FBI - Season 7 Episode 12 - Manhunt
00:00You're too young to have this.
00:08Nana would never let you.
00:11She isn't here.
00:13I shouldn't have let you there.
00:15Too late.
00:17Besides, she wouldn't have let you get there either.
00:24I'm going to get us out of here.
00:31You keep saying that.
00:32It keeps on being true.
00:35We need to find the right time.
00:38That's all.
00:41Sofia, on your feet.
00:44Let's go.
00:46She's exhausted.
00:47My client is waiting.
00:48On your feet.
00:53I'll go.
00:54I'll go.
00:57I'll go.
00:58I'll behave.
00:59You look tired.
01:00I'm not.
01:01I'm ready.
01:03If anyone is going to go, it should be me.
01:23You're late.
01:33You said noon.
01:39Yeah, but usually you're ten minutes early.
01:46Brought the money.
01:47Quarter mil in cash.
01:48But first I need to see the product.
01:49You know that's not how this works.
01:51This client is very particular.
01:52All right?
01:53Wants assurances.
01:54He's getting value for money.
01:55You ever had a problem with quality before?
01:56The money comes first.
01:57Just do what they say, Mark.
01:58They're not going to get very far.
01:59We have agents on every corner.
02:00As soon as Efron's crew gets here, we're going to arrest them.
02:01It all feels so different out here.
02:03In the field.
02:05We wouldn't even be here without you.
02:22If you weren't tracking the network, we would never have ID'd Martin as their broker.
02:29You sure he can pull this off?
02:32putting a criminal back in play with the people
02:33they used to work with.
02:34But Martin's our closest shot at getting these smugglers.
02:37You know, it took two months to just set up this meet.
02:41Like I said, it's all there.
02:42What, you don't trust me?
02:44It's all good.
02:47Due diligence.
02:51Don't worry, Martin.
02:52The marks on the bills can't be detected by the UV light.
02:55Something wrong?
02:56He told me.
02:58You're the one who can't keep still.
03:00I've just never transported product on behalf of a client
03:04Usually your guys handle the drop off.
03:05For this very reason,
03:06most people don't have the stomach for it.
03:09Why the switch up?
03:10My client needs to be discreet.
03:12He's a public figure.
03:14He hopes you understand why he's got to keep
03:15as much distance between him and your guys as possible.
03:22All right, everyone's making the call.
03:23Eyes on screens, nearby surveillance.
03:25We are looking for a person on a phone
03:26who could be the voice on the other end
03:28of Efron Acampo's call.
03:29I'm thinking it's the head honcho,
03:30Efron's brother, or Don.
03:31We catch him early, we can get the job.
03:33We need this arrest to go as clean as possible.
03:35Yeah, I rigged the tracker,
03:37the duffel bag, the cell site simulator.
03:39Wait, what is that again?
03:40It's a portable cell tower.
03:42So it calls within an immediate area routed to us.
03:44Give me a second.
03:45I should be able to pull the number on the other end
03:47of the call, get us a location.
03:52The number's prepaid, so there's no ID,
03:53but it looks like the other caller is at 7th Avenue.
03:57No, 8th.
04:00Now he's in Flatbush.
04:02Astoria, Pelham Bay,
04:03signals bouncing all over the five boroughs.
04:05All right, so what's going on here?
04:06They're using a scrambler.
04:07Their number changes every three seconds,
04:08so we can't track them.
04:09I'm gonna need some more time
04:10to track down that real number.
04:12Okay, how much time do you need?
04:13More than we have.
04:20I got eyes on the girl and Efron's brother, Don.
04:25He's got a weapon.
04:28So how do we want to proceed here?
04:30Should we get into position for emergency extraction?
04:34What's your read on these guys?
04:37Based on their track record,
04:38they won't hesitate to kill her.
04:42No, our safest bet is to play this out.
04:45All agents, I want you to stand by
04:46until Martin has the girl.
04:48Copy that.
04:49And Martin, as soon as you get the girl,
04:51you're gonna bring her to the surveillance van
04:53in the northeast corner.
04:56Something catch your eye?
04:58That's the third time you've looked over there.
04:59I just don't like that we're doing this here,
05:02out in the open.
05:03What if she screams, makes a scene?
05:06She won't.
05:07We teach them manners.
05:08My girls know what happens if they misbehave.
05:12But you may be right.
05:14Maybe we should meet somewhere less exposed.
05:17Efron, let's go.
05:21Text your location later.
05:22No, do not let them leave.
05:24You need to keep the exchange here.
05:26Oh, hang on, wait, wait, hang on.
05:28We're already here, right?
05:30My client, he's expecting the girl today.
05:32Let's just make the trade and be done with it.
05:36This client of yours, who is he?
05:40Keep it vague, Martin.
05:41He's in politics.
05:43Insists on being discreet.
05:45Well, I want to meet him.
05:47Tell him we insist.
05:49I don't think he'll go for it.
05:53Martin, I want you to pull out your cell phone
05:54and pretend you're talking to your client.
05:57Say he's around the corner.
05:59I'm gonna put another agent in his place.
06:01Scola, wait for my signal.
06:04Fine, okay, I'll call him.
06:08Put it on speaker.
06:10You heard him, put it on speaker.
06:11I want to hear him pick up.
06:12I can't.
06:13Your client is not in politics, is he?
06:16What did you do?
06:25They gave me no choice.
06:31Shots fired, shots fired.
06:33Scola, they're splitting up.
06:34You take Efron, I'm gonna take Adon and the girl.
06:37Maggie, I'm sorry, I thought...
06:38Alyssa, this isn't on you.
06:40Stay in here, be our eyes.
06:42FBI, move!
06:44Everybody down!
06:46Move out of the way, move!
06:55Scola, Efron's currently moving down Waverly.
06:57Maggie, Adon is headed toward the subway in Westport.
06:59I have eyes on Adon and the girl.
07:03Everybody get down!
07:05Get down!
07:18Everybody back!
07:20They just jumped on the A-train.
07:20I need you to shut it down to the next stop.
07:25I'm sorry.
07:28I'm Special Agent Maggie Bell, I'm with the FBI.
07:30I promise I'll find you!
07:32I promise!
07:33I will find you!
07:55Maggie, Adon just shot out the cameras at the station,
07:57so we lost eyes on him.
07:58Was NYPD able to track him and the girl down?
08:00They searched everywhere, no sign of them.
08:02What about witnesses?
08:02Someone had to have seen something.
08:04No, apparently Adon forced all the passengers
08:06into the next train before taking off.
08:08Okay, Alyssa, what about Efron?
08:09He was last seen on foot, he couldn't have gotten too far.
08:12No sign of him in a five block radius.
08:14He must have gotten past our perimeter.
08:17All right, folks, let's just converse for a second.
08:20Here's what we've got.
08:21All right, folks, let's just converse for a second.
08:24Here's where we are.
08:25Martin Petrelli, our cooperating witness
08:27and only lead in the Ocampus Sex Trafficking Syndicate
08:31was just executed, and in his final moments,
08:34he tipped the Ocampas off,
08:35which allowed Adon to evade arrest with the victim,
08:38so we need to find them quickly
08:40to help us figure out how to do that.
08:42Let's remind ourselves who they are.
08:43Kelly, Ian, you wanna bring the room up to speed, please?
08:46Both brothers were booted
08:47from the Philippine National Police for accepting bribes.
08:50There is practically nothing that they will not do for money.
08:54Including turning young women into chattel.
08:57For the past three years,
08:58they've operated a human trafficking ring,
08:59duped off the US J-1 au pair program.
09:02It started in Manila,
09:03then expanded to the rest of Southeast Asia.
09:05They lure their victims with a false pathway
09:08to American citizenship
09:09and make them have sex for money once they're stateside.
09:12Okay, what about the list of clients Petrelli gave us?
09:14Any leads we can work backwards from?
09:17We spoke with their lawyers.
09:18They are all high-net-worth individuals.
09:20M.O. is total discretion.
09:22They pay it in cash,
09:23and those drop points they sent over have no surveillance.
09:26Okay, so we got eyes on the victim there, right?
09:29We ID her?
09:30No, she's not in our system,
09:32and Adano Campo ditched our tracker at Duffel on the train.
09:36Were we able to de-scramble his real cell phone number?
09:38De-scrambler was only able to get the area code, 212.
09:41Well, that is less than impressive.
09:43Ian, how long will it take to get the rest?
09:45That's the thing.
09:45It can't without an active phone call.
09:47Jubal. Yeah?
09:48Well, I got eyes on Afrin patching you in now.
09:52Traffic cam caught him on Astor Place carjacking a cabbie.
09:56That would explain how he got past that perimeter.
10:03Elise, get that cab number.
10:05Maggie will track it and get you the location.
10:07Copy. On our way now.
10:15Jubal, we've got a boxed in.
10:17All right, Maggie, swat's a block over on your nine.
10:26Afrin, there's nowhere to go.
10:30Roll down your window and drop your weapon.
10:38Both hands outside.
10:45Where's Adano?
10:47This is your last chance, Afrin.
10:50What happens when I run out of chances?
10:52Life in prison without parole, last time I checked.
10:55What's your brother's cell phone number?
11:03That's six digits.
11:05That's how much I'd make in a quarter turning you out.
11:09If I did the things you're accusing me of.
11:12Yeah, you're well past if, pal.
11:14I came to the park to meet a friend
11:16who owed me and my brother some money.
11:18Next thing I know, Adan shows up with his girlfriend,
11:20bullets start flying, and...
11:22We have a witness that names you as her seller.
11:24He's dead.
11:26And without this girl's testimony,
11:29who's to say what their relationship to my brother
11:31really was?
11:35There are a lot of times when I can
11:37see the humanity in someone, regardless
11:39of where they've gone wrong.
11:40That was not one of them.
11:41I can't stop thinking about that girl.
11:43I promised I would find her.
11:45And what if I can't keep that?
11:52I'm going to go take a run at Efren,
11:54see if he'll give us anything.
12:01Hey, Maggie, I have a 911 dispatcher here asking
12:04specifically for you.
12:05Says it's urgent.
12:06OK, thanks.
12:08This is Special Agent Maggie Bell.
12:10Hi, I'm Joel Lowery from NYPD dispatch.
12:12I've got a girl who says she's been kidnapped.
12:14She's scared, talking a mile a minute.
12:16I can't trace her or get clear answers from her.
12:19I've only gotten her first name, Annalise.
12:21She asked for you by name.
12:23OK, patch her through.
12:25Hi, Annalise, you're on with Special Agent Maggie Bell.
12:29Maggie, from the train?
12:31Yes, it's me.
12:34Annalise, where are you now?
12:36I don't know.
12:37I'm lost.
12:38I got away, but Adan's looking for me.
12:41He's going to kill me.
12:42I don't have much time.
12:44I don't want to die, Maggie.
12:55Annalise, the FBI are already doing everything
12:57in our power to find you.
12:58You are our number one priority.
13:02There may be certain points where you're not
13:04going to hear my voice, but it's only
13:05because I'm working with my team to try to locate you.
13:07Joel's going to stay on the phone the entire time.
13:10Maggie's right.
13:10I'm not going anywhere.
13:11Hey, I have Annalise on the phone.
13:14She's the girl who was kidnapped on the train.
13:15Yeah, yeah, yeah, quiet.
13:16She escaped from Adan, but I don't know how long she has
13:18before he catches up with her.
13:19Do we have a location?
13:20No, no.
13:22Annalise, what's your last name?
13:25Oh, that's not coming up in the system.
13:27Get in.
13:28Already on it.
13:29Sharing audio and tracking the phone signal,
13:32which is still hopscotching all over the city.
13:34OK, Annalise, whose phone are you using?
13:37I took it when he wasn't looking.
13:38That'll work.
13:39She'll have to give us the phone number.
13:40OK, can you go into your settings
13:42and find the phone number so that we can track you faster?
13:44I can't.
13:45The phone's locked.
13:46It let me make an emergency call, but that's it.
13:48Maggie, you'll have to keep her on the line
13:50so I can finish de-scrambling that number.
13:52I'm going to go in the conference room.
13:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:54So what, there's seven digits left?
13:55How long is that going to take?
13:57Scrambling, sophisticated, military grade, maybe an hour.
14:00We may not have that long.
14:02Can you see any buildings or structures around you?
14:05I can see the city across the water.
14:07How did you get there?
14:09I jumped out of Adan's car when he was taking me back
14:11to where they keep us.
14:13There were warehouses on the side of the road.
14:15I ran into one before he could turn around.
14:18OK, she could be at any pier in the city.
14:20I pulled up port cams.
14:21So far, nothing.
14:23OK, do you remember which road you were on or any signs?
14:26I don't remember.
14:32Ian, is there anything we can do to speed this up?
14:34We just have to wait for the de-scrambler to finish.
14:39Wait, what's going on?
14:40Why are you whispering?
14:41I can see him.
14:43His car.
14:44His back.
14:45He just pulled up.
14:46OK, what kind of car is he driving?
14:49Gray van, like the ones they always transport us in.
14:53Can you read the license plate?
14:56OK, I want you to stay hidden and keep your eyes on him.
14:59And if you see him, get out of that van.
15:01You need to tell me right away.
15:02Yes, yes.
15:04He's going to kill me, Maggie.
15:06That's what they do to girls who misbehave.
15:08And then he's going to kill my sister, Sophia,
15:11to teach the other girls a lesson.
15:14It's my fault Sophia's here.
15:17I convinced her to join this au pair program
15:19and come with me.
15:20Where are you from?
15:22Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:23Elise, you want to?
15:24Calling the Philippine consulate.
15:25If there's paper on when Annalise and her sister
15:27arrived in the States, maybe it'll point us
15:29to where they were picked up.
15:30Describe to me the environment where they hold you.
15:33When we arrived, Adan and his men
15:35took our papers and locked us up with other girls
15:38in cages like animals.
15:40On lucky days, shipping containers.
15:43All right, we're looking for a shipyard, people.
15:45Right, right.
15:45There's six currently in operation.
15:47They're spread out throughout the city, though.
15:48Staten Island, Brooklyn.
15:51OK, is there anything else?
15:52You remember, I mean, every detail matters.
15:55Once, he took me to a secret room
15:58with a dragon on the wall so that he could, he could.
16:04Annalise, I'm so sorry.
16:06Sophia always fought back, but couldn't stop them.
16:12We have matching tattoos, a butterfly on our wrists.
16:16She said if she just stared at it,
16:18she could pretend to be back home in the garden.
16:22Please tell her I'm sorry.
16:24Annalise, you're going to tell her yourself.
16:27Can you tell me where they take you to see the men?
16:30They take us lots of places.
16:33Hotels, sometimes the men's homes,
16:36but mostly the other places they keep us.
16:38Wait, they don't just keep you in one place?
16:41Every three days, they move us around
16:43so the police can't find us.
16:45They go different ways every time.
16:47Last time, they moved us because there was a fire nearby.
16:51They said it was a church.
16:55There's our first breadcrumb, people.
16:56Any recent churches go up like our girl said.
16:59OK, OK, Annalise, I want you to stay hidden
17:02and be as quiet as possible.
17:04OK, OK.
17:05We're looking, but not seeing anything
17:06that matches that description.
17:07Expand the search to Jersey, maybe?
17:08I think we may have something.
17:10There's a rehab facility in Queens.
17:11Used to be a church.
17:13Four alarm fire there last week.
17:15Pulling up surveillance, checking for gray vans.
17:17OK, worth a shot.
17:19OK, here's a gray van.
17:21Yeah, keep going.
17:23Stop right there, push in, enhance.
17:27That's definitely Annalise, and safe to say that's Sophia.
17:30We find out where our gray van is taking them.
17:32No, we lose visual after a couple of blocks.
17:34Someone please tell me there is a but
17:36to the end of that sentence.
17:37There is.
17:37Plates are registered to a shell corp
17:39that owns a warehouse in the Bronx, overlooks a river.
17:41Sounds like the making of a stash house.
17:42Let's get down there and see what they're storing.
18:01Gray van matching Annalise's description.
18:05It's still warm.
18:07Expect some company.
18:14Already cleared them out.
18:17Maybe they know the walls are closing in on them.
18:23There's something burning.
18:26You smell that?
18:38Don't move.
18:40Put your hands in the air.
18:55He's got him jammed.
18:57You're outnumbered.
18:59How you want to walk out of here is up to you.
19:05Set it down slowly.
19:11Where are the girls?
19:11Both girls.
19:19You're under arrest.
19:20Where are they?
19:21I want the lawyer.
19:24You'll find him, Mikey.
19:27Jubal, we just ran into a couple of Adon's guys.
19:29Still no sign of Annalise.
19:31Yeah, copy.
19:32Continue canvassing the facility.
19:33I'm going to check in with dispatch.
19:37Joel, you still there?
19:39Yep, I still have Annalise here.
19:41Annalise, did you hear gunshots?
19:44We traced a gray van back to one of the warehouses where they hold you.
19:48We're searching nearby now.
19:49I hear footsteps.
19:51Is that you?
19:53No, no, no.
19:54It's not me.
19:55OK, I want you to make sure you don't hang up, but hide your phone.
20:04Your sister is next.
20:28I'm gonna find you.
20:34Agent Bell, we lost connection.
20:36We'll continue monitoring all incoming calls.
20:38Agent Bell, are you there?
20:39Yeah, I'm here.
20:42He said her sister's next.
20:44Does this mean Annalise is-
20:46All it means is I need to find Sophia before he does.
20:54Did you find them?
20:57I keep running over every detail from this morning.
20:59What'd I miss?
21:00What if I could have prepped them?
21:02What if I could have prepped more?
21:03Could have anticipated what they'd do if it went bad.
21:06Things go bad in the field every day.
21:08I mean, it can turn in a second.
21:11This was my investigation.
21:12I brought it to the team.
21:14And I looked Annalise in the eyes and I promised that I would find her.
21:17So we're both on the hook.
21:19What we need to be thinking about now is what's next.
21:22We still have to find those other girls.
21:25I've been trying to narrow down where the Ocampos might be holding them.
21:28This is a list of every drop point Petrelli gave us.
21:31Where clients pick up the girls.
21:33They're all in remote areas on the water.
21:37Okay, this is good.
21:38This means that their base of operations is in striking distance.
21:41But where?
21:44Well, if you look at every location like a spoke and try to find the hub,
21:48it looks to me like it's Jersey City.
21:51But this is as far as I got.
21:55You know what?
21:56This might help.
21:58Got this key off of one of Ocampo's guys.
22:00Maybe the jaw can narrow down the location.
22:02Look, we're gonna find them.
22:05How can you be so sure?
22:06Because we have the best team.
22:10Ian, any chance we can narrow down that number?
22:12There are 10,000 possibilities for the remaining four digits.
22:15So not great odds.
22:16All right, folks, we need to get creative here.
22:18We already found one place where Annalise and Sophia were being held.
22:20Was there anything there that can point us to where Sophia is being held now?
22:23Hey, boss, check this out.
22:26We pulled this off of one of the traffickers' bodies.
22:28Was that a car key?
22:28And it's a digital key fob.
22:30We traced it back to a local security company
22:32who gave up the location of the door it's connected to.
22:34It's a chemical warehouse in Jersey City.
22:37OK, Annalise said they were moved around day to day,
22:39different places.
22:40That's worth a shot.
22:47Look, the reality is that these girls could already be gone.
22:51In a shipping container, on their way to who knows where.
22:53I know.
22:54But I'd rather be out here than chasing leads at 26 Feds.
22:56That's a good point.
23:04Agent Bell, any updates?
23:06We have a possible lead at one of their stash houses.
23:08We're headed there now.
23:09You work fast.
23:10So the odds of finding Sophia are looking up?
23:12Well, that's too soon to say.
23:15Look, we got no eyes in the sky,
23:16and the blueprints that we have are outdated.
23:18So we're basically flying blind.
23:19Maybe I can help with that.
23:21Let me make a few calls.
23:22OK, great.
23:24Thanks, Joel.
23:27Friend of yours?
23:29I mean, he just wants to help.
23:31All hands on deck, it can't hurt.
23:39FEMA lent us this X3 finder.
23:42The radar is going to identify the heat signatures
23:44and show us who's inside.
23:46OK, so we got nine heartbeats moving around the warehouse,
23:49and then there's this other group of 10
23:51that are all clumped together.
23:54Yeah, those got to be the girls.
23:56OK, we have nine of Acampo's men inside.
23:59I'm not liking these numbers.
24:02Let's go in quietly.
24:28One down, eight to go.
24:53No sign of Sofia.
24:54Keep your eyes open.
24:59SWAT team moving to the fourth floor.
25:02Copy that.
25:29Suspect's down.
25:50Got eyes on the girls, southeast corridor.
25:53On my way.
25:58Got shots fired.
26:28Shots fired.
26:28I need SWATs in my position now.
26:30They would have heard that.
26:31We don't have a lot of time.
26:32OK, keys.
26:42I'm Special Agent Bella.
26:44I'm with the FBI.
26:46We're going to get you out of here, OK?
26:47Come on, come on.
26:48Get up.
26:48We're going to get you out of here, OK?
26:49You're safe.
26:50You're safe.
26:51Let's go.
26:53You're going to be OK.
26:53Let's go.
26:56You're going to be OK.
26:57All right, let's go.
27:04Get back, get back.
27:09We're taking fire.
27:10Ground floor.
27:11SWAT is on the way.
27:29OK, OK, come here.
27:31We can go.
27:32Are any of you Sophia?
27:36Sophia Vahena?
27:37No, not me.
27:38In there.
27:42Escort them out.
27:43Let's go.
27:44Hey, go with them.
27:50You're going to be OK.
28:20Is it?
28:23Yeah, it's Annalisa's sister.
28:40Under arrest?
28:42No, no, of course not.
28:43Not at all.
28:46Look, we know what you've been through is just,
28:49it's unimaginable.
28:50But we are hoping that you can answer some questions for us
28:53so we can make sure nothing like this ever happens again.
28:58Great, thank you.
29:00Why don't we start with your name?
29:03Marisol, OK.
29:04And Marisol, do you know how long you were kept in the campus's captivity for?
29:10We're not supposed to talk to police or there'll be consequences.
29:13Marisol, you don't have to worry about that.
29:15You're safe now.
29:16It's over.
29:17Is Adan dead?
29:20Uh, no.
29:22Then it's not over.
29:24But we can, we can protect you.
29:25We can bring you someplace that he will never be able to find you.
29:28I just want to go home.
29:30We can arrange that.
29:31Where's home?
29:34I haven't seen my family in years.
29:37Three, maybe four.
29:41Instead, I've, I've been...
29:47I, I know the details are painful to recount,
29:51but anything you say may help us find Adan and put a real stop to this.
29:59We were told about a room that had a wall with a dragon on it.
30:02Do you remember being in a room like that?
30:07I just got to the city a few weeks ago.
30:12I don't understand.
30:13If you just got to the city, where have you been the last few years?
30:16The first year, they put me in Miami.
30:20The next, I got moved to Baltimore.
30:25After that, Boston.
30:31Okay, thank you.
30:32Hey, where are we with the sites Marisol gave us?
30:34We were able to recover 70 trafficking victims,
30:36a house in Boston, another in the suburbs.
30:38But no sign of Adan?
30:40Damn it.
30:41Maybe Maggie and Scola are having better luck.
30:46All right, Gail, Medina won't talk.
31:00I won't give up Adan's location.
31:02It's the same as Erfren.
31:05Any word from the dispatcher?
31:10You know, you told me a long time ago that we never give up hope here.
31:21Yeah, you're right.
31:24But if we're going to find Adan, somebody needs to talk.
31:26Right, but they're all scared of the boss.
31:28They won't admit it.
31:29It's just too much pride and ego.
31:34You're right.
31:36You got an idea?
31:37Yeah, I'm gonna hit him where it hurts.
31:45You're wasting your time, delaying until you have to let me go.
31:52You recognize him?
31:54Gail, part of your crew?
31:59Yeah, I'm Gail.
32:00I'm the one who's been looking for Adan.
32:01Part of your crew?
32:05He's in the other room.
32:06We just had a nice chat.
32:09He's willing to testify against you that you were a cop in Manila.
32:13So you know how this goes.
32:14He's gonna flip and then you're finished.
32:18I've done nothing.
32:19I mean, that's not what Gail said.
32:21I'm inclined to cut him a deal.
32:24Unless what?
32:25You and I work together.
32:32Why don't you tell me your brother's location?
32:34Let the real boss take the fall.
32:36The real boss.
32:38You and I both know that you're not the one in power.
32:41And Gail just confirmed it.
32:43Gail wouldn't talk.
32:45He knows better.
32:46Then why did he tell me about the room with the dragon on the wall?
32:51See, he did talk and I couldn't shut him up.
32:54He told me everything Adan does to those girls in that room.
33:02It's clear to me that Gail is very afraid of your brother.
33:05Because when I mentioned your name, there was nothing.
33:10No fear.
33:11There's no respect.
33:12Adan is nothing without me.
33:15He never was.
33:16But everyone's afraid of him.
33:19Including you.
33:19I'm not afraid.
33:21I'm his partner.
33:22Then why are you sitting here and all of your guys are turning against you?
33:29It is in your best interest to help us.
33:32When we go dark, he goes to the hideout.
33:44Where is that?
34:13Madonna Campo, don't move.
34:16Put your hands where I can see them.
34:20If you had left us alone, Annalise would be here right now.
34:25But you gave her hope.
34:26You should not have done that.
34:28Do not let him get in your head, Maggie.
34:30She knew what happens when you break the rules.
34:33But you confused her.
34:36Made her run.
34:40You might as well have pulled the trigger yourself.
34:42Where is she?
34:44You'll never find her.
34:45Down on the ground!
34:49Tell me, Agent Bell.
34:52How does it feel to know that you are responsible for Annalise's death?
35:00I'm sorry.
35:23Was that Annalise my fault?
35:25Maggie, you did everything you could.
35:28It's still too late.
35:30We took out the O'Campo brothers and their entire network.
35:33They'll never do this to anybody again.
35:35Well, sometimes it's not about chasing the bad guys.
35:38Sometimes it's about saving the good ones.
35:43Yeah, you did some of that too.
35:59Agent Bell, hold.
36:02Okay, we're all on.
36:04Maggie, help me!
36:06He shot me!
36:07Please find me!
36:08It's Annalise.
36:09She's alive.
36:11I'm in the trunk of a car.
36:13I can't get out.
36:17Can you see a green lever in the trunk?
36:19It's usually glow-in-the-dark.
36:20Yes, I see something kind of green.
36:22Okay, can you pull on that?
36:26He cut it, Maggie.
36:27I'm going to die.
36:28No, no, you're not.
36:30Look, Annalise, is the car still moving?
36:32No, the car stopped moving a while ago.
36:35He never let me out.
36:36I can't see anything.
36:39I'm picking up some noise in the background.
36:41Yeah, Annalise, what is that?
36:43Can you describe that sound?
36:44I don't know.
36:45Some kind of machine.
36:47Maybe construction.
36:48Okay, are there any people around?
36:50Can you hear them?
36:51No, I'm sorry.
36:52I don't know.
36:53It's okay, it's okay.
36:54Just stay calm and keep putting pressure on that wound, okay?
36:59Ian, how much longer?
37:01About 30 seconds.
37:02All right, Maggie, we're almost there.
37:03Just keep Annalise on the phone.
37:04Okay, Annalise, just a few more seconds, okay?
37:07We're going to find you.
37:09And then we can find my sister?
37:12Got it.
37:18Annalise, is that a junkyard?
37:20Adan must have ditched the car there.
37:23Okay, Annalise, we found you.
37:25We're coming.
37:28Okay, we're coming.
37:35Everybody spread out and search every car.
37:37Annalise, we're here and we're looking for you.
37:39Okay, I need you to make some noise.
37:41Anything, we'll hear you.
37:49Come on, stay with me.
37:52Here, here, here.
37:55I think she's blacking out.
37:57I think that was the last one.
37:59Can you guys find anything?
38:20We found her.
38:23She's breathing.
38:24She's barely alive.
38:25How long for the ambulance?
38:26Uh, four minutes out.
38:27Oh, that's too long.
38:28Let's get her out.
38:40She's already turning blue.
38:43Maggie, can you hear me?
38:45Yeah, Joel, what's up?
38:46All right, check her nails.
38:47Are they blue too?
38:51Yes, they are.
38:51What does that mean?
38:52Maggie, listen to me.
38:53I was in EMT before this.
38:55These are signs of tension pneumothorax.
38:57There's air filling in the pleural space of her chest
38:59and putting pressure on her heart and her lungs.
39:02If you don't release the air trapped in Annalise's chest,
39:04she's gonna die.
39:05Okay, so what do we do?
39:06I'll walk you through it.
39:08First, you need to place the chest seal on her wound.
39:11It should look like a bandage.
39:24Okay, okay, it's on.
39:25Now what?
39:26All right, you need to release the air through a needle decompression.
39:29Do you have a needle?
39:32Yep, yep.
39:33Okay, where am I putting this?
39:35Okay, so you're gonna push the needle between Annalise's upper ribs.
39:41Okay, yeah.
39:42How hard do I have to do this?
39:44Push until you hear the air trying to escape.
39:48Then detach the plunger from the tip of the needle to fully release the air.
39:52You got it?
39:52Come on, Annalise, stay with me.
40:00Okay, I think I hear it.
40:03I can hear it.
40:03It's working.
40:09I'm here.
40:15I told you I was gonna find you.
40:27Hey, she hasn't woken up yet.
40:39You know, I think I'm gonna stay here until she does.
40:43Okay, I'll head back, finish up the paperwork.
40:53Long day.
40:56Oh, hi, excuse me, sorry, I don't even know if I'm on the right floor.
41:01I'm looking for a special agent, Maggie Bell.
41:08Agent Bell.
41:09Yeah, hi, what are you doing here?
41:11Hey, I was, um, well, I wanted an update on Annalise.
41:16I, uh, my job was done.
41:18I'm here to see if I can get her to come back to the hospital.
41:22I wanted an update on Annalise.
41:24I, uh, my job was done once you found her, so I never got to know her.
41:28Yeah, um, she's gonna be okay.
41:31Oh, that's great.
41:35What about her sister, is she here too?
41:39She's not.
41:41She didn't make it.
41:44I'm sorry to hear that.
41:47I haven't even told Annalise yet.
41:49It was definitely the hardest part of my job.
41:53Yeah, sounds like you're in for quite a night.
42:01You know what makes hospital coffee tubes better?
42:06Powdered sugar.
42:07Definitely that, and if someone else is paying.
42:13Come on, I'm buying.
42:31Stay tuned.