(Adnkronos) - “Esiste una larghissima fetta di popolazione che è a rischio molto alto e che non ha mai subito un evento cardiovascolare acuto. La sfida per la prevenzione del domani, e già dell'oggi, è quella di intervenire su questo bacino di soggetti che conosciamo già grazie alle linee guida europee sulla prevenzione. Sono soggetti ben identificati per gruppi di popolazione in relazione alla presenza, per esempio, tipicamente delle patologie ischemiche sia coronariche sia carotidee sia dei vasi arteriosi periferici”. Lo ha detto Pasquale Perrone Filardi, professore presso il dipartimento di Scienze biomediche avanzate, università Federico II di Napoli, intervenendo a ‘Voices for Silencing’ un evento rivolto ai cardiologi organizzato a Milano da Novartis, il 7-8 marzo.
00:00In terms of prevention, we are mainly focused on subjects who have already undergone an acute ischemic cardiovascular event.
00:11It may have been a myocardial infarction or an ischemic ictus.
00:15On this very high-risk population, we know very well what to do.
00:20There is a strong awareness of how to intervene and what are the lipidinological targets for cholesterol and LDL in particular to reach.
00:29Therefore, I would say that on this group of patients, most of the attention that is due is put on the field.
00:37On the other hand, there is a very large and even more numerous population group that is at very high risk and has fortunately never undergone an acute cardiovascular event.
00:49The challenge for the prevention of tomorrow and already of today is to intervene on this pool of subjects that we know very well who they are.
01:00Thanks to the European guidelines on prevention, these subjects are well identified for groups of populations in relation to the presence, for example,
01:11of ischemic pathologies, whether coronary, carotid, peripheral arterial vases, clinical or subclinical, but which have not yet generated acute events.
01:22We have to treat these patients and we can also treat them in a refundable regime as best we can for the containment of the lipid risk and not only.
01:33Obviously, this is for our activity as cardiologists the topic that today has become central, I would say, for the future strategy of cardiovascular prevention.
01:47The new cultural approach is to overcome the dichotomy between primary and secondary prevention,
01:54because above all the term primary prevention implies a false idea of low cardiovascular risk and therefore in a certain way of reassuring subjects,
02:06even unfortunately of those who, although they have not received events, have more or less the same risk as those who have already received them.
02:13We should think in terms of cardiovascular risk categories, especially for the lipid targets that I want to emphasize.
02:21It is the only risk factor that is targeted in terms of values to be achieved in relation to the four categories of cardiovascular risk.
02:30We have already done a very important thing together with the Italian Society of Clinical Biologists.
02:37We have made it possible, with a consent document that is also promoted in the reports, and we are already seeing it,
02:43an assessment of cholesterol that does not indicate for everyone a term of presumed normality,
02:52but that, vice versa, indicates a term of desirable cholesterol,
02:58referring for each individual to their own cardiovascular risk level.
03:05And this is very important.