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🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 2~20~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!

~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6

🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound


00:00So hey guys, welcome to Appalachia's homestead. Welcome back to the channel. Hope you're doing
00:21well today. I'm sure you're freezing your buns off. Unless you're like in Miami. I don't know,
00:25maybe you're 70 degrees. I don't know. We're not. We're like 22 degrees. Joy. So I'm back
00:31up at the barn. I'm going to rotate some animals, put out some more hay and different things like
00:35that. Their waters are probably, you know, froze back up in some of them buckets. So we're going
00:39to take care of our babies, but I want to talk to you about something. Okay. And this video is
00:43probably overall more for me, but I hope you learn from it. Um, I hope maybe it helps you
00:48evaluate your behaviors, evaluate mine. When people do things that really should in the end,
00:53it should make you go, I don't want to be like that. So let me just say right now I'm going to
00:57be in my new little scarf I got from AM vets, 99 cents in that pretty. I love that. And then I got
01:05a veteran's discount on that. So it was so nice. So anyway, um, I don't want to sound defensive,
01:13but it probably will sound that way. Am I offended? I don't know if that's the word,
01:20but you know how you, you know how people do things and you're just like, I wasn't raised
01:24like that. That's just not cool. It's just not okay. So first things first, I don't allow
01:30comments and discussions about other YouTube YouTubers, content creators on my channel.
01:37Um, I have found that nine times out of 10, it gets taken to the wrong place. And I don't want
01:42that. I don't want to be accused. I don't want to take, it's not about being accused. I don't
01:46want to participate in the bashing of somebody else. So if you come on there and say, I watched
01:54Jim Bob Cooter and I think they're great, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then you'll have these
01:58bots or trolls or haters get on there and then they'll bash Jim Bob Cooter, you know? And I just
02:03don't like that. I don't like it at all. And, um, so as a, and, and, and because I can't control
02:09everything that's said or done, I try my best just to cut things off. Let's stick to, let's
02:15stick to it, right? That's my policy. And that's what works for me. You do what works best for you.
02:22Um, and that's in a personal realm as well. Um, I've really tried to, um,
02:29just let go of a lot of things and get past a lot of things and change my life, rededicate my life
02:36to Jesus. Even though, you know, there's a lot of things still to work on and just, I really have
02:41gone through a transformation, but you know, and it, and I try not to let things bother me,
02:45but I have to tell you, I get really disappointed when I see other content creators, um,
02:54purposely trying to divulge personal information about other people or maybe even me. Um, I think
03:02that is the worst and, um, most tacky thing people can do. This is why I've pulled away from a lot of
03:09things over the years. And a lot of the things that I'm going to talk about actually started for
03:13me back in 2000, about 2016, when an individual in my local area was starting a YouTube channel
03:21and started putting, never met this person. We, we didn't know this person for their family or
03:25whatever. They started putting a lot of pressure on me to, um, promote them.
03:31So let's get this straight. I don't know you, you don't know me,
03:34blah, blah, blah. But because you live in the same area that I do, I should promote your channel.
03:40And when I didn't do it, I'm just making this really short and sweet. After several attempts
03:45of them trying to make me feel like I should, um, this person turned on me like a viper.
03:53Even tried to dox my address on a live stream. All of this is documented. Still, we have it. And, um,
04:01that's, that's one of the first cases of, to me, that's, to me, that's mental illness or something.
04:07Now, I don't know if this person still does anything. I don't, I don't keep up with it.
04:11And eventually, you know, this person backed off, but it took, it took a while. And, um, I mean,
04:18it got to the point where I, you know, I'll be honest with you. Um, I was having to basically
04:24talk to an attorney. Um, and it was because I would not promote this person's channel.
04:32Fact. Um, over the years, slowly, but surely I pulled away from some individuals and things.
04:39And one particular, when I did it because I didn't want to, I just, no, thank you. And I,
04:44and I, you know, I just backed away. You know, when you, you, somebody, you just sort of figure
04:48them out and you're like, no, I'm just going to go do my own thing. Most people that are healthy
04:53will go, okay, they kind of don't want anything to do with me. And I've tried and blah, blah, blah.
04:58And they get the point and they just eventually go do their own thing. That's what a healthy
05:02person would do. Well, there's some very non-healthy people out there. And this person,
05:08um, decided to start telling people or, and, or insinuating on comments on other,
05:15on other spaces that my husband was faking his congestive heart failure and bad health. And this
05:21was like 2007, this is more like by 2017 by now. And it's funny because I can actually, there, I
05:28made a video, um, that day, um, out in the front of my farmhouse the day that this happened. And I
05:37had a really hard time making the video because I knew what was, I had, somebody had sent me some
05:42stuff and I was like, I, I, you know, I'm, you know, I'm sitting here going, my husband is lucky
05:48to even be able to go to work today due to health reasons. And this person is going around insinuating
05:52that he's a faker. So I actually, if I, if I go back in my playlist, I can actually tell you the
05:57day that I found out because that's right here in my brain. Um, then you'll have situations. I've
06:03had this happen a couple of times and it's not just one person. This has happened with at least
06:07two, if not three different content creators. And I've had other folks tell me that this is a real
06:12thing. I've never, I don't know how people do this. I don't know. They, they will create accounts
06:20to troll you. And here's the thing. There was one particular person that did this.
06:27This is a different person and it's a she and she did this. And we eventually got to the point
06:34where at first I didn't know who it was. And then we really did. I'm, we're 99% sure. Let me, let me
06:40just put that in there. Uh, we pretty much are 99% sure that we figured it out because this person
06:47would actually like, you know how people have a writing style, their writing style on their
06:54Facebook page and on their YouTube channel was the exact same as what they would do when they
07:01would say horrible things in the comment section on my channel. Now you're going to say you can't
07:06prove that. Probably not. But I'm going to tell you right now, if I laid, if we had laid the stuff
07:13out in front of you, you'd be like, and you knew things you would be like, see what I'm saying?
07:21And you know, it's interesting because I've had people, followers write to me several, uh, and
07:27say that they knew for a fact now how they know I'm not, you know, I'm not speaking for them and
07:32giving you their names or anything, but they were like, we've seen this and we think this person is
07:37doing this and they make these accounts and they, they troll. And you can tell by the way, they spell
07:44punctuate their writing style. I mean, if you sit and you, you get it enough and you look at it,
07:48you're like, this is the same person. So they're not even smart enough to like change what they
07:52do. You just go. Okay. So there's that. Does it happen? Oh, I'm sure it happens.
07:58So I'll leave it at that. So then you have individuals that try to, you know, I don't,
08:06I don't know what they're doing. Um, I'm going to tell you right now, I do not feel that it is
08:11right to discuss other people's personal business on their channel.
08:21I didn't make a YouTube channel to talk about other people's lives.
08:25I've made my YouTube channel to have fun and to educate and talk about what I think and whatever,
08:30whether you agree or not is irrelevant. You don't have to be here, but that's the point.
08:35So I don't understand. And let me tell you right now, I don't give a crap if you know how much
08:40money I make or not. I'm not apologizing one time to anybody for it. Okay. I have worked just like
08:48you folks out there and you should be this way as well. Don't apologize. If you get up every day,
08:53you thank the Lord, you're trying to raise your kids and you're doing right by people. You know,
08:59you do all the things and you're making a living today. Don't you dare apologize for it. I'm not,
09:07you know, content creators went through the ringer back in 2000 and, you know,
09:12this has been eight to 10 years ago. If you were monetized, why do you care? Instead of worrying
09:18what's how, instead of worrying about what fish someone caught today for their family,
09:25go catch your own darn fish. That's the problem. So I don't care if you want to try to look and
09:32guesstimate how much money I make or don't make. By the way, I want to tell you right now,
09:38and this is the truth. When you see things and people saying this person makes, I've looked at
09:43all of that stuff and they're wrong. Okay. Sometimes they're high, sometimes they're low.
09:51So when people try to act like they know exactly how much you make, they don't. It's not accurate
09:56and it's a lie when they try to say that they know this for a fact. No, they don't. No,
10:02they don't. No, they don't. And it's interesting. Instead of talking about this YouTuber, that
10:08YouTuber, or that YouTuber, not even me, instead of talking about how much money they make,
10:14why aren't you talking more about what you make specifically, not in some rare form and whatever.
10:20So I don't understand that. I don't understand that at all. Would you rather people not make
10:28money and be dependent upon the system? Wait a minute. You're supposed to be a homesteading
10:35farmer, self-sufficient conspiracy theory prepper that does everything on their own.
10:42So why are we talking about what other people are gathering and doing today?
10:50You should be busy doing your thing. So when people make videos and they don't, I don't discuss
10:57money because I was raised not to do that. I will talk about ways to be frugal and how to save money
11:02and things like that. But I don't have an interest in talking about what I think in terms of who
11:09Jim Bob, what Jim Bob Cooter or Marianne or whoever, what they're making today.
11:16Why don't we talk about ways to be productive, but why do we have to be consumed with what
11:25somebody else is doing? Now you're going to, somebody's going to say, you're just mad. No,
11:28I'm not mad. I don't care. I know y'all think I'm some little redneck hit girl,
11:34you know, out here with the cow that fell off the turnip truck last night. But I do realize
11:38that you can, guys, if somebody wants to know something about you, they're going to know
11:42something about you. Okay. I mean, I can't control that. But what I'm, what I'm surprised by is that
11:49individuals that claim to be the know-it-all in how to be self-sufficient and what's going on
11:57and da da da. Why are you talking about other, why are, where are you having the time to sit
12:03around and Google people's addresses? That is, that is creepy. Why are you consumed with how
12:11much acreage I have? I don't sit around and Googling people and trying to figure out,
12:25you know, do they have four acres or 15 acres today? I'm sorry. I don't care how this comes
12:32across, but I think that is mental illness. Why people, I don't know. So how many acres do I have?
12:41I have less than 10, 9.2 to 9.4. I don't talk about it because I never knew that it mattered.
12:48Okay. It was something, it was, it's a large enough piece of land for us. It's very workable
12:53when we afforded it and we paid it off. Why do I need to, why do I need to divulge that?
13:00Why do you care? I mean, for real, that's, that's not a big deal. So I had more acreage
13:06up at the other farm. So I guess somebody just wants to talk about it today. So here's what I'm
13:12saying. Please be very aware of who you're watching and what they're doing. And they're
13:24probably not just doing it to one channel. They're probably doing it to multiple channels.
13:29And what you really need to consider is, is this something, I mean, are you like that?
13:34If you are, this is going to be, this is going to be like, you know,
13:37cherry on top for you because you're sick too. But when people are doing these things,
13:44that should be a red flag for you. It's a red flag. Let me put it to you this way. It's a red
13:47flag for me. There is a YouTuber that I was subscribed to and has never done anything to me.
13:57And I really don't care what they do overall. And this person, this has been in recent months,
14:03has nothing to do with me. Nothing to do with me. They threw another YouTuber absolutely under
14:11the bus. I mean, completely under the bus. And then they would sit there while they're doing it.
14:19And they would try to act like, like they were taking the higher ground. The higher ground would
14:24be to mind your dang business and shut the heck up. And if you want to make grow your channel,
14:28then do it. But see what they did is they used the person they were bashing. They used their name
14:35in the title. They use their name in the video. And that became one of their most popular videos.
14:41They were writing the coattails of another YouTuber. And these are adults. These are
14:48people older than me. They're supposed to be. I'm like, so I'm supposed to trust what you say
14:57today about the economy. When I'm watching you on a full video, just absolutely sheepishly
15:03throw another YouTuber under the bus. Use their name in the title. So because they were bigger
15:09than you. And so therefore, see that got them clicks. So a lot of times this is mental illness.
15:14Sometimes this is just demons working through people. I don't go with the whole notion of
15:19they're just stupid. You're not stupid. They're not stupid. It's on purpose. So here's my point
15:27to you. I immediately unsubscribed to that person. I will never watch that person's content again,
15:32because I think that that is piss poor behavior. And there's one thing that my daddy always told
15:37me. My dad always said, don't be a piss aunt. You just be too busy. So am I offended? Well, no,
15:47but you know, after when you, when you, when things happen and see, how do I find out about
15:53these things? This is another thing. And maybe this is the goal. How do I, how did I find out
15:57about things that are said about me or whatever you guys come and tell me, see, I don't know if
16:01these people just try to do it and, you know, get some clicks. And I don't think they realize that
16:07how they come across to people, regardless of who they're talking about. And I don't think they
16:12realize it about how it's like, Hey, did you know that so-and-so's over here? And this is,
16:18this is piss poor Patera. I mean, why would you, so here's the thing.
16:24I will defend myself. I will defend my farm, my family, my husband and my children and my cows,
16:30whatever, how I need to. Okay. I will do that, but this channel is not going to be
16:37the goal of this channel is to talk about what we do, share our life with you. Talk about what
16:42we want to talk about farm biscuits, politics, whatever. Okay. That's here. What other people
16:49are doing. Now I will talk about issues. I will talk about things that are happening,
16:53that are affecting all of us. But as far as what any of you, if any of these content creators that
16:58are watching this, I don't care what you do today, darling, just be a good person and mind
17:02your business and go make a million dollars today. I really don't care. I don't care how
17:06much acreage you own. Just be honest and be good people. Don't, you know, just, just be good people.
17:12And everybody has a different definition of that. I know I realized that. So my,
17:15my expectations are probably way up here, but this is why I don't have much to do with most people
17:21anymore. And even in my efforts to try to just stay away from people. And I know when people
17:26are trying to, and you're going to know that when people are like, you know, people try to get you to
17:31work with them.
17:35And it's so disappointing when you just, you know, that's not your thing. Then they try to,
17:40you know, kind of browbeat you, browbeat your channel, browbeat your work.
17:44So I just want to say to you out there, I'm just gonna say this openly and unapologetically from
17:48Patera. And I hope that this is something that you think about for your own self out there,
17:52regardless of who you are, how old you are, where you are, what color you are, what your job is,
17:56whatever. I don't apologize to you for who I am, where I come from, my family, who I married,
18:06how many cows I have. I have a lot of goats because I love them and they're very well taken
18:12care of. And I'll handle, I'll handle my farm how I need to. My children are great. I homeschooled
18:19them. I'm proud of that. We're debt-free. We walk the walk. We're trying to be more physically fit.
18:24And we're trying to just to live our life over here in the hard times that everybody's facing.
18:28So go mind your business. Don't worry about what I do. Okay. Whether I make, whether you make a
18:36dollar today, or if you have, you live in an apartment or whether you live on a farm,
18:43whatever you're doing, here's the thing. It doesn't affect me.
18:47It doesn't. I want you to go achieve. I want you to do better. I want you to, I want you to be a
18:52better person. I want you to be healthier. I want you to be smarter. I want you to work harder.
18:56I want you to go get it. It's really sad when a lot of people that you would assume because they're
19:06in your genre, that they would cheer you on. And it's really, I think the word today is,
19:14I just continue from time to time to be really disappointed. And, you know, even though I'm old
19:19enough to know all these things or whatever, the bottom line is, is people will still disappoint
19:25you. So we just move on. So anybody else want to know anything about me today?
19:35I love you. Get to know Jesus. Reflect for a minute. I love you.
19:42Get to know Jesus. Reflect really what is Jesus and get a life. I said it.
19:48I'll see you guys in the next video.
