Welcome to the Family (2025) #LMN - BEST Lifetime Movies - Based on a true story (2025)
00:00:00Good morning! It's 7am and I am on the treadmill.
00:00:22Hashtag flawless body workout. Hashtag we're worth it.
00:00:26Oh and hashtag congratulations to the best boyfriend in the world.
00:00:29On his new business venture. I love you.
00:00:34I'm doing this for you guys. I want to see those likes and comments. Let's go!
00:00:46Thanks Alton, I appreciate it man.
00:00:49Yeah okay well look I hope you can make the opening tonight, seriously.
00:00:53I mean now that I finally have everything up and running, I got some even bigger plans.
00:00:59Good to see you baby girl. The reunion is going to be fabulous and the food is going to be some
00:01:05delicious collard greens, candied yams, of course my legendary apple pie.
00:01:10Mom you know I can't eat any of that stuff okay. I'm trying to work on my figure.
00:01:13Honey I don't know what love and hip-hop video you're watching now but I don't like it.
00:01:17Mom look if I'm happy with it you should be happy with it.
00:01:21Well the Yorkie Stella Brooks that I gave birth to is perfect just the way she is.
00:01:27Look me and Quentin are gonna come and see you this weekend.
00:01:30Honey I don't have time for the Quentin conversation again.
00:01:35I just wish you would date some more before you start getting so serious about him.
00:01:40When you settle down you will see that I am right.
00:01:43Quentin is a rehab counselor you just can't make a decent living as a social worker.
00:01:47Mom I gotta go okay.
00:01:48Honey what about that golf pro?
00:01:50Nope we're not gonna talk about him today bye-bye.
00:01:52Golf pro?
00:02:42Stella can you get Steven please?
00:02:43I'm sure.
00:02:44Come in.
00:02:51What's up what's going on?
00:03:02Did you see the comments on Twitter and all the vlogs?
00:03:04No what you look fantastic what are you living in the gym these days?
00:03:09Don't patronize me.
00:03:11I'm not because of this bump it's amazing.
00:03:14You are glowing isn't she glowing?
00:03:15Stella yes but do I look fat Stella?
00:03:18Not at all.
00:03:18No no.
00:03:20Okay again my baby fat love handles or Stella's regular ones?
00:03:25Excuse me okay I do not have love handles and the ones you have aren't gonna be going
00:03:29anywhere for the next 18 years.
00:03:31Aha okay now we're talking this is the truth I wanted to hear.
00:03:36Steven I'm taking my maternity leave early.
00:03:39Find another host.
00:03:40Beverly please don't do this we have a show.
00:03:44Once you couldn't have lied once.
00:03:48I'm sorry she had it coming.
00:03:50You will be sorry if you don't find me a new host fast.
00:03:52I can do it.
00:03:54I'm only the best story producer that you've had in the past three years.
00:03:57Don't even think about it Stella we need someone who has on-camera experience and you know this.
00:04:02Oh please Steven.
00:04:04Everyone can we please have the room?
00:04:15What are we gonna do?
00:04:16Even if I find a new person they're not going to be able to fit into the flow of this place
00:04:19the way that I can and I can produce my own segments give it a chance.
00:04:24This is a test.
00:04:26One segment if the viewers like you maybe I will consider letting you host for the remainder of her pregnancy.
00:04:35Well thank you Steven how gracious.
00:04:40If they love you I may be open to the possibility of hearing ideas for your own show.
00:04:48Steven you know it has always been my dream to have your own show.
00:04:51I know I said may okay.
00:04:53You have two days to come up with the story because we are streaming live this weekend.
00:04:57Two days live?
00:04:59I don't think so.
00:05:00There are three producers I know who would love this opportunity.
00:05:04Please have something on my desk an outline by tomorrow morning.
00:05:09I have an idea already.
00:05:29Good night.
00:05:47Hey babe me again just just trying to figure out where you are.
00:05:54Um it's about over I it's it's over I don't know just hit me back.
00:06:41Babe I'm so sorry that I missed your opening okay I really did try to get there.
00:06:47I gotta admit Stella I was a little hurt but
00:06:50I know you're working all right I get it I understand.
00:06:56Here there we go to us to us wait wait a minute what is it this oh no this is not a glass is no
00:07:08good that's dirty baby I got I gotta get you another glass.
00:07:11Why what no wait wait let me get you another glass just matter of fact can you come here for a second?
00:07:18Can you come here for a second?
00:07:19What are you doing?
00:07:20Please anything for you that's my girl come here here you go all right so hey wait what is what is
00:07:30what is that oh my god is this real baby it better be real oh my god of course it's real
00:07:39and so is my love for you oh my god I can't stop okay all right wait let me get this out first.
00:07:45Hey Stella will you marry me?
00:07:51Yeah oh my god oh my god I love you I love you so much I can't believe we're really doing it.
00:08:04I'm getting married and you are gonna have your own facility
00:08:10uh-huh I'm maybe getting my own show.
00:08:13There you go I like that.
00:08:16Can somebody say a power couple?
00:08:17Power couple.
00:08:21Baby just know I'm always take care of you okay I'm always have your back
00:08:29and your front and your other front and your other foot.
00:08:35What about the bottom?
00:08:36This weekend's gonna be remarkable no phones no cell phones no work just peaceful family bonding.
00:08:53Really be careful with that this is Nana's tea set I've been in the family for three
00:08:57generations come on you're gonna make me unpack everything yeah honey they're heirlooms and they
00:09:02should be shown off why have them you don't need a lot of refills for this honey you don't drink
00:09:10out of these it's just presentation okay that makes a lot of sense yeah this makes a lot of
00:09:15sense and what is this box come on what is this box oh what's in there oh well you have your
00:09:19heirlooms and I have mine you want me to sign it for you wow wow want me to sign something else
00:09:26you're a bad boy no oh hold that thought hold that thought
00:09:32it's Preston I told you never to call me here oh please how do you know it's mine
00:09:38Preston let me tell you something you better enjoy that phone now because when family gets here
00:09:47I want this weekend to be absolutely perfect families in Southern California are returning
00:09:53to unimaginable I don't know what she's gonna say because I didn't plan on telling her and you
00:10:00better not tell her either we're just gonna show up oh and could you maybe drive the speed limit so
00:10:04the camera crew can follow us perhaps okay oh babe look
00:10:13what is it it is an Elisa dress and it's one of the less expensive ones so we could get it for a
00:10:19good price how much eight thousand eight thousand wow yeah um you should probably get one in every
00:10:27color you know I was thinking the same thing like maybe for birthdays and bar mitzvahs anniversaries
00:10:36when I was 12 years old I saw Halle Berry walking down the red carpet wearing an Elisa dress I just
00:10:42knew I was gonna wear one and my father promised me right then that he was gonna buy me one for my
00:10:48wedding wow that's that's an amazing story baby but I want us to take care of our wedding why
00:10:57because I need to let your parents know I can take care of you but we can't afford all the
00:11:01things that I want baby what's more important me or this dress what's more important me or this dress
00:11:09why is it taking you so long I was gonna say you gosh bye-bye Ely yeah bye-bye
00:11:20and how do you have so much stuff anyway I just proposed to you
00:11:23yeah but in girl time it's been like years already I got a lot of stuff
00:11:32okay babe this is gonna be interesting
00:11:48how you feel I feel good I think it's gonna be good I'm ready you look amazing this is going to be
00:11:54amazing my mom's gonna love you she's gonna love your mustache she's gonna love look at the sun
00:12:00catching that diamond look at that I told you she's really gonna like that they're gonna love
00:12:05it okay all right I want you to take this and just put it oh no no no no no I need you to wear
00:12:09this I need them to see this you have to ask my father for my hand and when he gives it to you
00:12:13then we can make the formal announcement okay put that in your pocket mommy hi so cute
00:12:26honey listen I've got you some fresh lemonade your favorite oh I need them yes it's so so
00:12:32good to see you I'm so excited to be here likewise honey did you do something different
00:12:36with your hair honey I hope you're keeping these ends trim you look so much better
00:12:40with longer hair you know when it grows you know mother I love it yeah
00:12:49okay uh who's that oh uh you know what you guys talk I'm gonna grab the luggage okay okay
00:12:55is that a camera crew um honey what looks like the drama has already started
00:13:02I hope they know what they're getting themselves into come on that's a camera crew honey how are
00:13:06we gonna have an off the grid weekend with a camera crew stomping around my very expensive
00:13:10home mom that's why you got an expensive home so everyone can see it I know that but I don't need
00:13:14a camera crew this is a big opportunity for me hi hi they asked me to host interesting people
00:13:19in interesting places and it's a docu-series not a reality show and if it goes really good I may
00:13:24even get my own show isn't that great it sure is hi and she wants to start shooting now isn't
00:13:28that not so great hashtag stop well let's talk about it oh hashtag I know where this is going
00:13:38it is a docu-series it's not a reality show I don't even know what the big deal is with this
00:13:41whole thing you know she pretty much designed the landscaping so that people would see it and love
00:13:45it oh come on
00:14:00so Stella about how many people does this show broadcast to I don't know 200,000 viewers
00:14:10200,000 people are going to potentially see this show and potentially buy your book
00:14:15wow okay well I think that is a great idea um I'll talk to mom yes nothing to discuss Preston
00:14:21honey wait just hear me out okay no it's not a public affair um you are the mayor everything
00:14:29has always been a public affair yes you have an election coming up against a much younger
00:14:34candidate she's what 30 years old a millennial we as Gen Xers have to keep up right yeah mom you
00:14:41need to step up your social media game and stop being a dinosaur and use this to your advantage
00:14:51honey it's the 21st century you're still using a floppy disk oh
00:14:57and you are too but that's a whole other conversation got him
00:15:11so how will this work again we will uh shoot everything in these main rooms and the backyard
00:15:21and everything will stream live on a 10 second delay live yeah the uh the controller will use
00:15:27the IP address to upload the video to broadcast and there'll be a few cameras right a couple
00:15:32cameras couple right a couple couple okay plus three in the other room plus three really
00:15:40a couple in here
00:15:44listen um I'm the mayor and I have a reputation to protect
00:15:51uh there's just um certain family members um how should I put this they're not as refined as we are
00:15:59so uh I have a signal and when I introduce you to certain members I will point you like this
00:16:06whoo yeah and those people you will avoid filming huh gotcha gotcha yeah yeah you got it you got it
00:16:14stop that you good on that yeah nice let's give it a tester let's go yeah come on I've got to put
00:16:23these bags down my arms feel two inches longer here we go oh rolling let's go Angela hey what's
00:16:33six inches long two inches wide and drives the women wild money
00:16:42auntie Debra and Riley listen this is Terrence he's going to be filming us this weekend part of
00:16:47Stella's show oh my god really yes dear I mean I was gonna wait on my call back for r&b divas but
00:16:52once they see me turn up on this show oh my god my Instagram is gonna go through yes dear Angela
00:16:59you know those delicious apple pies you're always making you know what I just finished one
00:17:04baking this morning girl yes where are they are they in the kitchen yes they are look you know
00:17:08I've got this idea I want to run it by you okay I'm thinking I'm gonna figure out your recipe
00:17:13and then I'm gonna put it on the mark what do you think about that oh auntie Debra you just
00:17:19slay me you know what um my recipe has been in our family for years and I just don't
00:17:25feel right exploring it for this business venture
00:17:29yes but this is to fund cancer research don't you care about breasts
00:17:37oh no no no honey honey no no no tablets no phones no recipes emergencies only really
00:17:44mom I need that no you don't and give me the missy missy missy missy thank you
00:17:50why did you do
00:17:53oh my god Stella what you need to check out my mixtape I need to check out your mixtape yes
00:18:00everybody does
00:18:04Rowdy Riley
00:18:07hey the fans all time bestseller list see you want the camera crew for you you don't want it
00:18:12for my re-election honey when I think of me I think of us and we need to use this free publicity
00:18:18god you're pretty but please do not embarrass Stella and most importantly darling please
00:18:23do not embarrass me auntie um do you know whose these are uh yes and uh it's not uh
00:18:30auntie I'm your cousin dear whatever makes you feel younger because and what are you doing with
00:18:36that teacup you know what I think I saw candy from housewives of Atlanta mama using one of these
00:18:42I know it's real cute okay darling would you just please put that back and uh why don't you go find
00:18:46candy's mama and drink out of hers yeah I just don't understand why aren't you so late in life
00:18:59lord how you behave the universe is watching and so is the rest of America
00:19:16hey Stella can't know I'm here
00:19:27this is great TV I had no idea her family was so dysfunctional
00:19:51really babe looks like the heavy lifting is over hardly you try hosting and producing a
00:19:58hit television show not to mention all the waiting around for you to man up and ask my
00:20:03dad for his blessing oh hold up no okay next time you're on Instagram why don't you hashtag brand
00:20:10new why would I do that put this way next time you do it all right look your dad I got this
00:20:16taken care of he and I are gonna have a talk tomorrow are you so good night what why would
00:20:22you do that no didn't you hear your mother we're off the grid this weekend okay now I can easily
00:20:28go down there and tell her tell sergeant Angela Brooks that her daughter is up here still doing
00:20:33stuff okay now yes I will tell your mom now you yes yes now you man up and take your butt to bed
00:20:41come on now seriously okay I'm sorry I just I'm stressed out I need to like thank you yes listen
00:20:49I got you I got you all right you're gonna do fine everything's gonna work out I'm right here
00:20:54beside you and we're gonna have a great productive successful weekend that was pretty good huh I like
00:21:04that I like the productive and successful we're in there yeah yeah you know what you didn't say
00:21:08what didn't say sexy well I mean I was gonna say that once we got to bed but look you put in work
00:21:14okay you put in work and it's time to watch it pay off okay they gave you this opportunity why
00:21:20because they trust you okay so now I need you to trust yourself okay okay
00:21:35thanks Mr. Brooks for taking the time to talk to me
00:21:40no problem and call me Preston okay I'll
00:21:52oh oh close
00:22:00um look I just um want to take this opportunity to you know put the cards on the table
00:22:09I love your daughter sir and um when my parents passed away I had a drinking problem
00:22:15and that's in the past yes sir five years sober and I haven't missed drinking at all look Stella's
00:22:21been such a blessing to me and um that's why I want to ask for her hand in marriage you ready
00:22:27for marriage that's a rhetorical question because nobody's ever really ready for marriage I am sir
00:22:33I am sir I mean Stella's my other half now I know I can't buy her a big house right now or
00:22:41lavish gifts at least I've dressed son stop stop stop what is it that you can do for my daughter
00:22:48I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to protect honor and love your daughter sir
00:22:56all right well if you can do that then you have my blessing here I'll go collect my balls
00:23:02when I do you may give them back to Angela I heard that they're nice they're nice right right
00:23:15good morning Mayor Brooks what you're doing up this early I was talking to Quentin he's a solid
00:23:21young man please honey I just hope this is a phase with Stella I just don't want my
00:23:27baby kissing too many frogs before she finds her prince Stella will be fine babe relax besides
00:23:34I have a surprise for you oh take me yourself yeah you better be ready for big
00:23:39dinner when I come out of that bathroom are you serious sure you're right really yeah what
00:23:46I'll be right out baby
00:23:50waiting rollover minutes about to expire floppy disk I got your floppy disk right here
00:24:02there we go that's what I'm talking about
00:24:40look ouch I would never ask you to do these things if it weren't life-threatening
00:24:52what's so life-threatening in a refrigerator mom every family has their secrets let's just
00:24:58let this one be one of ours okay
00:25:22no I've got it from here you just go find the rest of your top
00:25:29boom I hope you find what you're looking for
00:25:42Angela's legendary apple pie
00:25:50oh a thing of beauty
00:26:00oh yeah
00:26:05so how many of those did you take oh I'm fine I only took one yeah four
00:26:14oh well we gotta film in two minutes we gotta film in two minutes it's not gonna go down
00:26:35it's not gonna go down in two minutes not in two minutes two days oh my god
00:26:45welcome to interesting people in interesting places I'm your interim host Stella Brooks and
00:26:50this is my most amazing family including my most interesting father Preston Brooks hi an award
00:26:56winning motivational speaker and author and author say hello dad hi I'm dad um you know
00:27:04it's funny that my daughter would say that I'm interesting because we're all interesting in our
00:27:08own way and there is a voice out there in the universe that teaches us all to move forward
00:27:14towards the reason that we're here on this god's green earth thank you that's right and once you
00:27:20tap into that special purpose and you become interesting and you also become a winner
00:27:28so true how about you show us around this interesting place I'd love to daughter you
00:27:34know it's funny that uh my wife told us that this bookcase is made of solid oak and it's
00:27:39extremely sturdy it can hold like 20 of these did I say 20 because these are $19.99 on amazon dad
00:27:50what are they saying what are they saying hang on
00:28:01hey what's up world I'm Roddy Riley you can hit me up online at Roddy Riley or go to my site and
00:28:07check out my latest mixtape featuring oh my god uh Lil Wayne, Lil Durk, Lil Bubbly, Lil Boosie
00:28:14and a host of other Lil people dad can I talk to you for a second oh sure yes
00:28:21this is amazing stay tuned $19.99 on Amazon
00:28:33okay zoom I said zoom that's amazing this is gold oh look at camera C
00:28:50I don't know which camera to cut to this is incredible
00:28:53it's this is an embarrassment of riches oh my god oh wow back to Riley
00:29:01look at her dang are you seeing this
00:29:10yes okay
00:29:14oh damn okay little one hey HBCU friends and fam spread the union
00:29:22and my grandmother's 80th birthday party we're hanging out in my family's vacation home which
00:29:27was built by my great-grandparents and it was also once a retreat to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
00:29:32isn't that right mother yes uh many many famous people have walked these halls yes
00:29:39this place helped fund Angela's campaign till it nearly bankrupted us not to mention the drought
00:29:45now it's just Nana's getaway and she's even late for her own birthday
00:29:49my great-aunt Deborah who is so great she once owned her own fleet of trucks during the Detroit
00:29:56City automotive boom isn't that right yeah they weren't letting black people like us own anything
00:30:02below the Mason Dixon line don't you mean African-American do you want me to say what I
00:30:09really mean oh yeah Riley Riley step over there darling Auntie Deborah why don't you just go
00:30:17finish your meal right over there oh Angela girl you put your foot in this food I can't wait for
00:30:25everybody to taste your legendary apple pie thank you Auntie Deborah you know um I care about
00:30:33politics but I care twice as much about taking care of my family you know I always said God
00:30:41intended for women to do their best work in the kitchen what baby well why do you think he put
00:30:47milk and eggs inside our body good lord sweetie cut Terrence really didn't you see my signal
00:31:00I have a big announcement to make
00:31:05let's talk about what's trending in social media if you're not watching interesting people
00:31:10you got to see this some new girl is hosting and she's hilarious
00:31:29thank you so much for uh you know welcoming me into your home um this woman right here
00:31:36I'm very much in love with this woman
00:31:40I mean you gotta be to love a woman who has more shoes than the hairs on her head right
00:31:46I have so many shoes
00:31:50uh look after I got her father's blessing and thank you for that I'm pleased to announce that
00:31:57Stella has agreed to become my wife put that away please stop please please just give me a second
00:32:03just stop stop where you are we didn't talk about a ring please do not go on your knee honey I
00:32:08didn't know what do you mean I didn't know about this this is what you talked about no we were
00:32:11talking about blessing but he didn't say anything we've never even talked about this honey honey
00:32:18why didn't you tell me you cannot get married what are you talking about I thought you cannot
00:32:23get no he did not talk to me this morning about you getting married we were going to talk about
00:32:29you know about I did not know no no
00:32:37son I like you so I'm gonna let you know a little secret about marriage timing timing
00:32:43oh damn mom mother you have no idea about commitment you're only 25 years old and clearly
00:33:01that boy has some issues you're one to talk besides you and dad got married when you were 25
00:33:06and everything worked out so perfect for you yeah because he had a great job he was in school getting
00:33:10his phd we were secure okay uh Quentin um is a rehab counselor at a community center what's wrong
00:33:18with the community okay can you honestly say that he can support you I feel like uh-huh no I thought
00:33:25not oh and to boot you know nothing about his family I told you he lost his parents when he
00:33:30was young what more do you want me to tell so basically you know nothing about him or his family
00:33:35hey guess what as a person who lost their parents when they were young I don't want to
00:33:38sympathize with him don't you do it on me oh I'm a grown-up I don't have to take this daddy
00:34:05who's that guy
00:34:09I got it
00:34:14oh honey you made it thanks for having me
00:34:25dad how'd you find me auntie Debra auntie uh-oh somebody got some slinging to do
00:34:32I know it's been a long time boy but come over here and give your dad a hug
00:34:36wait a minute did you say dad
00:34:46what are you even doing here
00:34:54did you invite him no he came with his fiancee aka his cousin am I the only one that saw this
00:35:00oh this is creepy hope he kept the receipt for that ring oh oh my gosh the ratings are about to
00:35:08go through the roof Terrence Terrence where are you are you Terrence get this oh no no please
00:35:20stop filming Stella I have specific orders not to stop shooting don't stop rolling Terrence
00:35:26whatever you do do not stop rolling this is embarrassing please cut to the bov cam pov
00:35:43oh god please please tell me that we are not related uh Shiloh's your grandfather right
00:35:51so my mom and Shiloh were siblings which means you guys second are
00:36:02third cousins no oh god no I grew up in Boston with my mother's family I never even knew my
00:36:10dad's side you know what it's true I'm Quentin's dad Stella it's nice to meet you although
00:36:19the circumstances are just sketchy as hell I mean I had been told that you were dead
00:36:27no that was his mom when he was young I see I must have really misunderstood
00:36:33you know it would be great to talk to you son it's been years what's the rush
00:36:40oh man oh I'm just saying that I don't want them to do something that they don't want to
00:36:53do honey Quentin and Stella are young they'll get over it and it's just a good thing that they
00:36:58found out now right well me inviting Fordell saved you two from having a three-legged grandchild
00:37:05I think you owe me look let's not be rash people what if they decide that they still
00:37:11want to get married and go through with it what right it could happen if I had my phone I could
00:37:17google to see whether it was legal or not well let's just look at this from a biblical standpoint
00:37:23now if in the beginning there was only Adam and Eve then this really ain't so bad because after
00:37:29all Eve actually came from Adam that's not the image I want in my head right now I don't care
00:37:35so technically that means that we're all related look stop the bottom line is if it's their
00:37:40decision and if they want to go through with it fine and if you have anything else to say
00:37:45I'm telling you right now to get a life because once you start to live a life fulfilled you'll
00:37:50stop worrying about the lives of others download my web series getalife.com prestona.com Terrence
00:37:56Terrence Clint please enough enough stop stop stop can somebody just help me like get ready for the
00:38:02rest of the family who will be coming in that means you useless she's talking to you I know
00:38:08she ain't talking to me oh good lord help me I got my help I cannot believe we are cousins
00:38:20we can't be together we should not be together I think we should just you lied about everything
00:38:25that's what I think you should have just told me the truth now look at this mess you've gotten
00:38:29us into you liar what baby I just found out the same time you found out our whole relationship
00:38:35has been a lie okay but it could have been avoided if you just told me the truth about
00:38:40everything no wait time's up my mom yes my dad just dead to me he wasn't around no he wasn't
00:38:47around babe people lie to protect the ones they love okay then from what he humiliated okay what
00:38:51else could I say all right father's day is coming up how about let's try and track mine down you is
00:38:56would that have worked this all could have been avoided why are we even talking about my dad here
00:38:59all right we should be talking about the fact that we're cousins I thought we were talking
00:39:03about the fact that we're cousins which is something that we did not know because you
00:39:06didn't tell me that you had parents that were living if you show me a picture of the guy I
00:39:09could have told you I was related to him maybe possibly he'd be standing next to a relative of
00:39:13mine but no you didn't give me any choice you just just incestuously ruined my life so you're
00:39:19saying you wish we were avoided how's it gonna look on television if I marry my cousin have a
00:39:24whole camera crew here in my family's house okay hey hbcu good yeah looks good drink not you me
00:39:38oh my god mom grown folks drink honey
00:39:44so you want the real story
00:39:47okay here's something interesting none of this would have happened if my sister Baylor hadn't
00:39:55gotten herself involved with a married man personally I was hoping she'd open the door
00:39:59for me because I wanted to do what I wanted to do too and I had my eye on a white gal that was just
00:40:07oh sorry anyway because Baylor didn't believe in spanking Fordell just did whatever the heck
00:40:14he wanted I mean he got a girl pregnant at 16 he was just ripping and running the streets
00:40:19and quiet as cat that Angela oh that was a hot one too I'm still surprised she turned out to be
00:40:26mayor anyway all I'm saying is if Fordell were my child I would have spanked that behind so hard
00:40:34child protective services would still have my picture hanging on the wall to this day
00:40:38would you please just stay away from the camera and would you give me that so-called recipe
00:40:51make me sick the stunner's mom just throw out some gang signs yes and did auntie just say
00:40:58she had a crush on a white guy you know what this is getting way too interesting
00:41:04I think I'm gonna have to hashtag I do or I don't hashtag cousin love nasty
00:41:13today's topic would you marry your cousin hashtag I do hashtag I don't
00:41:35hey one choice
00:41:40this one bam shut up oh my god thank you so much Terrence thank you I thought I was gonna
00:41:49die here without my phone but I know it's actually been kind of nice thank you again
00:41:54you're welcome um yeah it has been nice out here a little change of pace from city life in Atlanta
00:42:02yeah yeah despite the chaos it's um I've had fun out here me too so what's next for you
00:42:10um well I will be going to Spelman College for their biology program
00:42:17so what you gonna tell little Boos here now oh shut up shut up it um music is just it's just a
00:42:25hobby I got a depression so okay well I have to admit that sounds sexy Dr. Riley oh really
00:42:35go for Terrence Terrence I need to review the dailies copy I almost forgot I was working uh
00:42:42you hold on to that phone until you get back to Atlanta I will Dr. Riley stop go
00:43:16good night cuz
00:43:17no room
00:43:22dang sucks to have a cousin that fine
00:43:27you okay yeah well good news look where'd you get this phone Terrence what are you doing with Terrence
00:43:39oh gross oh my god oh shut up at least he's not my cousin oh you know what he's your cousin too
00:43:47whatever whatever gotta check some emails oh no I already tried it I can't go online
00:43:54he said it won't work until they reconnect the router tomorrow they unplugged the router
00:44:00look I know I'm having withdrawals too look look my hand is shaking it's shaking
00:44:06oh it's my boss just answer it no no hey Steven how are you
00:44:14who's this it's Riley Riley you know the hottest producer in the game with the number two mixtape
00:44:19in the country featuring um you already know Lil Wayne Lil Boosie Lil um stop hello Steven this is
00:44:26Stella Stella what where have you been I've been trying to reach everyone for hours where is
00:44:31everyone uh we have a bad connection here okay well I'm calling to congratulate you
00:44:40viewership is skyrocketing and social media is blowing up that's not about me
00:44:48wow that is really good news um I was actually thinking that maybe we could
00:44:52um stop production you know just stop filming everything
00:44:58you're kidding right you're kidding this is amazing stuff okay but oh and be sure to get
00:45:04the official breakup with you and Quentin on camera okay we don't want any confusion
00:45:09or ambiguity about that all right oh see the thing is I haven't actually broken up with him yet so
00:45:18that's good that's good okay get it on camera talk to you soon bye-bye
00:45:55oh boy you scared me
00:46:00sorry I didn't mean to startle you no no need to rush off come here
00:46:06oh honey don't feel bad about it things happen my parents freaked when I shared my preference
00:46:12but you can't control who you love and sometimes you just got to dig your heels in and fight for it
00:46:19Quentin when you look around here what do you see
00:46:26family heritage that's right my grandparents bought this place with blood sweat and tears
00:46:33it's all very simple if you don't know your past you'll never know your future
00:46:39but what does that have to do with Stella and me well today it may seem like you lost a loved one
00:46:47but really you gained an entire family and you're going to be a part of this family for the rest of
00:46:53but really you gained an entire family just by knowing where you came from
00:47:00I didn't think about it that way look I know I might joke around a lot but
00:47:08one thing my elders taught me was the importance of family and I want the
00:47:13next generation to pass that on because without it nothing else really matters get some rest
00:47:22love you love you
00:47:46that looks good honey oh thank you baby oh thank you coffee
00:47:50honey so I packed up the tea set and would you mind taking the box put in the garage to keep it
00:47:54safe mm-hmm I could do that are you enjoying uh looking at that picture oh stop honey I'm looking
00:48:02because I like the graphics if I invited Denzel Washington over so I could watch his graphics
00:48:08you'll be okay with that I ain't afraid of Denzel you can bring him I mean how much worse can this
00:48:13we can be with no phones or computers oh wait you still have yours honey you agreed to all
00:48:18this remember and I'm the mayor I have to have my phone for emergencies this weekend is about
00:48:22family bonding oh Stella is marrying her cousin how much more bonding can we do
00:48:29really it's comfortable you know you're gonna need to change your shirt
00:48:36hey man oh hi baby nana daddy nana james and finally chris I'm sorry but your nana
00:48:45yoga didn't want to come till last night well I was in a bidwist tournament look so pretty thank
00:48:51you so do you nana why did you guys come from the back well I don't walk past owls they are
00:48:59messengers of death oh nana they're supposed to be good luck plus they were donated by the
00:49:03kennedys yes and I've lived long enough to see most of them killed that's why I came through the back
00:49:11you got a point there
00:49:14Well where's he at? I don't know daddy I think he went to get clients.
00:49:17Where's he at? I don't know daddy I think he went to get clients.
00:49:19I told you no phone you should be happy I found my phone in the box in your
00:49:46bedroom at the base of your closet well at least you two are not dependent on
00:50:04devices why don't even try why don't even try soul has now for Dale you
00:50:28listen your mom passed away before we could settle our differences and that
00:50:33bothers me to this day I want us to have a relationship there's my superstar
00:50:40making sure you don't mess things up I came to congratulate you on what you
00:50:47have added nearly 20,000 new viewers that is unheard of are you ready to host
00:50:54the Emmys red carpet the Emmys come no but I they will if you keep this up I
00:51:01promise you my gonna get my own show or not you are definitely heading in that
00:51:07direction oh and I'm really sorry you couldn't have to break up I know family
00:51:21talk and they say things that you know yeah especially about you you know they
00:51:26say you got two more kids running around is that true interesting people want to
00:51:29know Deborah hush that big mouth of yours see I fell down the steps when I
00:51:35was carrying her I cannot believe that you were flirting with me out there why
00:51:41not it can't be with Quentin and the viewers want what's best for you gotta
00:51:48keep them engaged this is turning into a reality show no come on Beverly never
00:51:54got these kind of numbers this is something very special and thankfully
00:51:59finally getting my second chance whoa sorry for focusing on my career a little
00:52:09too much it paid off interactive TV is now being courted by Twitter and
00:52:16Periscope as we speak well that's great thank you I need a guy who has time for
00:52:22me I'm right here I need a man who has time for me and who wants to have a
00:52:26family you don't want a family Quentin is your family so at the end of the day
00:52:31the only one you have to answer to is God now this is a very good birthday
00:52:41so much family coming together well you can thank me for that because I invited
00:52:47Fordell oh fine thank you for these two presents you're welcome no I actually
00:52:58came with Stella oh I think this is my phone I gotta take this I have grown
00:53:07where you've grown I think we would make a fantastic power couple like Barack and
00:53:14Michelle Jay-z and Beyonce George Clooney and that lawyer woman you can't
00:53:25be serious okay no what we had was brief yeah I understand but we had fire what
00:53:33there's still a spark yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna get a fire extinguisher well
00:53:42Steven I can't believe you just kissed me oh it was nice things like that
00:53:47happened when families fall apart but there are worse things do you love her
00:53:54I do well let's see if Nana can work some magic
00:54:18yo what you watching the show now whoa whoa slow down slow down Stella and
00:54:28Steven wait come on can't just come in here and take over you kissed him no you
00:54:36have a nerve not to trust me I didn't kiss him he kissed me wait how did he
00:54:41know that everybody knows Stella everybody are there cameras everywhere
00:54:50everyone just keep a level head oh god hey you you need to leave well I can I
00:54:56can handle this okay
00:55:04no wait Stella Stella we need to talk Stella you deserve better
00:55:09wait wait wait wait wait what'd you say I said she deserves better why did you
00:55:18do that me and who's he are you trying to be with this guy you didn't have the
00:55:23right to hit him no no no no no no no please I asked you to please put that in
00:55:28a safe place he's my boss well someone give me an ice pack please
00:55:32there's three generations three generations there is no glorification in
00:55:38boastful behavior well from we don't tolerate this mess
00:55:42Stella I'm suing no please hey I don't give a damn I'd expect that from a punk
00:55:49like you anyway son this is not how we conduct ourselves
00:55:55no good thing letting you be the man of the house you approved all this remember
00:56:04you remember then this solid young man
00:56:19so that's it
00:56:22that's it you're not you're not even gonna fight for us not even a little bit
00:56:26not not even as a family
00:56:35all this time I was hoping you'd be different when I thought I'd be a part
00:56:40of a family but I see all that matters around here is everyone's everyone's
00:56:48selfish ambitions you know there's more to life than climbing the ladder of
00:56:56success and stepping on the ones that love you just to get there
00:57:07I'm out of here
00:57:18man are you gonna party or not it's like this cake
00:57:35what's she doing
00:57:39what's it like I'm doing it looks like you're leaving hmm you know I can't guess
00:57:53I can't blame you for running off and leaving this dysfunctional family behind
00:57:57now I get it I get it no I had my own set of issues and I did exactly what
00:58:11you're doing right now I shut down and I thought by running it would make things
00:58:18better at some point but it doesn't you gonna wake up one day and realize that
00:58:26you lost ten years of something in your life that could have been very special
00:58:36are you doing this right now you you're giving me advice hmm you can give me
00:58:46advice after all these years you're gonna play daddy that's what I have no
00:58:50right and I don't blame you for not you're right
00:58:53you have no right
00:58:56steady hair by myself my daddy Stella honey I I know you're hurting honey but
00:59:06I promise you it's for the best honey mom not now okay listen Quentin is has
00:59:15anger issues I mean he is dishonest I don't and your poor boss I mean
00:59:19hopefully he realizes it's not your fault why don't you like Quentin because
00:59:29he reminds me of my ex-husband I fell in love with him and his big old dreams you
00:59:39know and we went bankrupt due to his potential Quentin is the same man if you
00:59:46follow his dreams you struggle like I did why didn't he ever tell me that I
00:59:53never knew you were married before dad because I work very hard to build on a
01:00:00clean slate and I vowed that me no my children would ever have to deal with
01:00:08that ever again honey I know you're hurting please just trust me
01:00:38exact spot I met your mother you just two kids trying to figure things out and
01:00:50then you came into the world and life happened so fast are you even here like
01:00:57I was 16 scared sure I would mess your life up you were just that perfect you
01:01:12know used to used to grab my leg and look at me with them big old eyes and be
01:01:17like you know you're the most bestest daddy in the whole world but you know
01:01:24the crazy thing I knew I would have to live up to that title someday and that
01:01:29scared the hell out of me Quentin so I just figured I would pursue my music and
01:01:38then come back when I got it all together it just never happened I was
01:01:43scared too me I was scared too when when mama died
01:01:49and I was worried about you and I prayed and I hope that you will be there for me
01:01:57when I couldn't figure it all out and you never were
01:02:02I used to I used to ask God you know what I never thought God heard my prayers
01:02:20until Stella came into my life and then I realized that every time I took a
01:02:28drink every every single time I took a drink it was so that I wouldn't think
01:02:35about you and the worst part about it
01:02:41it's for your being like you're sorry ass
01:02:49you're a much better man than I ever was Quentin
01:02:54you know I know I can't change the past but if you can find it
01:03:01in your heart to forgive me and just give me a chance to be part of your
01:03:11future I'm gonna be there for you I'm gonna be there for you
01:03:16I'm gonna be there for you I'm gonna be there for you
01:03:21and just give me a chance to be part of your future so I can prove to you that I
01:03:27love you
01:03:31could you do that
01:04:00hey it's I have no idea okay hold on Terrence Terrence yeah what happened
01:04:12with the punch buddy um funny thing happened I couldn't edit it out there
01:04:18was a glitch in the 10-second delay a glitch yeah little one
01:04:29this is not over
01:04:33go again for Steven
01:04:49I'm sorry about what I said earlier so you um feel I only care about myself
01:05:00you've changed loving and making law for so long you forgot people can make their
01:05:07own decisions without your consent am I that bad yeah I gotta apologize to
01:05:24Quentin and for tell Oh God and Stella
01:05:29and you should know Nana's not pleased she's threatened to put an owl by your
01:05:42bedside and let karma take matters into its own
01:05:48I'll break off my switch from that tree let's just say you might want to put
01:05:55down the pound cake and come inside and eat a slice of fumble pie and if that
01:06:04don't work I broke off the switch for you don't make me laugh I'm sad I screwed
01:06:13up I screwed up I didn't mean to screw up but I screwed up I love you
01:06:26thank you for being you you don't know nothing about no crazy everybody I just
01:06:55I wanted to apologize about all the all that commotion up there I don't know I
01:07:02don't know what that was about Oh girl back in the 80s every family
01:07:07gathering had a fight hmm I'm just glad she brought it back oh my god oh this
01:07:13internet business is a bunch of self-worship oh there it is actually a
01:07:19really cool thing that allows you to get whatever you want at the click of a
01:07:22button if you say so Yogi Nana Stella I'm just doing Stella yeah she was
01:07:29embarrassed when she was little so I let her use her middle name hmm well you
01:07:35were given your name for a reason don't you ever forget your heritage Yogi means
01:07:41rain and rain brings forth fruit Yogi is after Stella's great-granny
01:07:48Francis was my cousin who risked his life to save my daughter oh yes he did
01:07:54honey and if it wasn't for him you wouldn't even be here wait where did
01:07:59Estella come from yeah yeah Estella was my birth mother yeah I was gonna tell
01:08:08you all this a few hours ago but all hell broke loose my mom fell very ill
01:08:13after I was born and couldn't keep me Estella's grandmother and my grandmother
01:08:19were sisters so when Estella fell ill they asked me if I would take Shiloh and
01:08:28raise him until she got better but unfortunately she died a few months
01:08:35later then you never said anything about this before back then there were a lot
01:08:39of in-family adoptions without papers family has got to talk more and pass
01:08:46down our heritage so that we know more about ourselves or you could end up
01:08:54accidentally marrying your cousin oh you could learn about your self-worth that
01:09:10I mean I just kind of really want to know is marrying your distant cousin
01:09:18that bad I mean I'm just saying could Quentin fine sponsored by s oh hey I
01:09:29thought I told you to leave I'll call you back we haven't talked about your
01:09:33show I want to hear all your ideas I don't want to hear anything from you
01:09:37okay I want you to take your cameras and get out get out I haven't become
01:09:44this rich by making stupid decisions okay if I knew your family was so
01:09:48dysfunctional I would have let you do this a long time ago my family is not
01:09:54dysfunctional clearly you haven't seen the footage I don't need to see footage
01:09:58you know I come from a family of trailblazers my mother broke racial
01:10:02barriers as the mayor of this town and I want these cameras out of here
01:10:11we're good here
01:10:32I was going to leave but I remember someone saying that it wasn't respectful
01:10:46to leave without a proper goodbye baby I'm sorry I lied to you I was only
01:10:52trying to protect myself and I shouldn't have and I should have been I understand
01:10:56I'm sorry I didn't give you my full support back there at my family I messed
01:11:01up but I still want to spend my life with you
01:11:07oh and it turns out we're not even really cousins wait wait we're like six
01:11:13or seven cousins nanny Yoki is um she's not really my grandfather's anyway it
01:11:19doesn't matter it's a long story but the good news is that we can get married if
01:11:24you still want to know I just feel like
01:11:54announcement announcement announcement everybody announcement everybody Quentin
01:12:14and I have decided that we are getting married oh I'm sorry dad and mom but our
01:12:21decision is final so we just need to come up with a date for next year and we
01:12:28really hope everyone can attend because we'd love to have you there okay well
01:12:32I'm studying abroad in South Africa in December so I don't oh and in January I
01:12:36have my road of life book tour so I can't possibly do that I think it starts
01:12:39in in Akron and then it goes to Canton
01:12:44I finally decided what I want for my birthday and it's for you two to get
01:12:53married here tomorrow at the family reunion no no Nana I can't do that
01:13:00because that is 24 hours it's not enough notice as mayor you know what I could
01:13:07pull some strings you know get a wedding license I thought you said that the
01:13:11internet could do anything with the click of a button I did but oh well
01:13:17then click something and let's have a wedding all right well okay it's too
01:13:25late to call the bakery but I can make my famous apple pie yes my pies I can
01:13:31do here you know you know I throw down and Terrence can just take the ceremony
01:13:35yeah but Terrence isn't here anymore so he's not gonna be able well I actually
01:13:39tend to say he's out back
01:13:43oh all right let's have a wedding
01:14:05right here hot pat please thank you that looks good
01:14:23Nana right here don't fantastic photo could you get the bottles of wine please
01:14:28yes now to get whatever else else is left out there thank you
01:14:35what hey mom I mean mrs. Brooks I meant to give you this yesterday but I think
01:14:45we're all preoccupied is that my tea set maybe
01:14:54I made them myself crazy what five years sober will teach you when you replace
01:15:01with other activities Quentin these are beautiful I know it broke your heart
01:15:09yesterday when the tea set got ruined so I just wanted to do something this is my
01:15:14way of picking up those pieces and hopefully rebuilding this family's bond
01:15:19even stronger my daughter is truly blessed to have such a sweet young man
01:15:28miss Brooks are you okay yeah thank you and it's okay to call me mom son thank
01:15:40you for your blessing means more do you know seriously just make sure you take
01:15:45care of my baby huh yes ma'am I will yeah I promise you welcome to the family
01:15:57Wow isn't that a beautiful sight yeah yeah look at that come on oh I heard
01:16:04that you can sing oh yeah of course you can yeah yeah he used to sing to me every
01:16:09night before I went to sleep when I was little you remember that of course I do
01:16:14and that's exactly why I wanted to ask you to sing at my wedding yeah yeah yeah oh yeah
01:16:24wait excuse me I know who that is okay hey you promised uh-huh I sure did okay all right
01:16:36nice okay what you gonna say here comes the bride
01:16:40okay that's enough you don't like it I need something it's like you know my wedding I
01:16:52want to look kind of sexy but like traditional okay well I like this one it's really classy
01:16:57and it's Nana's really okay my boozer no oh sorry baby can you come out to the room for a
01:17:03second I mean can I come inside no okay can I see for one second I have something to show you
01:17:10please don't look I'm not I can't see anything I got you okay wait wait wait wait I know oh my
01:17:30god mom did you do this no baby all Quentin how did you do this okay yes I just going live on
01:17:45Twitter and Periscope so come on make it tight okay good all right hey if anyone out there is
01:17:52still watching I need some help tomorrow I'm marrying the woman of my dreams who also happens
01:17:58to be one of the most interesting people I know huh now although this won't be exactly the wedding
01:18:04she imagined I very much like to make part of her dream come true still so if anyone has access to
01:18:11an Elisa wedding dress up Elisa Elisa that yes if anyone has access to one of those please please
01:18:23contact me I really hope you like them baby I guess that old internet is useful after all
01:18:31you know these dresses are really amazing but I think I want to wear Nana Yoki's dress
01:18:53and do you Quentin take Yoki Estella Francis Brooks
01:19:23to be your wife promising to cherish and protect her whether in good fortune or adversity for as
01:19:31long as you two shall live I do then by the power vested in me by preacher day pass calm I now
01:19:40pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride
01:20:10thank you and may I say you look absolutely beautiful today thank you but what's wrong
01:20:23I was multitasking and it's okay I took him out for you what me and mrs. Perkins we know how long
01:20:37you slaved making you and I love you