• 2 days ago
🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 3~10~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!

~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6

🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound


00:00Thank you so much for joining us.
00:01We'll see you next time.
00:30So, good afternoon guys.
00:32Welcome to Appalachia's Homestead.
00:34Catching up with you on this late Sunday afternoon.
00:37Did you set your clocks?
00:39Did you do it?
00:40Do you know the time changed?
00:42Somebody went, did the time change?
00:45I know, right?
00:46It totally messes you up.
00:48The spring one right now messes me up always a lot more than the fall.
00:52Doesn't it?
00:53I know, I know, I know, I know.
00:55But welcome back to the channel.
00:56I just did a video talking about what's falling from the sky.
01:01Crazy town.
01:02This is disgusting.
01:04Let's just hope this is all done and passed, right?
01:07But I think it's flared my eyes and, quote, allergies, end quote, up a little bit over the past couple of days.
01:16But we talked about that.
01:17So, if you saw that video, let me know what you think.
01:20What are you seeing in your area, et cetera, et cetera.
01:22Give me a hug.
01:24So, we're finally past the point of moving into spring, although we're still going to have more cold weather.
01:30Don't think it's going anywhere, guys.
01:32Not until Mother's Day, and even then you might get your little cold spurt.
01:35So, we still have a good in and out two months of crazy town weather.
01:40And, you know, here in East Tennessee, especially into April, we can get some really volatile weather.
01:46Let's pray that doesn't happen.
01:47But the farm's great.
01:49This week is going to be very, very busy.
01:51Catching back up onto where I was wanting to be two and three weeks ago.
01:57But, hey, we woke up today, opened our eyes.
02:01Everybody's good.
02:02I'm blessed.
02:03You're blessed.
02:04I'm glad you're here.
02:05So, we're going to move on with it.
02:06So, first things first.
02:07So, let me say this.
02:08I really, really, really want to encourage you.
02:10First, I want to say thank you to Jeremiah Babe.
02:12He gave us an awesome shout out the day before yesterday.
02:16Things have been a little bit crazy, so I'm a little bit behind thanking him.
02:19Here's what happened.
02:20Let me tell you this.
02:21So, we were shopping on Friday, and I mentioned that in the video that I made.
02:25We were at the Dollar General, honey.
02:27And the phone rang, and James picked up my phone.
02:29He said, Jeremiah Babe.
02:31I said, really?
02:33He said, yeah.
02:34So, I said hello, and we chitchatted for a while.
02:36And he was checking in on us like he does from time to time.
02:39Hey, guys, how you doing?
02:41How you been?
02:42How you feeling?
02:43You feeling okay?
02:44What's going on?
02:45Just, you know, just checking in.
02:47Awesome guy.
02:48Just solid, awesome guy.
02:49Really, really thankful to have connected with him.
02:52And I know, like I said before, when he came out and visited, and I had James, and there's Jeremiah, and Aaron, Texas Silver.
03:00And we were all going around, and I was showing him all of the devastation from Helene.
03:04And I felt very safe.
03:09As a little gal, I was like, man, look at here.
03:12I've got my own army standing here.
03:14It was so awesome.
03:15So, anyway, we talked for a bit.
03:18He talked about that in the video.
03:19We talked about some issues and just going back and forth, bouncing off ideas and thoughts of everything that's going on.
03:25You know, all the things that we do here as well.
03:27And so, listen, go subscribe to his channel.
03:31You know, I don't typically recommend a whole lot of people, but I have told you before.
03:37I'm serious.
03:38We really appreciate him, and we thank him for his kindness.
03:42And I told him on the phone.
03:44I said, I can't believe you're calling me.
03:47And he's like, why?
03:48I said, James, I'm dying at the line.
03:52And I said, I was just talking about when we got in the car to run a few quick errands because we're getting ready for a birthday party.
03:58I said, I told him your last video, which he's made one since, which is just as good.
04:04I said, your last couple of videos, you are on fire.
04:07It is awesome.
04:08He was like, well, thanks.
04:09I said, you're saying the things that are true and need to be said.
04:12So catch up on the past two or three videos of his at a minimum.
04:15And you guys, I'm telling you, you're gonna be like, yeah, I mean, he just tells it like it is.
04:20So thank you, Jeremiah.
04:21We appreciate you this bump back.
04:23But here's the truth.
04:24We were talking about as we were driving home, we were chitchatting with him about some of the things that are going on globally and economically.
04:31And, you know, where if you watch his channel, you know, where he stands, you know, where I stand, and we're pretty much one of the same.
04:37And I brought up to him.
04:40And he meant he told you that I, I said, you know, there's a part of me and I want to get your thoughts on this.
04:49And he talked about it.
04:50I want to talk about it.
04:51I want to get your thoughts on this.
04:52Do you think I do?
04:56I think this is going to happen.
04:57Not at this point.
04:59Do I think it'll ever fully happen?
05:01Probably not.
05:03But I'm kind of like a person.
05:06I am a person to a point where I'm just like, let's just rip the bandaid completely off and get this over with.
05:12The problem is, is I don't I know this about myself.
05:15And you're going to say this about me and hopefully about you, too, because I think we're all in at least this much together.
05:21I don't think we fully know and understand how deep and how bad we are economically in this country.
05:28I mean, we have ideas.
05:29And you know what I think?
05:31I think we're already in a depression.
05:33There's more headlines coming out since yesterday.
05:36I sent them to my dad about recession, recession.
05:40And I'm telling you, like I told you the other day, I have rolled my eyes around 14 million times.
05:46I've seen my brain 12 times over the past week to two weeks because I get frustrated because it's like, oh, now we're going to talk about going into a recession.
05:54Oh, now we're going to talk about hard pain and hard times for a bit before it gets better.
05:59Or now we're going to talk about a potential Great Depression, quote, 2.0, end quote.
06:07Again, I sit there and go, where have you been?
06:11Because we've been talking about this for a long time.
06:14So that's what I was mentioning to Jeremiah.
06:16I was like, I wish Trump would just come on out, have a big news conference.
06:21He doesn't have to completely spill every detail, but to psychologically and emotionally prepare us, the people, which he has done this to a point.
06:32So I'm not saying he hasn't, but I would like a little bit more of a nudge to the American people to say, let me explain something to you.
06:44We're going to do everything that we can, our power to get this ship going in the right direction again.
06:52It's going to take months and years to do so.
06:55It's going to it's going to be painful in order to do so.
06:59But if we don't do this, which Elon Musk is already saying, whether you like Elon or not, I don't I don't care.
07:07I don't I don't care.
07:08I'm just mentioning the fact of what has been said.
07:12You're being pushed off the cliff, the cliff with bankruptcy.
07:19OK, and you're talking about thirty seven trillion dollars in debt were bankrupt.
07:28If you take away all the government subsidies, if you take away the credit cards, if you take away the programs, if you take away all of these things that have propped a mass.
07:39Proportion or portion of the American society alone, how they've been propped up, how we have been propped up.
07:48If you took away all of those things and did a real true apple to apple situation in terms of nineteen twenty nine into nineteen thirty three, folks are in a great depression.
07:57You will never convince me otherwise because they lie up and down the block about just about everything anyway.
08:02So I have to tell you, I've come to the point where I just go.
08:07I just want somebody to come out and nudge the American people to say, listen.
08:14This has to happen or you have no idea what we're going to go through.
08:19And even if we go through it, I want at some point because we're doing everything possible.
08:24This is what's happened in the last administration.
08:26These are the things that were even going on that were going on during my administration.
08:31The one what has been going on in this country over the last thirty to fifty years to get us to this point.
08:39Guys, we have to write the ship.
08:43Here's the deal.
08:45Here's the deal.
08:46You need to be as prepared in your home as possible.
08:50I'm not telling you to panic, but I am telling you to consider to do the things that you need to do.
08:56OK, I'm not making a prediction here.
08:59I'm not purposely trying to crash the economy.
09:02Nobody's doing these things, but let us show you where we are.
09:09Bring out a chalkboard if you want to and start listing all the things showing all the things.
09:13Like I said, somebody's going to say, well, he's already been mentioning this.
09:16OK, well, shouldn't I tell you something?
09:18The fact that some things have been mentioned to me is already a red flag.
09:24I guess I just want more detail because I still believe that the majority of the American public,
09:31even though I do think in the depths of their minds and in their souls,
09:36I'm talking about the ones that actually work and pay taxes.
09:39If you don't work and if you don't pay taxes and if you're in, you're getting in, you're getting any type of help.
09:45You should be very concerned, too, because.
09:52How is that going to go with a bankrupt country being ran by bureaucracy, not democracy, your constitutional republic anyway?
10:01But think about these things.
10:04So that what do you think now?
10:07Like he said in his video, like we discussed, like we discussed in our phone conversation,
10:11James and me and him, James and I and him.
10:14How would you say that?
10:17Would that cause mass panic?
10:21Probably. So what should we expect here from leadership?
10:27I think I don't I don't believe that it's necessarily an attempt to kick the can further down the road.
10:37Maybe, maybe not.
10:39But I do think it is an attempt to keep mass panic down.
10:46So what do you do?
10:47I mean, what does a society do?
10:50What should a leader do?
10:52I mean, I'm for real.
10:54And this is not this could be with any president.
10:57OK, this is not just about Donald Trump.
10:59Frankly, if Joe Biden had come out and said, we're cutting programs, we're putting this on the debt.
11:06I'm not taking a paycheck.
11:08Jill's not going to color her hair anymore.
11:10Hunter, he's cut off.
11:12And Zelensky is cut off.
11:15And I'm really serious when I say this, I have never.
11:20And this is something that I that Jeremiah and I talked about before as well.
11:25And I've said this here many, many times.
11:28I have never prayed for an American president to fail.
11:32I even I couldn't stand Obama.
11:35And I find him to be the greatest heartbreak of a president we've ever had because of.
11:41And I'm going to say this because of the racial lines there, because he's biracial.
11:46OK, he's biracial.
11:48He's biracial. Let's call it what it is.
11:51Oh, man, the the the the healing with that could have really taken place with him.
11:57And I find that to be such an just a horrible missed opportunity there.
12:06So what I'm saying is, is I never wanted him to fail.
12:11I wanted him. I'm like, please, Lord, I wanted them safe.
12:15I prayed for their safety.
12:17I prayed for for the scales to come off of their eyes, for them to be real, honest, true leaders with all of them.
12:27So this isn't about Donald Trump.
12:29This is about. Who in leadership do we have and what is their responsibility in terms of this type of level of truth to say to the American people?
12:40Would it tip our hand to the rest of the world too much?
12:43I don't think they don't. I mean, somebody could say that.
12:47But do you not think they don't already know?
12:49I mean, I'm sure I'm just some little ignorant.
12:52Somebody's going to say I'm just some little ignorant hillbilly sitting on the driveway in my Costco glasses.
12:56And I need to shut up and go make a meatloaf and be happy.
12:59OK, well, the fact of the matter remains.
13:04Do you see the red flags?
13:07And with that, do you think that an American president, because I can't speak for the rest of the countries of the world?
13:15You know, I'm just going to speak for mine.
13:17What would it do to our country?
13:19What would it do to our society and what would it do to the world if he came out and said, here are some of the things we're looking at?
13:25Here are the things we're dealing with.
13:26Now he has shown you the waste he is.
13:28They are exposing fraud.
13:30That should not offend anybody.
13:32Why would you want that?
13:34If you're going to work every day and you're paying taxes, don't you at least want it to go to our people and our causes and to help our country?
13:44You're not you're not rationally thinking person.
13:47If you're if.
13:48Well, we already know all that.
13:50So I'm just saying, what are your thoughts?
13:53What do you think about that?
13:54Do you think he should spill the beans?
13:57And how would one go about that if they did?
14:00And what should be the expectation of the American people?
14:03I honestly think that he could do a great job with that.
14:07As far as saying here, here, here are the points.
14:10Have an entire one hour press conference, not even a press conference.
14:13I mean, take questions after if you want.
14:15But and he would because he's not afraid to.
14:17And he can actually answer questions in real time.
14:19But just lay it out as much as much as you can to give the picture of folks.
14:29We got to save ourselves and you've got to join in on the fight to save us, too.
14:34This isn't about anybody else but us.
14:37We have to save the country.
14:38We have to save the future.
14:40We have to do these things for our children.
14:41This is what we need to do.
14:43I want to be your leader.
14:44I want you to trust us.
14:46We want to have transparency.
14:48We want to show you this is what we've got.
14:53And I've got triple antibiotic in the car.
14:56Do you see what I'm saying?
14:58Would that work?
15:00Would that help?
15:01Yay or nay?
15:03You and I already know that's established.
15:06We're doing all the things.
15:08You're doing all the things.
15:09And I'm giving you a hug.
15:10I'm proud of you.
15:11I'm proud of you.
15:12If no one else is telling you that they are proud of you for your efforts in terms of trying to be more debt free, putting food away, paying attention to the environment, the things around you, helping others, you know, doing the things that we need to do.
15:25I see you.
15:27We see you.
15:29But should we be told more?
15:31And if we were, what would the reaction be?
15:34I'm really looking forward to reading these comments.
15:37And I know you will be.
15:39Folks that are here constantly and the people that care are going to be adults and they're going to be nice about it.
15:45This is not about politics in terms of this.
15:49This is about saving our country.
15:51This is about saving our people.
15:53Even if we don't agree on a lot of fine print.
15:56I get it.
15:57Tell me your thoughts.
15:59Like, subscribe and share.
16:00Pray, prep and be peaceful.
16:01Hope you've had a great weekend.
16:02Stay well out there.
16:03Be paying attention to things in the sky.
16:05I'm just saying.
16:07Be thinking ahead for spring.
16:09Be thinking ahead of projects.
16:11Be lining up things that you need to do that you know you can get done in a good time manner that is reasonable and realistic for you.
16:22Get it done, hon.
16:24Tell me your thoughts.
16:25I love you.
16:26Like, subscribe and share.
16:27Pray, prep and be peaceful.
16:28I'm going to go make a meatloaf.
16:30That sounds good, don't it?
16:32My beans are ready.
16:33I made pinto beans.
16:34And my cornbread is ready.
16:35So we're going to have some meatloaf.
16:36Maybe we'll have some mashed taters.
16:38Sounds like a good meal to me.
16:40Thank you for being here.
16:41I love you.
16:42Pray, prep and be peaceful.
16:43And I'll see you on the next video.
