• last month
💁Agenda of the Video▶️: Detailed Discussion over the Concept of Fixed Assets (FA) Card and its General Ledger (G/L) Account relation in Business Central (under Financial Management).
Hint 1: Assign General Ledgers (G/L) in Fixed Asset Posting Group.
Hint 2: Post FA Ledger Entry using "Fixed Asset Journal" (it'll create Physical FA Ledger Entry, impact only on FA Card, Not in Related Posting G/Ls).
Hint 3: Post FA+G/L Entry using "Fixed Asset G/L Journal" (Impact on FA Card, including its related Posting G/Ls, covered in Chart of Accounts).
#fa #fixedassets #gl #account #fapostinggroup #fixedassetspostinggroup #accountingterm #microsoftdynamics365businesscentral #microsoft365 #dynamics365businesscentral #dynamics365businesscentral #microsoft #d365bc #d365 #d365fo


