• yesterday
Matías Morla, exabogado de Diego Maradona, rompe el silencio en una entrevista antes del inicio del juicio contra el equipo médico acusado de negligencia en la muerte del astro. Dalma Maradona, hija del futbolista, responde con indignación a las declaraciones de Morla y defiende la memoria de su padre. El juicio promete revelar detalles sobre las circunstancias que rodearon los últimos días de Maradona y el papel que jugaron sus allegados.



00:00Morning was in a note morla matías morla
00:05Talking about the program of pampitos made expensive molinari our friend
00:09love the note because they are neighbors known for a long time in fact of course he told today that
00:14I had been managing it for a long time that note and morla decided to speak
00:18Coincidentally a day before the trial began which is fine because he has every right to defend himself he is not
00:25In the trial because it is against the doctors against the medical team the trials but the children of Maradona also
00:32They go against morla because they suspect by the audios for the investigations for the file for 200 thousand things that he was behind
00:39of all that medical team that their children say that they killed Maradona for not attending
00:46correctly let's see what morla said and the answer of Dalma
00:52How was your day-to-day relationship with him? How was a day with him?
00:56Marriage. Marriage? All day together? All day together, except that
01:01my activity as an empowerer was
01:04meetings in Dubai, meetings in other countries, so sometimes I had to go on a period, but with Diego it was all day.
01:11That's why you, what function did you fulfill in his life? You were a friend and also a partner. In reality I was a lawyer,
01:16partner and empowered. I had the function of carrying out all the
01:22basically, let's see, with Diego the job was not necessary to look for, you were with Maradona and they called you,
01:27I saw that there was an event, that there was something. The function of him with me was that I was his lawyer
01:33apart from being empowered and I was handling the whole issue of the contract.
01:37That's the problem, I had the marriage with my mother, not with him, and that's his problem that they can't understand, that is,
01:43one thing, if he says he was a partner, put him, because the truth is that the one who worked was my dad,
01:49as he also admits, my dad didn't need him to go and represent him anywhere, my dad called him to work.
01:53But they can't have a partnership, that's true.
01:55No, not to speak, in fact they had it, in fact
01:57they had an account that was shared, that he said he was not going to touch because that money did not belong to him,
02:02two days later he emptied it because it was his part.
02:04According to a daughter, I have a video of mine and an audio in which I ask for a bribe to work with the father
02:12and I tell him to please show him the video and the audio he has, because it is a lie,
02:17and yet, despite the fact that I denied it 20 times and that she says she has an audio, she never showed it.
02:24I never talked about video or audio, I never said anything about that, I said how the situation was,
02:29and you can talk to Stinfale, who knows it was like that, and he also knows it was like that.
02:34It was a talk, you told it here, that they were Stinfale, Morla.
02:38And Morla went to Tigre, to my sister's house.
02:40And Janina?
02:42And my mom was there too, because she was at Janina's house, it's not that they didn't invite us or anything,
02:44we were there.
02:46So there were five people in that conversation.
02:48And four of us say that it happened and one that it didn't.
02:50It's weird.
02:52But well, it doesn't matter.
02:54Where he told them, I'm going to give them a percentage.
02:56He knows it's like that.
02:58Because I asked you this because where did the hatred start,
03:00and you told me that day that we kicked him out of Janina's house and you told this whole anecdote.
03:06And literally, we kicked them out.
03:08It wasn't like, no thanks, it was like, you guys are crazy.
03:10You made a mistake with people.
03:12No one is going to blame us.
03:14Here Villafañe, Diego, accused her of taking 456 objects that she is suing.
03:18A Maradona shirt, they paid her...
03:20How much? A million?
03:22How much, Seba?
03:24A million dollars.
03:26A million dollars, a shirt.
03:28Villafañe has 456 objects.
03:30Do you understand what the fight between them is?
03:32Well, but she doesn't have those objects.
03:34She has three more brothers, Diego.
03:36Well, but he left them alive.
03:38No, no, but he didn't leave them alive.
03:40What Diego was saying was that she, as an employee...
03:44She took the things and didn't give them back.
03:46And Diego told her, in life, give them back to me.
03:48You, as an employee...
03:50Diego never claimed anything from me.
03:52That's a lie.
03:54In fact, my mom won that trial.
03:56What are we still discussing about the shirts?
03:58Go cry somewhere else, that's it.
04:00My mom won that trial, and that's it.
04:02And I said it.
04:04Obviously, the one who wore the shirts was my dad.
04:06The house was chosen by the children.
04:08The sister can explain, because I think she was there when Diego chose her.
04:10And a son told her, you can go there.
04:12But to me, it's expensive.
04:16First, the house...
04:18I don't know if it's what they say it is.
04:20What I can say is that Yanina went and said,
04:22rent this house, it's beautiful.
04:24It's the house he has to have.
04:26I want a big TV, I want a room...
04:28They rented another one.
04:30It's very expensive, was the answer.
04:32Of course, Diego pays for it.
04:34Of course, it's expensive for whom?
04:36But of course, it was less money than they took.
04:38It's logical.
04:40Obviously, he found the way to keep everything.
04:42And to say that he has nothing to do with it.
04:44But the one who manages Zadvika is him.
04:46And they too.
04:48Now society, as you can see with my dad,
04:50has it with them.
04:52In a lot of places in the world,
04:54the brand was given to the children.
04:56Because it's like that.
04:58In that sense, there are no...
05:00There are no antecedents.
05:02But well, here it's costing a little more
05:04because they made him sign a lot of papers.
05:06That, by chance,
05:08were signed in the last time.
05:10He hasn't had it for 10,000 years.
05:12And he has a problem because he did things wrong.
05:14He signed...
05:16The brand was given to himself,
05:18for free.
05:20It doesn't exist.
05:22He says he met Luke later,
05:24that he has nothing to do with Luke,
05:26and then he appeared.
05:28Tell me why he gave 10% of his salary to your sister.
05:32Well, this is part
05:34of what she reacted live
05:36when we sent her fragments of the note.
05:38Now we're going to see the note too.
05:40But they surprised us.
05:42Well, Juli Tava obviously works with me on the show.
05:44Several things surprised us.
05:46And it's not the first time we've talked to Dalma.
05:48And every time she ends up either excited or angry.
05:50Different things happen to her.
05:52In fact, what hit her the most
05:54is that we see it as a marriage.
05:56Let's remember that they end up divorcing in life.
05:58Claudia and Diego.
06:00I'm rechecking it, but I understand that.
06:02And in that desire to try to justify
06:04that relationship, bond,
06:06which was also toxic by Diego towards Claudia.
06:08We've seen it on television with 45 points.
06:10They got divorced.
06:12Many years ago.
06:14But let's say she considers it
06:16as the only marriage Diego had.
06:18He never married any of the other couples.
06:20What we have seen is how Diego
06:22in a toxic way
06:24believed that Claudia was his.
06:26The women who go through Diego's life
06:28he can't stand that they have other couples.
06:30Especially Claudia.
06:32The most important woman of his life.
06:34And he said that in the last early morning
06:36Diego called Claudia
06:38and Claudia couldn't answer it.
06:40And there are details that Dalma decides not to tell.
06:42I guess she'll keep them for the trial
06:44because she told us with Angel
06:46that she wants to preserve it until the last moment.
06:48That it has to do with the father's state.
06:50And why she didn't answer it to the father.
06:52Of course.
06:54But I've never heard that.
06:56Dalma told us today that the last call
06:58from Diego was to Claudia.
07:00In the worst moments of their lives.
07:02Because obviously she didn't know
07:04that she was going to die.
07:06But she was sick and she turned to Claudia
07:08and Claudia didn't answer it.
07:10Do you remember that they said
07:12that Veronica had gone to see him?
07:14Yes, yes.
07:16But only once.
07:18It was very difficult to access.
07:20I don't know who they are
07:22or who lived there
07:24but the environment didn't suit them.
07:26There are a lot of audios and chats
07:28that they presented
07:30where the environment said
07:32that they didn't call,
07:34that they didn't answer.
07:36When he had the environment
07:38of the girl from Rocio
07:40and of Alejo Clerici
07:42also Veronica accused him
07:44that they didn't answer
07:46to the house.
07:48But Veronica also didn't let him
07:50talk to the girls.
07:52That's why she said
07:54that the environment was changing
07:56and he also decided not to talk.
07:58Maybe Maradona was a guy
08:00who didn't use his cell phone.
08:02He was the king of WhatsApp.
08:04Let's listen to Dalma
08:06when she left Bondi.
08:08She was very angry.
08:10She didn't want to talk to anyone
08:12but she did talk to us.
08:15How are you?
08:17It's a very special day.
08:19Tomorrow the trial starts.
08:21How do you feel about it?
08:23I'm very anxious.
08:25I'm not nervous
08:27because I believe that everything will be fine.
08:29But I'm very anxious
08:31because we've been waiting for this for 4 years.
08:33You'll have to be present.
08:35How is the process for you?
08:37How many days will it take?
08:39No, we don't know anything yet.
08:41They just said that
08:43the trial will start tomorrow.
08:45It's already confirmed.
08:47I think that
08:49until we declare it,
08:51we can't witness it.
08:53Once we declare it, yes,
08:55but not before.
08:57So we'll have to wait
08:59until they call us.
09:01I was asking you
09:03how you felt
09:05because I imagine
09:07that you'll have to see
09:09evidence and things
09:11but we're already
09:13mentalized with that.
09:15Do you believe that justice
09:17will fail in your favor?
09:19Yes, in their favor.
09:21Not even ours.
09:23Beyond everything,
09:25I always say that
09:27you may like it or not,
09:29but there are people
09:31who had to do their job
09:33and I don't know why they didn't.
09:35That's what's being discussed.
09:37More than anything,
09:39it's about justice.
09:41In this court,
09:43there are all the doctors
09:45who were there with Diego,
09:47but do you think that
09:49in the future,
09:51they can go against Matias Morla?
09:53What we're looking for
09:55is that these people
09:57can say who hired them,
09:59who paid their salaries,
10:01who organized the house,
10:03who gave the authorization
10:05to the doctors to enter
10:07because they were afraid.
10:09Everyone knows
10:11who's on the other side.
10:13They have a lot of money
10:15that we don't have.
10:17They bank things
10:19that we don't bank.
10:21What you see is what I am.
10:23There's nothing else.
10:25You may like it or not,
10:27but it's this.
10:29To defend my father
10:31and to have justice,
10:33I'll go to the end.
10:35I'm not making anything up.
10:39Did you hear the interview
10:41he gave a few minutes ago?
10:43I imagine you did.
10:45I was coming here
10:47when I saw the screens
10:49to come to Bondi.
10:51I saw a graph.
10:53I don't remember what it said,
10:55but I answered it because it was weird.
10:57Like I said, it was already weird.
10:59But I think it's a note
11:01that is obviously agreed upon
11:03and it's like...
11:07You felt it was arranged.
11:09Like he wasn't going to go
11:11without knowing what they were going to ask him.
11:13I went to look for him
11:15and I gave him a note.
11:17Do you know where it is?
11:19He gave you the note? No.
11:21But it appeared a day before
11:23the trial started.
11:25I read that my father
11:27had met Luque before
11:29and that he met him later
11:31and that he gave a part of his salary
11:33to his sister,
11:35to Morla's sister.
11:37At least it doesn't bother me.
11:39I'm not saying he brought him
11:41or not, I don't know.
11:43I guess they will ask him
11:45and they will have to answer that.
11:47In this interview he gave
11:49he said your father loved them,
11:51Luque, Kosachov, Diaz.
11:53I don't know if he had
11:55said that to you at some point.
11:57Let's say my father loved them.
11:59What does it have to do?
12:01I don't know if you heard this part
12:03where he mentions
12:05one of the daughters
12:07went to see him,
12:09the other one didn't.
12:11I think he said Janina
12:13was going to see him.
12:15I didn't hear it,
12:17but I think that's what he said.
12:19I said it before
12:21in Bondi and I repeat it now.
12:23There are things I don't tell
12:25to preserve my father
12:27but if he doesn't do it
12:29there is the difference.
12:31That's what happens,
12:33competing with us all the time,
12:35demonizing my mom.
12:37All the trials he did to my mom,
12:39my mom won them,
12:41we also won a trial.
12:43I don't know where this situation
12:45comes from, it's a parallel reality.
12:47D'Alessandro says he didn't lose
12:49any trial.
12:51Maybe D'Alessandro didn't represent him,
12:53I don't know.
12:55My mom won all the trials
12:57he had with him.
12:59What happens when you hear
13:01your mom talking about Claudia
13:03saying that Diego accused her
13:05of theft, that she was missing
13:07456 objects?
13:09If he thinks that,
13:11he should take responsibility
13:13because when my dad talked to my mom
13:15he didn't say that.
13:17He accused you of wanting
13:19to keep the brand,
13:21that your dad's sisters
13:23wanted to take part,
13:25because he kept accusing you.
13:27Yes, obviously.
13:29Now he found a way
13:31not to show up
13:33and put the sisters,
13:35the poor sisters
13:37that need the brand.
13:39In the world,
13:41when a person is not there,
13:43they inherit the children,
13:45not the sisters.
13:47Do you have a relationship
13:49with the sisters?
13:51I talked to them
13:53and I told them,
13:55you are on the wrong side
13:57because this person
13:59will be involved in the death.
14:01And they decided
14:03not to take responsibility
14:05for what I told them.
14:07I talked to all of them.
14:09It's not like
14:11when everything happens
14:13and I'm right,
14:15I can say I didn't know.
14:17They all knew everything.
14:19I don't know,
14:21I feel sorry for them.
14:23They put them in the spotlight
14:25and maybe they don't know
14:27what he earns
14:29and they are happy
14:31with it.
14:33I don't know how it is.
14:35Maybe they have a company.
14:37Maybe they are influenced
14:39by what he says.
14:41No, not by what he says,
14:43but by the money he gives them.
14:45I don't know if he tells them
14:49Do you think he is afraid?
14:51Or does he feel impotent?
14:53I don't know.
14:55For me,
14:57the surprising thing
14:59is that one day before the trial
15:01he says he doesn't know anyone
15:03and that we are the bad guys.
15:05It's weird.
15:07Do you think he does it
15:09to clean his image?
15:11I don't know.
15:13I have to tell you something.
15:15I think that
15:17the public image
15:19is not what justice does.
15:21But saying that means
15:23that he knows that people hate him.
15:25That's it.
15:27That's my treasure.
15:29There was Dalma
15:31who didn't want to talk
15:33after Morla's statement,
15:35but she had the difference
15:37to talk with us.
15:39She doesn't feel good
15:41every time she sees him
15:43as the one responsible
15:45for his death.
15:47Besides that,
15:49Dalma had already started
15:51to talk about it
15:53in her Instagram stories.
15:55She paid the fine.
15:57It's logical.
15:59Today we discussed it
16:01with Juli and Dalma.
16:03It's a fine.
16:05You have to ask her everything.
16:07There is no money involved.
16:09I don't believe in that.
16:11It's a great achievement.
16:13If you say yes, I say no.
16:15It's a discussion.
16:17It's a great achievement
16:19to lower the price
16:21to a neighbor.
16:23Morla talked with Real
16:25every year.
16:27She talked with Chiche
16:29last year.
16:31She talked with Novarese
16:33last year.
16:35She talks but
16:37she keeps the same speech.
16:39She is a lawyer.
16:41She is writing to me.
16:45who was listening to Dalma,
16:47is furious.
16:49He says it's crazy
16:51the fixed note.
16:53There is no fixed note.
16:55He says
16:57there was no fixed note.
16:59They asked her uncomfortable questions.
17:03If they had told me
17:05not to ask something,
17:07I wouldn't let them kill me
17:09for fixing a note.
17:11I wouldn't risk that.
17:13That's why I asked her everything.
17:15I wouldn't let them manipulate
17:17a note that I fixed.
17:19I didn't read a single question.
17:21It's true.
17:23They were in front of the camera
17:25asking questions.
17:27They must have left things out.
17:29I guess it's recorded.
17:31What surprises me is that
17:33she gave this note
17:35but she didn't say Dalma
17:37and Janina can't...
17:39Dalma said it was fixed.
17:41Karol asked her
17:43why they created this bad image.
17:45It was a question.
17:47They can't
17:49be participants
17:51until they testify
17:53as witnesses.
17:55That changed.
17:57Tomorrow Dalma and Janina
17:59will be with Claudia
18:01on the first day of the trial.
18:03They can't be participants
18:05until they testify.
18:07Finally, Burlando told them
18:09that they will be present
18:11as witnesses.
18:13Tomorrow Dalma, Janina
18:15and Claudia will be there.
18:17It will be hard for them.
18:19I told Dalma
18:21if they were ready
18:23because they will hear
18:25things that are true.
18:27They will hear the details
18:29of the autopsy
18:31and things that the witnesses
18:33will say to
18:35wash their hands.
18:37They will hear the father's
18:39fart and things
18:41that will hurt them.
18:43Dalma told me...
18:45What else?
18:47It's the trial
18:49about my father.
18:51It's the final part
18:53of this story.
18:55I understand that Claudia
18:57is the strongest
18:59in this case.
19:01Claudia is strong.
19:03You know what happened
19:05with Claudia and Maradona.
19:07This is nothing for Claudia.
19:09Maradona was treating her
19:11like a whore.
19:13She didn't lose anything.
19:15Every time he needed her
19:17as he called her
19:19that night
19:21and she didn't answer
19:23he called her and she answered.
19:25They fought to death.
19:27Claudia is a very good woman.
19:29It's her story.
19:31Her father, her children,
19:33her story.
19:35They were in the middle
19:37of the trial.
19:39Maradona was saying
19:41that she was a whore.
19:43He sent her flowers
19:45and she accepted and thanked him.
19:47I called her and told her
19:49to get the hell out of there.
19:51She didn't listen to him.
19:53They were in the middle
19:55of the trial.
19:57Maradona was saying
19:59that she was a whore.
20:01One day it was the birthday
20:03of one of the girls
20:05and it was Diego.
20:07They started dancing
20:09like nothing happened.
20:11She forgave him.
20:13Only the two of us
20:15know her story.
20:17I know it's Diego Maradona.
20:19It was easy to fill her head.
20:21There were people
20:23who didn't know her.
20:25We have one more part.
20:27I'm going to tell you
20:29about the trial that starts tomorrow.
20:31We interviewed
20:33a note from Alessandro.
20:35He said that you hated Morla
20:37because you were jealous of him.
20:39I don't know if you want to answer.
20:41What happens when you hear
20:43that you and Yanina
20:45are jealous of Morla?
20:47There are two reasons
20:49why I think that.
20:51I was with Morla all day
20:53and I gave her the ability
20:55to say yes,
20:57I want to go with Morla,
20:59Matias, like everyone else.
21:01Jealousy, son against
21:03a person who is a friend.
21:05I also had it with Coppola.
21:07Maradona had a very strong
21:09relationship with a friend
21:11and that generated a problem
21:13with the others.
21:15It existed between Ojeda
21:17and the girl when they were a couple.
21:19Jealousy because Maradona
21:21was a very good friend of Morla
21:23and he respected her a lot.
21:27jealousy has another root.
21:29The brands
21:31of Maradona
21:33were given to a company
21:35that belongs to the
21:37sisters of Maradona.
21:39There is jealousy because the sisters
21:41of Maradona exploit the brand of Maradona
21:43and the children believe that
21:45before the sisters,
21:47they are the ones who exploit the brand.
21:49I am the daughter and Morla is nothing.
21:51She is nobody.
21:53What jealousy can I have?
21:55I also talk about
21:57the fact that you gave them
22:01They complain that the father
22:03was not ready for some things,
22:05but they took money
22:07that he gave them.
22:09He talked about 5 million
22:11that he distributed among the children.
22:15I would like More Realia to show it.
22:17The truth is that
22:19I am not going to talk
22:21about money because
22:23it does not seem to me.
22:25And lastly,
22:27what happens? He is my father.
22:29What is the annoyance of Alessandro
22:31and Morla if that had happened?
22:33That is the part that I do not understand.
22:35They are indignant with us just for the fact of being the daughters.
22:37That was the problem.
22:39They could never change that.
22:41Because they did shit to us.
22:43They made videos, everything.
22:45But when my father was with Janine and me,
22:47he threw them all out and stayed with us for a thousand hours.
22:49I stay with that.
22:51They do not have that.
22:53They had to get him drunk,
22:55they had to have him there.
22:57I did not need to do that.
22:59I am going to be the daughter all my life.
23:01I can not stop existing.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:05Well, there was Dalma answering
23:07Alessandro, who is also the defender of
23:09Matias and Morla.
23:11Dalma is an asshole.
23:13I do not believe that.
