八点最热报 | 通讯部长法米昨晚表示,大马通讯及多媒体委员会(MCMC)不打算继续对恶搞兴都教仪式的3名电台主持人,采取进一步的行动。不过,法米补充,这3名主持人仍然可能会面对其他机构,包括警方和雇主的对付。(主播:萧慧敏)
00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E. website.
00:05Three hosts of R.E.D.I.M.E. have been investigated by the M.C.M.C. of the Multimedia Committee of the Communications Bureau for filming religious rituals.
00:13Yesterday, M.C.M.C. issued a statement announcing that it will not revoke the operator's license of R.E.D.I.M.E.
00:19but will have to pay a fine of RMB250,000.
00:21Last night, the Minister of Communications, Fahmi, said that they have experienced enough.
00:26The M.C.M.C. does not plan to take further action against the three hosts.
00:30However, he added that the three hosts may still face other agencies, including the police and the employer.
00:36As for the progress of the police investigation, Fahmi said that this is not within his jurisdiction, so he is not clear.
00:42In addition, the Prime Minister's senior news secretary, Dong Gunasulu, said today that
00:46Prime Minister Anhuai hopes that the people can draw a focus on this matter and work together to ensure national harmony.
00:52He said that Anhuai had met with three radio hosts at the opening banquet with the media last night
00:57and urged them to convey the message of unity at all times.
01:02Take a picture, shake hands, say something effective, the atmosphere is happy.
01:06Prime Minister Anhuai attended the opening banquet with the media yesterday
01:09and met with three hosts of R.E.D.I.M.E.
01:13and urged them to convey the message of unity at all times in their daily work.
01:17At the same time, Minister of Communications, Fahmi, also confirmed that
01:19the Communications and Multimedia Committee of the MCMC has already resolved this matter.
01:23The MCMC's action, with the permission of the Ministry of State Security, especially the Commissioner of State Security,
01:29is to apply a compound to the Maestra Broadcast Company, or MBSB, which is the MCMC's liaison.
01:39In addition, the Prime Minister's senior news secretary, Dong Gunasulu, said in a daily live report that
01:45Anhuai hopes that this matter can be resolved,
01:48and urges all people of different backgrounds, religions and races to unite.
01:52The PM also expressed appreciation to all parties who have stopped any negative elements
02:00or attempts to further deteriorate the situation.
02:04In addition, Peng Heng Sudan Abdullah reminded all parties yesterday
02:07when hosting the opening ceremony of the Qingzhen Temple in Guandan,
02:10that all issues related to the past, religions and races should not be politicized
02:15in order to avoid conflict in society.
02:17I urge all leaders, especially political leaders,
02:22to act as a bridge of unity that unites the people,
02:28rather than setting fire to the harmony that has long been changed.
02:40For more UN videos visit www.un.org