• last week
00:00Yeah, we all should come up with a word. I'll come up with a word how the 49ers have made me feel this week confused
00:06Not not panicked yet. Like I you said today was the day I know
00:10Well, I didn't and I did I said tonight and I didn't say that I would panic. I said that I would get
00:16Um, you know some level of concern and and i'm there i'm there. I don't understand what's happening in the trenches
00:23Um, it's interesting. I'm not bothered by the releases
00:27I'm, really not I don't think anybody has left where a smart person couldn't sit down and go
00:34Well, here's why we did that. I bet the 49ers could explain themselves very well without being like well
00:40I just like money. So I decided to keep it like I mean, yeah, maybe maybe that's what the yorks are doing
00:46But I think that like even though I love drake greenlaw a smart person can sit there and go
00:52Well, we're really concerned about his legs
00:55And i'm like, okay I hear that so like we didn't want to do 35 million dollars in a three-year commitment for somebody
01:02Who torn achilles and came back for two games and got hurt in both of them, too
01:07I don't think that's crazy. It's hard. It's not crazy. What I don't understand
01:14Is where are there? Where's the cavalry?
01:18Where are the replacements?
01:20For all of these people
01:21Who you can explain to me why they're leaving so
01:26i'm confused
01:27And open to the idea that it's temporary
01:30But I am temporarily confused. Yeah, the word I would use would be disappointed
01:35i'm disappointed and you're right about the
01:37The exodus of these players and you could look at each one and you could say well
01:42It's because of this and he's getting too much and he's got bad legs and this and that and you can go line item
01:47And you can explain all of it. Yeah fine, and it's their business
01:51But I get to that other part that you were talking about which is the replacement. Where's the cavalry and
01:57I don't see even a horse let alone a collection
02:01He's a horse. I don't see even a collection of players or you know the plan for me
02:06As I look at it from the outside looking in is we're gonna draft our butts off and then that's gonna be cool
02:13And then we're gonna bring in some undrafted free agents and we're gonna hit on those and we're gonna have this really new
02:19Young team that you're all gonna love. I mean i'm saying that as somebody who does I trust the process
02:24I really do I trust their process. I think they're a good regime
02:29Dude, they they got their own beat reporters out in these streets a week ago being like I think their plan is to
02:34Is to pair leonard floyd and joey bosa and then they're like actually we're not gonna sign joey bosa and we're gonna get rid
02:41They did they paired leonard floyd and joey bosa. They sent them both out
02:46They didn't offer one and they cut the other so now they're paired together leonard can go back to buffalo if he wants
02:52but like
02:54Okay, so who is the other defensive end?
02:57Right, who is who are the defensive tackles? I have no idea and I know there are a few
03:04Still somewhat interesting names out there and then there's a draft and it's supposed to be a wonderful defensive tackle draft
03:12So maybe that is their plan but whoo, that's a scary one
03:16That's a scary one. Um, and um, and so yeah, um
03:22It's it's it's a wait and see game
03:24But in this moment i'm confused you're listening to 95 7 the game kgmz fm and h21 san francisco and odyssey sports station
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03:39Well, awesome questions a great costell on this in uh in 15 minutes, let's go to jones in atlanta. Hi jones. Thanks for calling
03:46What's up, bro. How y'all doing, man? Good man. I'm over here kind of
03:50I'm having a little panic attack because like I always say this arms race
03:55And we losing all our ammunition
03:58And we ain't getting no new toys to play with it's like black friday, right?
04:02And you know if you get there too late
04:04All the good stuff gonna be gone and ran through that's how it is right now in free agency is like, you know
04:10We losing stuff, but we ain't getting no replacements
04:13Like you know i'm saying where where the extra ammunition coming from we in a fight, right?
04:17So we don't we don't start all our big guns debo gone. That was a big gun
04:22Out of here, uh, the office of lineman. I ain't saying these all these guys that we lost some of them pros
04:27Some weren't weren't but they were still good ammunition to have on the team
04:32And we don't have that heavy artillery anymore
04:35My next thing is why are guys wanting party to play with nothing?
04:38It's like yeah, everybody is like with jaylen hearst. He had saquon
04:43He has uh, debo. I mean not because debo batman and skinny batman
04:48You know, we should want to have the best of the best. I don't want to go to war with the mediocre weapons
04:54Yeah, I want to go with with the best weapons money can buy if we can buy
04:59If we could afford a dk for 150 i'd have cashed him out. I don't care. We just lost a receiver
05:05We don't have a receiving corps right now. Like you go ahead and pay party true great green law is gone
05:11We can draft another linebacker
05:13There's some delimited, but we ain't spending no money and the draft process is is cool
05:19I like how we draft usually right but so y'all telling me we're gonna get 100 out of 100
05:24Everybody we're gonna draft this year is either gonna be first team all pro or some type of
05:30Influential kid out of five to six picks. We're gonna get right. We're gonna hit every one of them
05:36No way, no, how no way no way no way
05:39No way, I mean, yeah jones. Thank you. I mean the way I look at it
05:43You actually probably need and I mean like contributors. I'm not talking stars
05:49Um, i'm not talking rookie of the year candidates, but would you agree with me on this right now?
05:54I see them needing at least three new defensive linemen three no less than three
06:01Yeah, no less than three
06:03I see them needing
06:05at least two
06:07new offensive linemen
06:09Um, and and they probably think just one if that I think they like their center
06:14They like their center more than we do
06:16and I mean i'm just telling you, okay, I mean if they
06:20There were centers out there in free agency, and I guess they didn't want to spend a lot of money
06:23Right, but you also it's not like you can go to war with five guys
06:27Like there's someone you get hurt. You gotta have some some some backups, too
06:32I'm looking at the depth chart and their backups right now are nick zakel and austin pleasants at tackle
06:39he would be your new jaylen moore and
06:42Drake nugent at center. You don't have a lot of backups and I do think that that's a fair way to look at it
06:47The d line I do think that there were some underrated players last year that are back
06:51like yotur gros matos and
06:55And uh the dude who wore the funky helmet the uh, the guardian cap
07:00I evan anderson evan anderson. Yes, so they come back
07:04Good depth pieces, but i'm with you like you need a real edge rusher and you need a real three technique
07:10Somebody who can absorb a double team against the run you need a dog
07:14You need a dog in the middle
07:15You want absolutely if you want this defense to work the way it has in the past when it's been really good
07:20And the nighter pass rush is the heartbeat of the team. That's what that regime has always said
07:25You need an alden smith type opposite nick bosa and you need it now and I don't think it's there on the open market
07:32Which means you better find that in the draft and have someone pop and pop quickly and maybe they've maybe they've
07:39Got their guy. Maybe they've got that those names circled on their board right now. I don't know
07:44So i'm never going to be closed-minded
07:46To them finding the pieces and doing the darn thing. But right now i'm thinking three defensive linemen
07:52I'm thinking two offensive linemen. I'm thinking another corner and another linebacker
07:57okay, and then
07:59Um, there's still other things that make me kind of queasy and uncomfortable on offense without knowing christian mccaffrey's health
08:06Without knowing brandon iuk's health. Yep. You need one of those running back and a receiver
08:10Maybe jordan mason is going to be back and I and I do think that if pierce all really pops the receiver room is
08:18Fine. Yeah, it's fine. It is I do I think it is I think it pierce
08:23So if you got to go out there for now, I don't know what's going to happen with robinson right out of the gate
08:28But if you got to go out there for a few games if pierce all's ready to pop and jawan jennings is there
08:34And I don't know whether it's uh, jacob cowling or chris conley or or tarik owens or
08:40Other names that they're going to put out there if you've got to do that for two games
08:44I they're not the end of the world. But yeah, i'd like another player
08:48I'd like another player like another running back and another wide receiver
08:51And they've got 11 picks. So maybe those things will all happen, right? But
08:56They're all going to be rookies
08:58Yeah, I mean and just in and of that you're asking ricky pierce all to take a big
09:04Step up and I thought last year when he got healthy and he got fit after getting oh, I don't know shot
09:10Once he got over the gunshot and was able to get back into the flow
09:14He showed signs, but I don't think that he showed signs of being a real one
09:19And jawan jennings has benefited by having a lot of other weapons around him if you key on jawan jennings
09:24I do think that he is somebody that you can limit
09:27I look at their wide receiver room and think you need at least one more if not more and
09:33I don't know when brandon iuk is going to be good to go
09:37The surgery he had was for two ligaments that were torn and so as you mentioned yesterday
09:42The acl repair we know it takes a lot of time to get all the way back
09:46Sometimes it takes a full year so i'm not even counting him in in the plans
09:51You can say, you know, two weeks four weeks, whatever and we also don't know about demarcus robinson and whether or not he's going to face
09:59Punishment from the league for his dui dui. Yep. Yep. Yeah, I mean that's uncomfortable as well
10:05I mean think about when you have a niner conversation right now. How many times do you use the phrase? We don't know
10:10Well a lot and you can say that about every team but although last year going into the year
10:15You didn't know if they'd sign iuk
10:17And well, none of us even thought that they would restructure mcafree and nobody knew about the tragedy that trent williams was going through but
10:25He came into last year. Once we finally got all the way to the opener
10:29We were sitting down there at the hilton and it was like, okay, here we go. Roll up your sleeves christian
10:34Oh mcafree's not playing. Oh, geez, and because that news broke like during our show all of a sudden he was out
10:41And you know, we didn't know why and you know
10:44It was the achilles and it was bilateral and it was both achilles
10:47And so we obviously don't know but you're asking people about how you feel right now four days into this free agency
10:55And i'm just disappointed. Yeah, I I mean it's fair and and you know
10:59The other break the breaking news of last night mac jones has been signed and I I mean we can tell like some people
11:05Are just like so they got their backup quarterback actually makes a lot of sense
11:08I think it's a good move, but a lot of people are attaching other things to it
11:12I can't really dispel all of that
11:14um as to whether or not kyle has actually
11:17been watching him from afar all along and really thinks he can get something out of him and is that sort of a
11:23A piece that'll be brought up in negotiations with brock purdy. I don't really think so
11:27But but I don't know but also who exactly mac jones is and how he's played
11:32Will be a central piece of our conversation with greg cosell which is coming up in about seven minutes or less
11:38Greg cosell nfl films our tape guy. There's none like him
11:42Mac jones and and and who he has been and what he can be
11:47That's going to be a big part of that conversation, which is coming up. Uh, dave and fresno next on willard and dibs. Hi dave
11:55Hey guys, hey willard. Hey dibs
11:57um, I I think I think all minor fans probably feel a little
12:04Disappointed and confused. I think we all can agree on that. I think where the disagreement will come is
12:10Do you trust them to to figure it out?
12:13And I I think that's what we why I differ and I think willis said he does trust them to figure it out
12:19Uh, I I kind of i'm losing trust by the day
12:22Uh, I just think this this whole the state of the 49 didn't didn't just happen overnight
12:28You know, there was a lot of bad draft classes a lot of bad freezing classes
12:32um, and you guys kind of pointed on my one of my takings that yeah, you know, you can be mad that people left but
12:39Right now the offensive line. It was bad last year. You got worse
12:44The defensive line everybody talked about the defensive line you got worse there and right now, you know
12:50There are a few free agents left. You do have the draft, but to think you're just gonna
12:55You know hit on these drafts and get contributors. It's not really been their mo, you know
13:01And and and with brock purdy like this is eight years with kyle shannon and we're still doing this qb
13:08Question mark, it's just like come on like like it wasn't that long ago
13:13His dad was like, oh, yeah, we knew in in training camp. We knew we knew he's at the last pick
13:19We knew what we had in brock. We knew he's the guy
13:21Yeah, so when he's making nine hundred thousand that's easy to say but when it comes time to pay it all away, you know
13:27We gotta take a step back here now, you know, we gotta look at the big picture
13:31So like it's just a lot of mishaps that happen along the way
13:36That right now this is why they're at where they're at and and honestly, I don't think they should get been into the doubt
13:42I know you've been to two superbowls and you can always point to that, but they've made some really really bad decisions
13:50Last year with the contracts, you know with the trade lance you're missing all these first round picks
13:55They ain't know the time all these things have happened this is why you're at where you're at it didn't happen overnight
14:02so they really really need to
14:05They really need to you know
14:07Muster up some of these mistakes and learn from it. If not
14:12I I don't know what the goal is. Is it to win the superbowl to win the nsc west like
14:17Because people say well
14:20Well 2026 is not guaranteed either, you know people get older so you can say nothing is
14:27Nothing is dave. Thanks. We we we gotta run. I I would just say this
14:31I I always have a hard time when people say is it the goal to win the superbowl this year?
14:36Well, this is why I will never ever ever agree with someone when they say superbowl or bust
14:42I think only crappy teams make it about one year
14:46That's a crappy idea
14:48The the idea is sustained success
14:52And if that's your idea, you do have to do this
14:56This is what the bills did. This is what the rams did. We referenced the albert breer
15:00Conversation where he brought that up if you want to sustain you do have to do this
15:05You don't just get to be 35 36 37 38 years old and just keep being good because you got a big name
15:10You got a reboot in a young man's physical game
15:14You have to do that
15:15but it's also fair for us to sit here in this moment and be like
15:19Dude, are are you retooling because i'm i'm not seeing the re part
15:24Right, like we're only seeing exits. We're not seeing any entrances. That's a fact. That's the that's the scary part
15:31well, you got an entrance, uh in mac jones either a backup qb or maybe somebody to push brock or
15:38Maybe he'll be qb1 if brock doesn't sign his deal
15:43As of right now, he is the I mean he's right there
15:47He's making more money than brock is yes. They're both on the roster. Yep. Um signed. Um
15:53They are those are facts. Maybe brock's calling him for a loan right now