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General Hospital 02-27-2025 FULL Episode 720HD


00:00I didn't expect to see you here today. I figured you'd take some time off after everything you've been through.
00:06The race has just ended, and I have three kids I can't afford to take time off.
00:11Besides being here, it keeps my mind off of everything else.
00:16Like Cyrus attacking Lucky.
00:31How have you lived lately?
00:37Thank God you're awake. I've always been so worried about you.
00:43Trying to steal my gig? Being unconscious in hospital beds, that's kind of my thing.
00:49You know me. I can't let my little sister steal a small life for too long.
00:57Oh, there he is. Didn't know if you were going to show up. I'm almost at my center.
01:03I'm sorry I'm late. I'll tell you why in a minute, but right now I just need to hit something.
01:07Did I hear you correctly? Did you say that Chase wants Finn to be the sperm donor?
01:13Yes. Chase just sprung this on me, and I can tell it's what he really, really wants.
01:19That way the child would have a little bit of him and a little bit of me.
01:24Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Right?
01:27I know, and it's not even like I can argue with his logic. I mean, the baby would have some Chase genes.
01:34That's true.
01:35Well, I haven't seen Chase this optimistic since he found out he was sterile.
01:40When he told me, I was shocked, and I didn't give him the reaction that he was hoping for.
01:48He said he was fine, but I could tell he was upset he practically ran out of here.
01:52Well, maybe he just needed some time alone to think.
01:55I hope so, because as much as I want to have a baby, I want to have Chase's baby, not his brother's.
02:08Why am I here?
02:13Well, because we have a problem, and his name is Jen Sidwell.
02:19Hello, hello.
02:20Hello, hello.
02:22Thank you so much for meeting me here.
02:24Ah, well, it is my pleasure, but I am so, so sorry. You know, I had such a busy, long, tiring day.
02:30I just didn't have much chance to freshen up before you came.
02:33I can assure you, you look as ravishing as always.
02:35Oh, thank you. You're making me blush. Of course, in this lighting, you can't really tell, can you?
02:39I have a confession to make. I have an ulterior motive for inviting you here this evening.
02:45Hey, sorry that I was late.
02:46It's fine. Gave me a chance to send a few work emails.
02:50You know, you have something on your cheek. That cheek.
02:53Oh, do I?
02:56Did I get it?
02:57Yeah, it's gone.
02:59Was that paint? I didn't know you were taking a painting class this semester.
03:04No, I'm not. It must have happened when I was with Guy.
03:12So, what kind of trouble have you been stirring up?
03:17I took the liberty of pouring you some scotch.
03:21I don't like to conduct business this late without a beverage.
03:26Much obliged.
03:29You should probably try to drink it before you stroke my face.
03:32As if I would waste scotch. That rare are the likes of you.
03:36Although I am intrigued as to why you would assume I might want to.
03:40You're here on behalf of your client.
03:42And the cease and desist order against Drew...
03:54Drew... Kane, is it?
03:57Or have you thought of some new way to work my very last nerve?
04:03It's Drew Quartermain.
04:05And yeah, you might want to rethink that last legal maneuver of yours.
04:24I'm getting to know each other. He's such a good guy.
04:38What were you kids up to earlier?
04:40Well, Guy surprised me with his trip to the Modern Art Museum,
04:43where visitors get to paint on this communal canvas.
04:46How fun!
04:48I bet your point was a masterpiece.
04:50Well, definitely not.
04:51I am way more of a lover of art than an actual artist, so...
04:56But I mean, I'm just grateful that Guy took me somewhere that he knew I'd really love.
05:03I haven't even had a chance to serve my drink, let alone any trouble.
05:06But you were the one who ran off to deal with Jason Morgan's arrest.
05:09Yeah, I'm glad I did.
05:10Jason's DNA was found in Cyrus' cabin.
05:13Well, that didn't sound like Morgan.
05:15He leaves DNA behind as sloppy.
05:17It's also impossible.
05:18Jason said he wasn't in the cabin, but he didn't kill Cyrus.
05:21I believe in anabolism, but his brother thinks this is the perfect time for payback,
05:25and he won't corroborate Jason's alibi.
05:28I'm sorry. I know what Jason means to you.
05:31I know he's going to get cleared eventually.
05:33I just hate seeing Jason railroaded for something he didn't do.
05:38Thank you so much.
05:44Listen, you have been so good to me that your wish is my command.
05:50I was hoping that you'd use your realtor skills one more time
05:54to present an offer for me to buy a property down by the water.
05:58Uh-huh. Okay.
05:59Well, I would be honored, and I think any resident of Port Charles
06:02would be very eager to work with somebody of your caliber.
06:05So tell me, which resident will I be dealing with?
06:10What's the issue with Sidwell?
06:12Unfortunately, it's not just Sidwell.
06:14He's working with Drew Quartermaine now.
06:17How do those two know each other?
06:19Well, I think Sidwell made a point of meeting all the elected officials. Me too.
06:25Well, you know what? Drew, all he wants to do is take me down,
06:28but I didn't think he'd do something stupid like team up with Sidwell.
06:33And we all thought the same thing.
06:36But it does make a twisted kind of sense.
06:38You ready for this?
06:40They both want your waterfront property.
06:42That's not going to happen, then I shouldn't be down.
06:45Even if Sidwell has a congressman backing him up.
06:49Oh, they might have found a way.
06:51And we wouldn't bring it up if we didn't think it could work.
06:55Uh, what's the big play?
06:59Sonny, they're planning to invoke eminent domain
07:03to seize your waterfront property by the piers,
07:07which would leave you with no choice but to vacate the area.
07:12Man, what's going on? This is actually serious.
07:16I suggested that maybe Finn could be our sperm donor.
07:20I mean, I can see how that would maybe surprise Brooklyn a little bit,
07:23but it's in line, right, with what you guys were going through,
07:26what you found out a couple weeks ago.
07:28You're just weighing options.
07:29I shouldn't have approached you the way that I did.
07:31I blindsided her with the idea and I made it sound like it was a sure thing.
07:35So she's not open to it?
07:36I didn't stick around to find out.
07:38I put Brooklyn in an awkward position again, just like I always do.
07:43Maybe take it easy on yourself, right?
07:46You're just both trying to figure things out.
07:48It's not your fault.
07:50Then why does it always feel like it is?
07:54You have every right to feel the way that you do, Brooklyn.
07:58This is one of the most important decisions of your life.
08:01And yeah, listen, it may feel impersonal
08:04to ask a perfect stranger to be your sperm donor.
08:07But to ask somebody you know, especially if it's your brother-in-law?
08:11I mean, that brings up a whole host of complications.
08:15One of them being that maybe this feels a little bit too personal.
08:20I don't know, I can also understand the argument that
08:24using a sperm donor that you know would make it easier.
08:28Listen to yourself.
08:31You're trying to convince yourself that this is the right thing for you.
08:35If you have to work that hard to talk yourself into something,
08:38then maybe it's not right.
08:41Honey, you need to be 100% sure that this is what you want
08:47and that Finn is the way to go.
08:50I mean, honey, this is a baby we're talking about, not a pair of stilettos.
08:55You're right.
08:58I shouldn't have this many doubts.
09:00And the fact that I do means that Finn isn't the right choice.
09:05There you go.
09:06I'm just worried about Chase, Ma.
09:08I'm worried about what this will do to him.
09:10I don't know how much more he can take.
09:12Drew's relationship with the Quatermain name is tenuous at best.
09:17Exploitation at worst.
09:19And quite frankly, I am sick to death
09:23with him appropriating the Quatermain name and legacy
09:27for his own power-hungry purposes.
09:30Well, that's the thing, isn't it, Tracy?
09:32Speaking of appropriating things,
09:35just out of curiosity,
09:37when's the last time you had the Quatermain estate surveyed?
09:42For the past few months,
09:43Lonky and I have talked about whether he should stay in Port Charles
09:47and how that decision would affect Aiden.
09:52But when I was doing CPR on him and he was fighting for his life,
09:55none of that mattered.
09:57All I cared about was keeping him alive.
10:00For Aiden.
10:02For me.
10:05He was my hero.
10:07He rushed in without hesitation,
10:10and he risked his life to save mine.
10:12And you saved his right back.
10:15I have been lucky enough to have some great romances,
10:20but it took me a long time to realize
10:24that the best kind of love is the kind
10:28where you take turns rescuing one another.
10:32That is what makes it one of a kind.
10:35That is what makes it worth fighting for.
10:38And in Lucky's case, worth sticking around for.
10:43What happened exactly?
10:45I'm a little fuzzy on the details.
10:48Do you remember fighting with Cyrus?
10:52He was sad.
10:54And Elizabeth...
10:56Oh my God, is she okay?
10:58Not a scratch on her.
10:59Thanks to you, but she has been worried sick about you, so...
11:04And Aiden, they are going to be so happy to hear your voice.
11:09What? Can you go to them?
11:11Just tell them, because I'd like to see them.
11:14I will.
11:15At first, now that I told you how glad I am that you're okay...
11:22What the hell is wrong with you?
11:24What were you thinking?
11:27...failed on our plans, but I am so glad that I didn't,
11:30because, you know, I really could use a night out,
11:33and I knew you'd be the perfect distraction.
11:35Well, I'm glad you're here,
11:37but you seem to be distracted by something other than me.
11:40I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just...
11:42Sidwell, it's crazy.
11:43He helped me and Sasha at gunpoint,
11:45and now he's sitting over there like he's a normal person.
11:52Elizabeth was terrified.
11:54I mean, I couldn't just stand there.
11:56I had to do something, right?
11:58I know.
12:00And I probably would have done the same thing,
12:02but you scared me, Lucky.
12:05I can't lose you, too.
12:07Not after Dad, and now Bobby and Spencer.
12:10If anything happened to you, I couldn't handle it.
12:14But I don't blame you for rushing in there.
12:17You love Elizabeth,
12:19and that's what you do for the people you love.
12:21I wasn't just Elizabeth.
12:23Cyrus tried to take you from us, too.
12:28I wanted to make sure that he paid for that, too.
12:34Well, come on.
12:36Sis, don't leave me hanging until the police get Cyrus or not.
12:41Let's go, Dad.
12:43You do know that the Quartermain property abuts public land?
12:47Yes, of course I do.
12:49Okay, well, as such, there is one little issue.
12:53It appears the Quartermains overshot the property line by about 20 feet.
12:59That's ridiculous.
13:01There hasn't been any new construction on this property in years.
13:04I know. As I say, I've seen the records.
13:07You've seen the records? No.
13:09This error goes back decades.
13:11To your father.
13:13Oh, be very careful with what you're going to say next.
13:18Facts are facts.
13:20And the fact is, it seems your dear departed father,
13:24may he rest in peace, misjudged the boundary of your property.
13:28And here's where it gets a little tricky.
13:31That 20 feet kind of, sort of includes the Quartermain family crypt.
13:36Oh, yeah. I think it's time we revisit the whole cease and desist discussion.
13:41Get Cyrus, then, who did?
13:44Nobody really knows for sure.
13:47After Cyrus left Elizabeth's, he disappeared without a trace.
13:51They arrested Jason, but they let him go.
13:56I guess they didn't have enough evidence to hold him on.
13:58So you think Jason did it?
14:00I haven't talked to him, but you can ask him if you want.
14:06The truth is, I don't want to know.
14:09Cyrus is gone, and that's... that's all that matters.
14:13I'm not sure any of what's happened will change Lucky's mind,
14:16or make him decide to stay here in Port Charles.
14:19But I know I can't count on it.
14:21And I don't want to give Aiden false hopes.
14:24Even though I know he would love it if his dad made his visit permanent.
14:29Aiden would love it.
14:31Just Aiden.
14:33Okay, maybe not just Aiden.
14:36Lucky's awake.
14:39My sweet girl.
14:42Of course you're worried about Case.
14:45You love him, and you don't want to see him hurting.
14:49But there is no right or wrong answer in this.
14:53It's about making a choice that's best for the both of you.
14:58I just don't think I could raise a baby knowing that their biological father was really their uncle.
15:04Or watching Violet play with my child,
15:07thinking that they're cousins, knowing that it's really her sibling.
15:10I mean, do we tell Violet? Does she have a right to know?
15:13Thinking about all this stuff is just making me sick to my stomach.
15:17There's your answer.
15:20I know.
15:22Look, I respect anyone who would go down that path, I just...
15:26I don't think I could do it.
15:29I just don't think that I could keep such a huge secret from my child.
15:34That wouldn't feel right.
15:36And the truth would always be hanging over me like this huge bomb that could go off at any time.
15:49So, Drew and the Sidwell guy think they're just gonna, what,
15:53invoke him in a domain and just take my property?
15:57And they might be able to do it.
15:59Sidwell and Drew knew exactly what they were doing when they teamed up.
16:02You sure about that? Because this is the stupidest idea I've ever heard.
16:06Sidwell doesn't want to go to war with you because he knows that WSB, our mayor, and Anna are keeping tabs on him, right?
16:12So he's doing things legally with Drew's help.
16:15Drew's original Esplanade plans had nothing to do with the waterfront.
16:19But his new plans give Drew a way to screw you and...
16:23And Jason.
16:24To screw you and Jason over.
16:26And Sidwell gets control of the port without doing anything illegal.
16:30I'm not gonna just roll over, hand them my property, and play dead.
16:36They got something coming.
16:39I mean...
16:40Yes, I understand. Look, you know how grateful I am to you for everything you've done for my family.
16:47Especially lately, right?
16:49But the thing is, Sonny, at the end of the day, I am still the mayor of this city.
16:54And I can't allow it to become a battleground for Drew and Sidwell.
17:00Or for you, for that matter.
17:03Now listen to me.
17:05We all agree that the best site for the Esplanade is the original site.
17:11That that is, in fact, what's best for poor Charles.
17:14So we will be doing everything we can to shut him down.
17:17And us telling you this tonight, it's a courtesy, Sonny.
17:22Because I felt that you should be kept informed.
17:25I appreciate that, Laura.
17:27But there's no room here for you to retaliate.
17:31Are we clear on that?
17:34Excuse me.
17:39Felicia, hi.
17:41I have some good news. Lucky's awake.
17:43Oh, thank God.
17:45Oh, thank God.
17:47Oh, I'll be right over.
17:50Thank you for letting me know.
17:53Lucky's awake.
17:56Yeah, listen, I'm sorry, but I've got to get to the hospital right away.
18:00I'll drive you, Laura.
18:02Thank you, Sonny.
18:10You think Laura got through to him?
18:13We're going to have to pray that she did.
18:17How's Kai handling his injury?
18:20Okay, I think.
18:22Football was his whole life.
18:24And he thought it was going to be his whole future, too.
18:29And every decision he made was geared towards making it to the pros.
18:33Having a dream shattered like that, it devastated him.
18:37But little by little, he's coming to terms with that.
18:40Good for him.
18:41I bet spending time with you was really helping him with that.
18:45You know, it wasn't long ago that your dreams and future were upended.
18:50But you turned your life around after Spencer's death and found the strength to go on.
18:56I was proud of you then, and I still am.
19:01Mrs. Spencer, it's so lovely to see you again.
19:04This time under better circumstances.
19:06Yeah, I almost didn't recognize you without your henchmen and guns.
19:10I thought an unfortunate misunderstanding.
19:13Glad it was resolved.
19:14It wasn't a misunderstanding. I was there when you kidnapped Sasha Corbin.
19:18And I also know what you did to Anna, Jason, and Lucky in Africa.
19:21Well, glad you followed directions and didn't report the incident to authorities.
19:26And I hope that you have the continued good sense not to do so.
19:32Carly, would you mind worrying me another drink?
19:35I think I'd like a moment alone with Mr. Sidwell.
19:42I don't believe we've met. Jack Brennan doesn't exist.
19:45I know you aren't.
19:47And if you ever trouble Carly Spencer again, I'll drop a bomb on you.
19:52And I'll finish the job I started in Africa.
20:09I hope that's not how you greet all your patients.
20:13Only the special ones.
20:15I am so glad you came back to my house last night.
20:21Thank you for saving me from Cyrus.
20:25I'd save you a hundred times if I had to.
20:30Just knowing that you're alright makes every second in this bed worth it.
20:36Hey, how's Aiden?
20:40He's shaken up. He's obviously worried about you, but he's doing okay.
20:45Well, it's late, so I'd probably sleep. I don't want to call and wake him right now.
20:51He's a teenager and he's up all hours.
20:54And I promised him I would tell him as soon as you woke up.
20:57But I'll bring him by in the morning.
21:02Listen, I know you and I have, uh...
21:06We have a lot that we need to talk about.
21:08Yes, none of which we need to even think about right now.
21:13You need to save your strength.
21:16We have plenty of time to talk about everything else later.
21:23You look, uh, a little flushed for all I see. Is everything okay?
21:27Great, everything's fine.
21:28I've just some lingering business left over from my time in Africa that doesn't need discussing.
21:33I would rather focus on my beautiful companion.
21:36Have you had a chance to consider my offer?
21:39Yes, um, and while the commission would be extremely tempting, I mean Birkenback tempting,
21:46um, I'm afraid I have to decline.
21:50I cannot present your purchase offer to Sunny.
21:55Okay, Sidwell seems a little shaken since you said something to him. What'd you say?
22:01Well, nothing remarkable.
22:03But, uh, I am hopeful that Sidwell and I have an understanding.
22:06You don't have to tell me.
22:08But I'm feeling under the right circumstances you can be a very ruthless man.
22:12Well, under the right circumstances, ruthless is one of many things I could be.
22:18Sometimes you have no other option.
22:21But, now that we've talked about Jason Morgan and Jen Sidwell,
22:25I would like to get back to the conversation we were having before you ran off to the PCPD.
22:31The one where you said that you would wait to take things to the next level until I was ready
22:35and then I asked you how long would you really wait and then you didn't answer?
22:38Do you mean that conversation?
22:39That's the one.
22:41I'm gonna give you all the time you need.
22:43Because something tells me, Miss Spencer, that you are worth waiting for.
22:49Okay, I have to ask.
22:51Were you and a guy on a date?
22:56I mean, heading into it, I would have definitely said no.
23:01I thought we were just friends.
23:03But, by the end of the night, it changed.
23:08And, um, yeah, we were definitely on a date.
23:17You know, when I was a young lawyer cutting my teeth in the South,
23:22I actually dealt with this sort of thing a lot.
23:24It's actually quite common when families as wealthy as yours try and acquire land.
23:29You know, they tend to take what's theirs and sort of assume they're entitled to it.
23:33No, no, no, no, not to worry.
23:36All families like the Quartermaze have their little secrets,
23:39and this one's actually quite benign if you think about it.
23:41I mean, well, it's a little property theft between friends, right?
23:45No, I guarantee you, this is gonna stay between the Quartermaze
23:49because you are gonna drop the cease and desist.
23:52Get to the or else part.
23:54Oh, keep up, Tracy, we're already there.
23:56The or part is I notify the state, and within about a week,
23:59there's a caravan of bulldozers outside your front door.
24:02And that would be a shame, wouldn't it?
24:04Because that part of the property offers such a stunning view of the lake.
24:10Just imagine poor Edward and Lila having to be relocated.
24:13It's actually kind of gross.
24:15Good! I'm glad we understand each other.
24:17We can reach this little agreement.
24:19I'm sure my client, the congressman, will be thrilled to know that you dropped the order.
24:24I'm not dropping anything.
24:26And you can tell that snake in the grass.
24:30I'm calling a bluff.
24:33My family offered me a sperm donor, but I don't know that I could do it.
24:40I mean, I don't know that I could biologically father a kid
24:47and have to keep them at a distance.
24:49You know, not be able to see them every day,
24:51not be able to be out in the world with them like a father would.
24:54I guess I didn't really think about the inside of things that much.
24:57Yeah, it's hard, right?
25:00I'd like to think that I would do anything to help someone I love become a parent,
25:04but it's complicated.
25:07The day Rocco was born changed my life.
25:10I don't know where I'd be without him,
25:12so for that reason I don't think I could be a donor to someone in my life that was close to me.
25:17And Finn, I don't know that he could either.
25:21Hearing you talk about it like this, now it makes me wonder.
25:24Well, not to add on, but you gotta think about Violet.
25:28I haven't gotten that far in my thinking just yet.
25:30Yeah, but you have to figure her in somewhere, right?
25:33It's a big deal.
25:34And who knows? Maybe before we know she'll be through with it.
25:36Or make a complicated situation even more complicated.
25:40Look, man, I know you want your kid to have your genes,
25:42but you also remember what happened to Molly and Christina.
25:46You know, that's not my dad.
25:48That's what Brooklyn said.
25:50She's a wise woman.
25:51Yeah, she is.
25:53And you being this honest with me, it really helps.
25:56It really helps.
25:57It lets me understand Brooklyn's perspective a little better.
26:00Well, good, man. I'm glad.
26:04You know, it's hard to believe.
26:09Good luck.
26:12Just one more thing, Mom.
26:14When Chase brought up Finn as our sperm donor,
26:17we discussed when we would tell our child the truth about their biological father.
26:24And it made me think about the baby that I gave up.
26:27That's only natural, honey.
26:29Yeah, but now I can't stop thinking about it.
26:32And I have so many questions.
26:33Do they know that they're adopted?
26:35And if they do, what do they think about me?
26:39You know, do they hate me?
26:41Or do they know that I did it out of love?
26:44You know, to give them a better life.
26:48I forced myself to not think about my baby for so long.
26:55And now that I am, I just can't stop thinking about what they feel about me.
27:01Oh, baby.
27:02Oh, baby.
27:13You look good.
27:16I got good genes.
27:20And an extra day of beanie rest probably helped.
27:24I am so glad you're okay.
27:27You know, it's funny.
27:28When you came in,
27:31I just felt a sense of peace wash over me.
27:37It's true what they say.
27:38It doesn't matter how old you get, you still need your mom.
27:42I mean, I may be all grown up, but...
27:48I sure feel better when you're around.
27:52That's music to my ears.
27:57For God's sake, Tracy, it's a simple tit-for-tat situation, you know?
28:01I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
28:03Why do you always have to complicate everything?
28:06I am not scratching anything of yours.
28:08And I'm not backing down.
28:11Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt.
28:13Oh, you're not? How's Lucky?
28:15He's awake and doing great.
28:17Elizabeth and my mom are with him now.
28:19Finally, some good news.
28:20Oh, it's fantastic news.
28:21I have been praying for my nephew and my sister.
28:24I mean, I'm sure Laura is thrilled, and you must be thrilled, of course.
28:28I am.
28:30But do you know what would make me feel even better?
28:33Having my daughter home, safe and sound, and away from Valentine.
28:37I'm sorry, I'm afraid I still haven't heard from him.
28:40I'm sure.
28:41It's the truth, Lulu, you're my niece.
28:43I wouldn't lie to you.
28:45As a matter of fact, based on our last conversation,
28:48I went through all of my records with a fine-tooth comb,
28:52hoping I could come up with something that would help you find Valentine.
28:55There was nothing there.
28:57Would I be able to have a look at those records?
28:59Maybe I could find something that you missed.
29:03I can't, I can't, I'm sorry.
29:05It would break attorney-client privilege.
29:07Lulu, I could be despised.
29:13You know what?
29:14I'm sorry.
29:16I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this short.
29:19I have a meeting with another client.
29:23Let's mark this a note.
29:26I'll be in touch.
29:33That is lying to you.
29:37Why do you say that?
29:38Because his demeanor changed the minute you walked in.
29:42Before you arrived, he was nothing but an arrogant nuisance.
29:46And when he laid eyes on you, all of a sudden he becomes the doting uncle.
29:52He's hiding something.
29:55I know it.
29:59That will make him trust me enough to know that I'm telling the truth about Drew.
30:03And he can stop him from doing any more damage to Aurora and Port Charles while he's in Congress.
30:08Well, Congressman Henderson wields a lot of power in Washington.
30:13I think your plan is a good one.
30:15I hope so, but even if I can get him to block Drew, that doesn't do anything to stop Sidwell.
30:20Let me handle Sidwell.
30:23If I play it smart, his interest in me will give me a chance to get some valuable information out of him.
30:28Knowledge is power.
30:30And I'm ready for us to have some.
30:33And I am having dinner with Sidwell later this week.
30:37Jordan, I know I can't stop you from doing it, but I'm going to need you to be careful.
30:42Remember, I know Drew.
30:43Then you know.
30:45I'm always careful.
30:48You know, Sonny will never sell his properties, but I would be more than happy to introduce you to other Waterfront property owners.
30:57That's quite all right.
30:59When it comes to Sonny's peers, I'm, how should I say, pursuing other avenues to acquire them.
31:07Sorry to interrupt, but I just, I didn't want to leave before saying hi.
31:11I'm glad you did.
31:12Well, I was surprised I got a text from John Lewis.
31:15Yeah, I got one too.
31:16Can you believe it?
31:17A grad student drops out of an environmental science trip to Easter Island at the last minute.
31:22I mean, I would have taken their place too.
31:24I know, me too, if they offered it to me.
31:26I mean, I wish I just got a chance to say goodbye to Joss before she left.
31:30I guess we just, like, miss each other at our place, you know?
31:32I didn't get a chance to say goodbye either, but that's okay.
31:34Because I think this trip is going to change her life.
31:45I'm so sorry, babe.
31:48You have nothing to be sorry for.
31:50It's my fault.
31:51I didn't even make the Finn thing a discussion.
31:53I just threw it out there like it was a done deal or something.
31:55You were just excited.
31:57I was also wrong.
31:59I thought about it, and Finn isn't the right choice for us.
32:02For the same way, I just was afraid I'd hurt you if I said it.
32:07And I am sorry that I put you in that position.
32:10I never want you to feel like you can't be honest with me.
32:13You can tell me anything.
32:15I love you.
32:17I love you too.
32:19I love you.
32:25I love you.
32:30Well, Aiden is thrilled his dad's okay.
32:33Oh, yes.
32:34I feel exactly the same way.
32:36I know, honey.
32:37I know.
32:38I feel like I can breathe again, finally.
32:43Do you think, um,
32:45after all the things that Lucky's been through these past few days,
32:48that it might have changed how he feels about staying here in Cordfarros?
32:52I don't know.
32:54I've been wondering the same thing.
32:56You had a lot of people pulling for you.
33:01You know, here's something crazy.
33:05It wasn't just people here pulling for me.
33:09What are you talking about?
33:11There was a moment when I was gasping for air,
33:18and I couldn't breathe.
33:20And I thought,
33:24this is it.
33:27I'm actually gonna die.
33:32And then, right then,
33:36right in that moment,
33:39I heard my dad's voice.
33:43It wasn't inside my head.
33:46Sonny, it was, like, in the room.
33:49You know what I'm saying?
33:51It was just as clear as you and me talking right now.
33:55And he said
33:57that it wasn't my time.
34:02Not yet, cowboy.
34:06Not yet.
34:09Is that crazy?
34:11No, it's not crazy.
34:14Your father always had the best timing.
34:19And from what I hear, you, uh,
34:21you're singing to Elizabeth from Cyrus.
34:27You got it, too.
34:29Like father, like son.
34:33Martin Gray almost hit my car when he was leaving the driveway.
34:36Is there something going on?
34:38I don't know.
34:40But it only reinforces what Tracy just said to me.
34:42She thinks he's hiding something.
34:44And I think she's right, because Martin got all spooked
34:46the second I mentioned Valentine.
34:48Oh, my God.
34:50Just let the authorities handle Valentine.
34:53I am.
34:55Just let the authorities handle Valentine.
34:57I am.
34:59But me investigating his lawyer
35:01isn't the same thing as sneaking off to Prague
35:03to find him and Charlotte.
35:05You're right. It's not.
35:07But no good can come of that, son.
35:09Look, I know that you're only trying to look out for me,
35:12but I need to find my daughter.
35:14And if this was Rocco, I'd be doing the exact same thing,
35:16only you would be right there with me, and you know it.
35:19I'm going to bring Charlotte home,
35:21and I think Martin is the key to finding her.
35:25I'm going to bring Charlotte home.
35:55I'm going to bring Charlotte home.
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