Bristol Waste Company have reached a brilliant milestone with two hundred and fifty thousand items saved from disposal through Reuse Shops
00:00So we're here at the Hartcliffe Way Bristol Waste Reuse Shop because we're celebrating
00:06having sold or donated our 250,000th item. Tell me a little bit about how you've got
00:13that 250,000 items, not overnight I'm guessing. Absolutely, so a quarter of a million items
00:19which is incredible, that's across our three shops in Bristol. So basically we collect
00:25any goods that the public don't want anymore. They can either bring it into the store or
00:30they can donate it into the reuse container in the recycle site. Absolutely, so the circular
00:37economy as we say in the waste world is really important to help reduce the impact on the
00:42environment for consumerism. So things like buying brand new, I'm standing right next
00:48to a load of games, buying brand new things like that, that is virgin materials that go
00:52into that. That's really expensive, that really takes a lot of carbon, usually takes
00:56a lot of water in the production of all those items. But think about it, if you go into
01:00your attic or your shed or the back of the cupboards in the kitchen, there's probably
01:03loads of stuff in there that is perfectly good but you don't use. Obviously we don't
01:08want it to be into landfill. Landfills are getting a little bit out of hand these days
01:13so yeah it's always nice to give something, a new home, new love to somebody that really
01:20to help the environment and things like that. And Bristol as a city, we were once the green
01:25capital, we're not quite there at the moment but our aim is to become greener. So why do
01:30you think using shops like this and not throwing things out and a bit like you said with consumerism,
01:36your fast fashion, all that, why do you think it's going to help us become greener as a
01:40city? That's such a lovely question. So Bristol used to be the green capital, we are eighth
01:45year in a row top English core city for recycling so we still got a lovely green crown but things
01:51like this, like the reuse shop, is just about normalising, buying things second hand and
01:56you walk round here you get some amazing quality, some unique things that you wouldn't buy from
02:01those vast homeware shops, those sort of try it once, it'll break, you have to bin it.
02:09Bristol being the city it is, it's very much into recycling, things for the environment,
02:18so it's a good city for somewhere like this to be and I think most cities should have
02:23something like this just for everybody to give something a new life. A percentage of
02:27that profit gets donated to our local charity partners. Up until now it's been St Peter's
02:32Hospice, we've donated to them about £41,000 so far, it's a really, really amazing charity
02:38that means so much to I think everyone in Bristol. It's looking like our next charity
02:42partner is going to be somebody else just because we want to spread the joy but yeah,
02:48there's some charity donations in there as well. The team, we all work as one as a whole
02:53company as a team and it's just really, really good that we can do that rather than it going
02:59into landfill.