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00:00Hello everyone, good morning and welcome back to another vlog and happy Wednesday. Today is Wednesday
00:07I feel like because I got back from London on Monday instead of Sunday
00:10It feels like I'm a day like behind what I should be like in my head
00:14It's a Tuesday right now, but it's a Wednesday. Does that make any sense?
00:17It is a very sunny day of Manchester today and guys, honestly, get ready for the constant complaints in my vlogs about how
00:26Hot is about to get in my flat yesterday was the first day where I could really feel the Sun coming through my flat
00:33And it's great on it's like I don't need to put my heating on anymore
00:35I literally feel like I had my heating on like two weeks ago all the time
00:39Well, I might die some fan weather and now I don't think I'll have it on until Christmas
00:42Like it's literally just switched up like that, but it's like deceiving because outside it's not actually that warm but inside here
00:49Oh my god, honestly the fact I'm in a long-sleeve top right now
00:52I'm sweating like I can actually feel myself getting like hot and clammy. It is already that hot. I'm only in March
00:57Oh my god, God help me when it actually gets to like June July like peak of summer
01:02I actually cannot live in his flat. It's ridiculous
01:05But anyway, I have it gotten ready because I'm actually about to go into town
01:09I'm gonna shoot some pictures today that I need to show you and I basically just got lots of work bits that I need to
01:14Do and then tomorrow I'm actually going home
01:16I'm going home to my manatee curse for a few days and my nan which is gonna be really fun
01:20and then I'm in London on Saturday again go and see Sabrina Carpenter and then
01:24Potentially to the Sidemen charity match and then Sunday back up to Manchester
01:28So go very exciting week, but I'm really annoyed because yesterday
01:31I feel like I should have vlogged because yesterday was such a good day and so much happened
01:35I'm really annoyed that I didn't vlog it
01:37So yesterday I met my friends Ellie and Lee's baby girl for the first time
01:42They bought their little baby Winnie over and oh my god. I am so broody
01:46I was looking at the baby. I haven't seen or held a newborn baby to be honest
01:50I think it might be since Atticus was a newborn baby
01:53Like I really don't think I have and it was just making me so broody and I was looking at Ellie and I was like
01:59Oh my god, like they're just such amazing parents when he's seven weeks old right now
02:03And she's just tiny and they're just in like this perfect little baby bubble and oh my god, because it was just
02:09Love babies. So so so much and that like newborn baby smell of like the milk. It was just the best thing ever
02:15So I met Winnie yesterday and then and then Calum and Freya came around and we had a massive lasagna for dinner
02:20And then we were gonna make pancakes because yesterday was pancake day
02:23However, once we had the lasagna, we were so full so I still got the pancake mixes up there
02:28I'm gonna take them to Calum's later on and we're gonna have pancakes later on instead
02:32But last night was a bit of like a spur-of-the-moment decision
02:35But basically I am gonna redo my office and I was really in two minds as whether I actually wanted to do this or not
02:42Because obviously I've lived in this flat now for four years like over four years
02:45It's been like four years in two months, which one is really actually quite crazy
02:49It doesn't feel like I've been in here four years at all
02:51But yeah, I've been here for four years and I definitely am getting ready to like buy a house now
02:56I've wanted to buy for a while and I always look I'm on right move every single day
02:59But I just can't find something that I absolutely love like I know I'm gonna be renovating anyway once I buy my house
03:05But I would still like to buy a house that I at least love the generic like build of it
03:10And I just can't find anything that I really really love so I am on the hunt for it
03:14but like I'm not in a rush to buy but I
03:17basically was saying to myself because I really wanted to kind of like redo my living room and like add different bits into the
03:21House and I just kind of like is there a point like I don't know because I could be here for another year
03:27I could be here for another three years. Like I literally have no idea
03:30I have no want to move out of this flat unless I'm going into my own house because obviously I rent this flat
03:37so I don't really want to move into
03:38Another flat that I'm just gonna rent like I'm renting this place until I move into my house that I will one day buy
03:43So I was like is there really a point in me like spending a lot of money and like doing it up exactly how I want
03:49To because it's not mine and like I'm not I don't know like I think everyone gets a point
03:52Anyway, I wanted to redo the office for a while because the office feels very dated and I don't like working in there
03:58I don't think it's a very nice space to work in
04:00It's more of a storage room if anything for my job rather than me actually doing my job in that room
04:06and I've had a load of ideas that I wanted to do for a while and I just kept putting it and putting it off and
04:10Then yesterday we all ends up going into the office because we were going through a box of stuff in there and I was like
04:15I don't really want to redo this office a Calum sat on Ikea for me and we've basically built this like
04:20Massive shelving unit that is gonna completely take over one of the walls and I've ordered a new desk
04:26I'm basically getting rid of every single thing in that office
04:28So next week we're getting all the shelves delivered and Calum is gonna put them up honest to God
04:33Calum is literally a man of many talents. He can do everything that boy
04:36So he's doing that for me and then I've ordered my desk, which I can't wait to see my desk
04:41It's beautiful
04:42The thing is that when I was buying stuff in the office
04:44I was buying it in mind of like this will look really good in my future house
04:48like I'm not just gonna like get rid of this when I have to like I don't know like decorate a living room or like
04:53Decorate my like office when I buy a house, whatever
04:54So I bought things that have a lot of longevity in them
04:58So I have spent a little bit more money on them
05:00But I think it's worth it because they're pieces of furniture that I will have for like for life. Hopefully. So yeah next week
05:06It's gonna be a very exciting vlog
05:08I mean
05:08it's actually gonna take maybe like two or three weeks to do the whole room because there's a lot of stuff that needs to be
05:14Like thrown out and sorted out and given away and I need to give the furniture away or like get people to like pick it
05:19Up, so it's gonna be like a several week task
05:21But it's gonna make some really exciting vlogs and I can't wait to just have a working space in my flat where every morning
05:28I want to go in there and I'm excited about going in there and doing my job from there because right now because right now I
05:34Obviously work from home like I go away a lot
05:36I work from home and I work from the sofa or I work from the kitchen counter and that's not good
05:41Like I need to have a separate space where obviously I vlog in the flat and everything
05:45But I need just a separate space where I can actually go to like do my work that I need to do on my laptop
05:50And stuff. So yeah, I'm really really really excited and if it's gonna look anything like it looks in my head
05:55It's gonna look actually incredible that I really really can't wait
05:58But anyway, I now need to walk into town go and shoot this photo
06:02Then I need to go to Asda and he's take a parcel back
06:04I need to go and change up my dollars from America and what else do I need to do today?
06:10And then we're going to Callum's and then I'm going home tomorrow
06:12So actually that maybe is all I need to do today and edit which I'm not really gonna be able to film a lot to
06:16Be honest, so maybe the next time I see you will either be in town or Asda or Callum's
06:20I actually am not too sure. Also, can we just talk about this?
06:23I found this in M&S yesterday to put on pancakes and it's hazelnut cream and in my head
06:29I'm thinking I'm gonna make like a Kinder Bueno pancake and then I just bought these from Home Bargains
06:34They were literally 49p each I think and it makes four to six pancakes each you just have to add milk
06:38So I got two I cannot wait to have pancakes
06:40I'm thinking this with a Kinder Bueno on top and some strawberries and raspberries is gonna be incredible
06:55Okay, we're in Asda and
06:59And I'm gonna start buying bits for the office and I've just seen this and I think this will look really nice on the shelf
07:05And this is 16 pounds. This is basically the theme what I want to go for like very much like nude stone ceramic
07:12So I'm gonna get this literally soon as I walked in. I was like, yeah, that's what I want
07:15This bowl is lovely. However, I think the shelf is gonna be like too shallow for it
07:20But it's 28 pounds. I mean, I don't even know why to put in it. Oh Christ
07:23It's also insanely heavy
07:25But wow, look at that if anyone's looking for a big bowl at this for their kitchen or something come to Asda next up
07:30We're in Donelman. I've just found this reed diffuser and again it like literally perfectly matches the vase I bought
07:37So I'm gonna get this one. What scent is it?
07:39White flowers notes of milk almond and floral heart of violet or vanilla vanilla sold me
07:44This one is gorgeous. Well, even just stand right next to it
07:48And again, it's the exact same like stony print that I want. So I'm gonna grab this one, too
07:52So I'm ordering a office chair
07:5525 pounds why oh it's sold
07:5825 pound and it just went. Oh my god, that coffee table is gorgeous
08:01Oh, we've missed out on a real deal there
08:03But I love these chairs and to be honest, it actually would look lovely with the new theme that I'm going for
08:07But I'm ordering a chair. We're in Donelman now, but they just don't have it in here
08:10I don't think but I'm ordering one from here. Wait until you see it
08:13It's just like the most iconic office chair I've ever seen and I didn't think Donelman would sell something like it
08:18But these are gorgeous for like obviously these are dining chairs, but round a dining table. These would look incredible
08:23They've got a cow print chair. You'll be on top. I will yeah, there's no point but that's quite fun for the right room
08:29Okay, next stop TK Maxx and to be honest, it's not really like loads in this one. There's like two I was full of home stuff
08:35I'm gonna go to a home since next week
08:36But this looks incredible and it's only 25 pound and look how big it is
08:40Compared to my hand because all the shelves that I'm doing are gonna be like completely different sizes
08:44So I'm gonna buy this one and then this can just stand like on its own shelf
08:48I'm not gonna put plants in them or anything. They're just gonna be empty. But when the office is done, hopefully you'll all see the vision
08:53Right, please ignore the lighting. I'm sorry the Sun in Manchester right now. I'm boiling. I'm actually boiling today
08:59I don't even know let me check the degrees cuz generally last week
09:03I felt like I was freezing in Manchester like needed the fur coat now
09:07I'm out in this and I'm hot. Wait, is it gonna load? It's 13 degrees and it's gonna be 14 tomorrow. Oh wait
09:13No, it's 14. It's gonna be 15 tomorrow. Oh, then it goes cold next week
09:16So I'm just gonna enjoy not wearing a coat was I don't have to sorry about the lighting
09:19but I've actually just drove over to
09:21Altrincham and I'm just gonna pop into home sense because they shut all the home centers in Manchester and I really don't know why because
09:27They had one in the Arndale and they had one up on the Trafford Retail Park and they've both gone and like home centers
09:33Ever so I just thought gonna run over there to save me doing it next week and just see what they've got in here
09:39I'm really happy with the bits
09:40I've got so far but I feel like home sense is just where it's at for like one-on-one
09:44Pieces that you want like for your house. You know, I mean, so I'm excited gonna run in there now and
09:49Let's see what they've got fingers crossed. They're gonna have some good bits
09:53We've just walked in this bear brick. He's king ginormous like compared to my hand next to Callum
09:59Is it you coming up to his hips?
10:03I was thinking like could I spray paint it and put it on one of the shelves?
10:06So I'm gonna think about it cuz I'm never gonna find a bear brick that big. Obviously, it's not real but
10:11It's just yes, so sick. It's a hundred thirty pound. Obviously, I would definitely spray paint. I wouldn't have a gold but
10:18That's crazy
10:21Yeah, then small bear bricks like 150 quid, okay, that's the maybe home centers killing it already
10:26I've been looking for some really big like obnoxiously big cushions for a very long time
10:31And these ones could be perfect not even for the office, but just for the living room
10:36So I'm kind of in a middle of like a redecorating stage in my head right now
10:39I am just kind of thinking okay, I might as well just redecorate the flat whilst I'm at it
10:42But they are incredible and they're also huge. I just want everything big
10:46I don't know why I've had to get a trolley because I know I'm about to pick up a few bits
10:49But I've got this one here, which is gorgeous. This is $16.99
10:52So this is quite expensive for a small one, but I really really like this. Okay, I take it back
10:57I'm actually gonna put this one back on the shelf and
10:59Make sure that's on there properly and I'm gonna get this one instead because these ones are a bit too similar to the ones
11:04I've already picked up today and I actually want them all to look different. So I'm gonna go for like the jug looking one instead
11:09Okay, I've swapped the bowl and I've actually got this one instead because this looks a lot different and I don't know how like wide
11:14The shelves are gonna come out. I forgot the measurement
11:17So I'm gonna get this one because this will definitely safely fit on the shelf
11:29And it's £30 for two, so I'm gonna grab these and put these in my trolley
11:33I'm actually buying an olive tree
11:35Like not a real one obviously a fake one to go in the office
11:37The only annoying thing is I'm gonna get the one from Costco, but I don't know how big the base is
11:40otherwise when I get it and if it fits I'm gonna get this pot because this pot is
11:45Exactly what I was looking for. If anyone ever needs a coffee table, I actually beg please come to HomeScent
11:50Look at how incredible this is. I mean don't think it'll be real marble, but it's f***ing heavy, but £129
11:55It's 60% off like what the hell that is gorgeous
11:59Now this has taught me a lesson to maybe wait because I have just ordered myself a desk and don't get me wrong
12:05I absolutely love the desk. However, this was the original desk
12:08I actually wanted and I could not find one anywhere just come into HomeScent and it's under £400 and the desk
12:14I bought is absolutely not under £400 and honest to God the temptation to cancel the one that I bought and buy this instead is
12:20So high but also I don't know how I'm getting this home
12:22But this is not fitting in my car or maybe it is but I don't think it is. The furniture in this HomeScent is crazy
12:26This is £400 as well. This is an incredible like console table and look at all the storage as well
12:31I need to not get carried away with myself because this would look amazing in my hallway. I'm telling myself not today
12:37I've already just found the desk I wanted for way cheaper and I can't actually cancel my other order. It's like really not today
12:42We're now at Cal's and Cal is cooking us a Taco Bell bowl dupe for dinner
12:47He's mixing up all the spices and we've even got what's the cabbage called again? Pickle cabbage
12:52Red cabbage and he's like pickled it which is gonna be really nice and Byron is mid drawing
12:57Mike's wait, it's not even oh, yeah, go on. You could do if you got some. Yeah
13:03Byron is drawing Mike Wazowski from the guacamole. That's actually quite good
13:07But I can't remember what he has on his heart. It's monsters. Do you want me to google it?
13:11Isn't it an I? Like an I? Not the letter?
13:15Look at this that Cal has cooked up
13:18This looks incredible and it actually does look like the time it is better than the Taco Bell one to be honest
13:23You did make it. That's why we've got cabbage cheese lettuce mince potatoes. I'm gonna put it so we'll do a little taste test
13:34What did you try? Mmm, the mince and the potatoes is exactly like Taco Bell. Did I? Yeah. Oh my god. Wow
13:39Oh, it does taste like Taco Bell. It really f***ing does
13:43Baby's a chef
13:45I feel like I'm back in LA dreaming
13:47I do feel like I'm back there
14:04We're making pancakes, all music's come back on, everything's turned back down
14:07We're making pancakes
14:09Can we get through yet?
14:11We just had a quick dance break while shaving
14:13I hope these are nice
14:15Leave for three to four minutes to settle
14:17How many?
14:19Maybe four to six
14:21How many do we have in each?
14:23Four to six
14:25We could do little ones
14:27We could try and do mini pancakes
14:29We could do little ones
14:31This is pancake day in LA by the way
14:33Fill that and then do little ones
14:35Yeah, because then we should get loads of mini ones
14:37Well they'll be quite thick
14:41Oh I've started shaking it again
14:45How many stood on the two minutes?
14:47Five minutes
14:53I inverted
14:55Do you know what we should set that up while it settles?
14:57I don't know babe
14:59Let's mayor get to it
15:03They don't need to go outside
15:09You're doing it the wrong way round
15:11You're not very good at it
15:15Remember I've got a weapon
15:17That's metal babe
15:21Shall we make it look like I'm smacking you on the face?
15:25Do you mind that you actually hit me?
15:27I wouldn't
15:29This is what we're having on the pancakes
15:31Hazelnut cream, it tastes like the cream that's in
15:33Kinder Bueno
15:35It's gorgeous
15:37I think it's only been about 30 seconds
15:39Is there that bit yet?
15:41That's the non-cake
15:43Oh it is, maybe it should be shaked a bit more
15:45What's going on?
15:47Maybe it should be shaked a bit more
15:49Do you know what I mean?
15:51You could pretend to do it to the door but then take it back at me
15:53Oh yeah
15:55Do you know what I mean?
15:57Go back, yeah yeah
15:59So we're just going to have to have it shaked
16:03It's a wooden plate
16:09Have we got a spatula?
16:11We'll get a spatula
16:13Where from?
16:15This is what I'll be doing when we come back
16:17I'll be like this
16:23There's not a spatula in it
16:25There is in the top shelf
16:27Oh they do look like Nando's plates actually
16:29Why have they all merged together Gavin?
16:31I'm going to class
16:33Just give it a little nudge
16:39This one can be flipped now
16:45Why did we do that?
16:47What we're only having four between us?
16:49Oh each
16:51Caught it
16:53Sous-chefs on it
16:55No that is a baby one
16:57It's like being eubio
16:59Which one to?
17:01This one's you
17:03This one's barren, that one's me
17:05You're giggling at
17:07You look awful don't I
17:09I think maybe let's not do pancakes
17:11If anyone's thinking of that for come time of year
17:15Get a proper spatula out
17:17Because this one's a bit thick
17:19It's a silence
17:21I'm just looking at the pancakes in the pan like
17:23Happy pancake day
17:25Happy pancake day
17:27Happy pancake day
17:33Welcome to my pancake bar
17:35Just let me know what you want
17:37Obviously I do use hands
17:39They are washed
17:41Let's do a taste test
17:43What I do best
17:45What I do best
17:47I've got an idea
17:49There was a lot of powder in the middle
17:51Maybe it should have been cooked a little bit longer
17:53Look at the powder
17:55Very powdery
18:01Good morning everyone
18:03It is the next day
18:05It is Thursday today
18:07And yes I'm still in the same outfit that I was in yesterday
18:09I've actually still got
18:11Callum's joggers on
18:13Because we didn't get back last night until like
18:15I don't know it was probably like half one
18:17Two-ish by the time I got back
18:19Because we ended up watching the eight passengers
18:21Documentary on Disney Plus
18:23Which was literally one of the most heart breaking
18:25Documentaries I've ever watched
18:27It's about this like YouTube family
18:29And oh my god
18:31Yeah it feels weird like recommending a documentary
18:33Like that but it was just awful
18:35Like absolutely awful
18:37Like not awful documentary but just like awful what happened
18:39Do you know what I mean? So you're watching that and then
18:41Literally went to bed woke up this morning and I was like
18:43Oh my god I woke up late I need to get up
18:45So I've literally filmed two bits I needed to film
18:47This morning and I'm actually driving home today
18:49I am going home for
18:51Today and tomorrow and then I'm in London Saturday
18:53And then driving back up to Manchester on Sunday
18:55Me and mum are both really excited because
18:57We've got our first like joint brand deal
18:59Together which is so exciting
19:01So I'm going home to film that with my mum
19:03It just feels really cool that brands want to work
19:05With both me and my mum on a campaign
19:07And like we had a couple of things come in recently
19:09And we're doing another one soon as well and it's just
19:11Really exciting so I'm going home to do
19:13It with my mum but I wanted to go home today because
19:15I rang my mum this morning and I was like
19:17You're welcome to come but I thought it'd be
19:19Nice if I take Atticus out tonight and me and him
19:21Just have like a brother-sister night out and
19:23She was like I know I would love that and he would
19:25Absolutely love that so I won't actually get home
19:27Until Atticus is already back from school but then I'm going to
19:29Take him down to Rosedale Lakes I need to
19:31Go into Primark and then I'm going to let him go in whatever
19:33Shops he wants to go in and then I'm going to take him out for dinner
19:35And just have a little evening me and him which
19:37Is going to be really nice but I just went downstairs
19:39To the post room to grab some
19:41Parcels before I go because
19:43I'm going to do Spring Carpenter on Saturday
19:45So I needed an outfit it's not
19:47Very Sabrina Carpenter I will
19:49Be so real but it's a really
19:51Nice outfit because I needed to be warm
19:53Like I didn't really want to take a coat to
19:55A concert if I'm honest because I feel like
19:57I was just going to get really hot and like sweaty
19:59And it just wouldn't have been a good mix so
20:01I've tried to get something that's like
20:03A jacket kind of but it's really nice
20:05I'll show you in a minute then whilst I was down there
20:07I had some other parcels
20:09So I thought we could open them
20:11Together before I need to pack I'm going to try
20:13And set off in the next like hour
20:15I just need to empty my dishwasher and take my bins
20:17Out and stuff and do all the classic
20:19Things you need to do before you leave home
20:21What is this?
20:23Oh there's more
20:25Oh my god it's the Ordinary
20:27This is actually lots of stuff from the Ordinary
20:29And I'm actually working with the Ordinary
20:31On something exciting so I'm not going to show
20:33What is in this box because you'll see it
20:35Very soon anyway okay then I've got this box
20:37And I actually have no
20:39Idea what this is so this is going to be a
20:41Surprise but I'm loving the pink taste in it
20:43I'm not very good at opening boxes
20:45I don't know what's going on
20:47Oh my god what the
20:49Oh this is my bag that I
20:51Ordered so this is my bag that I ordered
20:53From my friend Sian's
20:55Company so it's called I think you pronounce
20:57It Sloane or Sloane I'm not too
20:59Sure but I was basically eyeing up
21:01Her bags for the longest time on Instagram
21:03And then I saw she was doing a restock so I was like
21:05I need to buy one look how
21:07Incredible this is and I also
21:09Ordered the little key ring to pop on
21:11It but oh my god I'm obsessed
21:13It's so nice
21:15It's like she makes them all handmade
21:17And on her Instagram I always watch her like
21:19Pack the orders and stuff but this is
21:21Incredible and I love the colour
21:23Oh I cannot wait to wear that and I don't know
21:25Whether to put the key ring on this or put it
21:27On a different bag but oh my god that is so
21:29So so cute so if you love
21:31These bags go and check her Instagram out because they're incredible
21:33Then we have one more
21:35And then I will show you why
21:37I actually need to try on
21:39The ASOS outfit before
21:41I leave because imagine I don't try it on
21:43And I get home and it doesn't fit
21:45Then I'm actually going to be slightly screwed and I need to
21:47Come up with a whole new outfit idea but
21:49This is from oh this is from
21:51Rehab hair I love the
21:53Box nice little rehab box
21:55And in here oh wow
21:57That is such a cool bottle
21:59That's hairspray oh my god
22:01I love so we've got some hairspray
22:03I've got some high shine
22:05Lip oil in here I've got
22:07Some high shine finishing hair oil
22:09In the little pods and then I've got
22:11The blow dry brush oh my god
22:13Thank you so much I'm obsessed with that that is the
22:15Coolest hairspray bottle I think I've
22:17Ever seen so thank you so much rehab
22:19Finally I've got ASOS so let's
22:21See what I've ordered I will leave
22:23Links down below by the way to
22:25These ASOS pieces I always
22:27Link everything that I wear on
22:29My like to know it which will be linked
22:31Down below so literally any clothes
22:33That you've seen me post on my Instagram
22:35Or basically anything all my essentials and stuff
22:37It's all linked on my like to know it
22:39Okay it's like a denim cord
22:41That I ordered so is this the jacket
22:43Yeah this is the jacket oh that is nice
22:45It like cinches in at
22:47The waist I thought that was so
22:49Fun oh my god love her okay hopefully
22:51That will fit I'll try that on and then
22:53It's actually a cord so I got the
22:55Matching jeans to go with it
22:57Let's see hopefully I ordered these in the
22:59Right size hmm I'm not too
23:01Sure if I did they look a bit small around the waist
23:03But they look lovely though fingers
23:05Crossed these will fit because they're
23:07Like balloon jeans they look really really nice
23:09And then I ordered these
23:11Shoes which I thought was so
23:13Fun again I know everyone's gonna hate these
23:15Maybe not actually but I really really
23:17Like them they're so fun look at those
23:19They look like little flippers and they're like burgundy
23:21So I thought they were really nice and then
23:23I got this bag which
23:25I've been eyeing up a bag like this for a while
23:27And it was out of stock
23:29On ASOS for ages
23:31And then it came back in stock and it's
23:33Burgundy and it's got loads of gold little bits
23:35On because I have a brown one with silver bits
23:37On from Ego but I wanted
23:39A gold one as well and
23:41Love that okay so now I need
23:43To tidy up all of this rubbish I'm gonna try
23:45On this outfit fingers crossed it fits
23:47And then I can pack and we can get on the
23:51We are on the way I just stopped off to grab
23:53Some food I just went to Leon I don't really get
23:55Leon that much to be honest I don't know why
23:57Because it's really really nice I just got myself a
23:59Bottle of water and then some of the little
24:01Arancini bites I think you only get
24:03Three but I'm not too hungry to be honest
24:05So I'm gonna take Atticus out for food I'm probably
24:07Gonna go pretty much as soon as I get home
24:09And I'm like half way now so
24:11I've got like just over an hour left
24:13I love the Arancini bites from Leon
24:15They are so nice
24:19Wow this dip is gorgeous as well
24:21I don't know what it is maybe like a tomatoey
24:23Sort of salsa but it's really good I've been
24:25Listening to Tate's new album I'm so excited to go and see her
24:27In concert and really really really cannot wait
24:29How many weeks now me and Callum have got a countdown
24:31But I can't remember how many days it is it's like end of May
24:33But it literally cannot come quick enough I'm so
24:37Mmm anyway must go gonna eat my
24:39Lunch and let's get home
24:41I'm home and look who I'm with hello
24:43Everybody it's Atticus we are
24:45Gonna go out in like literally five minutes
24:47I've been home for maybe like an hour but I am
24:49Starving and Atticus's choice
24:51Of food where is it Nando's
24:53I'm excited I've not had a Nando's in ages
24:55Yeah you had one in Tunisia the other week
24:57Didn't you not the other week like over a month ago
24:59Oh my god it was nearly a month ago
25:01It was nearly a month ago since we were in Vegas
25:03The last time we had Nando's
25:05Yeah do you remember when you put that big inflatable up
25:07The Grinch one yeah yeah why
25:09It just came to me oh yeah I do
25:11Can you get your coat on please yeah
25:13Right let's go I need to go to
25:15Primark and Superdrug okay
25:17Get some eyelashes Superdrug's really good there
25:19Primark's rubbish though
25:21Oh okay well
25:23I love the Primark at Rushton Lakes
25:25Tiny compared to all the other ones
25:27Apart from the Corby one I've not been to the Corby
25:29One I don't think
25:31Don't like it I like the one at Rushton Lakes
25:33I like the one in Manchester but I don't think the home section
25:35At the Trafford Centre is that good
25:37I think the home section in Rushton Lakes is good
25:39The home section in the Milton Keynes one
25:41Is crazy
25:43I wonder what time it shuts actually
25:45I don't know
25:47There's a Nando's there though and it's a bigger
25:49I know it's like a 40 minute drive
25:51No it's not it's half an hour
25:53Let me see what time it shuts
25:55We have made it to Primark in Milton Keynes
25:57And I've got a very big basket
25:59I'm just buying Nando's
26:11We are now in Nando's
26:13And Advocates was a really good boy bless him
26:15And he went and got my drink and he went and got me a sauce
26:17They didn't have any garlic sauce
26:19This is what I normally get on my chicken
26:21But I got the Harry Tamer and then we got some
26:23Medium sauce
26:25And ketchup
26:27Why are you going to surprise me
26:29You've come back with extra hot
26:31What is it? Is it extra hot?
26:33Just hot? Oh that's fine
26:35I thought you were going to come back with the extra extra extra hot one
26:37Of course not
26:39Oh thanks for being nice
26:41Because I thought you were going to be mean again
26:43You have to have it
26:45You have to have what?
26:47Yeah I'll try it I think I'll like it
26:49I've tried the spicier one
26:51You have to try it
26:53Oh it's extra hot
26:55Food come out at absolute record speed
26:57I went for the chicken butterfly
26:59Harry Tamer with some broccoli
27:01And some chips and then we both got sweet corn
27:03And Atticus got the plainish one with some
27:05Garlic bread and chips and I'm starving
27:07I've been waiting for this literally since
27:09I set off from Manchester
27:11Right which one did Atticus? Medium
27:13Oh this is the one I asked for
27:15Medium's so nice but
27:17Oh that was the hot one
27:19No it's going to come out the extra hot now
27:21Right this is the one up from that which I actually think might be
27:23Not very nice of me
27:29I wouldn't want it if I saw me
