• last week
Long-term closes have almost doubled with 500 reported last year compared with 251 in 2021. But while hundreds of pubs call time, dozens of businesses and ventures have spotted opportunities to make a profit themselves.


00:00As Brits struggle with the cost-of-living crisis and pubs see their bills soar,
00:05it is perhaps unsurprising to many that so many pubs are closing.
00:09Figures show that 772 pubs temporarily closed between January and June of 24,
00:15but are locals concerned about the future of pubs?
00:19I think I tend to go to the sorts of pubs around here that have quite a lot of students,
00:26young professionals, the kinds of pubs that seem like they're doing quite well,
00:29they're normally quite full when I'm there.
00:33Yeah, so it doesn't seem too bad in the pubs that I go to.
00:37I get that. It would be nice not to have a Wetherspoons on every corner taking over everything.
00:46I know where I came from, I'm from Coventry originally,
00:49and a lot of the pubs were priced out by rent, so I don't know if that's the same here.
00:53But it would be really nice to have more of a pub culture where people do get to spend time there.
01:00To combat rising prices, many pubs have upped their prices of a pint.
01:05But how much are locals happy to spend on a pint of Bristol's beer?
01:09I mean, the thing is, in the moment, with friends, you don't want to look like you're, I don't know,
01:15being cheap or something like that.
01:18Probably like £6, but I'd like to pay less than that.
01:23I'm concerned about the price of drinks in pubs.
01:26What is kind of a happy price you'd pay, and what do you have to pay for a pint, perhaps?
01:33£5.50, compared to not very much from the supermarket.
01:41Yeah, I mean, maybe. I do think, yeah, £3 for a pint of Coke is probably a bit much, to be honest.
01:51But I think generally, I mean, I don't know what the cost of a pint is now, to be honest.
01:56But I know that it's probably still too expensive.
