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36 Golden Square

Disclaimer - I am not trying to brag, all opinions are my own. I will state in the video and in the description if the video is sponsored by a brand or company.

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00:00Good morning, everyone. Oh my god, my hair looks crazy. I washed my hair this morning and I've literally just left it to dry like this
00:05But we have checked out of the hotel and we are now in the Paris Hotel
00:10Today's plan is to we're in the Paris Casino
00:12I'm gonna be in here for a bit and then we're gonna walk the other side of the strip and we're gonna go up to
00:17The New York Hotel. I'm trying to persuade mum to come on the New York roller coaster with me
00:20Yeah, I'm not saying I am darling. Yeah, she's not saying she is. I still- I did it with Byron when I came and it's so much fun
00:26So I really want to do that again. Yeah, but tell them why I'm down for it. Mum's got a reason
00:29It's not cause I'm a- mum's got a bad knee
00:31But we're going to Disney World and she's gonna have to go on all the rides anyway
00:34So I'm trying to explain that to her and say mum we can go on the New York roller coaster
00:41Same, but anyway
00:43That is the plan for today and I need to get some food because mum has her breakfast
00:47But I didn't want to eat with my mate this morning. So need to get some food. We're gonna do some shopping
00:51It's gonna be a lovely day in Vegas
00:53Oh no, no, not already, surely
00:58Anyway, let's hope she wins again. I don't even know if I told my vlog how much you won
01:03You didn't, you didn't. Mum won the jackpot. I won the jackpot? Mum won the jackpot the other night. I don't know
01:08I need to go back to all my footage and see what I did. I don't think you did, I don't think you actually won. I don't think I did
01:12Mum won the jackpot and I'm not protein gambling at all, by the way
01:15No, but it's Vegas, it's Vegas. When we're in Vegas me and mum knew we were gonna have a little play
01:19We have our limits, whatever. We basically just found a machine that is 10.10. So love that for mum. It's going crazy again
01:26So I'll see you when we're out of here
01:28We're just in Taco Bell
01:30I'm just getting some lunch and Tanisha because she's now swaps from looking after Africa as we've had and as they've taken
01:36I know, they've taken him to Nando's
01:38What's he got there? What's he got?
01:39He's got his chips and he's got some chicken there with loads of ketchup and then look, there's Africa's Miss Anita
01:43That's Tanisha's mum. That is so cute, look he's got his ice cream
01:47Oh my god
01:50And that is everything
01:51I know, he looks so, oh my god, I love that picture of him and Tanisha
01:54Yeah, look at his face
01:55Look at him
01:56I had no idea what I wanted for lunch and then we walked past the Taco Bell and straight away I had to get one more of these bowls
02:02So I got minced potatoes, cheese, onions, guacamole, sour cream, tomatoes and lettuce
02:08And they've given me some of this on the side, avocado salsa, which I don't think I'm actually gonna try with it to be honest
02:13But oh my god guys, these are the best things in America
02:16If you come to America, you need to try a Taco Bell bowl
02:19The lighting in here is awful and the music is insanely questionable
02:22But let's do a little taste test
02:24Oh, the potatoes are crispy today
02:26Oh, so much better coming in and having it rather than ordering it online
02:31Like that tastes fresh, oh wow
02:34The best last lunch in Vegas
02:36It's target time
02:38I don't even know if I want to buy anything to be honest
02:40We just wanted to have a look at all the American snacks
02:43Have you tried this before mum?
02:45This is what I bought when me and Byron came and I carried this all the way back to the hotel
02:47A massive one with some crisps
02:49Tostitos, yeah, Tostitos dip is so nice
02:52French onion dip
02:54Oh my god
02:56I didn't realise they did French onion, that would be gorgeous
02:58I haven't tried this yet and I kind of want to try it but this is Alex Cooper's drink
03:03And it's the Unwell brand but I watched her do all the press for it on TikTok and stuff
03:06Yeah, I would like to try one
03:08There's strawberry, mango, citrus and orange hibiscus
03:10Rapid hydration and focus
03:12I feel like I want to try the pink one
03:15Because I kind of like the sound of strawberry
03:16So I'll grab this
03:17There's the cookies that we ended up paying
03:19Oh mum double
03:21And they're £6.99 in here
03:23No £6.59 actually
03:25Did I put it in my blog or did I not?
03:27No you didn't put it in your blog
03:29Oh that is ridiculous how are they £6.59 in here
03:31When we go to Orlando in April
03:33I'm going to have to buy all this stuff to try
03:35But look at these honey buns
03:37They sound gorgeous, oh my god
03:39Are these like cookies with caramel and crisp rice
03:41Like Coco Pops cookies
03:44Oh my god why does America just do so much better food
03:46Than what we have in the UK
03:48These are nice so glazed buttermilk donuts
03:50No I'm not a warm coffee lover
03:52But classic cinnamon roll coffee
03:54And Dunkin coffee actually
03:56This is one that I really like
03:58What Dunkin? Did I? Yeah Dunkin coffee is actually really nice
04:00But this
04:02Sounds insane
04:04Might as well do a mini Target haul whilst I'm in here
04:06So I've got my drink
04:08I actually just spent ages looking for Emma Chamberlain coffee
04:10Well like Chamberlain coffee but they don't have it
04:12Because they stock it in Target
04:14I've gone up every single aisle, gone through all the fridges
04:16Went to like the coffee bean section
04:18Cannot find anything anywhere
04:20It might be because this Target is quite small
04:22So they might just stock it at like big ones
04:24That's something I'm going to have to look for when we go to Orlando
04:26Because I really really really want to try it
04:28And I want to bring some of the beans back for everyone else to try
04:30But then mum just spotted for me
04:32My faves are Starface right
04:34I always travel with the little like black stars on my face
04:36Because I break out really badly
04:38When I'm on a plane
04:40I always have like whitehead spots
04:42And even in my Area 51 vlog which I didn't realise
04:44Until half way through the day
04:46And my whitehead here had come out so so bad
04:48And I had to go and pop it
04:50But normally it wouldn't happen if I had some of these
04:52And mum just went oh I know I've just seen loads of them
04:54Never seen this colourway in the UK
04:56These are the Starface ones but the four neutral tones
04:58And then like here it shows the colours of them
05:00And you've got like a grey, a nude, a white
05:02And then like a dark brown
05:04I'm obsessed
05:06And these are so much cheaper in America than what they are in the UK
05:08I paid £17 in boots
05:10For 32 black ones
05:12These are $11 which is like
05:14£9 ish
05:16And they're the only, well actually saying that I love the Mario Badescu spot patches
05:18Well I think they're really good
05:20And the Mighty Patch one but I can really really really
05:22Count on these to work
05:24So I would highly recommend if you're looking for good spot patches
05:26Starface are the ones
05:28What have you found mum, what's that?
05:30Toners, it's really good
05:32Faders, witch hazel toner
05:34Oh have you bought a mini one
05:36I've never bought one of these before actually
05:38A creme brulee, vaseline and the toner
05:40Is it nice, have you
05:42Have I used it before
05:44Yeah it's really nice
05:46I bought it last time I was here
05:48How much are they
05:50Oh they're not too bad actually
05:52They've got the flavours that I don't normally have
05:54I'm gonna get a pack of these
05:56Oh yeah you should
05:58Some of them sound really nice
06:00They have a honey one, honey flavoured
06:02Is that nice
06:06Vanilla bean, the original
06:08Honey, watermelon, strawberry lemonade, dragon fruit
06:10Lemon, coconut pear
06:12Oh you don't want a tinted one
06:14That honey one sounds really nice though
06:16Oh wow
06:18Cookies and cream
06:20Waffle cone and birthday cake
06:22Oh my god
06:24Oh mum they sound unreal
06:26Waffle cone and cookies
06:28And cream
06:3014.59 I think
06:32They don't sound too bad is it, I don't know
06:34I don't really know how much Burt's Bees normally are in the UK
06:36I would like to have found, I would like to have got that
06:38And found an individual one that they don't sell
06:40Yeah but the party pack sounds unreal mum
06:42And then at least you've got four
06:44Yeah but I don't know if I, the birthday cake came to me
06:46I'll have the birthday cake
06:48Waffle cone, cookies, right you have the birthday cake
06:50Yeah I'll have the birthday cake one
06:52So you choose, what do you want
06:54I'll have the birthday cake one
06:56You can have one more
06:58Oh well you choose, you have the two you want because you're buying them
07:00Yeah so I'll have the strawberry and the birthday cake
07:02Yeah that's fine
07:04Oh yay I've got myself a new lip balm
07:06Milk and cream
07:08Milk hand cream
07:10I don't know it just randomly on there, it's the last one I think
07:12Almond and milk hand cream
07:14Oh 10.99 it is there, there's just some more underneath here
07:16Is it cheap in here, is this stuff cheap
07:18I don't really know how much it is in the UK if I'm honest
07:20But I think so because my Scarface are cheaper
07:22So I'm assuming that it's all a little bit cheaper than what we normally pay
07:24Mum has just bought a drink
07:26So it is taste test time
07:28This time for Unwell
07:30This is the strawberry one, I don't know if it's like strawberry flavoured water
07:32Oh I think it is actually
07:34And it literally smells like pure strawberry
07:38Do you want to try this, it's really nice
07:40It's just strawberry flavoured water
07:42Is it good
07:44Yeah it's really nice, it's an enhanced electrolyte beverage
07:46Rapid hydration
07:48Literally guys the whole time we've been here
07:50Mum is always like Anna are you drinking water
07:52Anna are you drinking water, I've drank so much water
07:54I literally have another bottle of water in my hand
07:56But this is really nice
07:58I like it
08:00I feel like I saw somewhere that she got a lot of shit for bringing this drink out
08:02Or maybe I've made that up
08:04Or it's something to do with the drink but it's actually really good
08:06You can't get that in the UK
08:08I know you can't
08:10Ooh and look at the little whip on it
08:12I suck with my hands
08:14That's really nice
08:16Also I was just saying to mum I so badly wish I lived in America
08:18Just feeling the fact that no one actually gives a shit about filming
08:20Like literally the whole way around Target
08:22It's so normal to film
08:24And to take pictures
08:26It would make my life and my job so much easier
08:28I said when you're in MLS England
08:30You put it down on anywhere to be honest
08:32When I'm filming myself scanning
08:34Whenever you put it
08:36Like if I put it when I do shopping hauls
08:38And you put it on the till
08:40People are like I've got to the point where I actually don't care now
08:42I just do it
08:44And I block them out
08:46But it's so lovely to just be normal here
08:48It's so normal
08:50Like when I was just doing that haul in Target
08:52I would never put my camera down
08:54In Tesco without having the actual fear
08:56Of doing it
08:58It's a gorgeous life
09:00But now we've been here
09:02Mum's going to film a little haul
09:04Then I think we're going to go to Hershey's and M&M's world
09:06I'm trying to persuade mum to go on the New York roller coaster with me
09:08Don't know if she's going to do it
09:10Today's going to consist of a lot of gift shops
09:12And we're just in the big Coca Cola shop
09:14Look how cool these glasses are
09:16I was just saying to mum
09:18These are the ones that you used to get free at McDonald's like years ago
09:20I don't know how they did that
09:22You used to get loads of different colours
09:24But this might be one of the coolest Coke glasses
09:26That I've seen
09:28I'll have a look at the other gift shops
09:30But if not I can grab it on the way back
09:32But that's so cool
09:34This one's cool as well
09:36It looks like a can of Coke
09:38The hat, I actually really like that brown one
09:40That's so fun
09:42I also quite like this red baseball cap
09:44It says have a Coke and smile
09:46And it would look normal
09:48I really like that
09:50Coca Cola sold here, ice cold
09:52But I think that brown one's the best one
09:54Mum look they've got these ones as well
09:56The beachy sort of hats
09:58They've got beanies
10:00Look at that one covered in all the logos
10:02Go refresh yourself
10:04Look at these ones, they come out of a Coke can
10:06They're sick and they've got Fanta ones as well
10:08Little Coke headphones
10:10They literally have everything
10:12They've got a microphone
10:14The Coke microphone mum for karaoke
10:16These are so cool
10:18Style my Coke bottle, they're $10
10:20Mum look at this
10:22No I like the baseball
10:24That's really cool
10:26Yeah I know
10:28Oh look they have a basketball as well
10:30Oh they've got a Vegas one
10:32Wait here
10:34It says Las Vegas, Coca Cola Las Vegas
10:36That's so cool
10:38Yeah these are sick
10:40Oh my god I love that
10:42I love that
10:44Yeah the Christmas one's cool
10:46Baseball ones
10:48I forgot to say today is what
10:50It's the Superbowl today isn't it in Vegas
10:52This is a bit ridiculous now
10:54This store has got everything you can imagine
10:56I know
10:58Oh I actually love that
11:00Oh look it's got the little bits on like it's dripping
11:02Oh mum that's really cool
11:04I actually love that
11:06Oh my god it's got earmuffs on
11:08Look the Diet Coke's wearing earmuffs
11:10You could do a whole Coke tray
11:12I actually love this, this would be so on brand for me
11:14It'd be ridiculous
11:16And look at all these that you've got, look you could buy a mini pack
11:18Like tree fillers
11:20And then you've got the van
11:22Oh look they've got gift bags
11:24The Coca Cola gift bags as well if you want to buy someone some
11:26This is so cool, I love that
11:28Diet Coke can
11:30I probably would put that on my chair
11:32Well Christmas is still a while away
11:34No I don't want it
11:36I don't want to spend ten dollars on it
11:38Where's the one with the earmuffs
11:40The earmuffs, that one down there, that's so cool
11:42The little lorry's nice, the Coca Cola van
11:44That's actually cool
11:46This is just, they've got everything
11:48For Atticus's collection
11:50We're gonna get him a pop figure
11:52Yeah that's so cool
11:54He said mum please look for a different pop figure for me and I haven't seen one
11:56No I haven't but that's cool
11:58But I think this, I think this one's the Christmas
12:00Yeah he got the bear, I don't really like the bottle lid one
12:02I think he'll like that
12:04We're in Hershey's, I have been craving
12:06A chocolate covered strawberry
12:08For so long
12:10No, they're twenty two dollars
12:12I don't want to, no I'm not gonna eat them
12:14I just want one
12:16No no I just want one, oh my goodness
12:18I was gonna get a s'more but now I've seen these
12:20They're huge
12:22Strawberries, oh my god, can't wait
12:24Must get one of these, Kit Kat strawberry dark chocolate
12:26Brownie, mint dark chocolate
12:28Brownie, marshmallows, look Hershey's
12:30Chocolate marshmallows on a stick
12:32Oh my god, the cookies
12:34Oh wow
12:36And then donuts, pretzel sticks
12:38Look at these mum, look dip pretzels
12:40They look nice as well
12:42This is actually ridiculous
12:44I love squishy toys and mum just went oh you can have them if you want
12:46I don't need them that bad but I just love
12:48Squishing something, they've got these ones
12:50And look at these
12:52I love jelly cats
12:54They're just nice cuddly toys
12:56That's what I really want actually, they're coming out with a cinnamon roll
12:58And it's so cute
13:00I know, so nice though
13:02This is actually mental that this is £50
13:04It's just chocolate
13:06That's gonna be insane
13:08That's gorgeous
13:10Oh my god, right
13:12Nice strawberry
13:14And the chocolate's not too hard
13:16I'll be honest, you know the strawberry I had in that yoghurt pot in the car
13:18In the garage on the way to where we were
13:20It wasn't a nice strawberry but is that a good strawberry
13:22Yeah, I love the chocolate Hershey's
13:24I'll try a bit of that one
13:26A little bit of this, chocolate covered strawberries might be my favourite
13:28Oh that's nice
13:30And I've got a little taste of the strawberry on it
13:32I've never had one of them before
13:34I didn't even realise it did though, look at the size of it
13:56We're back for one more
13:58Final lunch and I've got my little pot of
14:00I really don't know what these are
14:02I keep saying pickles but I don't think they're pickles
14:04I don't know if they're peppers
14:06Or what on earth, I'm gonna have to google it
14:08But whatever they are
14:10No you should try it, honestly just bite off the end
14:12And squeeze it onto the burger
14:14And just try it a little bit because you'll really like it
14:16We've got our drink, we've got our sauce
14:18Third time, yeah because it's so nice
14:20No because the first time we were very jet lagged
14:22Mid laptop situation
14:24It was not good
14:26But this time, we're order number
14:28One, so I'm gonna keep this little receipt
14:30Two, pop in my scrapbook
14:32When I make it, I've got so many things to put in this scrapbook
14:34It's gonna be so big
14:36I can't wait to make it next week
14:38Yum, for one final time, are you putting napkins all on you?
14:42Are you putting napkins all on your top?
14:44I'm not saying I'm going out but I'm covering myself in napkins
14:46Nothing's going on me
14:48Last time we were here, we left here and mum was covered
14:50In that cheese?
14:52Oh there was a spread and it was all on
14:54It was all on her boobs
14:56Oh yeah, there you go, cover your back
14:58For the last time
15:00I don't really like it
15:02Especially when you're really hungry
15:04When you're really hungry
15:06It hits
15:08It hits different
15:10You didn't get your bit today, the onion thing
15:12Oh the fine devil?
15:14I forgot to be honest
15:16It's so good
15:18Try it with one of the pickles
15:20They're not really hot though are they?
15:22It's so good
15:24It's so good
15:26It's so good
15:28It's so good
15:30It's so good
15:32It's so good
15:34It's so good
15:36It's so good
15:38It's so good
15:40It's so good
15:42It's so good
15:44It's so good
15:46It's so good
15:48It's so good
15:50It's so good
15:52It's so good
15:54It's so good
15:56It's so good
15:58It's so good
16:00It's so good
16:02It's so good
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16:08It's so good
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