• 2 days ago
El juicio por la muerte de Diego Armando Maradona ha comenzado en los tribunales de San Isidro. La principal acusación es homicidio simple con dolo eventual contra el equipo médico que lo atendió. En paralelo, Matías Morla, exabogado de Maradona, reapareció en medio de disputas legales por las marcas y patrimonio del astro del fútbol. Las tensiones aumentan con declaraciones cruzadas entre Morla y las hijas de Maradona, Dalma y Janina. Este proceso busca esclarecer si hubo negligencia o un plan deliberado para dejar morir a Maradona, lo que podría llevar a penas significativas para los acusados.


00:00Today is the day that the trial for the death of Diego Armando Maradona begins.
00:04Did they kill him or did he die by natural cause?
00:08That's what the court is going to determine.
00:10The most serious accusation has to do with the simple homicide with double eventuality,
00:14which is an accusation that could lead to those who are on the bench
00:18just between 8 and 25 years old.
00:20Of course this is going to be discussed.
00:22And you know that in parallel, now we are going to get inside the audience
00:26and we are going to tell you what is happening at this moment.
00:29But in parallel, Matías Morla reappeared yesterday.
00:32Matías Morla, who is not on the bench in this specific case,
00:36because only the medical treatment body is being judged,
00:40but he does have some explanations to give in the litigation for the brands,
00:43in the patrimonial issues.
00:45Yesterday, I would tell you, he again pointed out against Claudia Villafañe.
00:49He said that Diego died thinking that Claudia had killed him
00:54and also pointed out against Dalma and Janina.
00:56If you agree, let's listen to this last one, because there was a response from Dalma.
01:26But because there was a complaint against Diego from Claudia.
01:56Well, you can't say that at 5 in the morning I was flying on a plane and at 5 in the morning...
02:00So you say that, let's see, they could visit him whenever they wanted,
02:04they could call him whenever they wanted.
02:06In fact, you are referring to two people, because I can't name them.
02:08No, the daughters, Dalma and Janina.
02:10Well, one visited him and the other didn't.
02:12One did visit him?
02:14Of course, you think I can authorize one and not the other?
02:16Where did he visit him?
02:18Where he died.
02:20In the house.
02:22Of course, look at this.
02:24When the medical board is made, which I do not participate in.
02:26To that non-internment in Escobar's house instead of...
02:28And why is Morla coming out at this moment?
02:30No, because they are pointing it out.
02:32Of course.
02:34Before the trial, it is heard from the creditor,
02:36from several of the creditor parties that have criminal proceedings,
02:38the idea that they want, in another trial,
02:40Morla sitting on the bench,
02:42the defendants,
02:44but for that you have to prove
02:46that there was an orchestrated criminal plan
02:48to let Maradona die on purpose
02:50to keep his fortune.
02:52So, Morla responds to that
02:54and a little, I don't know, Marina,
02:56what Morla is saying is
02:58this idea of the daughters
03:00who talk so much, they didn't come to visit him
03:02because they didn't want to, not because I put a barrier
03:04of hate.
03:06It's not that they put
03:08the idea of Maradona isolated on purpose
03:10that they raise from the accusation
03:12of the creditor, the prosecution,
03:14to let him die. Morla is saying
03:16at no time did we make a red C
03:18so that the family doesn't see it.
03:20They say the opposite, right?
03:22And also Verónica Ojeda says
03:24that the subject, this that
03:26seemed like an urban myth of the change
03:28of telephone lines and the impossibility
03:30of Maradona to connect with
03:32her family, it's true.
03:34Even Ojeda told a situation
03:36in which she, being with Maradona,
03:38in front of him, tried to call him
03:40and the number appeared blocked.
03:42Ojeda told this.
03:44Ojeda told this. So this, let's say
03:46it's a collateral issue
03:48depending on the death result
03:50which is what is going to be judged.
03:52But let's imagine this.
03:54They isolated him briefly. Let's interpret
03:56that this is true, we don't have to doubt Ojeda
03:58who voted a systematic plan of isolation
04:00of leaving him alone, that the family
04:02can't visit him, let him die slowly.
04:04No. What would be the motivation?
04:08Who wins with that?
04:10Who wins with that? Who wins Morla?
04:12Who would keep the fortune?
04:14Who owns the Maradona brand?
04:16The Maradona brands were kept by Morla,
04:20Yes, yes. Obviously this is discussed
04:22in the court. Morla
04:24uses the excuse that Diego
04:26gave him the mandate to take care of the sisters
04:28and therefore he gave them
04:30participation in the brands to Diego's sisters.
04:32But the truth is that
04:34what the court wants to prove here
04:36is that having Maradona
04:38in a state, let's say
04:40between doped and isolated
04:42not in full exercise of his capacities
04:44is what allowed the signing of
04:46rights of society.
04:48Maradona is
04:50better to have him dead
04:52economically for these people
04:54or alive
04:56it was much more business.
04:58What always caught my attention about Dalma
05:00and she is known, I worked with her
05:02in fact we trained together last week
05:04she has a very austere life
05:06and she is the daughter of Diego Maradona
05:08it is something that always caught my attention
05:10about her, that there is a lot of talk about this economic dispute
05:12and you see her stream
05:14every day
05:16and they are super simple girls
05:18and they don't have a handle, they said it
05:20they live from their own labor
05:22it is that the succession is in progress
05:24but they are very serious files
05:26Diego Maradona is one of the guys who has won me in the world
05:28and the girl was born
05:30but you also have to think
05:32and I turn to Mauro in this
05:34if the Maradona brands are not part
05:36of the succession collection
05:38because they are discussed
05:40in another file
05:42what you have is what was in physical
05:44what was in some property
05:46and yes, a lot of objects
05:48that have value of course
05:50when they are distributed and you can make them money
05:52I have one thing Marina
05:54you can, from the file
05:56when you listen to it
05:58then we will put audios to remember what we are talking about
06:00because here death is judged, not business
06:02they know that it arises from minima
06:04then we will see if that is confirmed
06:06as a crime as such
06:08it arises from contempt, mistreatment
06:10having in mind
06:12Mauro, I do not know what it says
06:14you surely have the issue of the investigation
06:16that yesterday you said that the person is threatened
06:18the head of the medical staff
06:20had to leave the country
06:22that Diego starts to die at 12 o'clock at night
06:2430 minutes
06:26that no one entered
06:28no one went to see him
06:30Diego starts to die long before
06:32according to what the investigation says
06:34yes, the schedule they document is that
06:36what happens is that as Marina raised
06:38as the prosecutor is saying
06:40the accusation of the Querella
06:42that there was a plan to let him die
06:44and little by little they let him die in time
06:46that has to determine justice
06:48now what is in sight of everyone
06:50a contempt, contempt for life
06:52the place where Diego died
06:54is unworthy
06:56he had a bathroom next to him
06:58it's unworthy
07:00you can't stay where Maradona died
07:02no, they rent him a house
07:04where the room is upstairs
07:06with the problem that he had
07:08on his knee
07:10we have seen him walk in the last days
07:12the difficulty he had to move
07:14you can't believe it
07:16yesterday you said Pierrick
07:18represents the one who coordinated
07:20the nurses and obviously you can say
07:22is part interested in the file
07:24but I said something that moved me
07:26when that meeting ended
07:28in which all the family members were present
07:32and they decided to take him to this house in Escobar
07:34and not sustain the hospitalization
07:36in a health institute
07:38Pierrick tells me, I spoke at that time with Alfredo Cae
07:40the historical doctor of Maradona
07:42who knew him since he was 16
07:44who took him out of all
07:46of all and more and who loved him
07:48one of the few who loved him seriously
07:50and not out of interest
07:52and Pierrick told me, you know what Cae told me
07:54when I told him that there was a hospitalization
07:56in a house of such characteristics in Escobar
07:58he said, Diego is not going to survive
08:00to this
08:02he can't survive to this
08:04they are making a tremendous mistake
08:06and there is a medical body
08:08that has to give explanations in the justice
08:10Luque, Kosachov and Diaz at the head
08:12we go with Guido Korman
08:14he is in the courts
08:16in the San Isidro courts
08:18we see people, we see Diego's flag
08:20all the protagonists of this trial have already arrived
08:22that has begun
08:24good morning
08:26team, how are you?
08:28convulsed are the San Isidro courts
08:30from very early
08:32in the room at this time
08:34and we are going to show it soon
08:36at least the photo of how it is made
08:38we talk about the accused
08:40the 7 accused are already inside
08:42of the top number 9
08:44the 8th is missing, the nurse Madrid
08:46but she is going to be in the trial later
08:48it will be a trial by jury
08:52I want to complete with the querella
08:56yes exactly
08:58to each one of them
09:02to each one of them
09:06obviously for an organizational matter
09:08so that they do not cross
09:10later part of the querella arrived
09:12we are talking about Hanna, Dalma, Yanina
09:14the two Diego's complete
09:16Sinagra, Diego Junior
09:18who are not here
09:20Veronica Ojeda came
09:22who saw her very sad
09:24in fact she crossed to talk to the people
09:26and then she came back
09:28to the room
09:30that is already confirmed
09:32everything is said to start
09:34at least these first
09:36of long stages
09:38the first part
09:40what they do in an audience
09:42as today, we explain to the people
09:44we are going to have images of the court of the province
09:46they are going to broadcast
09:48it is an audience in which
09:50they say or manifest what they call
09:52the alignment of the parties
09:54I'm going to try to prove in this trial
09:56that such a thing happened and that the penalty
09:58that each one deserves is so much
10:00the defense the same, the querella the same
10:02it is eternal, it may take more than two days
10:04in function of the fact that there are 8 impeached
10:06but there are 8 or are there 7?
10:087, Madrid apart, trial by jury
10:10that's apart, it's not here
10:12the question for Guido was
10:14Guido, when they arrived, I don't know, Luque, the other accused
10:16Kossachov, they entered calm
10:18people realized it was them
10:20they entered in car, they entered covered
10:22with freedom
10:24of course, look
10:26regarding those who were more
10:28media like Luque, for example
10:30like Kossachov, like the psychiatrist
10:32they entered, they realized
10:34and yes, it was a pretty traumatic entrance
10:36there were insults, of course
10:38the rest, I would tell you
10:40he entered quite camouflaged, it seems to me
10:42that his faces are not so well known
10:44as to be able to recognize them
10:46yes, these two main figures
10:48especially Luque
10:50especially the surgeon
10:52who really had a very bad time
10:54he had to enter with custody
10:56he had to enter covered
10:58but people discovered it
11:00look, I say his name
11:02and people start singing
11:04like the most responsible
11:06the audios are loud
11:08the audios that are everywhere are loud
11:10I despise Diego's life
11:12look, I tell you, information is coming to me
11:14from inside the audience room
11:16what they tell me is that now they are solving
11:18the number of weekly auditions
11:20that are going to be
11:22and they are going to do three
11:24let's see if they comply with that protocol
11:26there is a part of the court
11:28that wants three auditions per week
11:30to speed up the process
11:32Pierri, for example, is saying
11:34that he does not have the possibility
11:36to cover three auditions per week
11:38they are asking for two auditions
11:40because he says, I have a 12-letter study
11:42I have 12 trials in parallel
11:44in the next 15 days
11:46so they are solving this
11:48and then they are going to give the allegation of the prosecution
11:50because if there are three auditions per week
11:52an average of 110 total witnesses
11:54you can finish this trial
11:56at least in June
11:58we'll see how the story goes, we'll be live
12:00and determine if anyone can go to jail
12:02for that to happen
12:04they have to be sentenced
12:06for simple omission when possible
12:08that there are almost no antecedents in Argentine law
12:10for a sentence of that kind
12:12for a crime of this kind
12:14to get to trial
12:16Mario Baudri's achievement
12:18almost exclusively
