• 7 hours ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Collector Edition Superman 1978 Platinum Edition Evil Superman


00:00So apparently tobacco is not just bad for your super lungs but your super
00:04psyche. Here's a look at the brand of McFarlane toys DC Multiverse the 1978
00:08Superman Platinum Edition Evil Superman.
00:30From the doomed planet of Krypton, two parents launch a spaceship carrying
00:40their infant son to earth. Here he grows up to be Clark Kent, a mild-mannered
00:44reporter with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Okay remember
00:48that company I was hoping you would invest in? The Leaning Tower of Pisa
00:51statues? Yeah, yeah it's been scrapped. Before we get a closer look though at the
00:56Platinum Edition Evil Superman from the 1978 stellar film, let's take the tape
01:01measure and see how tall the figure stands. Without, I'm sure, making any
01:04assumptions you probably would already know though that this is the exact same
01:07Superman figure that we've already gotten before. In fact, taking the tape
01:11measure it's gonna prove the same that the Superman's gonna stand the same at
01:147 inches in height or about 18 centimeters tall. But those may be
01:18doubting that this is in fact the same Superman. Shame on you. I'm gonna slide
01:22over this one here and bring in the original Christopher Reeve Superman. Same
01:25body, different deco clearly, and they're also using with the Evil Superman, the
01:29Platinum Edition that is, the same head sculpt that also included with the first
01:33Reeve Superman before, which still didn't make any sense at all to me. Body is the
01:37same, accessories are the same, except for one accessory. This one just right over
01:42here. Before we actually talk about that though, let's talk a little bit about
01:45trading cards. The trading card in fact for the Platinum Edition happens though
01:49to be the exact same one that we've already gotten with a regular release.
01:51The read up is also not gonna change at all. His real name Clark Kent or Kal-El,
01:56and then of course the same paragraph read. You can easily stop and read both
02:00these if you want, but you're only gonna simply be reading the exact same card
02:04again, and I already read this at the beginning of this review, so technically
02:07I've beaten you to that. The figure does also come included with a flight stand, so
02:12if you already had picked up the
02:16original Reeve, then you already know that you're gonna get that flight stand
02:19again. The stand can be worked on its own independently. There's a peg right
02:23there, so easily Evil Superman could just be attached on to that peg. It still has
02:27a DC logo, but if you did want to attach the neck, there's an open canal
02:32right here, and basically you just take the neck there and snap it in place, and
02:36it works exactly the same way. On the very top of this stand, there's a waist
02:40clip here. You can open it up. This is about as far as it's gonna open though,
02:44not that you necessarily need it as wide as that. Take your Evil Superman, obviously
02:49bring up his fabric cape. Yes, the figure does have a fabric cape, and snap it just
02:54around his waist. Now, who in their right mind is ever gonna display their
02:58Superman on it? That's sad. That's quite pathetic, but at least it gives you at
03:02least an idea. You can also angle as well the display stand down, so if you want to
03:06have him in a flight pose, it works a little bit better that way. Now, one thing I
03:10did make the mistake though of when we looked at the original Christopher Reeve
03:13was I kind of just jumped right away to looking at the figure. I was so excited to
03:16talk about the things I like about him, and I didn't spend nearly enough time
03:19talking about the accessories until like near the bitter end. We're gonna
03:23rectify things right now. The figure does come in clue with pretty much all the
03:26exact same hands, so like for example the Kryptonian crystal, he does have that as
03:30well. The hands aren't, they don't seem to be any bit darker on the Evil Superman
03:35release than was on the original Reeve. They look to be exactly the same. I feel
03:39again like to include all these same accessories again, all the same hands
03:43again, plastic I'm sure could have been dedicated towards something else. Maybe a
03:47Kryptonian rock for example that Gus tried to replicate and not knowing all
03:52the full ingredients. Well, you already know the end result of that. A Kryptonian
03:55rock would have been ideal, like even inside the little box that he gifts over
03:58to Superman would have been a perfect accessory. The figure does also come in
04:02clue with all the same accessories, so like hand wise, comes with a pointing
04:05hand, he comes with a couple of grabbing hands. Now, the grabbing hand makes it
04:09least more sense when you're dealing with an evil Superman like this.
04:13This would be good for strangling Clark Kent. Oh could you imagine if we get
04:17ourselves a two-pack Clark Kent, maybe a junk heap display base and of course
04:21another evil Superman, I'd be fine for that. A couple of flight hands also get
04:26gifted over to this figure as well, same Z's as before and you get yourself
04:29another gripping hand there too. So while I was looking at all the things that
04:33were inside the pack with this figure, knowing though really very well that
04:36Platinum Edition figures essentially are gonna get the exact same offerings
04:39as normal retail releases, I still can't help but think like the
04:43Kryptonite box from Gus would have been an ideal accessory. Even just a tire, a
04:48tire, like you throw several of these things on Clark Kent when he's
04:51battling him in the junk heap, just a standalone tire would have a cool
04:55accessory to pack along with the figure. Now one thing at least he does get
04:59though is a different head sculpt. Now if you're looking at this guy with a
05:03stock head, it happens to be the exact same one that was the second portrait
05:06that came included with the original regular release. I'm gonna talk a little
05:09bit more about that in a moment, but the other alternate portion of that
05:13or the other alternate portrait is that of a Heat Ray Vision Superman, which to
05:18look at that and just to bring back in the original Christopher Reeve, I think
05:22I'd be hard-pressed to look at the two and not think that this is just simply
05:25this head sculpt and they've just gone in there and painted in the eyes. I mean
05:29that's fine and good, even too if you wanted to swap out this head sculpt
05:33because again it's using the exact same ball joint, you could use then the Heat
05:36Ray Vision Superman as an alternative to the other two that he had. Speaking of
05:40though that the heads that he has, picking up this one though I did want to
05:44bring back in the regular Superman, well the Anchor Super Head Sculpt so you
05:47can see exactly the same to one another. I don't know, I just don't think like this
05:53necessarily need to be inclusion with the retail release knowing very well
05:56that a Platinum Edition was pretty much going to come out the exact same time,
06:00although with the price of what this guy's going for online, double at times
06:04the price of what the regular retail release is going to be. Superman I was
06:08lucky enough to be able to find this guy for I think around $70 on the Facebook
06:12group, but I've seen though him selling for a whole lot more, well into the
06:15hundred on places like eBay. Body wise though essentially it's going to be the
06:19exact same body as the regular Reeve. I don't think they've done anything
06:22differently at all, I mean clearly though they've just darkened the colors. The
06:27emblem is also something as well, like it's it's raised on the torso, so it's
06:31not just that they printed this on his on the front of his chest, they've
06:34actually sculpted that. It doesn't look like it's lifting as far, like even
06:38though I know looking at this it's the exact same mold, but it doesn't look like
06:42it's lifting as much as the regular version of Reeve. Again the colors were
06:46all darker here, so instead of the lighter blue, primary colors of blue, red
06:49and yellow, we get kind of darker varieties of that. Very dark blue there for the
06:53majority of his torso, dark kind of almost even burgundy brown trunks and
06:57also a matching cape. Yellow on the belt there, of course the emblem there is all
07:01dark and grimy. Down below here as well like the boots are gonna be exactly the
07:05same, so same boots still get carried over, same placement of pegs as
07:10well. The thing I really like also about the Superman is how dark they made the
07:13cape. It also still has a managed wire frame that's put into it, so it's wired
07:18on here and it's wired here, but it's not wired down below, so then they're not
07:21gonna ruin the look of the cape. The cape still drapes naturally, but if you did
07:25want to put it in a pose, I always seem to just kind of bend it off to the
07:28side, but at least if you wanted to do that, you can get this guy in a pretty
07:31cool looking pose. Love the coloring of the cape though and again like when we
07:35looked at Superman, the emblem was still on the same. Let's just open up
07:38the cape a little bit more here. So the emblem is still the same size. I don't
07:43think they've changed that all the size, but clearly the colors are a lot darker
07:46here. Again, a couple of flicking peanuts. I don't know, what else would we have
07:50packed along with Evil Superman? I just feel like again, like if you're gonna
07:53include these same hands as the regular release, I just feel like the
07:57plastic could have been dedicated to something else instead. Unless that down
08:01the road, we maybe get another release of this guy and packed along with a
08:04junk heap Clark Kent. Yeah, that would be perfect. For the articulation though, for
08:09Evil Superman, it's the exact same as the regular, so the head's gonna rotate
08:12again on that ball joint. It's essentially, it's still a post, so if you
08:16want to change out the head, for example, you just pop that off, replace it then
08:19with the heat ray vision head. Maybe we'll do that for final looks. You want
08:22to do it for final looks? Okay, we'll save that for the rotisserie, but the head's
08:26basically gonna be on a post system. So there's a ball joint right here and a
08:30little further up the post, there's another ball joint. Between those two,
08:33snap the head back in place. There we go. Head's gonna look down, the head's gonna
08:38look up and you can also move it back and forth. For how high the head will go,
08:42that's as high as it's gonna go. And again, you can also rotate it all the way
08:45around. The one thing I did notice though with the Platinum Edition that wasn't as
08:49much the issue with the original one, is I did notice his arm was a little looser.
08:52Not on this side. This side's still pretty good, but this one shoulder right
08:56here seems excessively loose for the amount of time I've had this guy in the
09:00packaging. Again, the arms rotate all the way around. You get a full T pose though
09:04for Superman. He still has the bicep swivel, double hinge on the elbow and
09:08the hands rotate all the way around. Upper torso, yes, is still gonna be on a
09:13ball joint. The lower abdomen is also gonna be on that same style of ball
09:17joint. Still, you've got like soft trunks here, which you know, again, looks doesn't
09:21look as much like a figure diaper for me. I think it's still pretty pretty fitted
09:24to the side of his body, for example. It doesn't look like it sticks out further,
09:27but at least it does conceal the joints. As for his legs, he does a full Van Damme
09:32splits. Superman's legs can go forward, they can go back. There's a swivel there
09:37at the top of the thigh. A double hinge again on the knee, which was a lot easier
09:40to pull off on this one than on the original one. I had a harder time
09:43actually bending the knee on him. No articulation again down below for the
09:46boots. You've got your ankle rocker still, an ankle tilt. I guess this would be an
09:50ankle tilt, an ankle rocker, and of course you got yourself again the toe
09:54articulation, which again is really tight on this figure. Not that I really
09:57necessarily make use of it that much anyways, but again, like, nice-looking
10:00Superman. If there was to be a valid argument made as to why a Superman
10:04mold had to be used again, it's clearly evil Superman. Certainly aside from like
10:09Richard Pryor, I like Richard Pryor in Superman 3, but aside from that, that
10:14brainiac robot that he fights at the very end of the movie, what was that all
10:17about? That's kind of stupid. But still though, I mean, one of the standouts for
10:20me, at least with the fact we got ourselves finally an evil Superman in
10:23the movies. He eventually did battle himself, although it's probably more
10:26conceived to be inside his head than literally he split himself in half and
10:30then had to fight himself in the junk heap. But I do like the fact that both of
10:34the Superman, while again using the same mold, found the way of course to
10:38incorporate something that's an element in the movie. I have to still again argue
10:41why they had to use the exact same things though. Same hands, same Kryptonian
10:46crystal. Like, I mean, like evil Superman would never use a Kryptonian crystal. Had
10:50it been a case that they could have re-sculpted the crystal instead for like
10:53a peanut, something that he's flicking though in the bar, that would have been
10:56also a really ideal way of making use of that hand, but just shrinking down the
11:00crystal and turning into a peanut instead. Again, when you get to head
11:03options available as well, the regular retail release did come
11:08included with the evil Superman portrait anyway. So I mean, really you're getting
11:10still the same head, but this one does at least benefit from having the Heat Ray
11:14Vision head, which does seem though to be borrowed over from the first one that
11:18we looked at. Evil Superman is after all a platinum edition and because he is, he
11:22gets a lot of borrowed over hand-me-downs from the regular retail
11:25release. It means though his accessory count is high, but you may be looking at
11:29some of the things that he gets packed with and maybe you could be questioning,
11:32for example, why does he have to have the hand that has the Kryptonian crystal? I feel
11:36like maybe they could have gone in there and re-tooled the crystal to be a peanut
11:39instead, because he's flicking those peanuts in the bar when he's breaking
11:42all those glass bottles. Maybe, for example, like while he does have the Heat
11:46Ray Vision head, which again is just the stock head for the regular Reeve retail
11:49release, maybe this could have been an opportunity, as I said in this review, to
11:53change some of the heads. Like, a screaming face would have worked really
11:57well for an Evil Superman, but would you know though, it would also work really
12:01well if you want to display the regular Reeve with that head sculpt instead too.
12:05Now I'm sure down the road we are still probably going to be getting this guy
12:08get released again. I feel like again there's an opportunity maybe to release
12:12a two-pack where you could have a junk heap Evil Superman fighting Clark Kent
12:16and some of the things that I included in my review of mentioning like throwing
12:20tires could be maybe some of the things that they could pack along with this set.
12:23Now for this one though, I mean while the colors are again a lot darker, one of the
12:27things I didn't actually mention in this review is not only is the coloring of
12:30the blue a lot darker, but he's got all these kind of scuffed up paint that
12:34they've added to the legs, the arms, and the torso. So it looks like Superman's
12:37gotten really dirty and grimy. Speaking though of dirt and grime though, I mean
12:41look at the coloring of his cape. The thing about the cape though is the way
12:44that it looks like it's been dyed, I wondered like if it ever got wet if it
12:49would start to leave a stain behind. I mean it certainly wouldn't be as much the
12:52case I think with the regular retail Reeve, but I feel like with maybe with
12:56this cape, the way that they painted it, I wonder if it happens to get wet if
12:59it's gonna bleed some of the paint that comes off that cape. I don't know.
13:03Obviously I'm not gonna try to get this thing wet just to see if that's true or
13:06not. In the end though, I am happy that I picked this one up. I am certainly though
13:09happier that I got it for the price that I did. I wasn't gonna be well I wasn't
13:13gonna be paying at all $100 or so that's $100 plus on eBay, but some
13:18some lucky seller was actually having this on Facebook and I was able to get
13:22this guy to mark it down for around $70. $70 is still pretty high but I knew I
13:26did want to add the evil Superman as part of my collection and now that I can
13:29he's gonna look really great with the regular Christopher Reeve we've already
13:32had a look at. What do you guys think of this figure? Let me know down
13:35below in the comment section. Would you have also wanted to see different
13:38accessories get packed with this one that weren't already released with the
13:42original regular version of Christopher Reeve's Superman? Let me know what you
13:45guys think of this figure down below in the comment section. If you guys also did
13:48enjoy this video you can do it a salt and throw it a like. If you guys want to
13:51stick around for more so I certainly hope so. We're not done yet just with
13:55Christopher Reeve even though we really can now check off the boxes for the
13:59regular Reeve and now the evil Platinum Edition, we are also gonna be looking at
14:02the comic version of Christopher Reeve. Same body, slightly different deco. You'll
14:07see what I mean when we have a look at that figure in the review. As always
14:10guys thanks for watching. See you guys next time!
