Si Jin- Episode 21 | English Sub
Short filmTranscript
00:30红酥烧 黄腾酒 满城尘色更娇柔
00:45东风啊 换清波 一怀愁绪 几点绿色 错 错 错
01:15黄腾酒 满城尘色更娇柔
01:46姑娘 俞四味在等您呢 Miss, Yu Siwei is waiting for you
01:50阿满 那你回家等我吧 Aman, you go home and wait for me
01:53好 Okay
02:15北境分布 赵岭 North Boundary, Zhao Lian
02:42你先走 去连安的天香阁 Go to Tianxiang Pavilion in Lian'an
02:45那里是夜莺门的据点 That's where the Nightwing Gate is
02:47大师兄 那你怎么办 Senior Brother, what are you going to do?
02:50我若没死 夜莺门会合 If I don't die, the Nightwing Gate will meet
02:52走 Go
03:01毒儿 不好 走为上策 Dorgon, it's not good. Go for the upper path
03:05你认错人了 You got the wrong person
03:15我如今您该信了吧 You should believe me now
03:18姜丝都跟夜莺门的人接上头了 Jiang Si has joined the Nightwing Gate
03:20此前您说没有证据 不能动他 You said there was no evidence, so you couldn't touch him
03:24之后您又突然说他不是圣女 Then you suddenly said he was not a saint
03:26不用再查了 No need to investigate
03:28如今证据确凿 Now the evidence is solid
03:30您不会假装看不见吧 You won't pretend you can't see it, will you?
03:38没想到那封信居然落到你的手上了 I didn't expect that letter to fall into your hands
03:42俞四味真是好福气 Yu Siwei is so lucky
03:45有姑娘这般女子爱的 To have a girl like you
03:49头儿 给你 Tao'er, here you are
04:04你们当真是有默契 You really have a tacit understanding
04:07天造地设的一对 A perfect match
04:10可惜了 What a pity
04:12俞四味正拿弓对着 Yu Siwei is aiming at you
04:16真是讽刺 How ironic
04:21竟这么快再次见到你以弓箭相对 We finally meet again
04:45我来 I'll do it
04:57我现在告诉你答案不能 I'll tell you the answer now. You can't
05:00什么不能 What can't?
05:07之前问我能不能当断责断杀了她 You asked me if I could kill her
05:10我现在告诉你答案不能 I'll tell you the answer now. You can't
05:12可是她是圣女 But she is a saint
05:13走 Let's go
05:36回头找四 带人过来 Go back to find Four and bring someone here
05:38是 Yes
05:43走 Go
06:13走 Go
06:43你不是赵羽 You are not Zhao Yu
07:13我不知道你在说什么 I don't know what you're talking about
07:15我们不妨坦诚相待一些 Why don't we be honest with each other
07:17我是这间死赌坊的老板 I'm the boss of this gambling house
07:19姓杜 My last name is Du
07:21你说说你是谁 Tell me who you are
07:24不愧是夜莺门的首领都尔 You are the leader of the Night Eagle Sect, Du'er
07:27你对坦诚一词 I'm sure you know
07:29怕是更有领悟吧 what it means to be honest
07:32知道我秘密身份还活着的人不多 Not many people know my secret identity
07:36你到底是谁 Who are you
07:38我是东平伯府的姜四 I'm Jiang Si from Dongping Bo's Mansion
07:41不是你的敌人 I'm not your enemy
07:43你从哪儿来的 Where are you from
07:45又怎知我门中秘密 How do you know the secret of my sect
07:47我那枚夜莺符是属于桑琪的 My Night Eagle Talisman belongs to Sang Qi
07:50夜莺符是我门人凭证 The Night Eagle Talisman is the evidence of my sect
07:52绝不可能给外人 It can't be given to outsiders
07:54她的符怎会在你手里 How can you have her talisman
07:56就凭我可以进入都城寺的大牢 I'm not qualified to enter the prison of the capital
07:59你与俞四卫这般亲近 You are so close to Yu Siwei
08:01怎可能出卖都城寺 How can you betray the capital
08:03你真当我蠢吗 Do you really think I'm stupid
08:05你松开 Let go of me
08:09大师兄 我在教师妹的时候 When I was teaching my junior
08:12你能不能不插手啊 Can you just stay out of it
08:14那你不能老打她手掌 You can't hit her palm all the time
08:16你看她手被你抽的 Look at her hands
08:18我是为她好 对她严厉点 I'm doing this for her own good
08:20她才能学得快 记得牢 She can learn fast and remember well
08:22调香用料有分毫之差 There's a huge difference in the ingredients
08:24效果便师之千里 The effect will be far worse
08:26她刚学习 你对她越严厉 She just started learning
08:28她越学不会 The harder you treat her, the less she can learn
08:30大长老当时不就这么教我们的吗 That's what the elder taught us
08:32师兄 师姐 都是我不好 Senior and junior, it's all my fault
08:35我一定会加把劲 继续努力的 I will work harder and keep working hard
08:39你就护着她吧 你下次替她受罚 Just protect her. You'll be punished for her next time
08:42行 打我 Fine. Hit me
08:47怎么办 得想个法子让她停手 What should I do? I have to find a way to make her stop
09:02就凭我可以兵不血刃救出藏妾 Just because I can save Cang Qi with my blood
09:06为什么 Why?
09:08我自有我的原因 我只要答应我让夜莺门按兵不动 我要是失败了 你再做计划也不止 I have my own reasons. As long as you promise me to stop the Night Battalion from attacking, if I fail, it won't be too late for you to plan again
09:31别动 Don't move
10:01别动 Don't move
10:31别动 Don't move
11:01别动 Don't move
11:22于期 你不束手就擒 我就杀了姜丝 Yu Qi, if you don't surrender, I'll kill Jiang Si
11:31从后门逃走 Run from the back door
11:42你什么意思 What do you mean?
11:43想活命就赶紧走 If you want to live, then run
11:55再晚就来不及了 It's too late
11:57记住 西城门外的破庙去等藏妾 Remember, go to the temple outside the west gate and wait for Cang Qi
12:02跑 Run
12:09人呢 Where is he?
12:11跑了 He ran away
12:13跑 Run
12:15姜姑娘 有没有受伤 Ms. Jiang, are you hurt?
12:16没有 No
12:17去追 Go after him
12:18是 Yes
12:25我没事 I'm fine
12:31走 Let's go
12:50这是阴门的印记 This is the mark of the Yin Gate
12:53快别跑 Don't run
12:59站住 Don't move
13:02别动 Don't move
13:05大人 别动 Don't move
13:06别动 Don't move
13:07别动 Don't move
13:16说清楚 Tell me clearly
13:18今天晚上你为什么会去 Why did you go there tonight?
13:23独尔截了我的信 Dorje intercepted my letter
13:25我也没料到去的人会是他 I didn't expect he would go there
13:27原本约的是谁啊 Who did you meet?
13:31是不是郑恒 Is it Zhen Heng?
13:36不是 No
13:37那还有其他男子啊 Is there any other man?
13:40与你无关 It's none of your business
13:48事关夜莺门要案 It's about the Yin Gate
13:51我都城司有责任有义务调查清楚 I have the responsibility and obligation to investigate it
13:56好 Okay
13:58那我就告诉你 Then I'll tell you
14:00我约的人你再熟悉不过了 You are familiar with the man I asked
14:04只不过今天晚上 But tonight
14:05他远远地张着弓瞄着我 He was aiming at me from a distance
14:20不是我 It's not me
14:22是龙蛋 It's the dragon egg
14:26看见我跟独尔碰头 You saw me and Dorje meet
14:29你怀疑我了吧 Are you suspecting me?
14:32还好独尔下手快 Fortunately, Dorje is quick
14:33要不然 Otherwise
14:37我恐怕就会死在你的箭底下了 I'm afraid I'll die under your arrow
14:39不可能 It's impossible
14:42我就绝对不可能做任何伤害你的事情 I would never do anything to hurt you
14:44是吗 Really?
14:47那你为什么把夜莺符送到我手上 Then why did you give me the Yining Talisman?
15:00这个我承认 I admit that
15:04试探了一下 I was testing it
15:15虽然我也不知道原由 Although I don't know the reason
15:17但如果 But if
15:19我真的是那个什么男巫圣女 If I were the Yining Talisman
15:23你会怎么办 What would you do?
15:30在我心里 In my heart
15:32你永远都是东平伯府的四姑娘 You will always be the fourth lady of Dongping
15:35不会做任何危害大昼的事情 You won't do anything to harm Dorje
15:38是不是圣女 It doesn't matter
15:40无关紧要 whether you are a saint or not
15:47那如果有一日 If one day
15:50我当真和那男巫同行 I really go with that man
15:56你又打如何 What would you do?
15:59我会保护好大昼 I will protect Dazhong
16:16更会保护好你 And you
16:29谢谢 Thank you
16:59The autumn hunting will be held in Cuiluo Mountain.
17:03All officials above 7th rank must attend.
17:05Autumn hunting?
17:08Many officials want to take this opportunity
17:11to show off in front of His Majesty.
17:29Well, about Mr. Xiao,
17:34you'd better go and meet him.
17:36Your aunt and I will be with you.
17:39I'll find a side hall and sit down.
17:42Your aunt can also come and see it.
17:46Mr. Wang,
17:47can you really bear it?
17:49Yes, father.
17:50Please think of another way.
17:54did I ask Li Shuimin to swallow it?
17:59It's over.
18:02It's over. It's all over.
18:04Mr. Xiao has agreed to meet you.
18:07Your aunt made the decision.
18:09She agreed.
18:10She even wrote a letter
18:11with the seal of Guo's Mansion.
18:13Tell me, what can we do now?
18:15But you are Qiao'er's father.
18:17If you are determined to oppose,
18:18they can't force you.
18:33Father, please think of a way.
18:35Please help my sister.
18:36You are the head of Lingbei.
18:38If you offend others everywhere,
18:39I won't be an official anymore.
18:40If it's so simple,
18:41I'll write a letter and come back.
18:43That's it.
18:44We'll talk about it later.
19:22I'm here.
19:22I'm here.
19:23I'm here.
19:24I'm here.
19:26What did the Xiao's Mansion say?
19:28Mr. Xiao has agreed.
19:29They have no choice.
19:32But the third lady is depressed.
19:34She is in the room all day.
19:36I don't know what she is thinking.
19:38Uncle Hou said
19:39the food she sent in
19:40was barely touched.
19:44She is just young and ignorant.
19:46What a good family she has!
19:48She is a second-class girl.
19:49What kind of family does she want to have?
19:53Everyone has such a life.
19:55Find someone to look after her.
19:57Ask the kitchen to cook something delicious for her.
19:59Don't starve her anymore.
20:01You are so considerate.
20:09Wait a minute.
20:12For the sake of safety,
20:14call someone for me.
20:19Is Pei'er doing well in the Fu family?
20:21Don't worry, mother.
20:22My husband treats me very well.
20:25She is a grown-up now.
20:28She is mature and sensible.
20:30Pei'er has been the closest to me since I was a child.
20:33She has a mother by my side.
20:36She is a good girl.
20:38You listen to your wife the most.
20:41I can't see you when you get married.
20:43But I always think of you.
20:46In the past,
20:47my daughter was not sensible.
20:49Thanks to my mother's care,
20:52you are married now.
20:53I can rest assured.
20:55But your third sister, Jiang Qiao,
20:58I have to worry about her marriage.
21:01She is old enough to get married.
21:04She can't stay in our Bo Mansion forever.
21:07The young master of the Xiao family is really good.
21:11Persuade him well.
21:15Miss Hong, don't blame me for talking too much.
21:18In fact, although my wife is a little talkative,
21:21she is very good.
21:23I want you to help persuade the third girl this time.
21:26It's all for the sake of family harmony.
21:29So you have to think about it again.
21:32All right, Mrs. Li.
21:34That's all.
21:40When did you get mixed up with Ya Xin Yue again?
21:47I don't know.
22:06You should come out more often like now.
22:09So you won't be so bored in your heart.
22:13In fact, sometimes
22:15some things are figured out and it's over.
22:26I'm a little tired.
22:27Go back to your room and sleep.
22:42Go back to your room and sleep.
22:49You asked me to come here for this?
22:52Or else?
23:06There is a mechanism in this box.
23:09Can you open it?
23:11I guessed it.
23:20Can you open it?
23:23Of course.
23:39It's all signed with Mr. Du of the casino.
23:41These people have signed a big gambling debt.
23:45It also says to help Ye Yingmen to complete one thing.
23:48This can offset the gambling debt.
23:53Minister of Rites.
23:56When I catch them,
23:58I will definitely interrogate them one by one.
24:01Find a reason that has nothing to do with Ye Yingmen.
24:04To avoid alarm.
24:08To avoid alarm.
24:20I'm 13 years old.
24:21My name is Jiao Lie.
24:23I'm from Nanwu.
24:24My name is Jin Minglie.
24:26You can't learn Nanwu language in Zhou Dynasty.
24:28How can you know all of them?
24:31It seems that Miss Jiang also knows it.
24:39Does Ye Yingmen
24:40really want to attack Zhongqiu Hunting Ground?
24:45Jin Mingdie died in this year.
24:47But didn't he die of illness?
24:50Is his death related to Ye Yingmen?
24:54What did you say?
24:56If they attack Zhongqiu Hunting Ground,
24:59we have to guard against it.
25:02But what does 53 mean?
25:0453 grams.
25:0653 grams.
25:08Why is it this time?
25:12It's already noon.
25:13Why hasn't anyone sent food yet?
25:15If it goes on like this,
25:16how can you eat?
25:20it's still mid-autumn today.
25:27Why is it getting dark?
25:30Why does the sky eat the sun?
25:32A big disaster is coming.
25:39What's going on outside?
25:40Madam, Jin Mingdie is dead.
25:42He is holding a national funeral now.
25:45He died when the sky ate the sun.
25:49I heard that he didn't even light a candle
25:51when it was dark.
25:52How could it be?
25:57The sky ate the sun.
26:0053 grams.
26:02The sky ate the sun.
26:03The sky ate the sun.
26:05The sky ate the sun.
26:07The sky ate the sun.
26:09How do you know the sky ate the sun?
26:15I'm a Saintess.
26:16I can predict the future.
26:18What's so strange about that?
26:19No, no.
26:21It seems that
26:22Ye Yingmen is going to take advantage of the sky
26:24to assassinate Jin Mingdie.
26:27Will you go to Zhongqiu Hunting Ground?
26:30I have to go.
26:33Will you help me?
27:37Zhongqiu Hunting Ground
27:54Go and sort out
27:56the testimonies from last night.
27:57Yes, my lord.
27:59You've been interrogating all day and night.
28:01Have a rest.
28:07Zhongqiu Hunting Ground
28:25Thank you, Yu Siwei.
28:27Any progress?
28:30It's just some ordinary gambling.
28:33You can pay the fine and lock up for a few days.
28:35Then you can release him.
28:36But according to them,
28:38this underground casino
28:40has been in operation for several years.
28:41We've never found anything.
28:44Fortunately, Yu Siwei
28:46is sharp and sharp.
28:48He can solve the problem of the country and the people.
28:51Mr. Shen, you're flattering me.
28:53Since you've praised me so much,
28:55I have to help you.
28:58How about this?
28:59You go out and get a letter of accusation.
29:02I'll interrogate the Minister of Rites, Zhou Yi.
29:07Minister of Rites, Zhou Yi?
29:13But you don't need to interrogate him.
29:16He's among the gamblers.
29:18What a coincidence!
29:21Miss Jiang.
29:26Mr. Zhen.
29:28Miss Si is here, too.
29:37The letter of accusation
29:53Minister of Rites, Zhou Yi.
29:58Minister of Rites, Zhou Yi.
30:03Minister of Rites, Yuan Mailang.
30:05Minister of Rites, Yu.
30:09I thought it was a joint operation.
30:11I didn't expect such a small casino
30:13to involve so many officials.
30:15It's full of dirt and secrets.
30:19Mr. Zhen,
30:20this underground casino
30:22may be related to Ye Yingmen.
30:35Minister of Rites, Zhou Yi.
30:45I'm sorry.
30:48I'm unfilial.
30:53I'm leaving.
31:05Minister of Rites, Zhou Yi.
31:15Sister Sun.
31:20I was talking to you during the day.
31:22I thought something was wrong with you.
31:24So I noticed that
31:26you were about to leave home.
31:27Yes, I'm leaving.
31:28Where can you go?
31:31Anywhere is fine.
31:32Just because of this marriage?
31:35In the rest of my life,
31:37I have no choice.
31:39I'll just leave.
31:41I won't be the third lady of Bo Mansion.
31:43I'll just be Jiang Qiao.
31:44I'll take care of
31:45what's good and what's bad.
31:47But you've never left home.
31:49If you leave Bo Mansion
31:51and don't be the third lady,
31:52how can you live outside?
31:54Do you know how dangerous it is?
32:00Are you worried about me
32:02or that after I leave,
32:04I'll be like Xiao Shi?
32:06What does this have to do with Xiao Shi?
32:08I saw Mrs. Li sending you back to Xiao Xiang Yuan.
32:12What's wrong?
32:14What happened?
32:20The third lady is leaving?
32:25Tell me.
32:26It's midnight.
32:28What's going on?
32:36the servants of the house
32:38heard something
32:40in Xiao Xiang Yuan at midnight.
32:42I brought some people
32:44to take a look.
32:46I didn't expect
32:48the third lady
32:50to leave home.
32:54Did you see it clearly?
32:56I dare not lie.
33:00The third lady
33:02was carrying the luggage
33:04and there was a farewell letter
33:06on the table.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:30Look at this.
33:32This is your daughter.
33:34Your daughter.
33:38This is your daughter.
33:45Are you really leaving?
33:47Are you leaving this house?
33:49Second Master,
33:51Qiao Er must have lost her mind
33:53because of the marriage.
33:55How could she really leave this house?
33:57Qiao Er, quickly,
33:59apologize to Grandmother and Second Master.
34:03Yes, I'm unfilial.
34:05Your father, your mother,
34:07they all left.
34:09This family doesn't want me to stay.
34:11I'd rather leave
34:13than marry a random person.
34:15The marriage hasn't been decided yet.
34:17You have a lot of
34:19unhappiness in your heart.
34:21You can always solve it.
34:25what else can I say?
34:27My will
34:29is stronger than
34:31a piece of paper.
34:33Okay, I'll take it.
34:35Thank you for your kindness.
34:37Mother, quickly,
34:39put it in for Mother.
34:41Fu, go help.
34:43No need, let him go.
34:45Here, Mother.
34:49That family seal
34:51is Uncle's trust.
34:53We just agreed to meet.
34:55We didn't say what to do.
34:57It doesn't matter if you meet or not.
34:59It doesn't matter if you get married or not.
35:01What is important
35:03is that I don't want to
35:05live like this for the rest of my life.
35:07The girls in Uncle's family
35:09are all
35:13Look at what
35:15you've done.
35:19I don't want to hurt anyone.
35:25this is your problem.
35:27Solve it yourself.
35:33Yes, Mother.
35:41Lock her up.
35:43Let her think about it.
35:45Second Master, please spare Qiao Er.
35:47And you, call her names.
35:49Go back and punish her ten times.
35:51Let her know
35:53how other families teach their children.
36:03Some people have broken
36:05Uncle's rules.
36:33Mr. Zhou.
36:37Mr. Zhou.
36:41Who is calling me?
36:53Mr. Zhou.
36:55Mr. Zhou.
36:57Mr. Zhou.
36:59Mr. Zhou.
37:01Qiao Er.
37:03Mr. Zhou.
37:05Mr. Zhou.
37:07Mr. Zhou.
37:09Mr. Zhou.
37:11Mr. Zhou.
37:13Mrs. Zhou.
37:17Don't you blame me?
37:19Blame you for what?
37:21Blame me for being willful
37:23and running away from home.
37:25Do you think
37:27your family's kindness
37:29is completely denied by you?
37:31Your father will naturally
37:33feel sad.
37:35But I know
37:37in Qiao Er's heart,
37:39there is a family
37:41and a position for me.
37:43I have never forgotten
37:45the kindness of you,
37:47my father,
37:49and others in this family.
37:51I don't want to leave all this.
37:55I really don't know
37:57what to do.
37:59I understand everything you said.
38:03I'm sorry, Mrs. Zhou.
38:05I know how careful
38:07and decent you are
38:09in this family.
38:13But now,
38:15it's all my fault.
38:17It doesn't matter.
38:19It doesn't matter at all.
38:21I don't care what they say.
38:23In this family,
38:25only you and Pei Er
38:27can live well.
38:29That is my greatest wish.
38:33I will accompany you to copy books.
38:35How can you
38:37ask for punishment yourself?
38:55Let's go.
39:23Third Sister.
39:27Pei Er.
39:29Madam, Third Sister.
39:31I just went to Guang Ju Lou
39:33and bought some snacks.
39:35They are fresh and hot.
39:37Isn't this Qiao Er's favorite snack?
39:41It smells so good.
39:43Try it, Qiao Er.
39:45I'm not hungry.
39:47I'll go make some tea.
39:53No need.
39:55I'm not thirsty.
40:03it's not easy for the three of us to get together.
40:05Let's sit down and have a drink.
40:07I think some people
40:09have ulterior motives
40:11and don't want to talk to us.
40:13Qiao Er, what are you talking about?
40:15I sent snacks with good intentions,
40:17but I was wrongfully accused
40:19by Third Sister.
40:21You know
40:23what your ulterior motives are.
40:25I didn't expect that
40:27you are already married
40:29but you are still thinking about Eighth Sister Xiao Shi.
40:31What good can she do for you?
40:33Xiao Shi?
40:35Pei Er,
40:37what did you do?
40:39What did I do to Eighth Sister Xiao Shi?
40:41You are talking nonsense.
40:43Madam, I personally saw
40:45Nanny Li send her back.
40:47I don't know what you and Xiao Shi
40:49are talking about.
40:51You came back and persuaded me to see Young Master Xiao.
40:53Isn't this Xiao Shi's idea?
40:55Last night, when I just left,
40:57my sister immediately chased me out.
40:59Nanny Li was so lucky
41:01to catch me.
41:03I think
41:05it was my sister who sent the message to Yaxin Yard.
41:07Pei Er, you are confused.
41:09Why are you still with him?
41:11Have you forgotten the old lessons?
41:15Is this how you look at me?
41:17Have you done this
41:21I just didn't expect
41:23that you are so hard to change.
41:25Qiao Er is your real sister.
41:27How can you
41:29help an outsider to deal with her?
41:31Since I hate you so much,
41:35I won't play along with you.
41:37She is not the one who should leave.
41:39It's me.
41:41There was a fight in Xiao Xiang Yard.
41:43Fifth Miss left the house
41:45a few days ago.
41:47She should have gone back to her husband's house.
41:49It rained heavily
41:51on the way from Lin'an to Linbei.
41:53The letter sent to Xiao's house
41:55may arrive a few days later.
41:57It's good that it arrives a few days later.
41:59It's a good time for Jiang Qiao
42:01to think about it.
42:03There are many good things.
42:05What's wrong
42:07with our Dongping Bo Mansion?
42:09Why is there not a single girl
42:11to worry about?
42:17for offending you last night.
42:19Yu Si Wei and I
42:21specially prepared some food
42:23to apologize to you.
42:25Thank you so much.
42:33This old man
42:35is so considerate.
42:39Mr. Zhen, I have to thank you.
42:41Come on.
42:45Mr. Zhou,
42:47take a look.
42:49Is this your name?
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