• 17 hours ago
Asmongold Reacts to: Ubisoft Says "Nihao” to Japan?!
by @shoheikondo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54lcp5TiR1c
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
If you own the copyright of content showed in this video and would like it to be removed:
00:00if you are eastern asian living outside of your country or just visiting i'm pretty sure you have
00:05experienced some random people say ni hao to you even you're not chinese i have it yeah that was a
00:11wow it was a wow uh video it was a wow music video i remember that many people think it's
00:18okay but it was a wow music video about chinese gold farmers so it's chinese even we are offended
00:25and we japanese got giant nihao from ubisoft what of course the first of all boba tea
00:33it's not from japan right so they're doing a campaign with like a boba tea and it's from
00:39taiwan and actually we started having that pretty late like 2018 or 19 and we don't drink that
00:47anymore it was i didn't even hear about for a long time i thought boba tea i thought somebody
00:53just meant to say boba i thought they just spelled it wrong because they're stupid i didn't even know
00:58it was real until like two years ago three years ago just like a tiny trend but for some people
01:05that ubisoft boba tea for some reasons very associated to japan because it's asians and
01:13asians like boba tea right that's that's obviously what it is assassin creed shadow digital deluxe
01:19edition this is horrible let's watch this so this is a digital deluxe edition meaning people who
01:26and that's the one that you spend more money for paid extra right yeah i really don't think
01:32they can sell this okay here we go
01:38how's ni hao offensive uh it's
01:45i think it's the presumption of a person's ethnicity
01:52uh that that that's the idea so what's what what's this
01:59what the fuck is this
02:03sekiryu beast sekiryu meaning i guess red dragon red dragon
02:12that's the one worst character design i ever seen
02:16and that you know what this looks like i'm gonna say it
02:24this looks like a mount from new world
02:28i don't know if it's a mount from new world but it looks like a mount from new world
02:41yeah i went there
02:44and please please don't say this is japan there's no japanese aesthetics here
02:49nothing about assassin creed shadow is japan
02:59but it's horrible and he said dragon and dragon he said dragon and a dragon and a dragon
03:10this was made by white people
03:15it's so obvious it was made by white people
03:20oh god it looks like a the bb gundam do you know i like the bb gundam when i was
03:28child what is what is this french people what's this did i have one definitely ruining japanese
03:39oh my god
03:44is this cool it's okay i guess to my eyes as japanese this is not japanese at all
03:54it's just
03:55i don't know what is this
03:59even like this background has kind of wukong vibe there's a lot of comment from japanese
04:06it's saying but translation is wrong i don't have any intention of hiding
04:11it's saying they don't have any intention of hiding the chinese elements well to them like
04:17you have to understand that this is just a bunch of white people doing this right it's kind of
04:20screaming china though well i'll tell you this if i saw this and you asked me what country is this
04:26from i would say china i would djm also feels like uh it was taken from china i agree see all japanese
04:36comments and negative i really wondering how many japanese people make reservations let's check
04:41actually it's not that bad today march 7th 600 votes in past months that's not good
04:50600 didn't they say this game was 400 million dollars and you're buying it for like like 80
04:57bucks so 600 times 80 i don't think that's anywhere near 400 million a lot actually how
05:05about monster hunter oh that's a lot it was 200 oh 80k see that's the difference
05:13600 versus 80 000 okay see they might make their money back right
05:26how about yakuza can't wait for you to fuck dude yakuza yeah yeah 8k okay wait so even pirate yakuza
05:34got 8k well wait a minute so if i think about this pirate yakuza didn't even do super well
05:41on steam it only hit a peak of 2 000 players so if 8 000 people bought it within the past month
05:57we're sorry yeah 22 000 sorry not 2000 22 000 excuse me
06:02console has a lot more players for yakuza
06:07okay playstation 4 5k steam okay it doesn't show but 600 is to me it's pretty high 600 i mean it's
06:19low compared to other game but well compared to any other game it's like literally getting
06:24mogged by a spin-off game i think it's pretty high
06:41oh i thought he was killing a villager for a minute
06:47and i really want to know what they're doing yeah
06:51i wanted to check wait wait this flag to me to my eyes
06:57would you guys say this is more like china or more like japan if you guys saw this
07:07china everybody says china right it's a chinese dragon yeah i
07:14dynasty no not in japan like everything looks like a
07:19shin dynasty except amount of the fingers uh-huh so little history lesson so chinese dragon have
07:26five chinese emperor is the only one who can use five finger drama so this is only
07:32one accurate things but this is shin dynasty way
07:41making shin dynasty flag and making dragon for three fingers is that kind of message or something
07:49like a japan belong to china or something no
07:56these are people who couldn't even program bullets to despawn after they hit somebody
08:01this isn't some elaborate culture war this is a bunch of monkeys in a building
08:09and the building's on fire and the only thing that they have to put it out is gasoline
08:16that's what it is yeah they're just dumb like yeah this isn't the there's not some kind of
08:23there's not some kind of like grand design to this stupid
08:29what's going on i started feeling scary a little bit
08:41you serious it's china of course you do boba tea for campaign boba tea is also china
08:50all right yeah soundtrack sounds 10 plus hours chinese and this looks like a nice for wukong
08:59yeah it looks like a nice for wukong 10 hours of additional gameplay in this map good business
09:08so you get you you have to put you get 10 more hours of gameplay if you just buy the deluxe
09:13edition so so let me get this straight so now we're releasing video games that are
09:18intentionally incomplete in order to upsell people on buying more of the video game
09:26this sucks so much dick bro like how did we get the how did we get here
09:31oh my god why not i don't know like maybe i don't even know what to say the uisoft special
09:58the thing is that what i find really funny about this is that
10:03i feel like comparatively and maybe this is just stereotyping
10:07but i feel like the chinese internet audience is like fucking super nationalistic right
10:16like they are fucking out there they're like china number one fucking like we are the best
10:23country in the world we're so much better than everybody else and like the japanese i feel like
10:29they're a lot more reserved and they're you know more like oh yeah we're japan and we like japan
10:35but you know they're not like china bro they they're basically like again if there is a tourist
10:44that causes problems there's like an 85 chance well yeah there's an 85 chance that they're
10:53either american or chinese and the 15 chance is that they're a kick streamer but that's it
11:01yeah or maybe a little bit right maybe russia but like no i i think that's it yeah it's one or the
11:06other it's us or china that all these people are causing us trouble right and uh what is this here
11:12and it should be meanwhile we americans hate ourselves well i don't know so like what i find
11:16to be really funny about this is that if this was inverse can you imagine what would happen
11:22if they made an assassin's creed game about china and they used a bunch of japanese imagery
11:28can you fucking imagine the comments
11:33oh my god it would be banned yes ubisoft quebec is designing this oh great so we got a bunch of
11:41french fucking canadians yeah exactly that's exactly what i was worried about of course
11:50uh samurai and china yes
11:55freaking chinese fucking assassin's creep put a bunch of samurai in it oh god that's so good
12:03yeah there's the video bro i i this guy i feel like it's so sad because the japanese in so many
12:09ways are so they're so polite they're so reasonable and i can only imagine what it would be like if
12:15they did this with china oh my god that would be fucking funny and uh funny thing this game may
12:22be banned in china for portraying a dragon dude if they use that oh my god i just i i i don't even
12:35know what to say man i really don't they give us more and more reason yes it's just gonna be a slam
12:41i guess so good evening sir what's up cody how you doing and uh next game assassin's
12:46creed in china yeah and it's also you if you can believe it it's just okay again
12:52yeah somehow it it's the other it's like the one the one african person that like came from uh
12:58you know africa in like the middle of china that there's like one reference to them and that's it
13:04right and so check the uh chinese taiwan uh chinese taiwanese comments so i have no idea
13:10uh yusuke moved to china to continue yeah he he moved to china because he defeated all of
13:17the worthy warriors in japan and all the worthy um fucking uh uh you know like uh
13:26drawing racks for fucking fish he destroyed all the worthy bamboo shoots in japan so now he's
13:33he's going over to fucking china to just to defeat lubu you know
13:42just had a lupu and fucking wukong can you imagine that it would be so good
13:54look at that sweet chunny somalian disguise
13:57yeah what a sacrifice i i know i just he time travels as well of course he does