Dorian- Pacto con el Diablo (2004) Película Completa en Español Latino
Dorian- Pacto con el Diablo (2004) Película Completa en Español Latino
Dorian- Pacto con el Diablo (2004) Película Completa en Español Latino
Dorian- Pacto con el Diablo (2004) Película Completa en Español Latino
Dorian- Pacto con el Diablo (2004) Película Completa en Español Latino
00:00:00This is the end of the video.
00:00:04I hope you enjoyed it.
00:00:06See you next time.
00:02:26It's a bean
00:02:29She is okay
00:02:32Okay, no, I'm Osaya
00:02:41Conocía ambas víctimas
00:02:44Si si
00:02:46De hecho estuve ahí cuando se conocieron ambos debe hacer
00:02:50veinte años
00:02:54Era junio de mil novecientos ochenta yo manejaba a bay conig en aquella época
00:02:58había descubierto a bay en berlín tenía unos ojos maravillosos así que la traje a nueva york bajo mi cuidado
00:03:04ella rápidamente se convirtió en la mejor fotógrafa de moda del momento
00:03:08todos querían que ve y los fotografía la vía convencido de tomar la primera campaña de sauvage
00:03:15Cristina olvídate de esto por favor sube maquillaje si gracias
00:03:19hola que tal
00:03:26Esta es muy nativa a hoy ten es un recuerdo de anoche
00:03:36Recuerda so vas la esencia que pone a su amante salvaje
00:03:39no lo han vendido muy bien desde hace diez años en aquel momento tuvieron una gran loción mi viejo amigo nino borrache tuvo su primera
00:03:46fragancia exitosa
00:03:51Revisa las luces de nuevo por favor
00:03:58Hola hermosa oye que haces aquí solo pensé en darte un poco de apoyo moral
00:04:07Creo que tú eres quien necesita apoyo moral querido
00:04:11Dios que es esta basura pedi pelegrino
00:04:15Este imbécil christine basta sigamos con esto luis consigue en la pelegrino
00:04:25De acuerdo de acuerdo posiciones todo el mundo vamos a mover nos tocan los tambores
00:04:32Están listos empecemos
00:04:34Vamos suelten su poco por favor
00:04:39Si está mejor vamos entreguen
00:04:48Si una más perfecto hermoso
00:04:53Ahora todos juntos de nuevo vamos sean salvajes
00:04:56una más
00:04:58Muy bien todo el mundo déjenlo fluir por favor déjenlo fluir un poco más y
00:05:03Eso intentemos lo de nuevo vamos pueden hacer lo mejor
00:05:08Y por favor no sonría no quiero que sonrían de acuerdo así que por favor todo el mundo es genial
00:05:15Así es muy bien
00:05:37En ese momento supe que él era algo especial
00:05:48Como puede ver era muy bien parecido
00:06:01Continúa señor guten
00:06:05Pues después de que terminó la toma de nino
00:06:09Yo fui con dorian y me presenté con él buena toma b buena toma nos vemos mañana tendremos los contactos adiós
00:06:25Luis cierto que tal henry
00:06:29Hola la cámara así muy confiable puedes verla gracias
00:06:37Has trabajado para ve antes no sólo necesitaba un asistente el que moviera cosas
00:06:44veía su amiga
00:06:46vieja amiga y cliente de hecho
00:06:49soy su representante
00:06:52Así que te gusta la fotografía no me gusta así
00:06:56Aunque prefiero la calle de estar más con la gente
00:06:59Bueno estás exponiendo en alguna galería me encantaría ir a ver algo pues estuve en un par de exhibiciones
00:07:06sólo eso por ahora
00:07:08por ahora pues tengo planes
00:07:11Excelente un joven con planes
00:07:15siempre sostengo que lo que debe importar en la vida es el autodesarrollo
00:07:18realizar nuestro potencial al máximo
00:07:22digo para eso estamos aquí no luis
00:07:25Si si eso creo entonces porque será luis que en estos días los jóvenes temen mostrar sus sentimientos
00:07:32y porque se olvidan de vivir la vida por completo y sin tener miedo
00:07:39Pues no sé si yo pueda responder no le prestes atención luis henry siempre va sobre algo o alguien
00:07:47Gracias por todo de nada si gusto en conocerle si
00:07:53Gracias adiós adiós luis deberías intentar estar frente a la cámara
00:08:19Supe por veí que luis y su novia silvio estaban considerando casarse
00:08:25una institución en la que no soy campeón
00:08:28el matrimonio lo hace a uno generoso
00:08:31y la gente generosa es cobarde
00:08:34carece de individualidad y sobre todo es
00:08:39egocéntrica una cualidad que no tenía intención de estimular en luz
00:08:45Civil civil como estas gracias
00:08:52Esto desesperado por favor
00:08:55Por favor
00:09:01Necesito dinero civil mira civil esto es todo lo que no me alcanza con esto esto es basura
00:09:09Estos vecinos que tengo para que sirven
00:10:02Le mostré a nino borrache la fotografía de luis que tomé en el estudio de veí
00:10:06Nino estuvo de acuerdo conmigo luis tenía el rostro del mañana y la imagen perfecta de su fragancia soba
00:10:13luego con un poco de persuasión
00:10:15anime a veí y con muchos halagos hacia luis
00:10:18pude convencerlos de hacer el intento vamos luis si una más y
00:10:24vamos una más
00:10:29si colocate así
00:10:31Aguarda un segundo bien bien si muy bien una más
00:10:42Muy bien y vamos tienes que divertirte si eso es
00:10:57Estás bien si si un segundo
00:11:04Escucha tu chico del mañana necesita relajarse ser natural
00:11:09ser natural es solo una pose ve y la más irritante que conozco luis
00:11:15tomamos un descanso
00:11:17sí buen trabajo
00:11:27Quieres mojar tu garganta con esto no sé quien va a tomarlo
00:11:34No me puedo relajar está bien no te preocupes ya lo logras
00:11:38creo que quizás y para por favor luis no pienses el intelecto destruye la armonía de cualquier rostro
00:11:46La belleza es una forma de genialidad luis no necesita explicación
00:11:51es una de las grandes verdades de este mundo como la luz del sol o la primavera
00:11:56o el reflejo en las aguas oscuras de esa concha plateada que llamamos luna
00:12:02la belleza no puede ser cuestionada tiene el divino derecho de la soberanía
00:12:07Hace príncipes a aquellos quienes la poseen
00:12:12Quieres ser fotógrafo verdad
00:12:14Si pues esto es lo que harás primero
00:12:17te establecemos como un supermodelo de clase mundial
00:12:21después podrás hacer todo lo que quieras hacer si es la fotografía bien
00:12:25por supuesto depende de ti luis
00:12:28tú tienes que dar ese primer paso
00:13:14Es genial
00:13:58Le pedí a B que explotara la sesión fotográfica que había tomado a luis y luego lo invité a mi casa para tomar unos tragos
00:14:07Si podría estar tarde a las cinco en punto
00:14:11Bien sí sí
00:14:14Well, I told you it's really the face of the morning and you had it first, Nino.
00:14:19Good, just get the papers ready.
00:14:22Certificate check.
00:14:25Thank you, Nino.
00:14:31Congratulations, Luis.
00:14:32You are now officially the new face of Sauvage.
00:14:35Is that a joke?
00:14:37Well done.
00:14:39Nino also sends you his congratulations.
00:14:41Do you think it's one of the best jobs that Bey has ever done?
00:14:45And I must admit that I agree with him.
00:14:51She actually...
00:14:53...captured something.
00:14:58What is it?
00:15:06...makes me sad.
00:15:08Why? Is everything so terrible?
00:15:11We men reach 50, we have the face we deserve.
00:15:14How could that be terrible?
00:15:17You know, I think Bey must be a little sadistic deep down.
00:15:20Now, just wait...
00:15:22...until you get old and have wrinkles and canes.
00:15:24You will curse her every time you see this picture.
00:15:29Henry, are you scaring me?
00:15:31Come on, let's have a drink to celebrate.
00:15:34Of course you can always turn things around for her, like Dorian Gray.
00:15:37Like who?
00:15:38The hero of a brilliant Oscar Wilde novel.
00:15:44Yes, Dorian was so drunk.
00:15:47Where are the glasses?
00:15:51It was so well done that an artist painted his portrait.
00:15:55So Dorian asked for a wish.
00:16:01He wanted the portrait to age...
00:16:03...while he remained young forever.
00:16:07Like a pact with the devil?
00:16:10Yes, something like that.
00:16:13And did it work? Did Dorian age?
00:16:17Yes, but it doesn't have a happy ending.
00:16:20I think it's good.
00:16:24You like the idea, don't you?
00:16:27Wait a minute.
00:16:30Can this picture change my place?
00:16:34Yes, I can live with that.
00:16:37Well, that makes you the perfect candidate to be the new Dorian.
00:16:41What do you think of that?
00:16:43What do I think of what?
00:16:45Your new professional name.
00:16:53It's pretentious.
00:16:58I like it like that.
00:17:01I thought so.
00:17:03Well, for you, Dorian.
00:17:06A star has been born.
00:17:30I love you, Dorian.
00:18:27...makes me sad.
00:18:34Men, when we're 50, we have the face we deserve.
00:18:37How could this be terrible?
00:18:40You know, I think Bey must be a little sadistic deep down.
00:18:43But wait...
00:18:44...until you get old, have wrinkles and faces.
00:18:47You'll curse her every time you look at this picture.
00:19:16Dorian asked for a wish.
00:19:18For the portrait to grow old while he remained young forever.
00:19:24Like a pact with the devil?
00:19:26Yes, but it doesn't have a happy ending.
00:19:28I think it's good.
00:19:57Your soul, Luis.
00:20:03Your soul.
00:20:33Come on!
00:20:49You like the noise, don't you?
00:20:50Hey, Dorian's here!
00:20:53Look at him!
00:20:57What do you think of all this?
00:20:59Decadence can be fascinating.
00:21:08What about art?
00:21:14Art is a disease.
00:21:18What about love?
00:21:26Yes, what about love?
00:21:32Love is an illusion.
00:21:37No, wait.
00:21:38Then what do you believe in, Henry?
00:21:49Let me fill your glass.
00:21:54Champagne, please.
00:21:57Hey, where's Sybil?
00:21:59She's probably around here.
00:22:09Hi, Trina. How are you, dear?
00:22:11Nice to see you.
00:22:18You were going to introduce me?
00:22:20I'm Trina Rush.
00:22:23Are you as good as you look?
00:22:25I think so.
00:22:32I like a man with a future, but not a woman with a past.
00:22:35Trina, my love, you're overshadowing our star.
00:22:38Okay, do you want 10% of this action too, Henry?
00:22:41Oh, like the poet says,
00:22:43put it where the sun doesn't shine.
00:22:45Very good, Henry.
00:22:56Where did you say she was?
00:23:00There, there she is.
00:23:04Sybil, what's going on?
00:23:05I want to get out of here.
00:23:06What are you talking about?
00:23:07Let's go to the women's room together.
00:23:08No, it's not like that.
00:23:09Listen, look, the doors are open.
00:23:11We're here, we're on our way.
00:23:12No more sorrows, no more struggles.
00:23:14The world is ours.
00:23:15No, Luis, the world is yours.
00:23:17Look, nothing can stop us now.
00:23:20Listen to me.
00:23:21I love you.
00:23:33I love you too.
00:23:46Let's get out of here.
00:23:50Let's go!
00:23:51Let's go!
00:23:53Let's go!
00:24:19I'd like to take Sybil away from here.
00:24:21No, wait a minute.
00:24:22We're in a moment now.
00:24:23Sovash's campaign has just begun.
00:24:26I know, but this modeling thing, it's not for me.
00:24:28I want to be a photographer.
00:24:29Wait, please.
00:24:30We have an agreement.
00:24:31This is just the first step, Dorian.
00:24:33It's not just that.
00:24:34Sybil doesn't like what's going on.
00:24:36She's afraid of losing me.
00:24:38Yes, but did you forget that last night every woman in that club wanted you?
00:24:43I felt like a piece of meat.
00:24:44No, wait a minute.
00:24:45Just listen to me.
00:24:46Stop thinking like that now.
00:24:49The gods have been very generous with you.
00:24:52But what they give, they can take away too.
00:24:55Don't waste the gold of your days.
00:24:58For a season, the world belongs to you.
00:25:02I don't know what I want to do.
00:25:04That's why you have a representative.
00:25:06What is this for?
00:25:08They seem to be the keys to a new place.
00:25:11Say goodbye to Brooklyn.
00:25:13Say hello to Manhattan.
00:25:14Last floor.
00:25:15And you were lucky, you bought it cheap.
00:25:17Some of my friends are renovating the building.
00:25:20Well, it's a nice place.
00:25:25Do you think Sybil will like it?
00:25:28Yes, of course.
00:25:30Open the door.
00:25:38At least see it.
00:25:39I don't want to move for now.
00:25:42Do you like this place infested with addicts?
00:25:45What does that mean?
00:25:47But do you think I went back to the drug?
00:25:50Hey, maybe it's better if you go out for a while.
00:25:52And where are you going?
00:25:54With Henry.
00:25:55He has friends for dinner tonight.
00:25:57Luis, it's past midnight.
00:25:58So what?
00:26:00Come with me if ...
00:26:02Go like what?
00:26:04Like Dorian's girl?
00:26:05Another joke that Henry's friends laugh at?
00:26:08Hey, they're also my friends.
00:26:10They want to be on you to see if they get something out of you.
00:26:12God is everything you want to be?
00:26:14A brainless toy model?
00:26:16Yes, yes.
00:26:17I'm not a real artist.
00:26:18Not like you and your theater functions, okay?
00:26:21You're pathetic.
00:26:23Come on, forget your photography.
00:26:24Forget your dreams.
00:26:25Throw them in the trash and go to the city to your damn party.
00:26:28You know what?
00:26:29There you belong.
00:26:30There with Henry and all his falsehoods.
00:26:32Luis, if you really think that all this modeling garbage
00:26:35is going to be the way to success as a photographer,
00:26:37you're a fool.
00:26:38Shut up!
00:26:39Shut up!
00:26:44I'm sorry.
00:26:49Get out.
00:26:51Please, you know ...
00:26:52Get out!
00:27:19I'm afraid not, doll.
00:27:42If everything you need is here
00:27:49The world can be yours
00:27:51If you just let go of your fears
00:27:57What's up, Trina?
00:27:59I think I'm late.
00:28:00Depends on what.
00:28:02You're the last one here.
00:28:05What about Henry?
00:28:07He offered to take Baroche to the Hamptons.
00:28:10He's not coming back until tomorrow.
00:28:13The place is all ours.
00:28:19If you want.
00:28:40If you want
00:28:41If you want
00:28:42If you want
00:28:43If you want
00:28:44If you want
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00:28:58If you want
00:28:59If you want
00:29:00If you want
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00:32:59If you want
00:33:00If you want
00:33:02Yes, let's go
00:33:03I'm on my way
00:33:46It can't be
00:33:55It can't be
00:34:01It can't be
00:34:18Let me help you
00:34:19No, I can do it
00:34:20Won't you take anything else?
00:34:21No, leave everything
00:34:22Let's get a cab
00:34:31Lost in the concrete canyons
00:34:34Towers of gold and steel
00:34:40Can you see it?
00:34:42Can you believe it?
00:34:46Look into your soul
00:34:51You're free
00:35:00He says he thought the picture had changed
00:35:04That's what he said
00:35:06I know it seems strange
00:35:07No, no
00:35:09Please continue, Mr. Wotten
00:35:10I want to hear the whole story
00:35:14Well, in the following years
00:35:15Dorian focused on his career
00:35:17Carrera represent Arlo for a trabajo de tiempo completo
00:35:21Hay como nos divertimos
00:35:23hicimos mucho mucho dinero
00:35:26Solo que una pieza estaba faltando
00:35:29Iba incrementando más su paranoia entre más exitoso se volvía
00:35:37Septiembre 1990
00:35:47Para septiembre de 1990 donde quiera que iba la fotografía de Dorian estaba ahí. Entre más famoso era más imposible era de manejar
00:36:02La gente comenzó a hablar sobre las escapadas de Dorian
00:36:05yo sin embargo las evitaba
00:36:08ni una vez la publicidad aprobó o desaprobó nada de lo que el hiciera
00:36:18Ah ya voy
00:36:40Que rayos que sucede Dorian, debiste estar en el estudio hace dos horas
00:36:48Me dormí
00:36:52Diles que enferme
00:36:55Ya es tarde han cancelado la sesión y no habrá cheque para ti
00:37:04Necesito una ducha
00:37:09En toda entrevista dije no nos enviaron al mundo para ventilar nuestros prejuicios morales
00:37:15Por ello jamás hice caso de ninguna noticia de lo que la prensa o la gente común decía y jamás interferí en lo que la gente linda hacía
00:37:25¿Hiciste café?
00:37:27Yo no
00:37:34Oye ¿te importa?
00:37:39¿Algunas más?
00:37:41Ya me voy, ten un buen día
00:37:43Ten un buen día
00:37:45Te veré luego
00:37:47Oye espérame, me iré contigo
00:38:05Dorian estoy preocupado por ti
00:38:07Sales de fiestas todas las noches
00:38:11Aún me veo bien, ¿no es así?
00:38:13¿No crees?
00:38:15Sí, sí, por supuesto
00:38:17Tú solo no
00:38:19¿No qué? ¿No soy tan bueno como cuando me conociste?
00:38:21No, estás bien
00:38:23Así es, estoy bien, porque no hay bolsas bajo mis ojos y no hay líneas aquí, ¿cierto?
00:38:25¿Qué rayos está sucediendo?
00:38:27¿Quieres saber qué está pasando?
00:38:29Ven Henry, te mostraré
00:38:35Esto, esto es lo que está ocurriendo
00:38:41Dios mío
00:38:55¿Qué le pasó?
00:38:57¿Cuándo comenzó a transformarse?
00:39:01La primera vez justo después de que Sibyl murió
00:39:03Se ha puesto peor
00:39:07Es asombroso en verdad
00:39:09Es como esa historia tonta que me contaste
00:39:13Sobre el otro Dorian
00:39:17Sé que es difícil de concebir
00:39:19Pero es como si me estuviera sucediendo
00:39:23Puedo creer lo que sea
00:39:25A pesar de que sea verdaderamente increíble
00:39:29Esto no es lo que quería
00:39:31Puedes tener lo que quieras Dorian
00:39:33La vida tiene todo reservado para ti
00:39:35Y sin rostro no hay nada que no puedas tener
00:39:37Eres el hombre más afortunado del mundo Dorian
00:39:39No hay límites
00:39:41Con esa dulce sonrisa
00:39:43De pequeño inocente
00:39:45Por siempre Dorian
00:39:47Por siempre
00:39:49Puedes hacerlo todo
00:39:51Puedes dirigir este negocio
00:39:53Ahora depende de ti
00:39:55Únicamente te tienes que atrever
00:40:11Anda ve a vestirte
00:40:13Rápido tenemos que ir a ver a Bay
00:40:15¿Por qué?
00:40:17Hice un trato con Diana Baxter
00:40:19¿Has oído de ella?
00:40:23Bueno Diana publica libros
00:40:25Libros de cabecera
00:40:27Elegantes, yuppies muy costosos
00:40:29About you, you know, top model, his real life, the naked truth behind the glamour, that kind of thing.
00:40:35I think he'll do it with one condition.
00:40:39He wants Bay to take the pictures, so...
00:40:42If we can sign Bay...
00:40:46We'll get...
00:40:49A million dollar business.
00:40:55And what's the title of the book?
00:40:57It'll be... Dorian. The life of a supermodel.
00:41:00Diana thinks it'll be huge, especially if you take the pictures.
00:41:03No, no, no. I love you, Bay. The best.
00:41:07Your taste, your aesthetic...
00:41:09Accept. I want to work with you again.
00:41:12What do you say?
00:41:14All the artistic decisions will be yours.
00:41:18And Dorian's, of course. Without anyone's interference.
00:41:24Come on...
00:41:27All right.
00:41:28That's it, that's it. Come here.
00:41:32We'll have a great time.
00:41:34Dorian and Bay were going to work together again. It was heaven for them.
00:41:40Somehow, Bay was able to help Dorian make an effort and get the Luis that was buried deep inside him.
00:41:48What do you really want, Dorian?
00:41:50To finish this book.
00:41:52And then?
00:41:53Sell a million copies. Be rich and famous.
00:41:56Have my name on sheets, towels, underwear.
00:42:00And live a life of pure success.
00:42:02That's what Henry wants. I thought you wanted to take pictures.
00:42:05That's right.
00:42:07And what changed?
00:42:08Nothing. I'm still with that, but it's not the time.
00:42:12When will it be?
00:42:14I'm not sure. Henry...
00:42:17How long have you known Henry?
00:42:21An eternity.
00:42:23I was one of his first clients.
00:42:26And has he had many clients?
00:42:28Only a few and select.
00:42:30I think that makes me one of the lucky ones, doesn't it?
00:42:34I guess.
00:42:36Henry says you're a hermit.
00:42:38And I have to stay there, be on stage, be visible.
00:42:44We're a team.
00:42:45I'm happy now, having fun, having a good time, with emotions.
00:42:50That's what I like. That's what makes me happy.
00:42:52I go anywhere and I can feel people's eyes on me.
00:42:56According to Henry, that's what the world is about.
00:43:00Be careful.
00:43:02I thought you liked him.
00:43:04That's right.
00:43:06That's right, but what?
00:43:09I don't like what he does to you.
00:43:11What he wants you to be.
00:43:13You're better than that, Dorian.
00:43:15Henry's fine.
00:43:17He only offers me options.
00:43:18I make the decisions.
00:43:20Are you sure about that?
00:43:22Yes, of course I am.
00:43:23He works for me.
00:43:29I wonder what Henry would think.
00:43:31He wouldn't be happy.
00:43:32No, no, he wouldn't be happy.
00:43:37Enough about Henry.
00:43:43Maybe you need to be in another world.
00:44:07Please promise me,
00:44:09that if you ever need to talk about anything,
00:44:12you'll come to me.
00:44:17Yes, I promise.
00:44:46Spinning round and round
00:44:54Like falling down
00:45:00Falling down
00:45:06Falling down
00:45:15What can I say?
00:45:16I love her.
00:45:21You love her?
00:45:34Are you crazy?
00:45:38It just happened.
00:45:39We were working together on the book.
00:45:41And what are you going to do? Marry her?
00:45:44Why not?
00:45:45I love Bey, and she loves me.
00:45:48Why not?
00:45:51I'll show you why not.
00:46:01Come here.
00:46:06This is why not.
00:46:08Has Bey seen this?
00:46:09Or does she think your face is the real one?
00:46:12She loves me.
00:46:13Loves you? What are you talking about?
00:46:15She doesn't even know you.
00:46:17This is you.
00:46:21We'll show Bey the real you.
00:46:23Do you want to?
00:46:25We can ask her to come here.
00:46:27I'll bring her here right now.
00:46:28I'll just call her. I know where she is.
00:46:30I'll bring her right now.
00:46:32Give me that.
00:46:33I liked working with her.
00:46:35You know how brilliant she is.
00:46:36I understand.
00:46:38You want a new career,
00:46:39like Bey's camera assistant.
00:46:40No, she's going to help me with my photography.
00:46:43Listen, Dorian.
00:46:44You have a book coming out this weekend.
00:46:4650,000 pre-sold copies all over the world.
00:46:48That's your career.
00:46:51That's what we both work for.
00:46:55That's enough.
00:46:56That's enough.
00:46:58I just want a normal life.
00:47:01A normal life.
00:47:04You want a nice, normal life.
00:47:12So you're going to marry Bey,
00:47:13move to New Jersey,
00:47:15have a couple of crybabies.
00:47:20So you want to be ordinary, Dorian.
00:47:24Well, I can make you ordinary.
00:47:27I can make you completely,
00:47:29undeniably ordinary.
00:47:31Henry. Henry. No. Henry.
00:47:33Take one last look at the picture,
00:47:35because in two seconds,
00:47:36that's going to be your face.
00:47:41Leave it, Henry.
00:47:44It's my picture.
00:47:48It's mine.
00:47:53Of course, Dorian.
00:47:55Whatever you say.
00:48:05And what are we going to do with Bey?
00:48:08Don't worry about that.
00:48:09I'll take care of her, kid.
00:49:10It looks like we have a winner, Henry.
00:49:13I hope so.
00:49:14Thank you for convincing me to publish it.
00:49:17Yes, sir.
00:49:18I still don't understand
00:49:20why you don't want your name in the book.
00:49:22It's the creation of Dorian, Diana.
00:49:24You created Dorian?
00:49:25If you say so.
00:49:27Yes, take the credit.
00:49:28Reveal the art, hide the artist.
00:49:30That's the trick, Diana.
00:49:31That's the trick.
00:49:33Dorian is your work of art?
00:49:37Just look at him.
00:49:41It's been years.
00:49:43You haven't changed a bit.
00:49:45Come on, baby.
00:49:47I'm mad at you.
00:49:51I checked the index and I'm nowhere.
00:49:53Tell me about your blessings.
00:49:55Oh, Bey.
00:49:57The pictures are beautiful.
00:49:58I've never caught you like this before.
00:50:00It's as if you were made for each other.
00:50:03Excuse me.
00:50:05I'm sorry.
00:50:06I didn't know you had something.
00:50:08It's all right.
00:50:17Let me introduce you to Mariela Steiner.
00:50:19She's married to one of my friends, Rolf.
00:50:21That's great.
00:50:23One of the richest men in Europe.
00:50:25Very impressive.
00:50:28I'm sorry.
00:50:29I'm sorry.
00:50:33Henry told me this could be the launch of the year.
00:50:36Well, I certainly hope so.
00:50:42It's a good book.
00:50:44You read it?
00:50:45No, I saw the pictures.
00:50:49You have to meet the photographer today.
00:50:53Unfortunately, our dear Bey had to leave.
00:50:56Well, I think it's going to be a great success.
00:50:58Everyone loves to read about the dark side of New York.
00:51:01Oh, so it's that kind of book.
00:51:05Well, I have to read it then.
00:51:07Why read?
00:51:09You could see the reality.
00:51:11Are you offering to be our guide?
00:51:13Our guide?
00:51:15Yes, my husband will pick me up in a few minutes.
00:51:29Cuts. Winter Garden.
00:51:34Rolf, don't you think you've had enough to drink?
00:51:36No, I'm fine.
00:51:39I'm sorry, I missed the launch of your book, my friend.
00:51:41But you know, in my world, business always comes first.
00:51:46Business always comes first?
00:51:48Before, after you, dear.
00:51:51You're a real man, Rolf.
00:51:55Let's make a toast.
00:51:56To what the night brings us.
00:52:00That's right.
00:53:16Oh, where are you?
00:53:17I'm on vacation.
00:53:19What are you talking about?
00:53:21You have a dinner test at Fox next week,
00:53:23not to mention the book launch.
00:53:25Yes, well, I needed a vacation, so...
00:53:28Oh, I understand.
00:53:30Well, where are you going to be?
00:53:34Germany? Why not?
00:53:37Oh, I understand.
00:53:38So you're going to go with the stupid European
00:53:40and the millionaire and impotent husband, right?
00:53:42Listen to me, Dorian.
00:53:44We have a contract.
00:53:46Body and soul, Henry.
00:53:49Body and soul, Dorian.
00:53:56So he just got away from you.
00:54:00But you still manage your money, the book, the modeling?
00:54:04Yes, I still had legal power, yes.
00:54:06I didn't need any money.
00:54:08I was living in a huge mansion in Bavaria, for God's sake.
00:54:11I even heard that he tried photography again.
00:54:14But without my influence, I was not going anywhere.
00:54:18I had become the boy I had always been.
00:54:23And that's how Dorian spent the following years.
00:54:26He lived like a captive, a big gigolo.
00:54:29He was like a bandit.
00:54:31He didn't realize that there was a trap.
00:54:34Actually, he wasn't the one who handled the situation.
00:54:36Rolf did.
00:54:39Mariela, dear, I want to talk to you in private
00:54:41before our guests leave.
00:54:43I don't know what to say.
00:54:45I don't know what to say.
00:54:47I don't know what to say.
00:54:49I don't know what to say.
00:54:51Before our guests arrive.
00:54:54Very well, Rolf. About what?
00:54:56You know, my love.
00:54:58Sometimes what you want and what I need is not the same.
00:55:02And I think our dear friend Dorian has fallen into that category.
00:55:08What do you mean?
00:55:12I put a sleeping pill in his drink.
00:55:16He'll sleep for hours.
00:55:19You look beautiful.
00:55:30You know, I'm always happy to give you everything your heart wants.
00:55:36But to put it gently,
00:55:38I feel that Dorian has exceeded his status.
00:55:42Are you saying you want him to leave?
00:55:51Come with us.
00:55:55It's time to say goodbye to Dorian.
00:55:58I'm not sure it's a good idea.
00:56:01But when are you leaving?
00:56:03This weekend.
00:56:06A nice and sophisticated European triangle.
00:56:09Sounds good.
00:56:14Rolf, please don't.
00:56:16Please don't.
00:56:18We're wrapped together.
00:56:19But it's nothing.
00:56:22No buts.
00:56:28Do you like Rolf?
00:56:30No, I like him. He's a good guy.
00:56:33He's my husband.
00:56:35And I love him.
00:56:37But I want you.
00:56:40I can tell you and Dorian have a thing for each other.
00:56:46She doesn't deserve our attention.
00:56:48It's so common.
00:56:50He's our friend.
00:56:54I have contracts, Mariela.
00:57:01I know.
00:57:04I'm your husband and I want you to leave.
00:57:07I'm your husband and I want you to leave.
00:57:19No, don't contradict me again.
00:57:28Now get ready before I get there.
00:57:31Let me show you something that I'm sure you'll find interesting.
00:57:37Let me show you something that I'm sure you'll find interesting.
00:58:04Dorian, come in.
00:58:08Sit down.
00:58:15Enjoy the show.
00:58:21Should we put some music?
00:58:26Turn it off.
00:58:28I said turn it off!
00:58:32You're a bastard.
00:58:34You don't deserve it.
00:58:36Don't say that.
00:58:37I'll take her with me.
00:58:39Do you really think she's stupid?
00:58:42Do you think she'll leave everything for you?
00:58:45Look at her face and tell me if I'm wrong.
00:58:48Look at her!
00:58:54I want you to let me decide everything once and for all.
00:59:01For God's sake!
00:59:02After everything I've done for you...
00:59:04Do you want to pay me back?
00:59:06No, please.
00:59:08Don't do that.
00:59:10Rolf, enough!
00:59:12No, please!
00:59:36Are you okay?
00:59:44Rolf, please don't.
00:59:47What did you do?
00:59:49Help me.
01:00:07What are we going to do?
01:00:08Rolf is...
01:00:10Get out.
01:00:11What's that?
01:00:12What's that?
01:00:13Get out of here.
01:00:14Get out!
01:00:15My God, what is it?
01:00:17For God's sake!
01:00:19The damn photograph is bleeding!
01:00:22It's Rolf's blood.
01:00:24The photograph is bleeding with his blood!
01:00:29Answer me!
01:00:30Who's in that photograph?
01:00:33Who is it?
01:00:37The photograph...
01:00:42The photograph is mine.
01:00:52I don't understand anything!
01:01:00Mariela, no!
01:01:59Please no.
01:02:17What happened to Bey? Did you marry him?
01:02:21I don't think so. He would have told me if he had.
01:02:24Of course there were rumors.
01:02:26Someone would fall for him as if he were the only fresh meat on the planet.
01:02:31He looked where he sold all kinds of pleasures.
01:02:34You know, boys, girls, whatever he wanted.
01:02:38Something very sordid.
01:02:41As far as I know, Dorian was trapped in a crazy race
01:02:45that took him in a spiral to the bottom of hell.
01:02:50Eventually he fell in the middle of a scandal of perverted sex in Bangkok,
01:02:54but the charges could never be proven.
01:02:57Then I heard that he had left Thailand shortly after
01:03:00to continue his depraved path in another remote place in the world.
01:03:11And then, a week ago,
01:03:13Bey had a great retrospective in Tribeca,
01:03:16so I threw a party for her at my house.
01:03:30Bey, darling, I love it. It's fabulous.
01:03:33Thank you, Diana. Are you taking another route?
01:03:35Yes, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas.
01:03:37And maybe even Paris and London in the fall.
01:03:39What do you think?
01:03:40It's great.
01:03:45Hi, Bey. Trina, Diana.
01:03:48I can't believe it. Dorian, look at you.
01:03:51Hey, you're still fabulous.
01:03:53Dorian, I'm going to kill you. You haven't aged a bit in 20 years.
01:03:56Who are you going with? The Brazilian doctor?
01:04:00Dear God.
01:04:03Look at what you've done.
01:04:06Look at what the air has brought.
01:04:13Hi, Dorian.
01:04:14Hi, Henry.
01:04:16Nice to meet you.
01:04:18Honestly, Dorian, look at you.
01:04:21How do you keep yourself like this?
01:04:24Genetics, I think.
01:04:27Hey, I'm going to get a drink. Would you mind coming with me?
01:04:30No, no, thank you. I just stopped by to say hello.
01:04:32Nice to see you.
01:04:33Where are you staying?
01:04:35At home. I just cleaned the place.
01:04:38Henry, we have to go.
01:04:41Some things never change.
01:04:44Well, I'm going to take Trina home.
01:04:46I'll see you here when I get back.
01:04:48No, but I'll call you.
01:04:52We need to talk, Dorian.
01:04:59Henry, would you mind leaving me in Paris? I'm going to sleep to get beautiful.
01:05:03Of course not, Diana.
01:05:04See you later.
01:05:05Yes, goodbye.
01:05:07See you later.
01:05:09Nice to see you, Dorian.
01:05:11You look great.
01:05:22You must have a lot of pictures.
01:05:25Of the good old days.
01:05:27Every shot I took of you.
01:05:30I'd like to ask you for your proof.
01:05:31But which ones?
01:05:32All of them.
01:05:33Just for a short while.
01:05:35It's very important.
01:05:37Okay, fine.
01:05:40Are you okay?
01:05:42Yes, yes.
01:05:44It's strange to see you after so many years.
01:05:47What are you going to do with them?
01:05:52I'll tell you what.
01:05:54You'll know when I'm done.
01:05:56Can I come by tomorrow and pick them?
01:05:58Of course. Call me.
01:05:59It's the same number.
01:06:00I haven't forgotten it.
01:06:14Excuse me.
01:06:15Are you Dorian?
01:06:16No, no pictures.
01:06:18Hey, Luis. Don't you remember me?
01:06:20James. I lived next door to you and Sybil.
01:06:27You're the one who killed her.
01:06:28Hey, I couldn't tell you.
01:06:29You put a needle in her arm.
01:06:31I couldn't tell you I didn't, man.
01:06:32She was hurt long before the guy came to see her.
01:06:34What guy?
01:06:35The one who killed her, Luis.
01:06:36Henry? Henry?
01:06:37Yes. She got scared.
01:06:38She asked me to help her.
01:06:39And he paid for her drugs.
01:06:48It's okay. It's okay.
01:06:50What a crazy guy.
01:06:58I can't believe it.
01:07:18I can't believe it.
01:07:25Get out! Get out!
01:07:28Get out!
01:07:38There are no limits.
01:07:40With that sweet smile.
01:07:42A smile of mine.
01:07:44Forever, Dorian.
01:07:49You can do it all.
01:07:51You can run this business.
01:07:52Now it's up to you.
01:07:54You just need to know if you dare.
01:08:05Come on. Forget your photography.
01:08:07Forget your dreams.
01:08:08Throw them in the trash.
01:08:09And go to your fucking party.
01:08:20Listen to me, Dorian.
01:08:22We have a contract.
01:08:27Where is the picture?
01:08:30Who is it?
01:08:49Dorian went to Bay's studio
01:08:51and took all the pictures he had taken of him.
01:08:54Then, on New Year's Eve,
01:08:56Bay had a premonition
01:08:58and insisted on calling him.
01:09:04Good luck.
01:09:10Good luck.
01:10:13Hi, Bay.
01:10:19Dorian, what...
01:10:20I've been working for days.
01:10:22Then I left you.
01:10:28Why is it so hot?
01:10:30I love the desert.
01:10:32I love the desert.
01:10:34I love the desert.
01:10:36I love the desert.
01:10:38I love the desert.
01:10:41Have you seen two scorpions fight until they're destroyed?
01:10:46It's beautiful.
01:10:52Let some light come in here.
01:11:00You're hurting me!
01:11:04Run with you!
01:11:05Run with you!
01:11:15My pictures.
01:11:17Yes, I had something to do with them.
01:11:23Didn't you like what I did with them?
01:11:31I have another picture I want to destroy!
01:11:33What have I done to you?
01:11:35Do you remember this? Look at your masterpiece.
01:11:37That's not mine. Henry took it.
01:11:40I wanted to warn you.
01:11:42About what?
01:11:44Henry, did you know?
01:11:46You're not the first soul Henry catches.
01:11:49He's hunted all his life.
01:11:51What did you promise him, Bay?
01:11:53Why did you sell your soul?
01:11:55I did it for art.
01:11:56Your art?
01:12:00Was it worth it?
01:12:05Why, Bay?
01:12:12I'm sorry.
01:12:23I have to free you.
01:12:27I have to do it!
01:12:28Don't do it!
01:12:29I'm going to do it!
01:12:34Let's go, Bay.
01:12:38Let's go.
01:13:05There's someone at home.
01:13:10I thought you had the key to this place.
01:13:13Where's Bay?
01:13:15A drink?
01:13:19I gave my key to Bay.
01:13:21He wanted to see you.
01:13:23Of course.
01:13:24You didn't answer the phone.
01:13:26I gave him my key.
01:13:28He wanted to see you.
01:13:30I gave him my key.
01:13:31Of course.
01:13:32You didn't answer the phone.
01:13:44What's that stench?
01:13:49Just some cravings.
01:13:53So you went to see Sybil?
01:13:56The night she died.
01:14:02I did.
01:14:04So Bay came here?
01:14:08Do you want a drink?
01:14:11Where is she now?
01:14:13She's over there.
01:14:41Death is the only thing that terrifies me.
01:14:43I hate it.
01:14:45She tried to cut my picture.
01:14:52Poor Dorian.
01:14:58I'm glad you stopped her.
01:15:00When that picture dies, so will you.
01:15:09What are you going to do, Henry?
01:15:11Call the police?
01:15:13The police?
01:15:14No, of course not.
01:15:16In fact, I'm going to drink that drink you offered me.
01:15:19We'll toast to our future together.
01:15:21Because this will go on forever.
01:15:30What does that quote say, I think?
01:15:35I think it's worth it.
01:15:37Win the whole world.
01:15:39And lose the soul.
01:15:51Oh, Dorian.
01:15:54How lucky you've been.
01:15:57What an exquisite life you've had.
01:15:59You're intoxicated with all the pleasures.
01:16:02Nothing has been hidden from you.
01:16:05And everything will be nothing but the sound of music for you.
01:16:10Well, that hasn't ruined you.
01:16:12You're still the same.
01:16:15I'm not the same, Henry.
01:16:20Yes, you are.
01:16:23You're perfect.
01:16:30I wish I could be in your place.
01:16:35The world screams against us.
01:16:38But it has always worshipped you.
01:16:43I'm glad you've never had any talent.
01:16:46You've never sculpted a statue or painted a painting.
01:16:49You've never produced anything outside of yourself.
01:16:55Your life has been an art.
01:16:58Your days are your sounds.
01:17:29Dorian, stop.
01:17:30Dorian, stop!
01:17:32It's over.
01:17:33Don't do it.
01:17:42No, Dorian.
01:18:27Yes, I could send an ambulance to 122 Spring.
01:18:31The last floor, yes.
01:18:33Yes, it's an emergency.
01:18:40Mr. Wooten.
01:18:44Mr. Wooten.
01:18:46Mr. Wooten.
01:18:48Mr. Wooten.
01:18:50Mr. Wooten.
01:18:52Mr. Wooten.
01:18:54Mr. Wooten.
01:18:56Mr. Wooten.
01:18:58Where is the photograph?
01:19:00Do you want to see it?
01:19:25My son of a bitch.
01:19:29I think we'll leave this for now.
01:19:37But there could be more questions.
01:19:42Do you want me to take you?
01:19:44Thank you. I'll take a cab.
01:19:49Mr. Wooten.
01:19:51Mr. Wooten.
01:19:53Mr. Wooten.
01:19:56Mr. Wooten.
01:20:00Happy New Year.
01:20:12Happy New Year.
01:20:25Happy New Year.
01:20:59Take this to 354 East 85.
01:21:06Give it to the porter.
01:21:08Keep the change.
01:21:09Of course. Thank you.
01:21:55To the memory of Glenn Tosman, 1967-2002.
01:22:26I am drawn to you
01:22:32I am drawn to do
01:22:38What my love tells me to
01:22:50Make me move inside
01:22:56I feel stars collide
01:23:02Feel my blood is calling you
01:23:22I want you to get down on your knees
01:23:27I want you to prove you can do the deeds
01:23:32I want your every little funky detail
01:23:37I want to tip you, take you, turn you over, inside out
01:23:42I want you
01:23:47Come on
01:23:48I want you
01:23:59We got Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger
01:24:02Try keepin' it low
01:24:03And you should try keepin' it rockin'
01:24:07Try keepin' it low
01:24:08And you should try keepin' it rockin'
01:24:12Try keepin' it low
01:24:13And you should try keepin' it rockin'
01:24:15And you should try keepin' it rockin'
01:24:17Try keepin' it low
01:24:18And you should try keepin' it rockin'
01:24:20So many problems existing within the globe
01:24:22How must you be so now reminded
01:24:24Rappin' bout money and clothes, silly hoes
01:24:26I suppose I'll apron you, my bitch
01:24:28You do whatever I say and I'll buy you expensive shit
01:24:30What's this?
01:24:31Worthless minds working together
01:24:32It's silly gangsters on the corner
01:24:34Actin' drunk and gettin' jiggy
01:24:36Really, I gotta say that I'm glad you exist
01:24:38Cause if there wasn't there'd be no one to make the money