🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 2~17~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!
~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 2~17~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!
~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound
00:06Rooster crowing
01:14Oh, look y'all, pretty in pink.
01:20Welcome to Appalachia's homestead.
01:22Give me a hug.
01:23Oh, it is so cold.
01:25Give me a hug.
01:26Good Monday to you.
01:27Hey, happy President's Day, baby.
01:31Give me a fist bump. I love it.
01:33Hope you had a great weekend.
01:35Hope you are feeling good.
01:37You're exercising a little bit.
01:39Yep, we're just stepping forward
01:42a little bit more every single day.
01:45But welcome back to the channel.
01:46Welcome to Appalachia's homestead.
01:47So happy to have you here.
01:49Thank you so much for your kind comments
01:52and emails and just everything.
01:55You guys are the bomb diggity.
01:56And I want you to know I appreciate you
01:58and I thank you for that.
02:01So listen, I want to talk about
02:02something really important today.
02:04This has been on my mind for a couple of days,
02:06but it really got triggered.
02:09I didn't get triggered.
02:11I don't allow myself to get triggered anymore.
02:14I saw something on the news the other day
02:17and this is not a new discussion, right?
02:20This is something that you've probably heard.
02:22Maybe we've talked about before.
02:24I know we have.
02:25And this can apply to a lot of different things,
02:27but I want to say this to you right now.
02:29Let's keep this short and sweet, okay?
02:31Now this crowd, I'm pretty confident
02:33a lot of you know, but there's always a new face.
02:35So I want you to consider what I'm saying.
02:38So I realize what's going on with the price of eggs, okay?
02:42This has been an ongoing battle now
02:44for about three to four years.
02:46We've seen certain things, which I consider an asset.
02:49I don't know about y'all, but I consider my hens,
02:51my laying hens and my studly roosters,
02:54they are assets to me, clearly,
02:57for many different reasons.
02:58It's food, food, future food, and more food, right?
03:01So that's important to me.
03:03But also in addition to that,
03:06we have a, I feel it is important for us to realize
03:10we have a moral obligation to these creatures and critters
03:14when we adopt them, rescue them, buy them.
03:18When we agree within ourselves, it, and the universe
03:22to take care of it,
03:24there's a lot of things that need to be considered first.
03:27So here's what I'm saying to you.
03:29If you are considering getting chickens, chicks,
03:33baby chicks, whatever,
03:35now or especially in the next couple of months,
03:39let me be your mom just for a second and tell you,
03:43you need to think that through several times
03:45and you need to do a lot of math, okay?
03:48I think there's a lot of people that are very naive
03:51to exactly how much it costs
03:54in order to even raise six hens, okay?
03:59Now, the math that I might do here for me
04:02is not gonna be the same for you, okay?
04:04It's just not.
04:05Where you live, what resources you have,
04:09if your brother works at a mill,
04:12or you live next door to one,
04:14you can go to a feed mill and get stuff super cheap,
04:18whether you're willing to free range or not.
04:20Free ranging right now is pretty much non-existent.
04:23See, this is the thing.
04:25People think, I'll just free range them and let them,
04:27I'll just do this, I'll do that.
04:29Okay, chickens are living creatures
04:33just like you, just like me, okay?
04:36They have their limitations.
04:38They have their preferences.
04:39They have things that work for them that,
04:42you know, some things work for some
04:45and some don't work for others.
04:47They're not machines.
04:49This is the problem with people.
04:51They think that, you know, I'm gonna go get this,
04:54I'm gonna raise this,
04:55and it's gonna do all of this for me,
04:57and that's what it's supposed to do, so be it.
05:01Doesn't work that way.
05:02You know, man plans, God laughs.
05:04Well, here's the thing.
05:05I want you to do a lot of math.
05:06If you are thinking, I'm just gonna get,
05:08we're gonna go get some hens.
05:10How many hens can we have?
05:11We can have six.
05:13Okay, I want you, before you commit to buying anything,
05:16doing anything, I want you to do the math.
05:19I want you to go to your local feed,
05:21where are you gonna buy your feed?
05:23Because you're gonna be buying it.
05:25This whole thing of,
05:26go ahead and let your chickens free range.
05:29Let's see how long they live.
05:32Okay, I mean, I'm just telling you,
05:34even if you live in a small neighborhood
05:36and you've got a small backyard
05:38and they're just gonna be walking around,
05:40well, there's probably a hawk somewhere, okay?
05:43There's probably an owl somewhere.
05:45There could be a stray dog that gets in your fence somewhere.
05:48I mean, I could come up with a hundred scenarios
05:51and all of these things are true.
05:52So I'm just saying,
05:54it's not gonna be as simple as some people think that it is.
05:58You're gonna want to probably raise the baby chicks.
06:02There's a whole lot of things that go with that.
06:06You're going to want to have a coop
06:10and put them in the coop,
06:11which means you're probably gonna need
06:12some sort of fencing one way or another,
06:15especially if you have restrictions.
06:16So first things first is you best,
06:20you best look into the fact
06:22of whether or not you have restrictions
06:24because I can tell you,
06:26I have had people that have called me.
06:29I have taken some hens in, small pullets, actually.
06:33They were big pullets.
06:34I took in some, what, two years ago?
06:38The people were great.
06:39They weren't allowed to have chickens and they got them.
06:43And oopsie, my neighbor hears my chickens now
06:47and we gotta find somebody to take them.
06:49This is more common than not.
06:51So you need to know, number one,
06:53are you truly living somewhere
06:55where you can even have them?
06:57Because if you can't, don't do it.
06:59You're just gonna cause yourself a lot of heartache, okay?
07:01Don't do that to you
07:02and please don't do that to these animals, okay?
07:04So there's that.
07:05Number two, I want you to go to a, pick a store.
07:07I don't care.
07:08Where do you think you're gonna be shopping for your feed?
07:11Go there today, tomorrow, start pricing it out, okay?
07:16Those prices aren't showing you any relief in sight
07:19and let me tell you right now,
07:20they have, oh, more than doubled
07:24in the last three to five years, okay?
07:27So this is where I'm going with this.
07:28So then what I want you to do
07:30is to try do some very basic math of,
07:32okay, if I buy a coop, if I have to buy just,
07:35let's say one to two bags a month, this,
07:38start adding it up.
07:40And then I want you to think about,
07:42okay, I shop at two or three different stores.
07:45What am I paying for?
07:47What's on average here for me to pay for a dozen eggs?
07:51Let's say it's five bucks.
07:52That's cheap for some of y'all.
07:54That's about what people,
07:55five to seven is kind of what's going here.
07:59So let's just say five bucks for the math, okay?
08:02Easy math.
08:03If you alone buy one bag of feed per month
08:07and I'm telling you with four to six hens, you will.
08:09That's a guarantee.
08:11All the chicken ladies here are going,
08:12mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
08:14All my chicken dudes are like, tell it sister.
08:16Okay, well how many dozen eggs is that for you in a month
08:19that you would go to Kroger, Aldi, FoodLine, wherever?
08:22Okay, so that's four dozen eggs.
08:24Then I need you to realistically think about,
08:27okay, how many eggs do we actually eat?
08:30Because some families, you know,
08:31some people may eat a dozen eggs in a couple of days.
08:34Depends on how, depends on your diet.
08:37If you don't, if you go through a dozen eggs in two weeks,
08:41okay, then why are you getting chickens?
08:43Do you see what I'm saying here?
08:45Start weighing things out.
08:47Now listen to me before people get their dander up,
08:49no pun intended, because that's what baby chicks do.
08:51Listen to me.
08:53If you are already wanting to do this,
08:56you've done your homework, you know the commitment,
08:59you know the responsibility,
09:00you know what you're gonna have to do,
09:02you were raised with chickens,
09:04you don't care, dare, shut up,
09:06then that's your business.
09:07But I think most people right now
09:09that are considering this aren't thinking it through
09:11and they're being persuaded by,
09:13aw, Instagram, aw, spring's coming, aw.
09:17Well just remember, if you go and get baby chicks,
09:20let's pretend you go to pick a store,
09:23whatever store, and go get baby chicks today.
09:26And that shipment just came in today.
09:30Those baby chicks are within two to three days old.
09:34And the reason for that is because
09:36the hatcheries will ship them
09:37and they try to get them out
09:38within the first two to three days.
09:40And they can do that because the baby chick
09:43really isn't gonna start eating a whole lot
09:45or drinking or needing outside nourishment
09:47because it had consumed,
09:49absorbed that yolk before it hatched.
09:52So that's why they can go through
09:53a couple of days in the shipping process,
09:55temperatures obviously being good and manageable
09:59and they haven't been tossed around too much.
10:02So you're getting these baby chicks,
10:03they're about three days old.
10:05Do you know that the average good layer
10:08isn't gonna start giving you eggs
10:10until they are at least 18 to 22 weeks?
10:14Look it up if you don't believe me, okay?
10:16We've talked about this before.
10:18So let's see, let's say it's,
10:20so basically four months from now,
10:22let's just, roughly,
10:24so that would be the end of March, April, May, June.
10:29So if you picked up those baby chicks today,
10:32you're not gonna start seeing eggs
10:34until probably the end of June.
10:36And they're not gonna be really heavy layers
10:39for a while because they're new, okay?
10:41They're not gonna start, you know,
10:42might take a couple weeks
10:43for them to start popping out every day.
10:45Now that may make you happy and you don't care.
10:47Okay, that's great.
10:48What I'm telling you is,
10:49is you go get these baby chicks today,
10:52they're gonna be hungry.
10:53They've probably already been given water
10:55and food at the feed store.
10:57So they're already eating regular food.
11:00You have to start buying feed,
11:02have a brooder,
11:04have a heat plate,
11:05because I don't recommend heat lamps.
11:08You're gonna have to be changing the brooder
11:11probably every couple of days
11:12because they start to stink in about a week.
11:14It's gonna, you'll be like,
11:15oh my God, yeah.
11:17Where are you gonna put the brooder?
11:18What if it's 15 degrees outside like this week
11:21and you don't know where you're gonna put the brooder?
11:24Is it gonna be in your bathroom?
11:25Is it gonna, you don't want it in your garage
11:27because they can't be anywhere where it's below 50,
11:29they'll die, they'll chill.
11:30Do you have a seed mat to put underneath the brooder?
11:33I mean, what is your setup?
11:35Most people don't have one.
11:36So they are going to do things
11:38that like I recommend for my brooders,
11:40which are great.
11:41But here's the thing,
11:42I already know how much this costs.
11:44I already have these things
11:45because I got them five and 10 years ago.
11:47I know the process.
11:49People like me know the process.
11:51So you're learning as you go.
11:53Okay, so here again,
11:56are you willing to put that type of money right now
12:00into this type of investment and responsibility?
12:03If you're not sure,
12:05or you didn't know that,
12:07or you hadn't thought about it,
12:09you might wanna hold off.
12:11Because I think egg prices at some point,
12:14hopefully within the next three to six months,
12:17I'm praying for you,
12:19start coming down.
12:21And then you're not gonna feel,
12:22what if you go get this and you're like,
12:24well, gosh,
12:25why am I spending $20 a month
12:28or every three weeks on chicken feed
12:30when I could just go to Aldi
12:32and get them now for $1.99 a dozen?
12:35This is what people do.
12:37So are you in this category?
12:39If you think you are in this category
12:42and you go,
12:43I'm not gonna do this right now.
12:44I applaud you
12:45because too many people
12:46take on these responsibilities
12:48and they don't think about it.
12:49And then they turn around
12:50and they don't know what to do with it.
12:52And this is why we have animals all over the board
12:54from chickens to rabbits to great Pyrenees
12:57to baby donkeys and whatever
12:59being shoved off into sanctuaries
13:02or get put down
13:04or over in your shelters or whatever.
13:07I can tell you over the last 10 to 12 years,
13:10I can't tell you how many people
13:11have tried to give me.
13:13And some of them I've taken
13:14because they worked for me.
13:16Chickens, more great Pyrenees than I can count.
13:21I'm really serious when I say that.
13:23A donkey, a mini horse, coonie coonies.
13:28I mean, people just beg you
13:30to take their animals.
13:31And it's not necessarily
13:34because they made a bad choice initially.
13:37It's because things happen to people.
13:39But my point is,
13:40if you do your due diligence
13:42and you already know you're on a tight budget,
13:44you may find out real quick
13:46this is not economically sound for you.
13:48And then what are you going to do
13:50if you go today
13:51and you get your six pullets
13:52at the tractor supply,
13:53wherever you go.
13:54I'm just coming up with Rural King,
13:56local farm store, whatever.
13:58And you get these baby chicks,
14:00and of course they tell you,
14:01oh, those are golden comets
14:02and that's a barge rock
14:03and that's a golden wyandotte.
14:05Aren't they cute?
14:06They're all pullets.
14:07I bet you a donut, honey.
14:11You're gonna wake up one morning,
14:12you're gonna go,
14:14did I?
14:16Hey, hey, Jeb.
14:18Did you just hear something,
14:20oh, oh, oh,
14:21from the kitchen and that brooder?
14:23Do we have a rooster?
14:25And you go in there
14:26and all of a sudden,
14:27you've got this little pullet
14:28that you thought it was a pullet
14:30and it's all cocky walking around
14:32and you're like,
14:33wow, it does look a little bit different.
14:36Oh, oh, oh, oh,
14:37you know, they do that.
14:38Now you got a rooster.
14:40What you gonna do with that rooster?
14:42You're not supposed to have roosters
14:43because you live in a neighborhood
14:46or you live under restrictions.
14:48So who's gonna take your rooster?
14:50What are you gonna do with that rooster?
14:52Are you gonna cull it in the backyard
14:53and let your neighbor watch
14:54and you're gonna have a big roast?
14:56I mean, people don't think of this stuff.
14:58And I know this for a fact
15:02hey, Patera,
15:03can you take my rooster?
15:05I can't tell you how many times.
15:07I'm gonna give you a quick story
15:09in closing here.
15:10I'm gonna pull up
15:11or pull back
15:12because the sun's driving me crazy.
15:14People ask me all the time
15:16if I have owned bees,
15:17if I was a beekeeper.
15:18The answer is yes.
15:19I have videos on it
15:20and I did it for,
15:22really got into it
15:23several, several years ago
15:24before we moved down here.
15:26And I really did like it.
15:28Okay, I'm not gonna,
15:29and I love it
15:30and I totally respect our beekeepers.
15:32And let me tell you what happened.
15:35I got some bad advice
15:36from some people
15:37because I was a newbie.
15:38Now I did do my homework.
15:40I did buy things
15:41and it's difficult to be a beekeeper
15:44and you have so much working against you.
15:46I mean, these people
15:47that have been doing it for 30 years,
15:49they have more success than not,
15:51but it took them like 25 years
15:52to get there.
15:53That's a fact.
15:54That's not a knock,
15:55that's a fact.
15:56Beekeeping can be very tricky,
15:58especially when you start out.
16:00Well, I'm gonna tell you,
16:02I was so devastated
16:04at the fact that
16:05we spent so much time
16:07in beekeeping.
16:09And initially,
16:12by the time we got
16:13all of our equipment,
16:15the boxes,
16:17did all the things
16:18that we needed to do,
16:19joined an association
16:20and did all the,
16:21we did all the things.
16:24we were somewhere in the ballpark,
16:26if my memory is serving,
16:28this is like 2017,
16:3018 into 19,
16:32it's 18, 19.
16:33We spent well over
16:35like 21, $2,200
16:37just to get started,
16:42just to get started.
16:43So this all happened
16:44in the spring.
16:45We got everything set up.
16:46I was out there.
16:47I made videos.
16:48It was great.
16:49I had a great time.
16:50I didn't winterize my bees in time
16:53because the individual
16:55that was coaching me,
16:57and you know,
16:58it was a mistake
16:59on that person's part too.
17:00They lived way down
17:02in the Tennessee Valley.
17:04I lived way up
17:06on the Tennessee mountain.
17:07So when the first winter
17:09burst came in,
17:11you know,
17:12end of October,
17:13early November,
17:15I hadn't winterized yet.
17:17I was set to,
17:19but it hadn't happened yet.
17:20And you know what happened?
17:22My bees froze to death
17:24one night,
17:25one night.
17:26So am I to blame here?
17:30Are they to blame?
17:33they should have,
17:34they should have thought about that.
17:35Things happen.
17:37So have I gotten back
17:39into beekeeping?
17:41You know why?
17:42Here's the point
17:43that I'm ultimately making.
17:44I found out the hard way.
17:46I think I probably bit off
17:48more than I could chew.
17:49And even with the best
17:51of intentions,
17:52things happen.
17:53I didn't realize
17:55it would be that expensive.
17:57And it got expensive quick.
17:59And I kept going
18:00and I thought it was going
18:01to all work out.
18:02And had I gotten bees again,
18:03it probably would have.
18:05But I made the decision
18:06after that devastating loss,
18:09and it was a big loss for us,
18:11that I said,
18:12you know what?
18:13This isn't for me right now.
18:15And I've said this before on video.
18:16I said,
18:17this isn't for me right now.
18:18And James is like,
18:19I agree.
18:20I said,
18:21I would rather go every month
18:22and pay someone I know,
18:24because now we know
18:25a bunch of people
18:26that are beekeepers.
18:27And I would rather give them
18:29at the time,
18:32$20 for a full quart
18:33of their fresh honey.
18:35I get the fresh
18:36very, very local,
18:37just a few miles
18:38from my house honey.
18:40And I support them
18:42at the same time.
18:43They've already been doing this
18:44for 20 years.
18:46They've already put in the money
18:47for this.
18:48They have expenses
18:50still for this.
18:51I want to support their effort.
18:53You don't have to do everything.
18:56And you need to do the math first.
18:57And like I said,
18:58sometimes you learn the hard way.
19:00That's why I'm telling you this.
19:01I'm trying to prevent people
19:03right now
19:04with the economic woes
19:06that people are in,
19:07I don't want you to bite off
19:09more than you can chew
19:10for number one,
19:11well, the birds.
19:13I want them to go
19:14where they need to go.
19:15You know what I'm saying?
19:16And number two,
19:17I don't want you to commit
19:18to something that might be
19:19more than you can handle.
19:21And also,
19:22I don't want you to get into something
19:23where in three to six months,
19:24you're like,
19:25that was really dumb.
19:26And then you're scrambling
19:27to find somebody
19:28to take your hens.
19:30This happens every single day
19:32with all types of farm animals.
19:33Pets too.
19:34So think about it.
19:36Chew the fat.
19:38Go price things out.
19:40Price them out.
19:43Do the math.
19:44You may be meant
19:45to do something else right now.
19:48All right?
19:49There are great homesteaders
19:50out there
19:51that don't
19:53or may choose
19:54during certain time periods
19:55to not have certain things.
19:58You don't have to do it all.
20:00In fact, most people don't.
20:02They just know people
20:03that do other things
20:04and they network with them.
20:06So if you want farm fresh eggs,
20:09find a farm lady.
20:11Go to the local market.
20:13Give them the cash.
20:15They are raising the birds,
20:17buying the feed,
20:18buying the supplements,
20:20cleaning the coop.
20:21Ha, ha, ha.
20:22Wait till you do that.
20:23Ha, ha.
20:24That's gonna be fun.
20:25They're doing all of these things.
20:27All you're doing
20:28is receiving
20:29the ultimate cherished item,
20:31which is the eggs.
20:32And then you are supporting that person
20:34for being a good steward
20:36to that animal.
20:37That's what I'm saying.
20:38I don't raise bees.
20:40I plant flowers
20:41all over this place.
20:43You see my zinnias,
20:44my sunflowers,
20:45my cosmos.
20:46I'm doubling them this year
20:47because right over that field
20:48right there,
20:49I've got a bunch of bee boxes.
20:51They are lined up.
20:53So see,
20:54I have a source.
20:55I want to help that source.
20:58I'm taking care of business
20:59my way over here.
21:01But yet I'm still able
21:02to supplement them over there.
21:05And guess what?
21:06I didn't have to winterize
21:07any bees this year.
21:09And I still got fresh local honey.
21:11It's a win-win.
21:12Consider what I'm saying.
21:13If you're set to do this
21:14because you've been studying it
21:15and you don't care
21:16and you want it
21:17or you know what you're doing,
21:19I love you.
21:20You're my people.
21:21But for a lot of people,
21:23better do some homework.
21:25I'm just looking out for you.
21:26Like, subscribe, and share.
21:27Pray, prep, and be peaceful.
21:28Thank you for hanging out with me.
21:29I hope you received this message
21:31in the manner in which I,
21:32in the way I meant for it to.
21:35Because some people will be like,
21:36you're just being negative.
21:37No, I'm not.
21:38I'm telling you,
21:39there's a lot that goes with all of this.
21:41And you know,
21:42until you do it,
21:43sometimes you just don't know.
21:45But at the same time,
21:47it's like that book,
21:49What to Expect When You're Expecting.
21:51If somebody had told you,
21:53that's going to happen,
21:55that's going to happen,
21:56you probably wouldn't have been as freaked out
21:59as you were when it did happen.
22:01You see what I'm saying?
22:03So, now you know what to expect.
22:06God bless.
22:07Pray, prep, and be peaceful.
22:08I love you.
22:09Stay warm and safe, okay?
22:10And I'll see you on the next video.