• 3 days ago

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Karens Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/karenmendoza__

Snapchat: https://www.Snapchat.com/karen_mendoza97

Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/karenmendoza_xo​​

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@karenmendoza_xo


Eddie's Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/_eddiezepeda

Snapchat: https://www.Snapchat.COM/eddie_zepeda24

Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/eddiezepeda36​​​​

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eddiezepeda24


edited by :​⁠ ​⁠​⁠https://youtu.be/eNrQh_tfXlc


00:00What's up everybody welcome back to a new video
00:07All right, thank you what's up everybody welcome back
00:13He's excited he never does this long
00:19You guys see the title you guys see the thumbnail
00:22I'm, actually very excited for this collab because I think these two people together is just fucking hilarious, bro
00:27I love every clip I see of these two people
00:31We have two iconic people right now one of them. We've always had on our channel the other one
00:35This is the first time on our channel unless they've been on a video where we invite them to be at
00:39At a party that they got drunk and then ended up on the video
00:42Right, but this is the first time they're here both together. So give a round of applause
00:47How do we
01:03I'm more excited the fact that when I gave them the idea they were like, yeah, we're down
01:07Because I thought y'all was gonna be like no
01:10Honestly, like if y'all would have said no what the fuck bitch
01:14But that being said guys i'm actually sad that louis doing 75 hard I mean congrats to him and shit but like
01:21She's like we're ending it today
01:23No, we're not we're gonna let him complete his week. You have a week, huh?
01:26You have one I have a week and a half y'all so we're almost there
01:31You take a shot every day
01:35Okay guys today
01:36We're gonna have them and us. We're actually all of us. We're all gonna dress like feels today
01:44Know that everybody has that one feel in their family that looks exactly how we're gonna try to achieve today
01:50Because I for sure got like seven. I got like a good
01:53Probably like two but like maybe 20 that I don't know about. Yeah, I need to I don't even know what we're wearing
02:00You wanna go show it off?
02:01Yeah, yeah, shout out karen because karen like I don't even know how to say in spanish
02:03I was trying to say spanish words to impress you guys. I'm, sorry
02:06Um karen went out of her way
02:09For like hours looking for the best outfit for all of us and this is what she came up with
02:14I hope it fits everybody. I went to the guy
02:16Specifically to a store that they had like all like the extra chunty out like outfits that like my feels would wear
02:22So I was like, fuck. Yeah, these are nice
02:26My bumpy's gonna fit in
02:28Wait, what is who which is louise?
02:32Who says who okay, we're like fighting for it
02:38Ugly color on me. This is giving very compa vibes
02:56Hey, these are nice
02:59What size
03:01Now this is cute, I like the white
03:03I'm gonna be like
03:05Your pants. Hopefully I try to get them good size to you know, match the ass
03:14I got my own pan. All right. Hey, no, this is like a cute fit. I see the vibe that you went with
03:27My prima got me a belt
03:32All right, hey, this is hella nice do we get to keep this and it comes with a buckle
03:42That is pretty fucking cute, okay, but I have the best part right here look
03:47Y'all give me press on nails
03:51And here we go
04:03Which these are look so real they're human hair
04:07Ah for my butt
04:10Okay, i'm excited i'm gonna be a full-on feel dude. All right, so we want to go right now
04:15All right, babe. Look, let me show you yours. All right, there's a shirt the little gucci on gucci right there. You see the little gucci
04:24I already had bills because he's swearing. He's from rachel, which is whichever one you want to wear
04:45Okay, so this is the part y'all gonna hate me
04:48So when I use prosthetics because y'all know i'll be dressing up all the time
04:52I don't use liquid latex because that just sucks. There's no glue
04:58But it's just a little dot like in the corner and that shit will last you forever a week from now
05:06I promise I promise it comes out
05:09She's like
05:19I'm excited to grow today. I haven't been on the girls since the canesada video
05:22That's the last time I used that grill. That shit's probably looking crazy right now
05:27Should I take a shot?
05:39Right here
05:55No, this is really good because I always wear black so look he's seeing me like this i'm like
06:04Wait here, but what's the proper way of like wearing your botas like that?
06:08We're like is this
06:10I think they wear it like that. I think the the left side. Yeah. Yeah
06:21I'm keeping this outfit
06:24No, i'm excited to see myself with a beard
06:26You never had a beard? It's because I got laser in my cara, so I don't know what I look like with facial hair
06:31So you don't grow hair at all? No, it'll never come back
06:34Boy loki started coming back a little bit and you're supposed to like go touch it up so that it doesn't come back
06:40But I haven't touched it up because I want to see what I look like with facial hair
06:43i'm already having a great time like
06:45Let's take a shot, bro
06:54I know it's all crooked. It's burning. Oh, you stay there. Oh, wait, I fucked it up
07:19Because you keep laughing so it's like all wrinkly on there
07:22Now this is it
07:32Like this
07:42Okay, wait for it to dry don't move no facial expressions
07:46Oh shit
07:48It's like my tío chucho
07:52All right, say your name your tío name
08:16No, literally
08:18Wait, we'll get more compa like this or if I should like button it up. No, this guy's like padrino, huh?
08:32Oh my god, I look like a full señor I look like I have like three daughters
08:38And like i've been praying for a son
08:42I'm gonna show my dad
09:05This would be adam if he stayed in texas
09:33My dad used to dress like this, you know, you fully have like the hair
09:38I just look like I have a horse at home, huh?
09:41The title of the video is dressing like eddie for a day
09:47You guys are funny as hell I love this video so much
09:50I don't I don't think I ever thought i'd see myself like this
09:53Baby, I like tell us can you send it before you all post and they're like, we don't want to post it
09:58I posted on my channel
10:02And you're next
10:27I'm don martin today. That's my dad's name
10:36So we have don martin we have a compa louis we have i'm the country singer
10:42What's your name
10:47Y'all's friends never hit you like that. Hell yeah
10:51I've done a can of beans thrown at me one time a can of what?
11:02It came up
11:07I thought y'all were gonna prank us
11:09I'm excited. So we're gonna go to the grocery store now
11:11There's some carne like three pounds of carne come back grill a little bit. We have a little bite in the living room
11:18Maybe go to the club
11:27That's a very
11:30When I was straight
11:34The fucking herb
11:41I'm just kidding. I'm going to put it back on
11:49All right, so big shout out to my boy ernesto because I was looking for a pinche un trocote like a mamalona
11:56and this dude had one and
11:58That shit's so funny. We're gonna all pull up to vallarta in this trocote
12:02That shit that shit souped up like driving this truck here made me realize
12:07I think I want a truck. I think i'm like
12:09How do you say like a
12:12Yeah, I think i'm with that watch out heart because driving this shit I just felt like
12:17It's felt like a live like I feel like a man
12:19For sure brings out like the hispanic side a lot for sure. Yeah, bro. I felt like I was just
12:24That guy in the truck. I was blasting the music cops roll by me. I was like what?
13:03I got this one just for you guys
13:06This shit look like the
13:17I think you should drive it. Yeah. Yeah, and i'll pull up with that part
13:35Yo, let's go
14:21You guys are so fucking unemployed bro
15:06You know
15:25How many sounds should I get
16:01Adam just looks like
16:02We like we looked at like the but you know, then adam just looks like gee whooping i've got a drinking problem
16:20I'm gonna get an alcoholic beer
16:23I always drink alcohol
16:28Y'all like beans like that
16:37Karen looks like my mexican tío that has money
16:54Hey guys, we got out of the pool we're gonna head back to the house now
16:59Hey, bro, we haven't used this shit since the canasada
17:02January see how it looks like
17:06That's not too bad, it's not too bad crusty, but it's all right
17:13That shit is not supposed to click like that
17:32If you come help us out
17:45I wasn't even turning it with my dumb ass. Don't even listen to me, bro
17:54Oh, you got it you got it. Yeah
18:12Is that a fucking spider
18:19Feel certified
18:21You'll certify
18:25He needs it he needs his beer he said i'm making like a guam arena
18:30They're good. You're high now. I mean la compa karen. Uh, let's come here right now
18:52You those pinches
18:59Are you sure the uh girls clean bro, yeah, I mean
19:10But you sound like the actual
19:21You need to do you want a bowl I mean
19:39Just getting stressed I didn't mean to call you like that
20:01Don martin
20:52Guys I promise I understand it. I just can't speak it
20:55You know what's funny is I feel like my spanish has gotten a lot better over the years
20:59But i'm still really shy to speak to people
21:02In spanish like conversating, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like I can i'm like, okay i'm decent
21:07But i'm still i'm just shy to speak
21:22All right
21:33That all burns
21:41Did you see me all day
21:44I caught myself
21:56Bitch tossing it around
22:13Wait, so when this is done we put it in here and then more in there. Yeah
22:17Yeah, it's done
22:20I know I literally thought you were too like
22:23and like
22:34That sounded creepy
22:46This is what I did is
22:5218 is crazy
23:11Like the one that never gets the girls
23:16You're like scared of them
23:21You're a kid, okay, let me get in character
23:42I feel like I just keep tweezing my little
23:46No, it's the glue when we smile it like pulls on the little mini hairs. All right
23:51Yeah, so i'm gonna invoice you for that
23:55Like for my facial
23:57Imagine I just had a fake one all these years and it just comes off right now. This is like the reveal video
24:01You know when I was growing my goatee I used to paint it
24:04Sorry, because it wouldn't grow in fully so I used to put like mascara or something on it
24:10Would you like better your beard or your goatee my goatee
24:14I feel like a beard
24:15After like two three days after haircut, you would look like kind of like oh like scruffy. Yeah, like
24:20At least I felt like y'all I regret lasering my face
24:23Could it look like this?
24:25All right, they're like you guys ate today or no? No, you've been on a very healthy diet since the beginning of trying. Yeah
24:32for 75
24:37It looks good
25:10Oh shit
25:31I don't know we got to eat good at the end. Oh y'all spill my drink
25:36That was yours
25:40I was like, I want my meat
26:06Waited one through ten
26:15Beagle thing, how do you do it?
26:32Y'all put extra extra
26:50Oh yours looks painful, that's when I fucking almost died
27:04Oh fuck I just ripped it off
27:12Just pull it literally pull it
27:15It's all holding on
27:21Are you sure?
27:24Sorry, i'm wasting your water hold on
27:29It's stuck
27:33You took it off
27:36Oh my god, wait, let me see. Oh, she's still hella blue
27:40All right, you guys i'm gonna wrap up the video right here. Don't forget to like comment share and subscribe
27:44We hope you guys really enjoyed the video big big. Thank you to adam and louis for coming
27:50Thank you for having us
27:54How do you guys feel being deals for this that was cool
28:00No, that was fun, thank you guys
28:02What was the last video?
28:04That's trivino. That's trivino
28:06Don't forget to watch the previous video. We're eating
28:09I should miss trivino's diet. Uh, both those videos are going to come up right now in a few seconds
28:16Um, all I gotta say is that I feel like I met my true deal inner like my inner deal for me
28:21So I really welcome to this video. Um, whatever you do again
28:29I will see you guys in the next video
