(Adnkronos) - “Sono stati fatti tantissimi progressi nel campo delle malattie ematologiche rare, sia per quanto riguarda i pazienti con patologie croniche, sia per quelli con patologie tumorali". Lo dichiara Erica Finolezzi, dirigente medico nell’Uoc di Ematologia dell'Azienda ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata di Roma, in occasione dell’evento ‘Di che sangue sei?’, parte del progetto ‘Blood Inclusivity’ di Sobi, svoltosi a Roma presso lo Spazio Mastai del Palazzo dell’Informazione.
00:00What are the progresses of your research?
00:04There are a lot of progresses,
00:08the most varied, because it depends on the diagnosis, of course,
00:11but here we understand various types of patients,
00:15patients with chronic pathologies,
00:17and patients with tumoral pathologies,
00:20which are not really chronic.
00:23The impact is certainly different
00:26in both subtypes of patients,
00:29but the therapies that came out are new,
00:36there has been a lot of progress in both areas,
00:40and this is where, in my opinion,
00:44the importance of such initiatives is born,
00:47because it makes you understand how much you have to involve
00:51both the doctor and the patient
00:54in knowing this pathology well
00:57and the impact it has on everyday life.