at night
00:43:38It's all just concepts of a plan right now, but I think I can make it work
00:43:41I think now if I just fill these in this is essentially one layer of your classic monster farm
00:43:46I don't know how that'll work inside the mansion, but I guess i'll see i'm gonna have to rip out some more walls
00:43:52But honestly, I need the material so I don't even mind. Well, there's four pads right there. Not too bad
00:43:57Almost forgot llamas. No, you don't get them right away. They despawn. I gotta be on it with these llamas
00:44:03It's it's not an easy farm, man
00:44:04This has been a lot of digging but I think monster farms almost always are gonna be a lot of wood for this thing
00:44:10But in the end, hopefully it should at least produce me some arrows at the very very least
00:44:15There's the dark room still lit up for safety, of course
00:44:17But once I get those torches out monsters should spawn they won't see these trap doors
00:44:22And it should be easy make sure to get a bunch of torches on top here
00:44:26So now what I gotta do is make sure where the monsters go is very airtight and safe. That should be great
00:44:32I should just be able to smack all the monsters feet and then i'll be able to get out and I think as far as
00:44:36Everything behind there. I'm just gonna write that off as inaccessible. I'm just gonna block that off
00:44:41I'm, just kidding. I mean the ceiling is dripping. It's it's not really usable rooms anymore sad
00:44:45I'm losing a little square footage, but maybe i'll come back later
00:44:48Okay, it's not the most symmetrical there, but it's a little bit better and then this door here
00:44:53I think is gonna lead to some service access. Yeah, perfect. Okay, i'm gonna go turn this bad boy on
00:44:58Okay pitch black in there seal that up and at this point it should be going even just a couple spawns be great
00:45:04Oh, look at that. Look at that two creepers right there
00:45:07Oh, yes, I don't really need gunpowder, but i'll oh there's another one
00:45:13Why is it all creepers? I want skeletons. So I guess I just chill over here by the llamas. Let the monsters pile up
00:45:20Can't scare me like that. Ah
00:45:22Just put the put the stupid thing down. I want to fight him. I want to fight him. I'm not gonna
00:45:29I'm better than that
00:45:30I'm beginning to get to the point where there's a lot of stuff in this mansion
00:45:33And I can't have all these things impeding my way. I'm a fan of walls
00:45:37I really am but especially these ones by the main staircase. I've never had a use for them in recent times
00:45:43Anyway, they haven't saved my life. So i'm gonna get rid of these. Oh some monsters some monsters in a fight
00:45:50Another thing I really like to do down here where I can anyway
00:45:53Let's put in some anti-enderman stuff big old rooms like this. You can see enderman that that's just a problem area
00:45:59Is that two enderman?
00:46:01two of them
00:46:02This is it's a disgrace. It really is today might be the day where I fight one
00:46:07And maybe get over my fear a little or I die
00:46:10Right, you guys want to see a boss fight and i'll even i'll even go a little extra mile here super enderman resistant. Okay, buddy
00:46:18Your time in my house is ending
00:46:21There we go. Oh and a grass block
00:46:23I'll take it. This might be a waste but i've always wanted grass on this tree. Oh, yeah, that'll grow that'll look real good
00:46:29All right. Where's that other one? Do I let him punch me one time? Oh, man
00:46:33Half of my health bar with armor with armor. Maybe you could see why I built all this enderman stuff
00:46:38I imagine those watching are like man. He's such a he's such a wimp building all this enderman stuff
00:46:44But dude, they i'm telling you you don't want those things on you. Oh, look at the monster farm though. Look at this
00:46:50That's a good amount of stuff in there
00:46:53Anyway gonna waltz into tomorrow victorious. Well, happy day six nine everybody. I appreciate you being here
00:46:59I'll let you get creative with this comment
00:47:00If you want to prove you watched this far
00:47:03Say something along the lines that man this video is really great to watch with this salmon my friend's mom's salmon
00:47:10Went really good with this video
00:47:11You know something like that. You can use mine. You can get creative. I love salmon dude. I eat salmon every day anyway
00:47:20What are we doing on day six nine? There's really a lot of things on the agenda
00:47:24Really i'm trying to get this thing really spawn proof
00:47:27There's the farm all done and spawn proof looks a little more open too without that big staircase full armor
00:47:33It's just leather
00:47:35But it's full armor
00:47:37For a guy who's been naked for just so long
00:47:40Stone sword leather armor feels good. Anyway back to it. Just got a spawn proof. Oh, yeah right there
00:47:45That's high quality craftsmanship and i'm even not noble munro belmont caribou
00:47:50There's so much stuff to do right now getting rooms like this to rooms like this monster break
00:47:55I think i'm good. I think first floor is done. Everything on the floor is either slab stair or carpet
00:48:01Okay floor two, I guess in the morning got to get rid of this table
00:48:04I'm luke the no table right on the outside. Do we love it? I hate enderman more than this design
00:48:09Oh, i'm short. I'm short carpet again. How did you get in? How?
00:48:14Okay, a little bit of safety right here. I'm gonna fight him again. Come here
00:48:19Beautiful there's no tables. I never did figure out what this thing is
00:48:23I don't know if it's supposed to be like a house
00:48:25Or like villager trading or whatever, but it's getting demolished
00:48:29There's that weird room in the middle cleared out wasn't recording but got the whole monster farm area slabbed up
00:48:34So it's all real real good and safe now
00:48:36I'm gonna look around here, but I think my second floor is totally done now, too
00:48:40Oh, this room is gonna take so long. I don't really need a boxing ring
00:48:45So i'm gonna get rid of this
00:48:47That room is a lot bigger than it looks, but it's clear now. Can I get these two done in a day?
00:48:51Let's see. No the sun i'm so close all done
00:48:55Well kinda some of you smart people who play way too much minecraft may have noticed something
00:49:01Maybe where the enderman are coming from right here on top
00:49:04Enderman could spawn fences on top here enderman shouldn't be able to teleport in
00:49:08Same with the carpet draws the eye up a little gives it more of a design as long as i'm standing on carpet
00:49:13This thing's not gonna be able to teleport next to me, right?
00:49:17So I hear it teleporting but it's having a hard time getting to me. Maybe that wasn't the best idea
00:49:22He's angry and lost there. He is
00:49:24He teleported in somehow
00:49:28Feel like a dummy talking all this trash. Can they go on the fences?
00:49:32I guess i'm doing all this right here for nothing. Oh, there's another one
00:49:36Ah, I may just have to come to terms with the enderman. I don't want to
00:49:40I want to conquer them unless I drop the entire mansion ceiling down to to this height
00:49:46I mean that would do it. That's so it'd be so much wood, but i'd get like four more floors
00:49:50I don't have time for this dream. I'm in my stockpile ammo phase. Look at me 18 arrows new front door would be good
00:49:57This one looks like it was built on day one. Oh, it's three wide. That's not ideal
00:50:01I was hoping to do like a double door, but it'll be off center outdoors secure
00:50:05There's a nice little wall some safer outdoor ledge access. I don't really want to leave it all wide open though too much
00:50:13No, I think it's just enough looks solid andy. Oh you fell. Let me help you up my guy days since
00:50:27Oh, yeah right here may be an issue. I don't know if the flowers will stop them. I I actually think they won't
00:50:33I love that tree. It's been there since the beginning. I'm not getting rid of the tree. I'll go with that
00:50:38I'm satisfied. I may even trim the top i'm doing it
00:50:43I'm i'm being i'm being so careful here with the tree. Oh
00:50:47Uh a little short on top, but I think otherwise I like that cut
00:50:51I think hardcore minecraft just became about vanity. You know what that means
00:50:54It means i've won. Well now that hardcore minecraft is officially about vanity. Let's see what else I can do in yes
00:51:01Yes, it's been too long. First things first. The room needs to be bigger
00:51:05I think i'm gonna leave the exterior wall gonna bust down this small one. I think that's just smart construction
00:51:13Wall looks good. Now staircase is off center. Just gotta squeak over this wall a bit
00:51:17That's the new stairs. Oh light light could move over. I don't have a scouts
00:51:25There you go, i'm gonna try to do this all wool. I don't have enough wool
00:51:29I'm gonna be foreheadless and eyebrowless. Okay, i'm gonna use stone instead for the gray. It's always a good alternative out of stone
00:51:37We're having a mansion i'm pretty poor, huh?
00:51:41I think right here
00:51:42Right here might be a good place to try to mine in my own home. No, i'm trying to get cobblestone
00:51:47Nope, that's stone. All right ghosts living in my house. I'm gonna start tearing out the walls
00:51:52All right, I don't i'm not proud of this but I want to see how much oh, there's really oh
00:51:57There is not much cobblestone in that foundation. I never did find a way to get myself a bunch of cobblestone
00:52:03Oh some in here. That's mine one thing of lava. I could make as much cobblestone as I want
00:52:07I've just never lucked out and found some something cool from the zombies
00:52:11I've wanted it the whole time like a rare zombie drop. Okay, almost done. Just need good lights. Look at that
00:52:20All right, dad's going up on the roof if you hear a thud just call the police man that that cow is still just chilling
00:52:26look at this
00:52:28Craftsmanship. There it is
00:52:30All done
00:52:31Lit nice. I don't need any of this light here. It's a nice effect. I almost want to get rid of that window
00:52:37Can't go back don't care. I love the ones that see the outside
00:52:40I really do but seeing that sometimes is it's just it's a bummer look
00:52:44I almost forgot but old me old me was he came in clutch. I like that sunset through this window. It's a nice look
00:52:51It's a nice look. Look at the staircase. It's it's got a spooky vibe
00:52:55I hope I don't regret the spooky staircase by the end of this. I don't think I will
00:53:01But I hope I don't super reassuring. Yes guest bed. Don't know what happened
00:53:06All of day 90
00:53:08The microphone was muted
00:53:10So you can't hear me. I did a lot of talking
00:53:14And all of it's lost in I really wish I had it because I had a good speech
00:53:19I made a place to sleep in because I got about a weekend. I'll be free from these demons at least hopefully
00:53:27Okay, got the mic back on. There's a really really big flashing light on the front of it
00:53:31It's very easy to see and I didn't look at it. Yeah, bro three three bedroom house trophy room
00:53:38I don't have one. I need one. It doesn't have to be huge. This one seems right
00:53:44Chandelier might look good that too like trendy. Okay, that looks better. That looks better
00:53:48Just looks big now. I gotta figure out what I have that actually constitutes treasure. It's been a very slim 100 days
00:53:55I really only have one treasure
00:53:58Oh, no, my no, okay, okay
00:54:03Yeah, this is my treasure. Maybe one day i'll get them all and that right there
00:54:08That's the dream. I was just scouting around for my next build over here. Look look, there's another one
00:54:13There's two two cows right there. I'm standing on it. I'm standing on the mansion. I don't even have to breed them just one
00:54:18I'll kill him. I'll kill him for the steak. It's right here. Come on
00:54:22Come on wheat
00:54:24Wheat, can I burn that tree down from a distance?
00:54:28Is there a way? Well, thanks cows. That was a whole day. You gave me hope
00:54:32Gave me hope I would eat you
00:54:33So yesterday I was out on the roof scouting and found cows i've scouting for a place for a good old sign big
00:54:39Stupid dumb sign on the top of my house. I think it's got to go up there
00:54:42This is a great view up here with the with the ocean. I don't trust that red mushroom though
00:54:48Hard question
00:54:49Did you eat all the salami?
00:54:53Slowly slowly over time. No, no heart pizza bagels for you
00:54:58Mr. Ate all the salami
00:55:00Well, I didn't do it in one day. It was a slow luke the notable loves salami. I I I like salami
00:55:07What's what's?
00:55:09I've lived in a minecraft mansion once before but it was nothing like this
00:55:14before when I found the mansion
00:55:15I looted it gutted it just took everything of value because it wasn't actually my home
00:55:20I had to call this place home for almost 100 days now
00:55:23I mean I could die but I think we're at that point where i'll be okay
00:55:26But i've kind of fit myself in with the mansion this time
00:55:30And I gotta say
00:55:31I don't recommend it. Maybe not if you're naked and can't leave or do anything else stuff has been sparse
00:55:37Pretty much everything if it's not wood
00:55:39I I it's it's hard to get now. That's of course made an interesting journey here, which is ultimately the final point
00:55:46But would I recommend living in a mansion full-time in your minecraft life? I don't know
00:55:51Maybe it would be different if I could you know mine kind of wasn't able to
00:55:56Anytime you can't mine in minecraft
00:55:58It makes an interesting result though. I do think as far as starting from nothing living in a mansion for 100 days
00:56:03I think i've come pretty far. It was a zombie
00:56:06We've got fancy leather. All right, come on zombie drop. I've wanted a good zombie drop make my day
00:56:12Nothing. I have enjoyed my time here
00:56:14You know, sometimes I I play these and it's kind of a slog
00:56:18and for better for worse
00:56:20The mansion has been fun. I bet you wall street is predicting lower egg demand
00:56:25But do you think people are going to stop buying eggs?
00:56:27So one thing this house really really needs and this is actually tora's idea
00:56:30So I gotta give her a little credit there an elevator. Come on and it's a mansion. Oh
00:56:36Oh, it's gonna be beautiful. It's a perfect spot for floor one and two, but it comes up outside on floor three
00:56:43Well, whatever I do it's gonna take a lot of wood. I can't believe I spent all day today
00:56:46Just planning it is an elevator though. So you probably should have a good plan a nice shaft, bro
00:56:51I guess before I even really start this I gotta make sure this works, right?
00:56:54I don't have any really really fancy stuff for elevators. All I have is water. Wow
00:56:59Okay, no signs at all with this giant opening
00:57:02And it's it's just a wall of water. Wow, that's perfect
00:57:05It's a little dark in here though. That's the only thing i'll say that should work, right? Oh, dang. It's the next day
00:57:11I'm getting too into this elevator. Okay, let's see if my recessed lighting worked and it did wow
00:57:17Okay, do I need these?
00:57:19Don't even need them. Oh, oh no
00:57:21Oh, I think I tried to get too fancy with the floor right there works. You see the wall of water
00:57:27I don't love it going to the stone. I'm really not a compromiser in this mansion, but that might have to be one
00:57:33Is that a bat?
00:57:36What I don't know what that means. That could be a bad omen
00:57:38Dude, what do you get your lombs out of my elevator as i'm going here?
00:57:42I'm starting to hate it less. It's all kind of taking shape before my eyes here. See there's the outside access so double door
00:57:49Uh, so now I gotta replicate this trim and uh, i'm i'm not confident cobblestones also kind of precious just looking at it
00:57:56You can tell it's not original but it kind of blends i'm happy with it. I am just gotta grab a little more wood
00:58:02I'll use my elevator. That's smooth right there. That was smooth. Okay, one last thing you might be surprised
00:58:08I haven't built it yet, but I was saving it for the end imagine owning a mansion
00:58:13And not having a hot tub and this giant room
00:58:16Well, it's got the perfect windows might be a little ambitious starting this on day 98, but whatever there's the center
00:58:22Yeah, that seems like a good size. Oh, we got the smoky water
00:58:27That's gonna look good gonna be a lot of underbelly work, but it's nothing I can't handle
00:58:31I almost have the perfect little section here. I kind of lucked out. I can just drop this whole ceiling down
00:58:37Oh, wait a minute. I totally just heard a pillager. There they are
00:58:40Outside perfect video's almost over. I think I gotta go fight him. Ah, dang it bro. I'm on edge here
00:58:45I'm gonna go fight stupid enderman. Hello
00:58:48Pilkagers, I mean I have 23 arrows. I might as well just shoot him. Oh got him. Here they come
00:58:55That's about what I expected from that. Aha
00:58:58Look at that perfect height. So just my little my little head's poking out beautiful upstairs. That's pretty bad
00:59:03Should be able to just cover this up. Uh-oh
00:59:07It's day 100
00:59:08I don't have the ceiling fixed everything's so up high. It takes a second, you know, uh, dude, I gotta stop looking up
00:59:14Why is there random cobblestone on the ceiling little time before sunset? I'm doing okay
00:59:19I want to see if I can expand this as you know, I don't have glass
00:59:22So glass is out of the question for expanding the window. Yeah, that's actually great chilling in the hot tub
00:59:28This is what I wanted this right here something like this by the end
00:59:33I really had no idea where I would be or if I would live. I mean it took me what 13 attempts, but I did it
00:59:39I'm here
00:59:40100 days before I go i'd like to share a list of notable people here
00:59:43This is the best part of the video for them because their name appears on screen if you'd like to become one of them
00:59:49You can't because there they are
00:59:51Beautifully scrolling at the end of the video how notable that must feel stay notable hit that subscribe button you piece of
