We ask Londoners what they think about vehicle tax and greener cars.
00:00Well, no, I don't actually because it's like the electric cars. Where's the infrastructure for it?
00:05There's no infrastructure. You can't charge it up or it's double the money.
00:09I think it's reasonable. Like I get it's paying for and it's expensive and no one wants to pay more than they have to.
00:14But we have to do something. Like the current sort of trend in sort of
00:17almost global politics is we sort of dial down some of the green stuff and that can't be a good thing.
00:22So, like I get why people don't want to do it
00:24but we should. And everyone will have to pay a bit more extra and that includes me and I'd rather not but
00:30it is for the right reasons. So, yeah, I'm broadly in support.
00:33But there's a lot of people still driving around with no tax.
00:36So if the tax has to go up, they need to do the roads properly.
00:41Stop closing all these roads up.
00:43And this year, well, I've got a funny feeling we're going to go 50.
00:48We're going to go and be paying a mile.
00:50I mean, I do feel slightly guilty.
00:52I've got an electric car, but we don't use it much.
00:54But I'm sure the next car we get will have to be one.
00:57It just seems the right way to go.