• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ci interessa avere personale formato che lavorerà poi nel sistema della Protezione civile e dall'altra ci interessa avere dei professionisti in tanti settori, dalla giurisprudenza all'ingegneria alla geologia, che conoscano gli aspetti che riguardano i rischi e la riduzione dei rischi”. Così Daniela Di Bucci, Geologa, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, ha spiegato l’importanza del progetto Return Academy, il percorso di formazione destinato a formare figure professionali altamente qualificate mediante lo sviluppo di competenze interdisciplinari in materia di gestione dei rischi di disastro in contesti di cambiamento climatico.


00:04The RETURN ACADEMY is part of the RETURN project,
00:07which is the largest project we have ever had in Italy on the issues of risk and civil protection.
00:12So, from my point of view, having a RETURN brand for the training part,
00:17in the broadest sense that you said,
00:19is important because it puts behind all the knowledge
00:23that this group of researchers brings with them within the project.
00:28So, it contains, in the teaching training part,
00:31highly up-to-date research content.
00:34For us, as the Civil Protection Department,
00:36as the Civil Protection System, the training part is very important.
00:40And it is important on two levels.
00:43On the one hand, we are interested in having trained staff
00:46who will then work in the civil protection sector.
00:49And on the other hand, we are interested in having professionals
00:52in many sectors, from law to engineering to geology,
00:56who know the aspects of risk and risk reduction,
01:00so that they can bring this experience into their professions.
01:04And this allows us to have qualified staff in all sectors of activities
01:09and to reduce the risk conditions in the future.
