• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - "I malati rari ematologici hanno potuto usufruire delle novità terapeutiche che sono state sviluppate negli ultimi trenta e quaranta anni, ora le possibilità sono molteplici. Questo permette una maggior consapevolezza dei pazienti e una maggiore interazione col medico nella scelta della terapia". Lo afferma Cristina Santoro, dirigente medico nell’Uo di ematologia dell' Azienda policlinico Umberto I di Roma, in occasione dell’evento ‘Di che sangue sei?’, parte del progetto ‘Blood Inclusivity’ di Sobi. Questo incontro è stato un’importante occasione di confronto, dove si sono discusse le necessità dei pazienti, gli unmet need, i progressi ottenuti e le sfide future, con l’obiettivo di promuovere una vera e propria cultura che garantisca uguaglianza e pari dignità, anche nel settore sanitario.


00:00What do you think about the future of therapy?
00:04Certainly, rare hematological diseases have been able to take advantage of all the therapeutic novelties
00:15that have developed in the last 30-40 years,
00:20and therefore the therapeutic possibilities are many.
00:26This certainly leads to a greater awareness of patients
00:32and also a greater exchange between the doctor and the patient
00:38in what concerns the choice of the most suitable therapy for the patient's lifestyle,
00:44that is, his needs, his quality of life.
00:49Let's say that the choice of therapy has become a much more complex thing
00:55that takes into account many variables, both clinical,
00:59but also the quality of life of the patient and his needs.
01:05Therefore, even events like this, in which a series of themes of various natures
01:13are close to the patients, can always be useful to increase their awareness
01:20and therefore also the possibility of so-called empowerment,
01:24because there is a lot of talk about it, but it is an important thing,
01:28the patient has an important role among the various health stakeholders.
01:34Hemophilia, which is a so-called diagenic transmission disease,
01:40that is, it is the woman who is the carrier and, let's say,
01:43the male affection is fundamentally male,
01:47therefore women with this pathology are very rare.
01:50Speaking, for example, of TP, that is, of immune thrombocytopenia,
01:55there is a certain prevalence of the woman, because as in all autoimmune diseases,
02:01let's say, the woman is more affected in this sense.
