• 4 hours ago
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👉 Code créateur EpicGames: FuzeLeVrai
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00:00Today, I'm going to build THE worst amusement park of all time, Détraqué Park.
00:05In each episode, we're going to build a part of the park with a very specific theme,
00:08and the only rule is that no one dies, except maybe today.
00:12Why ? Because this guy, Julie Jonas, we're going to call him the Détraquos.
00:16In 2010, he modeled a design of a potential giant, designed to...
00:19kill the people in it, yes, yes.
00:21It looks like this, and I'm sure you've already seen it somewhere.
00:25Well, you know what ? This will be the first Détraqué Park attraction.
00:28Let's go, we're starting on this wasteland,
00:30and by the end of the video, we should have an attraction park even more dangerous than Action World.
00:34Yeah, I'm sure I reminded you of Squeezie's video.
00:37We, I remind you that our goal is to build dangerous roller coasters.
00:40Obviously, I could build this attraction, it would be very good, very stylish,
00:44but it's not dangerous enough.
00:46Instead, I'm going to delete this, oh yeah, I have to delete everything actually,
00:49and I'm going to create a personalized element.
00:52So here, I have to choose what kind of train I want to take,
00:55you know what ? And it would kill me to have these little things here,
00:58which seem to be very cute in reality, but which will kill people.
01:01Well, already, it's not in the right direction because it goes to the entrance,
01:03and our Euthanasia Coaster is gigantic.
01:05But when I say gigantic, it's really gigantic.
01:08Tell yourself that the highest point is 500 meters,
01:10that is to say, 1.5 times the Eiffel Tower,
01:12which may explain, beyond the danger, why no one built it in real life.
01:16Here, we're going to be much better.
01:17The first step will be to build the rise of the roller coaster.
01:20So I don't know how far we can go in this game, I feel like we've reached the height limit.
01:23Hey, it's not that much.
01:25Look, we can only go up to 246 meters.
01:27What is the highest attraction in the world?
01:32Apparently, it's an American attraction, how surprising.
01:34And the highest point of this attraction is 139 meters.
01:37At 100,000 likes, I would go test it.
01:39Yeah, we're getting back to the good habits of stupid like objectives.
01:41But okay, it's not the same size as the plans of our Détracos,
01:44but it's still quite viable as a world record.
01:46For the little anecdote, Julie Jonas, the Détracos,
01:49he had planned that once he got to the top, the car would take a break,
01:52and that all the passengers of the Grand 8 should press a button to be able to continue.
01:55Like, are you okay to die?
01:57I don't know if we can do that in the game, actually.
01:59Can we add little elements, little decoration elements?
02:02But I think that in real life, yes.
02:04But you know what? We're still going to focus on the main element of euthanasia.
02:07Once you get to the top, the idea is to make the descent as angry as possible.
02:10So here, I feel like I can even do it at 90 degrees.
02:13No, but it's not possible.
02:14Oh, but at what speed are we going to go?
02:15So here, I think we're on something even angrier than the initial design.
02:20Anyway, I don't think it's going to pass the tests.
02:22Because yes, there are going to be tests to make sure that the Grand 8 is really functional.
02:26I hadn't seen it, but the pillars...
02:27Look at the face of this thing, it's extremely ugly.
02:31Since a test is worth more than a thousand words,
02:33I suggest you to test the Grand 8,
02:35even if for the moment, it tells me that it needs electricity.
02:38Because yes, we're playing on Planet Coaster 2.
02:41We had already made a mini-series on the 1 that I had stopped.
02:44By the way, you have a lot to ask me for the sequel.
02:45So consider that this video is more or less.
02:47And especially in the 1, it seemed to me that there was no need to manage the electricity or that kind of thing.
02:51It's going to be extremely annoying.
02:53So, from what I understood, obviously, I have the possibility to place solar panels,
02:56which I then have to connect to an electricity distributor.
02:59So here, normally, it's good, our attraction is powered by electricity.
03:02In any case, to believe the little symbol that has disappeared.
03:04And so, before continuing, I suggest you to launch a little test.
03:06So here, this button, normally, is supposed to launch the car,
03:09which will allow us to have information on the fun of the attraction,
03:11and especially on its danger.
03:13Isn't it, brother?
03:14Yeah, me too, I'm a little stressed out there.
03:15Well, it's not that the climb was super long, but the climb was super long.
03:18I frankly think that the descent is going to be much less.
03:21Come on, we raise our arms, and here we go, we're going to die!
03:26It's going fast, huh?
03:27It's going fast, this junk.
03:28And then, there, normally, it should explode on the ground.
03:30Oh, hey!
03:31Oh, it's so cool, it made sparks!
03:32But the game is too well done!
03:33Now that we've done the test, we have very interesting data.
03:36Like, for example, the speed of the car.
03:38So, we see that we were at 14 km per hour at the beginning,
03:40and that we end up at 230.
03:41Which is pretty good, even if, in reality, we should be more around 360 km per hour.
03:46In any case, that was what was planned in the basic design,
03:47but I think the difference is due to the fact that we just have something less high than the original thing.
03:51Now, the real reason why people die in this attraction,
03:54it's not because of the speed, it's because of the acceleration.
03:57Usually, we speak in terms of G.
03:59A G corresponds to the gravitational attraction.
04:01Basically, you're standing, you don't move, you automatically weigh once your weight.
04:05Now, the more you accelerate, the more G you're going to take.
04:08At 2 G, for example, you weigh the equivalent of twice your weight.
04:11By comparison, to tell you, in a rocket take-off, we're between 3 to 4 G.
04:15And I'm not talking about grams of alcohol, okay?
04:17Maybe Thomas Pesquet sends himself a small bottle of red wine before taking off, but I'm not sure.
04:20That's why in astronaut training, they're put in a kind of centrifuge,
04:23it's to test their resistance to acceleration.
04:25We consider that taking a large amount of G over a long period is extremely dangerous.
04:29And that's why Planet Coaster lets us evaluate the lateral G forces,
04:32the vertical G forces, and the G forces in front.
04:35So, I think we can have interesting information if we look at the vertical G forces.
04:39You see that when we start at the ground level, we don't move, we're at 1 G.
04:42Then, we go up slowly, so we're at 0.5 G.
04:45We come back around 1 G at the top of the Great Eight,
04:47and then we're literally in free fall, so we're at 0 G.
04:50Just before coming back to flat, and there we're taking 37 G in the face.
04:53Well, 37 G, that means you're doing 37 times your weight,
04:56you might as well say that you're a pancake.
04:58Even for us, it may be a little extreme,
05:00especially since, in reality, the Tanasia Coaster has been designed
05:02so that people on it take 10 G, but constantly.
05:06That means that from here to there, you're at 10 G constantly.
05:10In fact, the idea is to make sure that the blood doesn't reach the brain for a long time,
05:14and so you die because it's no longer oxygenated.
05:16I'm explaining that in a video, it's still extremely weird.
05:18Well, we agree that it may be a bit too hardcore,
05:21so I'm going to try to soften the arrival
05:23so that the force exerted on our clients does not exceed 10 G.
05:25I respect the plan.
05:26Well, I launched another test, it's a little better.
05:28And by a little better, I mean that it's a little less worse.
05:31We're at 19.26 G, still enough to kill you on the spot, but it's already a little better.
05:35So here, I would just like to know how many G we are.
05:37Because here, I have the impression that just this little hit on the rail,
05:40it puts people in PLS.
05:41At worst, it will be a problem for later.
05:43I continued to tweak my attraction, and I'm a little disappointed
05:45because here, in fact, the maximum we can reach is 5.47 G.
05:49That is to say that this time, the attraction is too nice.
05:51We want 10 or nothing.
05:52I'm also telling myself that there may be a little problem.
05:54I know that there is a maximum number of G that the game will not let me exceed
05:57to be able to open the attraction to the public.
05:59OK, I'm looking and I don't see anyone talking about a limit
06:02that would be defined in the game.
06:03The only things I found are comparisons compared to real life
06:06where people say that it should not exceed between minus 1.5 and 1.5 G.
06:10Otherwise, you start to lose vision or stuff like that.
06:12Fair enough.
06:13I even found a document that makes several hundred pages
06:15that gives the right practices to be able to design this kind of attraction.
06:18Well, the document itself costs 115 bucks.
06:20So I'm sorry if you have to pay to make the thing safe.
06:22I prefer to do things at random.
06:24We will start from the principle that there is no limit
06:25and we will try to stay around 10 G.
06:27I can tell you that I really struggled to reach this figure of 9.83 G.
06:31I think I'm getting sick of it, but it's super hard to manage the G forces.
06:35In fact, the real problem I have is that every time I have to do the test
06:37and it takes like a minute for the wagon to go up and then go down again.
06:40But hey, enough of that, I'm going to stop complaining.
06:42And if we look at our plan, the first thing we're going to have to do is a looping.
06:46I tried to do the looping, I watched tutorials on the Internet
06:49and I realized that my rails did not want to exceed 90 degrees.
06:52Then I looked at my rails and I compared that to the rails of roller coasters
06:55that allow you to do loopings.
06:56OK, in fact, I think I used the wrong type of rail.
06:59I have too much self-esteem, I have to start again.
07:01I struggled to redo everything because every time I used rails that could not do loopings.
07:05For it to work, it must be in the capacity of the coaster, it must be invertible.
07:09Listen, I think we're pretty good here.
07:11It looks like it's doing the looping.
07:13Well, after that, it sends people in the hair, but at worst, we'll put a mattress.
07:16We'll sign a discharge, there's no problem.
07:18But here, I think that in reality, the looping is much too small.
07:20And as you can see, we go up way too fast in G.
07:23We go up to 22.
07:24By the way, you may be wondering why I made this shape and not a circle.
07:27No, it's not because I'm a huge moron who can't make a clean circle.
07:30In reality, I watched a tutorial and apparently, this is how you have to do loopings.
07:34Well, personally, I find it ugly and since we don't care about the well-being of our passengers,
07:37I think that by redoing it, this time, I'm going to do a real looping that looks more like a circle.
07:41But in any case, for now, the priority is to stay around 10 G.
07:44Ah yes, by the way, look for the loopings.
07:46In fact, there is a very precise thing to do, it is necessary to slightly move the rail on the side.
07:50Because if not, when I'm going to loop, it's going to fall back on itself.
07:53I'm a little stupid.
07:56I would not like to be the mannequin of Crash Test of this attraction.
07:58Ok, so I'm not completely done, but if we look at the level of G forces, it's very disappointing.
08:02That is to say that it is not at all powerful enough.
08:03I don't even understand how it's possible.
08:05I guess you have to be a little more hardcore in the looping, actually.
08:08Ah, we're not bad here.
08:10We go just above 12, but at the limit, I want to keep it.
08:13After a lot of nonsense, look at this smoothness.
08:16We are constantly between 10 and 12 G.
08:18Well, except where we are at 9.58, little player.
08:21But damn, I can tell you that I struggled to get there.
08:23Now, if we look at the Euthanasia Coaster, there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 loops.
08:29In fact, the thing is that when we look at the size, I don't think I'll have enough to do 7 loops.
08:32We're going to try to do 5.
08:33And if I do 5, I'll be quite satisfied.
08:36I continued to try to do my looping until the 3rd, where something extremely annoying happened.
08:40Ok, so you see, everything is going well.
08:42We stay in the acceptable acceleration range.
08:44But look, it's starting to become a real game of Mikado.
08:47Look, if I send a wagon, the wagon will come and shoot on this little piece.
08:51It's starting to get super complicated to manage the speed of force G, horizontal, lateral, machin, hop, finally.
08:58My head is exploding.
08:59I'm a Minecraft YouTuber at the base, I'm not an engineer.
09:01And there, I think I'm starting to see the limits.
09:04Well, after that, I say that, but in reality, it's really starting to look like something.
09:06In terms of strength, of course, we are not at 10 perfect everywhere.
09:09There, look, there are some places where I'm at 13.
09:11There are others where I'm at 8.
09:12So, as much as being above, it doesn't matter.
09:14But being below 10, it's not good.
09:16I really don't want to leave any chance to my passengers to survive.
09:18A few moments later.
09:20Okay, well, it's starting to look like something.
09:23Normally, we never go beyond 14 G and we never go below 10.
09:26That is to say, exactly what we wanted to do at the base.
09:29I still offer you a small interesting experience.
09:32It's to take the place of the visitor to see exactly how he will experience the experience.
09:35In this case, I don't know if the word live the experience is the most suitable.
09:39Okay, so here we go up quietly.
09:40There, it's the part a little bit chill and that's where it goes.
09:43Oh my oh my oh my!
09:45Oh la, oh la gerbeau tronc.
09:49Okay, frankly, that's excellent!
09:50If we have suicidal thoughts.
09:52No, because, frankly, I never will show it.
09:54The next step at this point will be to complete the loop.
09:58In other words, make sure that the train loops on itself and returns to its starting station.
10:02It's just a hell in fact to build trains on this game.
10:05There you go.
10:06Yes, well, the end is less fun than the beginning.
10:07But I think there will be more people in the cars to complain.
10:10In fact, the question I ask myself is we have so much speed at the beginning that
10:12Yeah, that's it, we're going super fast.
10:14Even if this area is straight, we have so much speed stored before
10:17that we go at least 100 km per hour.
10:19I haven't checked yet, but I think we're in these orders of magnitude.
10:22Hop, it's good.
10:23I don't know why the electric symbol magically reappeared.
10:26I think I had an alert that my electrogen group had a breakdown.
10:30And the reason is relatively simple, it's that I have to recruit a mechanic
10:33because otherwise things break down quite quickly.
10:35Given the face of my Grand VIII, if there is no mechanic in three months, everything is on the ground.
10:38I don't realize it, but there are still a lot of people
10:41who want to come and discover our attraction park.
10:43Well, listen, we're going to make a kind of big alley
10:46and we're going to make sure that the alley can go all the way to the solar panels.
10:48The reason for that is relatively simple.
10:49Otherwise, the mechanic can't come and fix them.
10:52So I'm going to put three of them in, so they're going to be really charred.
10:55And I don't know why, I feel like the visitors are here, they're all going back.
10:58But come back, it's great as a solar panel attraction.
11:00You know what? There are a lot of people coming.
11:02I'm going to put a little burger restaurant.
11:04I'm sure there are people who are going to buy, it's not possible.
11:05Oh, you need electricity too, that's why.
11:07This electricity mechanic is really annoying.
11:09I'm also recruiting a salesman.
11:11But why aren't you going to sell burgers?
11:13Why? Even the salesman wants to get out of my attraction park.
11:15So much so that he's on the ground.
11:16Hey, isn't there a salesman who wants to come?
11:18Oh, but I have to open it.
11:19That's why, OK.
11:21Well, while I'm at it, since I'm recruiting, I might as well recruit a giant cookie.
11:23I don't know what he's going to do.
11:24I think that when people are going to see it,
11:25there are even more people who are going to get out of the park, on the other hand.
11:28Well, that's great and all, but the goal was still to make an alley
11:30that allows us to go all the way to the attraction.
11:32So here I have a big problem,
11:32it's that I can only put the entrance on this side.
11:35We're going to add a little waiting line.
11:37And by little waiting line, I mean,
11:39Turbo waiting line of hell.
11:40Oh, yes, the waiting lines have been at least as well designed as the attractions themselves.
11:44I'm just trying to get the exit out.
11:47Except that I realized that I did a little bit of nonsense.
11:51There you go.
11:52It's so disgusting.
11:53If I'm not mistaken,
11:54here, normally, we have the possibility of...
11:56Ah, OK, we made a mistake.
11:58The Russian mountains are too extreme.
12:00So that's what I thought.
12:02There is a certain limit of acceleration not to exceed.
12:04I should have said that before I finished the whole roller coaster.
12:06But wait, I'm going to find a solution.
12:08I'm an engineer, after all.
12:09I did a lot of tests.
12:10And it turns out that the reason why we can't open,
12:12it's not because the G-forces of your attraction exceed the limits.
12:15In fact, they don't care.
12:17It's just because my attraction is too scary.
12:20That is to say, literally die in a looping.
12:23No problem.
12:23But on the other hand, you shouldn't be afraid.
12:25The fear mechanic on Planet Coaster is a little bit complicated.
12:28It depends on a lot of things.
12:29And to be honest, even I don't understand exactly how everything works.
12:32Here, you see that we have a fear score of 20.
12:34But yet, at no time in the ride, we exceed 20.
12:37So, what I propose to you is to reduce the fear of the last trunk.
12:41Because having 13 fears on a straight line,
12:43sorry to tell you, but frankly, you have to be a hell of a scared.
12:45My theory is that it's just going too fast.
12:47So, what I can do is that I can replace some of the rails with slowers.
12:52And to be honest, that's what I'm going to do completely on this whole part of the ride.
12:55So that we're on something clearly not fun, but clearly not scary.
13:00Hop, we're doing little loopings.
13:01And there, normally, it should slow down.
13:03It didn't slow down at all.
13:04Ah, yes, yes, yes, it's a little green at the end.
13:06But frankly, yeah, it didn't reduce the fear score by one iota.
13:09Which means that I'm going to have to do something that I didn't want to do at first.
13:12I'm going to have to slow down in the loopings.
13:14I hope it's not going to take away too much of my G-Force data, but we'll see.
13:17Okay, it slows down a little bit.
13:19Ooh, there, it may even have slowed down a little too much.
13:22Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:23Even way too much, there, it stopped.
13:25Oh, that socket!
13:25Well, so I have to put less slower, because otherwise, here, it's finito.
13:28One eternity later.
13:30Okay, we're at 12.17, it's good!
13:33Wait, what do you mean, your attraction is too scary?
13:34I'm at 12.17, I can open, if I want.
13:37Yes, I can open, okay.
13:38Oh, the trouble I must have had.
13:40Well, now I just have to see if people can survive.
13:43People, you missed the entrance, the entrance is there.
13:45What are they doing?
13:46No, but there must be a bug.
13:48That's why people don't come in.
13:49When are we going to put a price of $1?
13:51It's free, brothers.
13:52Go ahead.
13:53But really, they don't want to go at all.
13:55Well, we just have to say that it's because the queue is too boring to do.
13:57There you go, there's a super easy queue.
13:59Guys, come on, come on.
14:00You know what? Next to it, I'm even going to put a little handle.
14:03That way, it's going to attract people in this area.
14:04So the thing is, the handle, I don't know where I'm going to put it.
14:08No, but I'm not attracting anyone, it's hot.
14:09You want electricity too, huh?
14:11It's not possible, in my time, the handles worked with the crank.
14:14Oh, what did I do?
14:15So I made a flying power plant.
14:18We found a way to transfer electricity wirelessly, obviously.
14:21That's the entrance, and that's going to be the exit.
14:23I'm going to be very opposed if people get in this handle and not the other one.
14:27No, but you're kidding me, it's not possible.
14:28I'm going to traffic it so it explodes, this handle.
14:31Well, I think the real problem behind this is that my attraction is too scary.
14:34I went into the sandbox mode options,
14:35and yet there is a feature that says visitor preferences.
14:38Individual visitor preferences influence the attractions they go to and the ones they enjoy.
14:43If this option is disabled, visitors to your park have no preference and enjoy everything that is there.
14:48So what's the problem here?
14:49The game said you had to enjoy my handle as much as the other one.
14:52No, but there must be at least one bug that's going to do this handle.
14:56Wait, I have an idea, maybe we can put some decorations to motivate people to come.
15:01Like little flowers that look poisonous, for example.
15:03Wait, can't I put a negative price, like pay people?
15:06No, obviously not.
15:06Business number since the opening, minus $65,000.
15:10Oh yeah, I would have made it faster to pay people to go on it.
15:12You're having fun on your handle, not mine.
15:15Well, you'll see, I remind you that we're in Detraqué Park.
15:17So I'm going to make a kind of big tower here,
15:19and I'm going to make sure that visitors get a big stone in the face.
15:23And me, where they clip us through, we're in the backrooms or...
15:26Yeah, they clip us completely through.
15:27Damn, and I wanted to cause a disaster.
15:29Knowing that, basically, there's this little button, Frontier Workshop.
15:32Basically, it's a page on which you can download the constructions of other Planet Coaster players.
15:37And just in case, I found another Euthanasia Coaster.
15:40So this time, I think we're on something a lot more reasonable.
15:43So why is the thing half in the air?
15:45I don't know.
15:47We're going to try to put it here.
15:48There you go, perfect.
15:49So there's one that's a little cleaner than the other.
15:51It's obviously mine, it's really super clean.
15:53So the specificity of this coaster is that it only has 6.37 in terms of fear.
15:58My theory is that it doesn't kill people.
16:00But at least my theory is that visitors are going to want to come and take a look at this ride.
16:04By the way, there's one thing I'd like to do that would be too stylish.
16:07I don't know if it exists.
16:08Letters, like, for example, a D.
16:10Isn't there a gigantic D to write Detraqué Park somewhere?
16:13Ah, look.
16:15Oh no, it's a firework.
16:16Oh, I have the sum.
16:17So I found this thing, which is actually text.
16:20It's a Viking alphabet.
16:21So first of all, it's not very pretty.
16:23And in addition, in my head, I could move indiv...
16:25Ah, yes, I think I can move each letter individually.
16:28Oh, hell it's going to be.
16:29We can try, we can try.
16:30So I delete.
16:31I have another one.
16:32I have this one.
16:33The text is ugly, we're not going to lie to each other.
16:34But it's the only writing police I've managed to find.
16:36And so my theory is that I can...
16:38Oh no, I can't move an element individually.
16:40Well, I had a hard time.
16:41But here I am with my Detraqué Park sign.
16:44Well, I admit the police is really broken to the ground.
16:46It was the only one I could find.
16:47We don't judge, so anyway, it's a Detraqué Park.
16:50And I have the impression that our big 8 has a little bit of success.
16:54In any case, there are people coming.
16:55Are they going to come in?
16:56Look, no, they're clearly passing in front.
16:57The brothers, there's nothing here.
16:58The only person in the attraction is him.
17:00He's taking care of turning things around.
17:01But it's true that he seems to have his own pair.
17:023% Euthanasia Coaster seems to be too scary.
17:05Ah, okay, okay, interesting.
17:07Waiting time, 0 minutes.
17:08Business number yesterday, 0 dollars.
17:10Visitor yesterday, 0 dollars.
17:11Okay, really, really, it's a joke.
17:13The people who come to visit my park.
17:14Well, it's not a mistake to try.
17:15I'm going to put them in place.
17:16A little ride on the ground.
17:18Just to have some fun.
17:19I came across videos on the Internet of people doing construction time-lapses on Planet Coaster 2.
17:24It's incredibly stylish.
17:26It makes me want to do something as classy.
17:27But I'm afraid I'm not really capable of it.
17:29Oh yeah, like by chance, it goes straight in there.
17:32Well, listen, I think that Detraqué Park has beautiful days ahead of it.
17:35If you have any ideas for attractions of Detraqué that I could do.
17:37You can suggest them to me in the comments and we'll do a second episode.
17:40And if you know how to force people to climb the Russian mountains.
17:42I'm a catcher too.
17:43The blue thumb, the subscription, the big splash.
17:45Hi everyone, it was Fuse.
17:46See you next time, see you later.
