Are people undervaluing Travis Hunter as a WR? With the addition of CB Carlton Davis, if Hunter is there at 4, should Pats take him for WR? #NFL
00:00Think about Travis Hunter, I think you guys are slightly underrating his, his route, like
00:04route tree.
00:05He's, he's pretty good.
00:06I think around the league, people are probably, probably expecting him to come in and be a
00:10all pro cornerback, kind of like in Dallas within the first couple of years.
00:15But I think he could be a top 20, 25 receiver pretty quickly.
00:19And if he just focuses on that, you know, and the biggest thing is you look at the highest
00:23paid cornerback, he's making 25 million.
00:26The kid from Minnesota is making 35 million and Chase is probably going to get 38 to 40.
00:32So it behooves him to come in and really work on receiver.
00:35If that's, you know, I don't think he can play both.
00:37I mean, it's ridiculous to even think of that, but I think receiver is the way he's going
00:41to make the most money.
00:42So I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up doing that.
00:45I mean, you know, I don't know how many potential draft picks they've had here.
00:51I do know that, uh, or at least I was told that he was here, uh, not, not more than,
00:59or a little bit over a week ago for a visit.
01:02So I, you, you know, unless they did the same with Abdul Carter and whoever else, I, there's
01:08some probably also talk to him at the combine as well.
01:11I think, you know, they did Carter or Hunter, if Carter or Hunter are available, it's a
01:19no brainer.
01:20The only trouble is that if one of those guys is gone, that's when their draft really begins.
01:24That's when you're going to really try to make a decision.
01:26But if one of those two guys are there, I think that's a no brainer.
01:29They're the only two real blue chip prospects in this draft.
01:32So, or maybe even maybe the tight end from Penn state, he's another blue chip.
01:36You already signed Carlton Davis to, uh, what, what's it, he make an average, like 30 million
01:41a year, 60 million.
01:43So, so you have, I think you can put in a call out of the, I think you can play wider
01:47receiver full time.
01:48And I think he can be a top 20, 25 guy.
01:50If you, if you will, his watches, watches, um, watch his highlights and watches.
01:56So let me get this right.
01:57Let me get this right.
01:58So I want, cause I think this is the way I'll get on the same page with you.
02:02You and I believe that they're going to move Travis Hunter to wide receiver full time.
02:10I think that's a great call.
02:12Certain teams.
02:15It's a great call.
02:16This is why Brable's being coy because they're not going to do anything with that draft pick
02:21until the night unfolds.
02:22Because if wards, if there's two quarterbacks that go in the top three, then you're going
02:27to get a potential to either sell high on a team that really wants Travis Hunter, or
02:32you take Abdul Carter and you get, you know, the pick the best prospect in the draft at
02:36number four.
02:37So we, you know, you described him as being coy, what you're, are you comfortable with
02:43when it comes to offense, to the fact that the, with the fact that they basically done
02:49nothing there?
02:50No, I'm not.
02:51No, I'm not comfortable at all.
02:52I don't think it's, I mean, I I'm terrified that this offense is going to suck.
02:56I'm terrified at their ability to draft receivers, but I understand the logic.
03:00I trust there's logic with Rabel.
03:02I don't know about Wolf and with, you know, um, grow, but with, with Vrabel, I trust the
03:06logic of it, that there is the potential that that fourth pick, which today isn't that valuable
03:11becomes a massive asset that they can either deal, get a receiver, get someone else, or
03:17use to take Abdul Carter at that spot.
03:19You have, even if they take Abdul Carter, which I would love, you're still going to
03:23have questions at wide receiver, right?
03:26So the question becomes, they have to have something.
03:29You cannot say you take Abdul Carter at number four.
03:33You can't go into the season with your wide receiver room as is, and then say, well, maybe
03:40we take a wide receiver in the second round.
03:42You're still going to have major, major problems.
03:47So I, that's why they have to have something up their sleeve because even if you, there's
03:55no way you could even take Abdul Carter at four and still not fix your wide receiver problem.