(Adnkronos) - Vanno “aggiornati” gli strumenti a disposizione “dei medici per raggiungere gli obiettivi dettati dalle linee guida. Questo lo si fa attraverso l’educazione, che spesso manca sia nei medici di medicina generale sia in quelli di specialità, e attraverso un continuo dialogo con le autorità per garantire accesso ai farmaci innovativi utili per raggiungere i goal terapeutici”. Così Alberico Catapano, direttore di Sisa, centro per lo studio, prevenzione e terapia dell'aterosclerosi, della Società italiana di aterosclerosi, professore di Farmacologia all'università degli Studi di Milano, intervenendo a ‘Voices for Silencing’, promossoda Novartis, il 7 e 8 marzo, a Milano per offrire ai cardiologi un momento di formazione e aggiornamento scientifico sulla gestione ottimale del paziente con ipercolesterolemia.
00:00The guidelines are points of reference for how to optimize clinical practice and have a view of the future.
00:13So when they are made and published, they have impositions, suggestions that are not easy to reach.
00:22And this creates a disconnect between what should be and what is.
00:29And it takes a while in clinical practice to reach these goals.
00:33In reality, the guidelines always suggest to look at the cardiovascular risk and as far as dyslipidemia is concerned,
00:39in subjects at very high risk, a goal of LDL less than 55 mg per deciliter and 70 for subjects at high risk.
00:48How far are we? We are far, but for many reasons that we will see in a moment.
00:53But above all, because we move on to changes, to the use of drugs, to the new attitudes of doctors, which takes time.
01:00So I would see it as a problem, of course, because it is not optimal for the patient, it is a point to tend to,
01:07but it is also necessary to have a little patience.
01:10The scientific community must be convinced, must begin to apply and have the means to reach these therapeutic goals,
01:17which are not always achievable with the old-fashioned drugs that are currently in use.
01:24I do not believe that the guidelines must be updated.
01:27They are already intensive enough in the treatment that they suggest.
01:33What needs to be updated is the possibility for doctors to reach the goals.
01:38And this can be done in two ways, essentially.
01:40One with an important education, which is often missing, especially in colleagues of general medicine,
01:46but also in specialties, this must be recognized, but also the regulatory framework.
01:52Many of the limits of our ability to achieve these therapeutic goals are linked to the prescribability of drugs,
02:00especially innovative drugs.
02:02There are reasons for this, of course, but these reasons must not exceed the interest of the patient.
02:08So it is very important that there is a continuous dialogue with the authorities
02:11to try to make it possible to access these innovative drugs to reach the therapeutic goals.
02:17And this will facilitate the achievement of the therapeutic goals.