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Amis, préparez-vous pour le mariage sous-marin le plus magique (et chaotique !) que vous ayez jamais vu ! 🌊🧜‍♀️🔱 Ken se marie avec une sirène, et les préparatifs sont mouvementés ! Rejoignez Sammy, l'organisateur d'événements ambitieux, et Sue, la brillante créatrice de mode, alors qu'ils s'efforcent de créer des tenues époustouflantes sur le thème de l'océan pour toute la noce.

Du choix des pierres de strass parfaites (grâce à une mystérieuse carte au trésor !) à la confection de queues d'argile éblouissantes et d'accessoires scintillants, aucun détail n'est épargné. Mais peuvent-ils gérer les exigences d'un marié difficile, de demoiselles d'honneur à la pointe de la mode et d'une catastrophe de dernière minute avec la robe ?

Appuyez sur play et rejoignez cette aventure fantastique sous-marine digne d’un conte de fées, et regardez la vidéo jusqu'au bout pour assister à la cérémonie de mariage sous-marine à couper le souffle !

#MariageDeSirènes #BricolagesDIY #AventureSousMarine #OrganisationMariage #DesignDeMode #BricolageEnArgile #Éclat #Amusement #Comédie #Histoire

N'oubliez pas de nous soutenir avec vos likes 👍 et abonnez-vous pour plus d'épisodes de bricolage ! Découvrez quelques-unes des dernières vidéos :
🏡 Construisons une incroyable mini-maison de 6 pièces pour les animaux perdus ! 🐾 https://youtu.be/b2zELavJBzQ
TRANSFORMATION FOLLE ! ✨🤩 De poupées ennuyeuses à trolls colorés ! https://youtu.be/dQVGEE1X9x0
Construisons une Tour Mémoire Arc-en-ciel ! 🌈✂️ Bricolage en carton https://youtu.be/qWFndZddR3o Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:14Ah, what a beautiful day!
00:16Hey, who did that?
00:19Oh, you! So beautiful!
00:22Hi, what's your name?
00:23I'm the mermaid, and you?
00:27Let's go swimming, Ken! Follow me!
00:31Haha, that's so funny!
00:33Okay, you know what?
00:36I have to ask you something.
00:38Will you marry me?
00:41Oh, it's the most beautiful day of my life!
00:46Play, dolls! Don't miss the offer!
00:49Sammy, what are you doing?
00:51I started an event organizing agency, but I don't have any clients.
00:55An event organizing agency? Great!
00:57I need help for my wedding, which will take place soon.
00:59Have you decided on a style?
01:01Should I do it?
01:03Oh, look!
01:05It could be a pirate wedding or a superhero wedding.
01:08Something nautical, maybe.
01:10Oh, it's so hard to decide. I'm marrying a mermaid!
01:13You should have said it right away.
01:14So it will be a submarine wedding.
01:18Not many. Just four of my closest friends.
01:21Okay, that's all I need to know.
01:23Yay! I can't wait!
01:24Your first client? Oh, I'm so excited!
01:28Yes, I need your help for the wedding outfits.
01:31No problem. I'm always happy to help you.
01:34Cool! So, where do we start?
01:36First, we need the measurements of all those who need costumes.
01:40It's noted!
01:41And I'll take care of the handkerchief.
01:44Too simple, too flashy, too formal.
01:46Hi, my beautiful! What's new?
01:48Oh, hi, Sammy! I'm getting ready for Ken's wedding.
01:51You know, I need your opinion. How do you like this dress?
01:54I don't want to look like a mermaid when I get married.
01:56Oh, it's very pretty, but the wedding is underwater.
02:01What? But I can't go underwater!
02:03My dress will be ruined!
02:06Don't worry, I've got it all planned out. Follow me.
02:08We'll meet at the DIY table.
02:11Here, here's the first client.
02:13Oh, hi you!
02:15So, tell me, what's your favorite color?
02:18Hmm, blue!
02:19Don't say any more. A blue outfit will be ready right away.
02:23First, let's unroll some modeling clay.
02:28Now we're going to cut the excess.
02:33Okay, raise your hands. Let's start the test.
02:38Now we make sure that the outfit has a very special marine character.
02:53The caudal jaw goes here.
02:55The top and the bracelets are also in place.
03:00And a necklace, of course!
03:03Okay, Sammy, what do you think we should add to this outfit?
03:07Maybe some seashells?
03:10No, we need something more chic.
03:12Hmm, okay. Chic, huh?
03:15Let's see.
03:17I don't have anything like that.
03:19So, here's a mission for you. Go find strass.
03:24Hmm, if I were a strass, where would I hide?
03:28Huh? It's a funny piece of paper.
03:31Wow! Wait a second, is it a treasure chest?
03:35And if it could lead me to the strass?
03:37It says I have to swim. Okay, I'm coming.
03:41Oh, I see something. Is it a treasure chest?
03:47Watch out for the fish!
03:50It's heavier than it looks.
03:52Okay, the moment of truth.
03:55Wow, we have everything we need right here.
03:58Sue will be so excited.
04:01So, for your hair, I'm using flower clips.
04:05Here are the strass you asked for, Sue.
04:07A treasure chest?
04:10Wow, that's exactly what we need.
04:12First, we're going to add some glitter to it.
04:16Now, let's move on to the strass.
04:30I also found the perfect socks for the tail.
04:33Great! Let's put them in place.
04:36We're going to need glue for that.
04:46We need more glitter here.
04:48Here, let me sprinkle them.
04:53I'm good at this.
04:56You did a good job, Sammy.
05:00This one was also in this chest.
05:02Great, isn't it?
05:04Oh, I can't wait to see what I look like.
05:06Give me a second.
05:08Some sea crystals.
05:10And you're ready.
05:12Wow, so shiny.
05:14I'm going to look at myself in the mirror.
05:17Okay, Sammy, who's next?
05:19They say there are two other pretty ladies here.
05:22I wonder where they are.
05:24Oh, I'm about to do a combo.
05:28Hey, what are you doing here?
05:30I'm going to look at myself in the mirror.
05:32Okay, Sammy, who's next?
05:34I'm going to look at myself in the mirror.
05:37What are you doing here?
05:40What? You were supposed to come to the wedding dress-up.
05:43Wedding dress-up? Who's getting married?
05:46Seriously, you have the invitations right there.
05:52Oh my God, we were so caught up in the game that we didn't notice.
05:56Our roommate must have picked them up and now he's at the tailor's.
06:00Oh no, we don't have time to get our outfits ready.
06:03And why do you think I'm here?
06:06Miss, follow me.
06:08If you're ready, I've brought two more guests.
06:13Hi girls.
06:14Who wants to go first?
06:16That's what rock-paper-scissors is for.
06:20One, two, three.
06:21One more time.
06:25One, two.
06:27I think it's a draw, guys.
06:29Let's just go with you.
06:32So, what's your favorite color?
06:34Purple, of course.
06:36Then it'll be purple.
06:38Do you happen to have a lighter shade?
06:41I might be able to fix that.
06:43Just add a little white.
06:47It's perfect.
06:49Okay, it's time to get to work.
07:00Now don't move, please.
07:05And the collar?
07:07Of course.
07:08I found a nail polish that matches the color perfectly.
07:11Good job, Sam.
07:17Sammy, can I have some glitter in lavender for this outfit, please?
07:23Why do you keep giving me such difficult tasks, Sue?
07:26What would you say about that?
07:29Well, you did the right thing.
07:32Well, you did the right thing.
07:36A little magic and...
07:42It's done.
07:43Wow, Sue, you really are a fashion stylist.
07:54Now let's decorate the tail.
07:57We're late in the program. Let's speed up.
07:59It works, boss.
08:03Here, let me do this.
08:07You're welcome.
08:09Here are some big jewels and pretty pearls.
08:12You forgot the scales.
08:14Oh, okay. Thank you, Timidabak. You're welcome, Sam.
08:21Wow, you're so pretty. We just have to style your hair.
08:26It's done. What do you think?
08:29Yeah, I love this outfit too.
08:31Next, please.
08:32Oh, yes, I'm here.
08:34Come with me, my girl.
08:36What color do you choose?
08:38Yellow, please.
08:40Your desires are disorderly.
08:56Let me fix your hair so it doesn't get in the way.
09:00Look what I found, Sue. It's a rhinestone ribbon.
09:03Wow, it's so shiny. Well done, Sam.
09:08Always at your service.
09:15Sue, we need more red stones.
09:17It's okay. Red goes perfectly with yellow.
09:21You didn't forget the scales this time, did you?
09:23I remembered. But first, we have to finish the rhinestones.
09:31Do I look good?
09:35But let's keep them for the outfits, okay?
09:42I'm so happy.
09:43I'm so happy.
09:44I'm so happy.
09:45I'm so happy.
09:46I'm so happy.
09:47I'm so happy.
09:49I'm so happy.
09:55Now for the scales, right?
09:57That's right, Sammy. It's scales time.
10:11Who's ready to look in the mirror?
10:14Hey, my hair!
10:15Oops, I almost forgot.
10:18You can choose a hairpin now.
10:22This one and this one.
10:30What do you say now?
10:33Okay, this is the sixth time you've tried this costume.
10:36What do you say?
10:37It's too tight for me. It's so uncomfortable.
10:41Okay, two more days and I'll fix it.
10:44What? I need it now?
10:46You're going to get a bad review.
10:49Whatever. He's such a baby.
10:52The yellow suits you so well.
10:54That's right. You look like a little sunbeam.
10:59Wow, I love your outfit and your hair.
11:05Guys, it's all over. I don't have the right costume for the wedding.
11:09Don't panic. We'll find a solution.
11:12I've already prepared the modeling paste.
11:15Get to work.
11:22Here's the modeling paste.
11:23Thank you. It's right here.
11:27The arms are ready too.
11:29Great! We can move on to the decoration.
11:37Don't forget the glitter. It's very important.
11:40I'll never forget them.
11:44Here's a nice wide belt.
11:48Now, some mermaid magic.
11:51There you go.
11:53Wow, Derek! You're so handsome, my friend.
11:57I'm afraid you'll ruin the wedding.
12:02Where are you, mermaid?
12:04Do you mind if I sing at our wedding?
12:07Wow, you've chosen a song and I still don't have my wedding dress.
12:11Don't worry, my love. Sam and Sue will help us.
12:14Okay. Nice car, by the way.
12:19It's salty.
12:20I love salty food.
12:22No food in the DIY area.
12:25Okay, let me freshen up a bit.
12:28He doesn't need that now.
12:30Okay, let's get the groom ready.
12:42What are you doing in the kitchen?
12:44No food until we're done.
12:47Anyway, let's get back to the dress.
13:00The white modeling paste makes a nice belt.
13:03Finally, it's time to decorate.
13:06That's right.
13:09What do you think of these crystals?
13:11Just what we need.
13:13If you don't mind, I'll take care of the glitter.
13:17It's so shiny.
13:19But I want more.
13:23And finally, and most importantly, the scales.
13:26I'll take care of the scales.
13:29And finally, and most importantly, the scales.
13:39Here's the final touch to complete your look.
13:43Oh, what a great idea, Sammy.
13:45Where's my fiancée?
13:47You shouldn't see her before the wedding, remember?
13:51Now, for the wedding, I have a special trick.
13:54Wow, it's my favorite color, pink.
14:14So, are we almost done?
14:17The bride always needs more time to get ready, Sam.
14:20Okay, I'll entertain the guests then.
14:23What kind of hairstyle do you want?
14:25What do you think of braids and ribbons?
14:26Excellent choice.
14:28And we're ready.
15:28I can't wait to see the bride.
15:30Hey, when do we start? I'm hungry.
15:33Oh, where is she?
15:34What if she changed her mind?
15:36I need your attention, please.
15:38Here's the bride.
15:39Oh, wow.
15:41Sorry to keep you waiting.
15:44It's okay, as long as you're here.
15:46By the creative power vested in me,
15:48I declare you husband and wife.
15:50You are now husband and wife.
15:53You are now husband and wife.
15:56You are now husband and wife.
15:58You are now husband and wife.
16:00Yay! Congratulations!
