• 3 hours ago
00:00No one's beating this.
00:01Evolved Hunter, Three Musketeers, Fireball Bait with Evolved Lumberjack, the best evolution probably right now, and Cycle Cards.
00:08I've done it. I've cooked up the best dick of all time, and I don't think anybody's gonna beat this.
00:12Least of all, Crypto Can, and that's what I'm thinking.
00:16I think for this dick, we've actually got a couple of evolutions that are very, like, substantial.
00:21Yeah, it's good having, like, Cycle Cards as evolutions, but sometimes they just get wasted.
00:26Sometimes I just cycle an Evolved Ice Spirit.
00:28Evolved Lumberjack and Evolved Hunter, there's almost never a situation where those are, like, wasted.
00:33I'm always gonna be, you know, getting value out of them, and this is perfect.
00:36Don't even have to use my Log, and I get to cycle to my next Hunter there, and no Goblin Barrel damage.
00:42So, yeah, I was thinking about putting Goblin Curse and Rage in this dick, but then I realized that...
00:50Then I will struggle to defend, and Three Musketeers are kind of a card that I play when I'm given a reason to.
00:57You know what I mean?
00:58Like, if I have to defend a ton of shit, like, for example, a Goblin Stein Push,
01:02although this occasion I will not because I don't need to.
01:06Wow, he went for the ability quite early there.
01:08That's one way to play the game, and you know what?
01:12Let's go with Skeletons just because, I don't know, it just feels right because of Cannoneer,
01:17and then let's go for a Lumberjack as well and go for a Heal Spirit to try and heal this,
01:20because I know I can defend the other lane.
01:22I feel like he spent a lot of Elixir, and let's see if we get some damage.
01:26Maybe not.
01:27Maybe we can.
01:28Let's see.
01:29Yes, we're going to get a fucking shit ton, and I'm going to tank the other lane
01:33because I got a lot of damage and I can afford it.
01:37CryptoCat, it's all yours, mate.
01:38Just, just, just take it.
01:41It's all yours.
01:41Okay, so now I have Evolve Hunter, and somehow I'm already back to Evolve Lumberjack.
01:45That's the crazy thing.
01:46One card cycle is ridiculous.
01:49Okay, I'm just going to go with this.
01:50I don't want to take the Dark Goblin damage, so easy defense, and I'm liking this, man.
01:54I'm liking this.
01:56I put together a bit of a dig here, and you know what?
01:59If we beat CryptoCat too convincingly, I will be launching my own CryptoCoin,
02:03and we will be investing in a pump and dump scheme,
02:05so if you're excited for that to come in the future,
02:07make sure to smash the thumbs up button, baby.
02:10All right.
02:11Now, here I'm going to go Skeletons because that's actually going to be
02:15almost as good as like an Ice Golem against the...
02:17What do you do?
02:18Okay, this is, this is interesting.
02:22Luckily, dude, Evolve Lumberjack,
02:24fucking, the Evolve Lumberjack Ghost gets fucking value against...
02:29Okay, the fake one's in that lane, so I'll just tank that,
02:32and look at the Evolve, absolutely just fucking dominates that fucking card,
02:38and then the net's going to stop it from getting its ability off,
02:41and I don't even know if this guy has a fucking big spell at this point.
02:45Please net that thing.
02:46Oh, it didn't even, didn't even get the shot off.
02:50I don't even know if this guy has a big spell at this point,
02:53so I'm just gonna,
02:57I'm just gonna like play my 3M and protect the shit out of it,
02:59because he hasn't given me a reason to think that he does,
03:02and he's spamming the shit out of me,
03:04and I'm just going to keep defending the fuck out of my three Musketeers.
03:06I don't give a fuck.
03:07He's used his Evolve Goblin Barrel,
03:09so I'm not really worried about keeping my log there.
03:11Musketeer's going to actually outrange that, which is great.
03:13He'll probably just go with Royal Recruits.
03:15So you know what?
03:17Yeah, let's just three Musketeers in the back.
03:19I'm not worried if he goes,
03:21wait, yeah, I'm not worried if he goes Goblin Barrel.
03:23I'll just go for an Ice Golem,
03:24because I can go with the Evolve Lumberjack tank for the other lane,
03:27and I can afford to take a little bit of,
03:28a little bit of damage.
03:29Almost said diddy there.
03:31I'm not really sure what I meant by that.
03:32Let's go with this.
03:35He might go with a Goblin Gang.
03:38Okay, look at the fuck,
03:40Ghosty Boy is just elite for like sniping that shit,
03:43and then I can just go for an Ice Golem to counter this,
03:45and you know what?
03:46We'll split him a little higher here in case he goes Goblin Barrel.
03:49Beautiful, so that we can have some support here,
03:51because I don't want to have to waste Elixir on the log.
03:54And I'm going to go with this,
03:57and let's see what he does.
03:58Is he going to go Goblin Gang here?
03:59No, he's going to go Royal Recruits.
04:01Fuck, Evolve Royal Recruits is kind of annoying,
04:03but we are currently winning this game,
04:06and as long as I don't take a stupid amount of chip damage,
04:10we should win.
04:11So I'm going to go with this.
04:13Yep, I fucking did it like too early, I think.
04:16Nope, I'm a god at this game.
04:17I'll never question myself again.
04:18I'm a war hero when it comes down to things.
04:21All right, let's go for this.
04:23Let's go for...
04:24Let's just leave the Hunter to die, actually.
04:27I don't want that getting to the tower.
04:28Actually, I don't really give a fuck if that gets to the tower,
04:30because he's not going for that lane.
04:34Yep, yep.
04:35Okay, so I'll just go with this here in case he goes Goblin Barrel.
04:38I don't know why I'm doing the no log challenge, but I am.
04:41And then let's split three Musketeers again.
04:43Let's go with this here.
04:45Shouldn't get too much damage.
04:47No damage is what I meant to say.
04:48Okay, now that that's jumped,
04:50let's just go for an Ice Golem to tank for that.
04:52And then he's probably going to go Royal Recruits or Goblin Gang in the middle.
04:55So let's just go with this shit
04:57and try and kill that to the best of our ability.
04:59He's probably going to go with a Goblin Barrel.
05:01I'm just going to go for a log for the chip damage
05:02in case he goes for literally anything.
05:04And in case he likes to go for a Goblin Barrel at the last second.
05:08Oh my god, he had arrows.
05:11Easiest win of my life.
05:12And if you enjoyed that game, make sure to smash subscribe.
05:14What's so funny, CryptoKan?
05:16Get in the bin.
05:1748 HP, not even close, baby.
05:19I should have just been logging his Goblin Barrels the whole game.
05:21I don't know why I was letting him get chip damage.
05:23I was just, I was convinced I could get through,
05:26but then I didn't, I didn't really think that he would have like
05:29cannon Royal Recruits, cannon cart.
05:32He just had a lot of annoying cards, but then he didn't have a big spell.
05:36But then I think the Royal Recruits, like killing both lanes
05:39is kind of annoying for my 3M.
05:42Also, I'm feeling much better today, baby.
05:44Oh my god, it feels amazing.
05:46I was feeling so shit.
05:47I was fucking, I recovered like crazy fast, man.
05:52Crazy what a powerful mind can do.
05:54You know what I'm saying?
05:55Like genetics of the gods.
06:01All right.
06:01So that happened.
06:02And looks like this guy has got Fireball and he's already used it.
06:07And my Dementia must be kicking in
06:10because I actually don't remember what he used it on.
06:13He must've used it on Hunter and that's why I went for 3M.
06:15God, I'm smart.
06:17And the Hog Rider gets no damage.
06:19So this guy's playing 2.6.
06:21Let's not get too freaky at the start of the game.
06:23It's not a freak off.
06:24It's just a Clash Royale match and that, that gets no damage.
06:28All right.
06:28So I'm going to beat 2.6 here with no, no cannon or building
06:34and he's got Fireball cycle.
06:38This is going to be difficult as fuck.
06:40Let's go for a Hunter here.
06:41He might just, oh shit.
06:43Thank God he did that because he could have cycled to his Hog
06:46if he played that at the bridge, but because he just played it,
06:48I knew I could get away with that.
06:50So let's go for an Ice Golem in front of this.
06:55Yeah, he's going to have to go with skeletons or something.
06:57So let's go with a Heal Spirit.
06:59And then let's just go with this to try and counter a little push here.
07:03Great situation to go through Musketeers
07:04because it means they get no, the Hog Rider gets no damage.
07:09Even though he gets a bit of Fireball value, that's fine.
07:11I'll go with an Ice Golem here because it's a two for two trade if he goes for log.
07:15And the Ice Golem might even get some chip damage.
07:17Heal Spirit, I kind of fucked up, but he didn't know that.
07:20So baited out an Ice Golem.
07:22This is a hard counter.
07:23This is actually going to be hard as fuck to beat,
07:25but I have evolved Hunter, which might be an opportunity to win.
07:31Let's go with this for the net.
07:34No Ice Spirit!
07:35Oh, that's just beautiful.
07:37Not getting anything out of that.
07:39And then let's go for three Musketeers here.
07:42He's probably just going to Fireball, to be honest.
07:44I'm going to make sure he does actually,
07:45because he's going to try and get away with a cheap counter.
07:49There we go.
07:50And we bait out the log.
07:52Oh, please jump Spirit.
07:54Yes, it jumped!
07:55That's clutch as fuck.
07:56And if that gets to the tower...
07:59Okay, we're going to go for a log to try and get some chip damage
08:01because any fucking chip against this schmuck is great.
08:06Okay, kind of fucked up that Ice Spirit,
08:07but yeah, he's going to get a hit because of that.
08:10Damn it, man.
08:11All right.
08:11I'm going to turn this into a little push here,
08:14just so that I can...
08:16And he opted to go for the Fireball defense there.
08:19Oh, okay.
08:21Well, I'm definitely going to go with this here.
08:23He's going to be able to cycle back,
08:26but at least I'll be able to defend this for free, pretty much.
08:29Let's go for an Ice Golem over here.
08:30Fuck, he still gets a hit.
08:31This is why this is such an annoying matchup.
08:34And he can cycle back to his...
08:36That's one way to do it.
08:37Will he go Ice Golem?
08:39Oh my God, he fucked up.
08:41Oh my God, he's panicking.
08:43Oh, ghosty boys on the tower here.
08:45Oh, that's just brilliant.
08:47And he's taking the L.
08:49Don't know how you...
08:50Well, actually, this is the bad thing.
08:51He hasn't technically yet.
08:54Okay, now he maybe has,
08:55but I don't have a big spell and he doesn't know that.
08:58So let's try and make sure that he...
09:00He used his log there.
09:01So let's go for a Lumberjack in front.
09:05Oh, yes, the heal spirit.
09:07It's over, man.
09:08Rofatio, it's done, man.
09:10GG's my slime.
09:11See you in the lobby.
09:13Tell your mom that you were inferior to Ken
09:15and that I should be her new son.
09:16Actually, I don't like that.
09:18I'll be your new dad, I think is what I was going for there.
09:20Still level 69, by the way.
09:22So the freaky references stay.
09:23That's what I said a while ago.
09:25While I'm level 69 in this game,
09:27things are sexy on the channel here.
09:32Okay, what the fuck is that?
09:34Okay, Pekka first play.
09:36Okay, Apocalypse.
09:38I'm pretty sure that's not how you spell Apocalypse, by the way.
09:40Is he going for like Apocalypse,
09:42but spelled with like Eclipse spelling?
09:44I don't know, man.
09:46This is out of my depth.
09:47All I do is play Clash Royale.
09:48Like, I'm not trying to do that whole spelling shit.
09:52I feel like a cheap counter is coming in.
09:54I think Heal Spirit, super, super good choice for this dick.
09:57I don't normally play it
09:58because it doesn't make sense in my cycle decks,
10:00but God damn, is it good in this one if I've ever seen it.
10:04Also, I've noticed a lot of people watching the videos lately.
10:11What's going on, man?
10:12Am I doing something different?
10:13Is my charisma off the charts lately?
10:15If so, smash subscribe right now, but I'll be here.
10:21It actually doesn't even matter
10:23because I'll be here.
10:24I'll be here in two days, every day.
10:28I'll be here in 100 days.
10:30I'll be here in 50 years if I'm not dead.
10:34So I'm not going anywhere.
10:37Ooh, this is weird, chat.
10:43So what I'm saying is there's no rush to get subscribers anymore.
10:47I used to push for subscribers a lot more back in the day,
10:50but I realize I'm just going to be here for the long.
10:52This isn't a sprint.
10:54It's a marathon, so I just...
10:56We go through sprints of the marathon, though.
10:58It's like an 800-meter race.
11:02Is that a race?
11:03400 meters, and then it's 800 or 600?
11:06I can't remember.
11:06It's been like...
11:08Oh my God, how many years since I left school?
11:12Too many, man.
11:13So I always say I'm old,
11:17and I've actually convinced myself that I am.
11:19Then somebody told me,
11:20you're not old at all.
11:22And I was like, damn.
11:24Then the day that I actually become old,
11:27I'm going to look back and be like,
11:29fuck, I was an idiot for saying that.
11:30Watch this prediction.
11:34Prediction log!
11:36Anywho, I'm just going to go with this and then just kite.
11:42And then, boom.
11:44Please tower retarget to the musketeer.
11:50You're the best.
11:51Okay, I'm just going to go with that and...
11:55Chat, what?
11:56Okay, this is maybe not the best idea,
11:58but what age to you is old?
12:01Leave a comment.
12:02What age to you is old?
12:04Let me know.
12:05Anyway, I'm going to fucking fuck him up here.
12:10Why is everybody playing...
12:11Not everybody, but why is like...
12:14I'm just not even going to use like,
12:16hurt my brain thinking about it.
12:17What age is old?
12:18Let me know, because I'll tell you what I think.
12:21As a 24 year old now,
12:25I think being old...
12:27Definitely too old for this shit,
12:29but I'm going to say old is...
12:36When you hit...
12:37Old? Old is...
12:39Hmm, old.
12:41I'm going to say old is 48.
12:47I'm saying it.
12:4848, that's my age.
12:49That's what I'm going with.
12:5048, maybe 47.
12:53Ooh, maybe actually...
12:54Maybe 44.
12:56Can I activate king?
12:57See if I can pull this off.
13:00Nah, I fucking...
13:00I'm an idiot.
13:01Maybe I'm getting old.
13:02My eyesight's deteriorating.
13:04That's the one thing I've actually not somehow suffered from.
13:08Somebody who's made YouTube videos,
13:09I've always had decent eyesight.
13:11So shout out my eyeballs.
13:14Anyway, Eduardo's eyeballs about to be non-existent
13:17after I do terrible things to him.
13:21He's going to erase his own eyeballs.
13:23Holy smokes, we've got three spectators in the arena today.
13:26What is blood doing?
13:28That's not how you counter a hunter.
13:33Also, I saw somebody commented that my end screens have...
13:38They had more...
13:39Hang on, this is a weird situation.
13:40So I'm going to activate king here.
13:43And then we're going to go like this.
13:45Yeah, that was something that happened.
13:48Oh yeah.
13:49Oh my god, you did log, you're spamming.
13:51Yeah, no, I went in my end screen card.
13:54More cunter.
13:55Oh my god, my ad revenue.
13:56I fell for the trap!
13:58They just wanted me to talk about it to lose my money.
14:01How could they trick me like that?
14:03I did more...
14:05And then I did more...
14:08So they were different end screens,
14:09so I didn't do the same end screen.
14:12Thought you could catch me lacking.
14:13Catch me lacking.
14:14Anyway, I'm just going to do this because...
14:16I don't know what his big spell is.
14:18I want to find out.
14:20And I have evolve hunter for defense.
14:22It just feels right.
14:25Okay, let's go with an ice golem.
14:27And let's go for a heal spirit.
14:29And double lick, so this push is going to get nasty.
14:32There it is.
14:33All right.
14:35And that's going to do a ton of damage,
14:36especially with the ice golem thing,
14:38slowing the tower's shots.
14:40And now I just go with this.
14:42Kite this shit over.
14:43Just go with this over here.
14:46And then just in case the firecracker kills that,
14:48I'll go with an ice golem.
14:51Look at the fucking hunter, man.
14:54Fuck off.
14:55No joke.
14:56Just go with this shit.
14:58Okay, firecracker is...
14:59Wait, where did my hunter go?
15:02Hang on a damn second.
15:03Okay, that firecracker's starting to piss me off.
15:05Oh, heal spirit.
15:07I have long value.
15:09I like this dick, man.
15:10I swear to God,
15:10because it really takes advantage of the evolved lumberjack,
15:14and I feel like it takes advantage of the evolved hunter,
15:17because it's not like I'm like,
15:19oh no, I can't play my three musketeers the whole game,
15:21because you cannot push into an evolved hunter.
15:24Like, you have to use a spell,
15:26I feel like, to stop evolved hunter.
15:27Otherwise, it will just annihilate your entire push.
15:30And so, as soon as Eduardo clicked the battle button,
15:34like, it was...
15:34It was Jover.
15:35Also, what do we think of this fucking loading screen?
15:38I think it's a bit geeky, honestly.
15:40It's like, whoa, look, Clash Royale's ninth birthday.
15:42By the way, like, I don't even give a fuck about my own birthday,
15:45let alone my family member's birthdays,
15:47so how am I meant to care about Clash Royale's ninth birthday?
15:52Shout out from...
15:53Shout out misery.
15:54Anyway, the boss is from Boomer Sooner,
15:57and that's kind of ironic...
15:58Not even ironic, that's kind of just apropos
16:00as to what we've been, like, talking about today,
16:03because I'm going to become a boomer sooner.
16:06It's crazy.
16:08It's crazy shit, man.
16:09It's crazy shit when you think about this shit.
16:12Smash like for thinking.
16:14Anyway, I'm just gonna go with this.
16:15I really want that to, like, spray the firecracker.
16:19Yeah, that's real good.
16:20All right, um, yeah, whatever, dude.
16:25We lost a spectator since the last game,
16:27so clearly something I'm doing is wrong,
16:29even though we've been on an absolute rampant streak.
16:31And another hog rider!
16:32I'll fucking slaughter another pig, I swear to god, man.
16:35I'm gonna do it.
16:36I'm just gonna play through...
16:39Hmm, I don't really have a good King Tower activating combo here,
16:43even though he's giving me, like,
16:44every card in the game to activate King Tower with.
16:47But I will do this and activate my King Tower here.
16:50No, I won't.
16:51I'll purposely not do that,
16:52because I don't want to.
16:53I changed my mind.
16:54Luckily, this is Evolve Lumberjack,
16:57so it's gonna get value here.
17:00Ooh, I knew it was gonna target the knight,
17:02so I went with skeletons, and there we go.
17:03That's fine.
17:04I probably didn't get much value from my Evolve Lumberjack there,
17:08because Ice Spirit and skeletons actually,
17:10no, it wouldn't have counted the knight and Dark Goblin,
17:12so it did give me value.
17:13I'm the best.
17:14Anyway, I don't really know what's happening in this game.
17:16He's got Mega Knight.
17:17He's got hog rider.
17:19I have Evolved Hunter.
17:20I'm just kind of waiting to double elixir,
17:21because this guy seems to be a bit of a loose cannon,
17:24and I don't really want to make a three musketeer play,
17:26and then he just goes with something crazy.
17:27Okay, that's a perfect reason.
17:29I know he's got Mega Knight.
17:30I'm not worried about a hog rider,
17:32because the musketeers will be able to kill it.
17:36Yeah, I'll just go for a log here.
17:38And then he's going to absolutely go for a Mega Knight.
17:42So I think what I'll do is I'll go hard in this lane,
17:46and make sure I have no elixir left to defend it.
17:49No, this should be fine.
17:50Just go with this here,
17:53and then go with this here,
17:55and then go for a log,
17:57so that Evolve Lumberjack might be able to get some chip damage.
17:59Okay, fair play.
18:01And then Evolve Hunter.
18:02This is me using the evolution cards.
18:04Like, look at that.
18:05Evolve Lumberjacks on the tower,
18:07Evolve Hunters defending.
18:08That's what I live for.
18:10And I don't know if he's got a big spell,
18:11but oh, please, Hunter, get a shot off.
18:14Okay, at least it slowed that thing down.
18:17I'm going to kite this so the musketeers can kill it.
18:19I'm going to go with this so the Dark Goblin
18:20doesn't snipe my Ice Golem.
18:21I need that to stay alive for a bit,
18:23long enough for the musketeers to kill it.
18:26And then let's just...
18:29Yeah, yeah, that's real good.
18:31Wait, Evolve Valkyrie.
18:32That's kind of not good.
18:34Okay, I'll go with this.
18:35I feel like he spent a lot of elixir.
18:36What's his cheap counter to muskets?
18:38Of course, it's Skeleton Army.
18:41Kill that thing, thank you.
18:43And now he might go Mega Knight.
18:45So I'm going to go with this now.
18:48And then...
18:55Okay, I'm going to go with this over here.
18:57Kind of force out a Mega Knight.
18:59He might not be able to hit both.
19:00Don't think he'll have the elixir for it.
19:02And then let's just go with this over here.
19:04We know he's going to go with Skeleton Army.
19:06So let's try and time this right.
19:14Absolute icon.
19:17Just pretend I'm doing that in real life.
19:19Everything that I do in Clash,
19:22I'm going to do in real life.